King St. Henry II – who drove out an antipope, and brought the legitimate Pope Benedict VIII back to Rome….

In ARSH 1012, Antipope Gregory VI, in an attempt to usurp by force the Petrine See which he was already claiming, went to Germany after being expelled from Rome in hopes of conning the King Henry II into supporting him.

The saintly King Henry II told the usurper that he would CAREFULLY STUDY THE SITUATION IN LIGHT OF CANON LAW AND HOLY TRADITION, but that in the mean time, he must cease to present himself or act as Pope.

King Henry determined that Benedict VIII was the true Pope, not this Gregory creature (history doesn’t even know what this guy’s baptismal name or family name was), and King Henry restored Benedict VIII to Rome, where Benedict VIII had a strong a successful pontificate, cleansing the clergy of simoniacs and the sexually incontinent, and supporting the Cluniac reforms of Western Monasticism.

King St. Henry, pray for us, for Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, the Papacy, and for Holy Mother Church, the indefectible and spotless Bride of Christ, outside of which there is no salvation.

Ivermectin 1% Livestock Injectable Solution which humans take orally by drinking it FULL DOSAGE CONVERSION TABLE

Most people today, due to the failure of the education system, cannot do unit conversions because they were never taught how. So let me just tabulate the conversions by dosage strength and weight for the 1% Livestock Ivermectin Injectable Solution, which humans take orally by drinking it, which I strongly recommend everyone have on hand, kept in a cool, DARK place – but not the fridge. I have tabulated the dosages in both milliliters and American standard kitchen measuring TEAspoons. Note that even up to 300 pounds, every dose is LESS than 2 TEAspoons. Children and small adults will be taking 1 TEAspoon or less. Larger adults will be taking less than 2 TEAspoons. Please do not confuse TEAspoons with tablespoons. Tablespoons are much larger than TEAspoons. You want TEAspoons.

*Slightly blurred vision is a side-effect of the higher dose level. This is normal and passes immediately once you come off the Ivermectin. It is no cause for panic. I intentionally took a high dose earlier this year just to incite this blurred vision side effect, and it was no big deal, and passed immediately.

Here is the FLCCC’s latest recommended protocol sheet – very good information for anyone with any cold or flu bug.

Please feel free to aggressively distribute the tables below – NO ATTRIBUTION NEEDED.

IF you have been helped by this or any other information in this space over the years, and you have extra money laying around, and you have tithed, and filled your gas tank, and have had your teeth cleaned, and have bought provisions for the winter, and can’t think of any other cause to donate to – think of a number, cut it in half, at least, and click here for my ContinueToGive page, if you are so moved. But I’ll keep doing whatever I can to help, for as long as I can, no matter what. I’m looking to get rent paid as far out as I can, buy winter provisions, and I’m considering purchasing a small, portable Photovoltaic rig for a means of boiling water (without open campfire) and keeping a phone charged, should it come to that. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered AT LEAST once per day, perpetually, for my Benefactors and supporters (even if they later decide that they hate me.)


0.6 milligrams Ivermectin per kilogram of bodyweight, converted to pounds of bodyweight and American measuring TEAspoons of the 1% Livestock Injectable Solution to be taken orally by drinking it. Round UP all dosages. Take daily with a meal for 5 days or until symptoms resolve. *Slightly blurred vision is a normal side effect which clears once dosing stops.

50-70 pounds (23-32kg):  19mg Ivermectin = 1.9 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 3/8ths measuring teaspoon
71-90 pounds 
(32-40kg):  24mg Ivermectin = 2.4 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution =1/2 measuring teaspoon
91-110 pounds 
(41-50kg):  30mg Ivermectin = 3.0 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 5/8ths measuring teaspoon
111-130 pounds 
(51-59kg):  36mg Ivermectin = 3.6 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 3/4 measuring teaspoon
131-150 pounds 
(60-68kg):  40.5mg Ivermectin = 4.1 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 7/8ths measuring teaspoon
151-170 pounds 
(69-77kg):  45mg Ivermectin = 4.5 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 scant measuring teaspoon
171-190 pounds 
(78-86kg):  48mg Ivermectin = 4.8 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 measuring teaspoon
191-210 pounds 
(87-95kg):  54mg Ivermectin = 5.4 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 and 1/8th measuring teaspoon
211-230 pounds 
(96-104kg):  60mg Ivermectin = 6.0 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 and 1/4 measuring teaspoon
231-250 pounds 
(105-113kg):  66mg Ivermectin = 6.6 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 and 3/8ths measuring teaspoon
251-270 pounds 
(114-122kg):  72mg Ivermectin = 7.2 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 and 1/2 measuring teaspoon
271-290 pounds 
(123-131kg):  78mg Ivermectin = 7.8 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 and 5/8ths measuring teaspoon
291-310 pounds 
(132-140kg):  84mg Ivermectin = 8.4 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 and 3/4 measuring teaspoon


0.4 milligrams Ivermectin per kilogram of bodyweight, converted to pounds of bodyweight and American measuring TEAspoons of the 1% Livestock Injectable Solution to be taken orally by drinking it. Round UP all dosages.

50-70 pounds (23-32kg):  12mg Ivermectin = 1.2 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1/4 measuring teaspoon
71-90 pounds 
(32-40kg):  16mg Ivermectin = 1.6 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 3/8ths measuring teaspoon
91-110 pounds 
(41-50kg):  20mg Ivermectin = 2.0 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = scant 1/2 measuring teaspoon
111-130 pounds 
(51-59kg):  24mg Ivermectin = 2.4 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1/2 measuring teaspoon
131-150 pounds 
(60-68kg):  27mg Ivermectin = 2.7 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = scant 5/8ths measuring teaspoon
151-170 pounds 
(69-77kg):  30mg Ivermectin = 3.0 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 5/8ths measuring teaspoon
171-190 pounds 
(78-86kg):  32mg Ivermectin = 3.2 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = scant 3/4ths measuring teaspoon
191-210 pounds 
(87-95kg):  36mg Ivermectin = 3.6 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 3/4ths measuring teaspoon
211-230 pounds 
(96-104kg):  40mg Ivermectin = 4.0 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 7/8ths measuring teaspoon
231-250 pounds 
(105-113kg):  44mg Ivermectin = 4.4 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 scant measuring teaspoon
251-270 pounds 
(114-122kg):  48mg Ivermectin = 4.8 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 measuring teaspoon
271-290 pounds 
(123-131kg):  52mg Ivermectin = 5.2 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 and 1/8th measuring teaspoon
291-310 pounds 
(132-140kg):  56mg Ivermectin = 5.6 milliliters of the 1% Injectable Solution = 1 and 1/4 measuring teaspoon

Peak Heterosexual Faggotry. Uvalde cop standing around outside classroom while children are slaughtered SANITIZED HIS HANDS.

Because he might get the sniffles.

Gunfire. Screaming children.

He’s worried about catching a cold.

I honestly have no idea what the Chinese are waiting for.

Repost By Request: Truth Is Beautiful, Even When It Reveals Something So Hideous You Can Barely Stand To Look At It

[This piece was originally penned and posted on 28 February, ARSH 2013.  Yes, the very day that Pope Benedict fled the Vatican in the substantially erroneous belief that he had renounced the “active” Petrine Ministry of the governance of the Church, whilst retaining the “contemplative” aspect of and participation in the Papacy, thus surrendering the Sheep to the wolves, who promptly installed a blaspheming heretic antipope, Jorge Bergoglio.  Remember, this was written two weeks before Bergoglio’s faux-election. It is far, far more relevant now than it was nine years ago.]

Truth and beauty are both constitutive qualities of God. Things that are true are true BECAUSE they are congruent with or of God. One plus one equals two not because your teachers said so, or because centuries ago a bunch of really smart Greek guys took a vote and decided that was how it was going to be. No. One plus one equals two because mathematical truth, as a subset of all truth, is contained in God Himself, and it is thus extant within His creation, and beyond that is a way for us to see and know Him. “The heavens shew forth the glory of God, and the firmament declareth the work of His hands.”

But what happens when the truth is actually ugly? Does it lose the beauty intrinsic to truth? Should ugly truths be suppressed? Should painful truths be hidden, or even denied?


Goodness gracious this is so important. Please pay good attention to this.

When the truth is ugly, it must STILL be declared. Boldly. Loudly. Persistently. Failure to declare ugly truths is itself an act of dishonesty, a bearing of false witness, and it makes impossible any attempt to push through the superficial ugliness and get to the pure, holy beauty beyond. If you refuse to declare ugly truths, then progress (in the good sense of the word) is halted. Everything stops and the only direction that has any freedom for movement is BACKWARD, away from truth, and thus away from God Himself.

Guys, this dynamic is EVERYWHERE around us today, and it is why civilization is going to implode any day now. No one will declare any ugly truths, and thus we have hit the wall as a civilization.


The Catholic Church has been massively infiltrated by a cabal of Freemasonic-Marxist-homosexualists who hate God and are actively trying to destroy His Church from the inside out. In excess of 90% of ethnic Catholics in the west have stopped attending Mass in the last 50 years since the Freemasonic-Marxist-homosexualists destroyed the Mass and began preaching Marxism, tolerance of infanticide and sexual deviancy. Anyone who says otherwise is simply a liar. They are bearing false witness, no matter what their motivation.

The entire global economy and financial system are massive, mathematically impossible Ponzi scheme and debt bubble that can never, ever be repaid with “money”. The economy WILL collapse, there will be war, and there will be a settlement of debt via landmass reallocation and blood. At the top of this list of mathematically impossible and unfixable Ponziconomies is the former United States of America. FORMER.

Democracy or representative democracy beyond the local level simply does not work. Stupid people should have say over their own lives and households, but stupid people should NOT have a say or vote over any system that affects other people. The ugly truth here is that there are within the human population spectrums of intelligence, practical ability, management skill, psychological fitness and moral fitness. The higher the level of governance, the more of these qualities leaders must possess, and a leader or leaders at the highest level should possess ALL of these qualities in abundance. Today, the world is literally being run by people who are mentally and functionally retarded, with many of them being sociopaths, psychopaths or at the very least Diabolical Narcissists. The current political order will never, ever, ever fix any of this. Anyone who promulgates hope in “elections” is bearing false witness, no matter what their motivation.

Islam is an evil totalitarian political system from the deepest, blackest pit of hell, masquerading as a faux-religion. It was consciously set up that way, and must be exterminated from the face of the earth without remorse in order to save the souls trapped inside of it and to prevent any more people from being victimized and destroyed by it. Period. Anyone who says anything else is bearing false witness, no mater what their motivation.

These are just four macro examples. I could go on and on and on. Now, an interesting question for YOU. Why are you here? Why do you read me? Why are you all so attracted to my jeremiads? My stock and trade rhetorically is basically talking about horrific, ugly truths that no one else will talk about. Why are you attracted to that? Why do I get all of these emails and hand-written letters describing me as “a breath of fresh air” and the JOY people experience from reading my essays and watching my videos about horrifically ugly truths?

Because ladies and gentlemen, TRUTH is BEAUTIFUL. Even when it reveals something so ugly that you can barely stand to look at it.

[Including and perhaps most especially the substantial error of the Holy Father in the context of a juridical act – attempted resignation – that has resulted in a catastrophic Antipapacy that has and continues to scandalize human souls unto eternal damnation and enable the erection of the Freemasonic-Luciferian Antichurch. -AB ’22]

If you haven’t figured it out yet, the ultimate manifestation of this is Christ Crucified. This is why we have crucifixes – not just crosses but crucifixes with Christ nailed to the Cross. The crucifix is the most beautiful image in the world, because it reveals the most beautiful truth in the world by first making us push through horrific ugliness. The horrific ugliness is God Incarnate, perfect and sinless, whipped until He is skinned and nailed naked to a tree BECAUSE WE PUT HIM THERE BY OUR SINS. How can this possibly be beautiful? Because it is the complete expression and manifestation of God’s love for man. When man asks, “Is there a God and does He care about me?” the only way to fully answer that question is by showing him an image that is so horrific that it makes us wince and look away. But then we look back. And look. And look. And look. Because what we are looking at is TRUTH, and truth is beautiful, but only so long as we don’t try to “clean it up” or make it “easier to swallow”. When you try to make ugly truths either more palatable, or even try to obscure them all together, you are embracing a lie. God died a horrific death for your sins and thus your sins CAN be forgiven because first you ARE a sinner, and your sins are HORRIFIC – but you have to have the antecedent before the corollary: you have to have the CROSS before you can get to the Resurrection.

The Catholic Church HAS been massively infiltrated and suffered a massive destructive catastrophe in the last 50 years at the hands of Freemasonic-Marxist-sodomites. [A blaspheming, heretic antipope has usurped and is squatting upon the See of Peter and is wreaking destruction and scandalizing souls unto eternal damnation on a scale never before seen, or even thought possible.] Until this is acknowledged and acted upon with holy, virile intransigence, there will be nothing but continued erosion and destruction. The global economy is going to collapse. The United States of America no longer exists. Beating dead horses is insane. Nothing will happen until civilization seeks a new horse. A major war is going to have to be fought to purge the earth of islam and save the people of good will trapped within it. Islam is a cancer, and cancers must either be cut out, or they will kill you.

Denial of ugly truths only leads to more and more ugliness. Denial of ugly truths is exactly what satan wants. Satan wants humanity to believe that there is no sin, there is no hell, everything is just fine in the Church and there is no problem – especially with sodomite priests and lesbian nuns, one plus one equals seven or thirty-four or whatever you want it to equal, government can solve all of our problems – not that there is anything wrong to begin with, infinite amounts of free stuff can be distributed and theft can be executed by oligarchs ad infinitum with zero consequences, and if we will all just hold hands and have a group hug we can all get along and coexist.

The Truth is a beautiful thing, no matter how ugly it appears on the surface, it must first be shouted from the mountaintops in order to have ANY HOPE of pushing through to the other side, which is nothing less than God Himself.

The Worst Thing That Has Ever or Could Ever Happen - is also the most irresistibly beautiful image in the universe.

The Worst Thing That Has Ever or Could Ever Happen – is also the most irresistibly beautiful image in the universe.

The Pathological Refusal to Act with regards to the Bergoglian Antipapacy as Explained by… Carl Sagan?

Truth is truth.

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

-Carl Sagan, “The Demon-Haunted World”

THIS is exactly why we pray the Matthew 17:20 intention every day:

-that Antipope Bergoglio be publicly acknowledged and removed as Antipope, and that the entire Bergoglian Antipapacy be publicly nullified;

-that Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger be publicly acknowledged as the uninterrupted one and only living Pope since his election in April of ARSH 2005;

-that Antipope Bergoglio repent, revert to Catholicism, die in a state of grace and someday achieve the Beatific Vision;

-and that Pope Benedict XVI repent, die in a state of grace, and someday achieve the Beatific Vision.

Because once you give a charlatan power, you rarely get it back without supernatural help. But the first step is to shed the pride and acknowledge that you have been had.

36 Years Ago, Homosexuality Had To Be Explained on TeeVee Because Many People Did Not Know That It Existed

I came across a clip that demonstrates just how intense the propagandizing and normalization of sexual perversion has been over the past few decades.  A lot of people today are young enough that they don’t remember a world in which sexual perversion was so rare, and so rightfully loathed by decent people (actually, it still is loathed by decent people – loathing sexual perversion is a requirement for human decency, it is just the number of decent people remaining that has changed), that it simply wasn’t discussed, and therefore many people simply were not aware of the sickening behaviors that are constantly displayed and glorified in every media genre, and aggressively taught in schools to children.  Yes, that’s right, YOUNG CHILDREN are being taught about sodomitical behaviors in school that just a few decades ago many people did not even know existed in the world.

This clip is from the wildly popular sit-com of the 1980s, “The Golden Girls”.  This particular episode ran in the early fall of ARSH 1986.  I remember it well. I was nine years old at the time, going on ten. 

The joke here is that Blanche confuses the words “lesbian” and “Lebanese”.  Stop and think about this.  This adult woman hears the word “lesbian” and doesn’t know what it means. 

Furthermore, the Blanche character’s main attribute was the fact that she was a wildly sexually promiscuous widow.  This wasn’t the country-bumpkin character (played by Betty White) who didn’t know the word “lesbian”, this was the uber-worldly slut, Blanche, who wasn’t quite aware of sodomy to the point of knowing the word “lesbian”… AND THIS JOKE WENT OVER WITH NO DIFFICULTY.  For a joke to be funny, there has to be at least a grain of plausibility to it.  This was plausible.

It was completely plausible 36 years ago to write a comedy scene in which a hyper-promiscuous upper middle-class widow in her mid-50s literally didn’t know what the word “lesbian” meant.

Looking back at “The Golden Girls”, it is clear that the “respectability” and implied social conservatism of the older women qua older women depicted on the show was aggressively leveraged in order to push and ratify sexual immorality and perversion of every stripe, including masturbation, sodomy and sexual self-mutilation (transsexualism).

The more I think about it, the more I settle on the idea that TeeVee went completely to hell when Don Knotts left the Andy Griffith Show. I think that can be called “the line”.  Year? ARSH 1965.  Boy, it’s almost as if something happened in the mid-1960s that caused a massive increase in the power and influence of the demonic….

Wherein Ann Paraphrases Churchill…

The Novus Ordo Church was offered a choice between heresy and schism.  It chose heresy.  It will get schism too.

Not the potato.

All it would take to end the Bergoglian Antipapacy would be a man in a position of authority, such as a Cardinal who might be the deposed Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, or something, to make the following simple press statement:

“Significant canonical irregularities have been identified with regards to the putative resignation proffered by Pope Benedict XVI in February of 2013. Pending further investigation, I hereby declare a state of emergency suspense.”

32 words. Almost always in this life, the solutions to problems are so very, very simple… if only we would DO it.

Barnhardt ‘15 CMR Interview: So When Do We Start Shootin?

Here is Part 3 of my interview series from the summer of ARSH 2015 with Pat Archbold of Creative Minority Report.

Summer of ’15.

Summer. Of. ’15….

How young and naïve we were in the summer of ’15.


Pat Archbold: At what point is it legitimate to take up arms against this illegitimate government? I think that armed resistance might be legitimate as a defensive act if several states secede. Just war theory requires a reasonable chance of success? Without secession of multiple states, can armed defense be legitimate?

Alpha Bravo: Well, isn’t that the question du jour? I always snicker at Dennis Miller’s old joke that George Washington started blowing people’s heads off for taxing his breakfast beverage… and it wasn’t even coffee. First, as we discussed earlier, the whole American paradigm was and is deeply, deeply flawed and contained in itself from the beginning the seeds of its own inevitable collapse and destruction as John Adams himself was sure to point out, so we must be careful when citing the American Revolution as a positive example. But, those of us still capable of nuanced thought can tease out useful information from even a Deist-Freemasonic construct.

First, the founders of the American Republic did in fact do what I referenced as a current impossibility earlier. Namely, they FIRST established a replacement government so that there would be no absence of government, no state of anarchy. As St. Thomas teaches, it is gravely, gravely sinful to take up arms against a tyrant without first providing for a replacement government. If a people simply liquidate a tyrannical oligarchy (because there is in actuality no such thing as a pure tyranny consisting of one man – even the most powerful tyrants are still undergirded and enabled by an oligarch class) without providing for the replacement, the result of the state of anarchy will be the ascendancy of an even worse tyrant. Anarchy, by definition, enables the biggest psychopath thug to take control. Anarchy, therefore, is an always-fleeting interstitial period between a bad government and an even worse government.

The primary problem with the post-American populace is a near-unanimous unwillingness to defend itself against tyranny (!!!!! -AB ’22), and thus even contemplate or discuss the formation of a replacement government. As long as the Mickey-D’s is still slinging burgers and Cokes, and they can still watch all of their favorite agit-porn teevee shows and gaze upon this year’s popular and oh-so-lovable psychopath characters and their wacky, psychopathic hijinks, the very notion of rocking the boat, much less laying down one’s life, will engender nothing but contempt and hatred of the Jeremiahs by even the so-called “conservative right”. Believe me, I know.

But for the sake of the discussion, another problem with the former United States is the fact that the post-Christian, modernist cancer has so thoroughly metastasized. Any notion of geographical boundaries representing a sufficiently clean ideological compartmentalization is pure delusion. Every urban area will be its own discrete theater. There is no “Mason-Dixon Line”. Take Wichita, Kansas for example. One might be tempted to think that central Kansas, bordered on the south by Oklahoma, would be a “gimme”. No way. Wichita is a cesspit and stronghold of the rap/hip-hop culture, which is, of course, the Stepin Fetchit of the Washington DC regime. Every urban area is poisoned. Only the tiniest rural towns could establish a physical perimeter without sealing the enemy inside.

Beyond that, the possibility of establishing any sort of redoubt or new country by those attempting to flee is, for the first time in human history, impossible. (!!!! -AB ’22) The migration, spread and settlement of the entire planet has largely been driven by people trying to get the hell away from some other group of people. For some it was done with a handshake, for most it was done as a pure matter of survival: either go elsewhere or be killed. That is no longer possible as there is no more “unsettled land” and technology has effectively put us all in the same room. (!!!! -AB ’22) But more importantly, the forces of evil will not permit any competition. Any state secessions will be instantly crushed. The (former) US military “can’t” fight a few dozen inbred musloid retards to anything better than a draw, but rest assured that the full force and power of the American military AND economic complex would be brought to bear on any group of people that simply wanted to relocate to Montana, delink from Washington and be left the hell alone. Any sane, Christian state established anywhere on the planet would be instantly crushed, both militarily and economically, without mercy, because in the age of “tolerance”, “dialogue” and “accompanying one another, body-to-body, with tender caresses of mercy”, the jackboot stomps the face forever.

Having said all that, we return to supernatural. The Battle of Lepanto was a supernatural victory. On paper, it was suicide, and on a purely natural level would not have passed the Thomistic requirement that there be a reasonable chance of victory. But through Our Lady of the Rosary it was a decisive victory. The Battle of the Milvian Bridge was a supernatural victory. As was, in all likelihood, the Battle of Tours. St. Joan of Arc, by virtue of her very command, much less her victories, enjoyed supernatural support.

I heard it said not long ago that a group of people “with nothing to lose” must be assembled to advance the cause. I disagree. Only when people who have EVERYTHING to lose lay down their lives and sail into a battle that, like Lepanto, looks impossible on paper, will there be hope. Has that time to lose everything come? Oh, yes. Most definitely it has.