The only way out of this is for someone in authority, which we all know at this point means Cardinal Burke – let’s stop pretending there is anyone else with the authority of the illegally deposed Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura (aka Chief Justice of the Vatican Supreme Court) – to end this Antipapacy and BREAK THE CYCLE outside of supernatural intervention.
A lot of Ecclesia Dei people just LURV this Zuppi because he’s the kind of ladyman that is DESPERATE to be “liked” by absolutely everyone he meets. Yeah- one of THOSE. Pardon me while I barf in my mouth a little. 🤢
So he has “played nice” with the Trads, even celebrating a TLM in Rome years ago when he was the Auxiliary Bishop of the Center of Rome.
But this fag-loving Communist is full-Luciferian behind his simpering, “coprophagic” grin. To wit:
I would hasten to remind one and all who have been to a Novus Ordo funeral in the past… fifty years, what goes on. The deceased is effectively not prayed FOR, because that would be an insult to the “New and Everlasting Man”. The deceased is effectively canonized, that is, declared to be in the Beatific Vision – in heaven. No mention of Purgatory much less the possibility of hell. We commend all souls to Our Lord’s Infinite Mercy, even those who lived less-than-saintly lives, but with the understanding that His Justice is perfect, and even those who by His Grace make it through their Particular Judgments will almost all have to spend some time in Purgatory being “refined as gold” in order to have have all lingering attachment to their sins burned away so that they can enter into the full, unveiled presence of the Triune Godhead – Pure Love, Pure Truth, Pure Goodness. You can’t look God fully in the eye if you’re still a pigsty of sinful attachments and inclinations. Purgatory is what cleans all of that up. And our prayers act like soap and a scrub brush, helping the process along.
But think about what the Luciferian hopeful-Antipope Zuppi has said: he has said that a person who gives the ULTIMATE f-you to God as their final act gets a de facto canonization service. The True Church not only publicly denied funerals to suicides, they were denied burial in Catholic cemeteries which are CONSECRATED GROUND, and were often dumped in rivers, etc.
Harsh, you say? Think about it. To neutralize, much less glorify self-murder is the quintessence of SCANDAL. How many elderly Italians, lonely, depressed, and now terrified of “viruses”, and ultimately terrified of suffering will now murder themselves “nice and easy, you’ll just go to sleep…” because of what this grinning demon Zuppi has said?
Countless elderly Italians are BEGGING for permission to kill themselves. And now they actually believe that The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, the BODY and BRIDE OF CHRIST has told them to go ahead and do it.
And they’ll go to hell for it, almost certainly, because if there is ONE THING that is at the top of the Natural Law, it is the prohibition against suicide.
If Antipope Bergoglio is allowed to die or “resign” without being called out as an Antipope, then this monster-with-a-grin Zuppi is gunning to be the next Antipope.
And to think that there are Trads who think this would be “great for us”. These people honestly think that the way to deal with Luciferians is to “play nice and make friends”. The mind reels.
The ONLY way out is through the TRUTH – Pope Benedict never validly resigned due to Substantial Error.
Let’s start calling Cardinal Burke to action, by name. And, of course, lift him up in prayer, because ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE THROUGH CHRIST OUR STRENGTH.
So what we all knew from the very beginning of this scam and crime against humanity back in February ARSH 2020 is now being openly discussed: these so-called “vaccines” all have sterilant/abortifacient effects. Live birth numbers are plummeting and miscarriages and stillbirths are through the roof. Here’s the problem, folks:
ALMOST EVERYONE TODAY WANTS TO BE PERMANENTLY STERILIZED, so when you jump up and down screaming “IT’S A STERILANT! THEY WANT TO EXTERMINATE 90% OF THE POPULATION THROUGH STERILIZATION!” most people today say, “Sweet! That’s a bonus! I’ll never have to take the pill again! Or use a condom! I don’t want any ****ing kids. Sign me up! Gimme the jab, baby! THANKS BILL GATES!”
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is and ever has been about ONE THING and ONE THING ONLY: POPULATION REDUCTION.
ALL rhetoric about “saving the planet” or “saving the environment” is and ever was about ONE THING and ONE THING ONLY: POPULATION REDUCTION.
Folks, the ONLY people left on this planet who are against contraception are super-duper Trad Catholics and a handful of “Ultra-Orthodox” Rabbinic Jews.
Our Lord said it while carrying His Cross through the streets of Jerusalem:
But Jesus turning to them, said: Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not over Me; but weep for yourselves, and for your children. Conversus autem ad illas Jesus, dixit : Filiae Jerusalem, nolite flere super me, sed super vos ipsas flete et super filios vestros.
For behold, the days shall come, wherein they will say: Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that have not borne, and the paps that have not given suck. Quoniam ecce venient dies in quibus dicent : Beatae steriles, et ventres qui non genuerunt, et ubera quae non lactaverunt.
If ever there were a 16 year old who needed a car, it was me. I was taking 12 hours of college classes and working 30 hours per week, with half of those hours in a town 25 miles away. If you’re wondering why I wasn’t in high school, it is because I dropped out at 15 after watching gang bangers pull pistols on each other in the hall, three girls being raped in quick succession by said gang bangers, and finally a gang banger in my study hall looked at me and saying in full voice within eight feet of the teacher, “B****, you uptight. You need a good f***.” Given those events coupled with the fact that I hadn’t actually learned anything in school in years, I determined that Leavenworth High School would no longer be burdened with my presence. So yes, even as a tender child, I had balls like church bells and was a fearless, aggressive decision-maker. Deo gratias.
Anyway, my father bought a 1978 Chrysler Cordoba for my use in February of 1993 for $1300. And, like all of us poor things produced in the United States in the late 1970s, it was a real piece of crap. It had the 400 cubic inch V-8 with a 4-barrel carburetor. Oh, the carburetor. It had a dead spot in it such that it wouldn’t idle and upon acceleration from a stop would give you just enough power to get you exactly in the middle of the intersection or sitting perfectly astride the train tracks before coughing and dying. I’m pretty sure I pushed that car farther than I actually drove it. As a remedy, we installed a manual choke, but the car was so physically huge and the choke knob was so far under the dash that I literally had to duck my head completely under the dash to reach the choke. Thus, many an old lady were horrified by the yellow Chrysler next to them at a stoplight with huge truck tires on the rear, being powerbraked to 3000 RPM (no joke) with no visible driver. That car built character.
My favorite car that I have owned was a black 2002 Pontiac SLP Firehawk convertible. That was a running beast with a suspension that would squat into turns like a Maserati. The Firehawk package came with a freer-flowing exhaust that produced one of the most satisfying sounds on the planet. I. MISS. THAT. CAR. I sold it in ARSH 2005 to help finance the start-up of Barnhardt Capital Management.
Here are pictures of roughly what these two cars of mine looked like, although these are not MY cars, just pictures off the internet of similar cars.
The reason I’m dragging you on this walk down automotive memory lane is because nothing explains the concept of Christian prayer quite like this MOPAR-to-GM-F-Body comparison.
Prayer is the fuel. Our souls are the powertrain. The objective and purpose in life is converting the fuel into motion by running it through the powertrain. Thus, prayer is not the end unto itself. Prayer is the means of moving toward the end, which is eternal life in heaven or damnation. We will be judged based upon the route we take – what we have done, and what we have failed to do. Did we do the right thing and take that left turn at Albuquerque? And if not, did we ever repent and get back on the right route?
I am like the ’78 Cordoba. Spiritually, I am a rolling piece of crap with a dead spot in my carburetor. Your soul, gentle reader, is more like the 2002 Firehawk. Never misses. Never dies. Beautiful.
But here is the difference, and I think that this explains why so many people are just sitting and watching as everything goes to hell. People have been taught that prayer is the OBJECTIVE of the Christian walk, and not the FUEL. And so we hear people say, “Oh, we’re not supposed to concern ourselves with earthly matters. We are supposed to withdraw from the world and pray.”
This is like a 2002 Firehawk with a full tank of gas being started and having the throttle mashed and held to the floor without ever being put in gear. Ever. What is the point of a car? Why was it built? What is the purpose of its existence? MOVEMENT. ACTION. That’s why it has a transmission, a driveshaft, an axle, wheels and tires. The true measure of a car is not revving out of gear. The true measure is its performance in motion. Acceleration, braking, cornering, cruising, outrunning the PoPo and the Revenuers.
Our Lord’s great commissions to us are earthly ACTIONS.
DO THIS in memory of Me.
GO and MAKE disciples of all nations.
LOVE one another as I have loved you.
It is our ACTIONS on this earth that will be the basis of our judgment. Hence, it is completely illogical to argue that nothing that happens on this earth or how we engage it matters. Of course it matters. What we DO will determine whether we end up in heaven or hell. Prayer is the spiritual fuel that enables and fortifies the person to GO and DO the right. This is why Jesus commanded the disciples to “watch and pray” in the Garden. He knew they were about to be tested and would have massive, terrible decisions to make as His passion and death unfolded. As it turned out, instead of praying, they fell asleep, and as a result, all of them except John bugged out, and Peter denied Him. No gas in the tank. I would guess that all of the women spent that evening in prayer with the Blessed Virgin at His command, and thus were the ones who were able to summon the courage, loyalty and perseverance to stay with Jesus from the pillar to the Cross to the tomb. This is precisely why we must be praying all fifteen decades of the Rosary with Our Lady daily.
Many of you very kind folks send me emails flattering me profusely. But you are all wrong. I am NOT in a state of superior grace to you. I’m the ’78 Cordoba. You are the Firehawk. Here, I contend, is the difference. As much of a piece of de-tuned MOPAR crap with a bad carburetor as I am, I actually put the tranny in gear and GO. Many folks have the SLP Ram-Air 5.7 liter V-8, but never take it out of park.
Hmmm. So if what I did, and what I’m doing, constitutes sputtering, crippling along, dying at every light and having to throw it in neutral and get out and push a 4000 pound, 18 foot long monstrosity through the streets . . . just imagine what y’all Firehawks could do if you would JUST. PUT. IT. IN. GEAR.
Seriously. For the love of God. Fill up your tank and then get the clutch on the flywheel. And if you happen to see a yellow ’78 Cordoba dead on the side of the road, please dispatch a wrecker. It would be much appreciated.
Some might ask how this essay jibes with the vocation of comtemplative monks and nuns whose entire purpose in life is prayer. It is very simple and extremely important. The prayers of the contemplatives ask God to raise up saints out in the world and to strengthen the clergy and the laity with the sole objective of proselytizing and the salvation of souls. There nothing of any greater importance than whether or not souls spend eternity enjoying the Beatific Vision in heaven or eternally damned to hell. NOTHING. Everything revolves around that. Do you know why there aren’t any saints or miracles today, whereas before the 20th century there were obvious living saints and miracles were relatively common? It is because the monasteries and convents have been almost totally emptied since Vatican II and the introduction of the Novus Ordo Mass. When monks and nuns stopped wearing the habit and stopped praying the Divine Office, and their convents then quickly devolved into hives of sodomy, Marxism and even witchcraft in the case of some of the nuns; when all of that prayer all but stopped, the graces imbued into the clergy and the laity “out in the world” all but stopped also.
The point is, the contemplatives were specifically praying for God to raise up people of ACTION out in the world, and so the point of the essay still holds. Monasteries are like prayer petroleum refineries that produce super-high octane racing fuel (grace) that can then be used by other people to power their Cordobas, or Firehawks, or F-150s. No high octane fuel, no living saints – or at least very few. No high octane fuel, no miracles. Refilling monasteries and convents is second only in importance to restoring The Mass of the Ages to its rightful place AND ending the Bergoglian Antipapacy and its Antichurch, currently occupying the same sacramental, liturgical and juridical space as the One True Church, so very visible in terrifying eclipse. These things MUST happen in order for Western Civilization to have any hope of survival.
So if you are a guy named Alfonso and you are from Los Angeles, this is REALLY your day, being both the feast of St. Alphonsus Liguori AND the feast of Our Lady Queen of the Angels.
So have an extra Mezcal cocktail tonight.
Did you know the full name of the city of Los Angeles is:
El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reyna de los Angeles Sobre el Rio Porciuncula
“The City of Our Lady Queen of the Angels on the Porciuncula River”
“Those who are seeking the true religion will never find it outside the Catholic Church alone, because, in every other religion, if they trace it up to the author, they will find some impostor whose imagination furnished a mass of sophisms and errors.”
St. Alphonsus Liguori
Prayer to Our Lady Queen of the Angels
August Queen of Heaven, sovereign Mistress of the Angels, who didst receive from the beginning the mission and the power to crush the Serpent’s head, we beseech thee to send thy holy Angels, that under thy command and by thy power, they may pursue the evil spirits, encounter them on every side, resist their bold attacks, and drive them hence into the abyss of woe.
Most holy Mother, send thy Angels to defend us and to drive the cruel enemy from us. Amen.
All ye holy Angels and Archangels, help and defend us.
In ARSH 1883, the New York Times reported that Sitting Bull was baptized into the Catholic Church.
ROMANS 9: 25-26
As in Osee He saith: I will call that which was not My people, My people; and her that was not beloved, beloved; and her that had not obtained mercy, one that hath obtained mercy.
And it shall be, in the place where it was said unto them, You are not My people; there they shall be called the sons of the Living God.
Sicut in Osee dicit : Vocabo non plebem meam, plebem meam : et non dilectam, dilectam : et non misericordiam consecutam, misericordiam consecutam.Et erit : in loco, ubi dictum est eis : Non plebs mea vos : ibi vocabuntur filii Dei vivi.
Hosea 2: 23-24
And I will sow her unto Me in the earth, and I will have mercy on her that was without mercy. And I will say to that which was not My people: Thou art My people: and they shall say: Thou art My God.
Et seminabo eam mihi in terra, et miserebor ejus quae fuit Absque misericordia. Et dicam Non populo meo : Populus meus es tu; et ipse dicet : Deus meus es tu.
In this episode, Ann is joined by Non Veni Mark and Dr. Mazza for a rundown of the lastest developments in the Antipapacy, most notably how Charity proceeds from a foundation of Truth, not Truth from Charity. Making up fantasies to explain away absentee fathers only causes heartbreak and scandal when reality is confronted. And reality is ALWAYS eventually confronted. Pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict, who needs our prayers.
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