St. Dominic called it. I think we’re getting ready to see it happen – hence the Sodo-Masonic declaration of war against the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

You know who else hates the Rosary? Antipope Bergoglio. He publicly mocked a group of faithful who sent him a Spiritual Bouquet of several thousand Rosaries prayed for him shortly after his usurpation of the Petrine See and occupation of the Vatican.

It’s all happening, folks! Stay confessed, and be of good cheer!

“One day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, Our Lady will save the world.”

-St. Dominic


Nicolás Gómez Dávila was a Colombian man who casually wrote down his thoughts, which were later discovered and published by admirers.  His Wiki article begins thusly:

Nicolás Gómez Dávila (18 May 1913 – 17 May 1994) was a Colombian writer and thinker who is considered one of the most intransigent political theoreticians of the twentieth century. His fame began to spread only in the last few years before his death, particularly by way of German translations of his works. Gómez Dávila was one of the most radical critics of modernity whose work consists almost entirely of aphorisms which he called “escolios” (that is, “glosses” or “annotations”).

Other sources describe him as a Radical Traditionalist.  Sigh.  A man after our own hearts, I daresay.

For the edification of all, a few quotes:

The criterion of “progress” between two cultures or two eras consists of a greater capacity to kill.

The word “modern” no longer has an automatic prestige except among fools.

One of my personal favorites…:

Clarity of text is the sole incontrovertible sign of the maturity of an idea.

From strength to strength…

To tolerate does not mean to forget that what we tolerate does not deserve anything more.

The left claims that the guilty party in a conflict is not the one who covets another’s goods but the one who defends his own.

Hierarchies are celestial. In hell all are equal.

Modern man is a prisoner who thinks he is free because he refrains from touching the walls of his dungeon.

And finally….

The modern world demands that we approve what it should not even dare ask us to tolerate.

RIP E.A. Presley – Edifying Spiritual: Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho

Elvis. Faced his Particular Judgment 45 years ago today. SO tragic. I think of Elvis and mourn when I contemplate Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus. Elvis was baptized, but never had the Sacraments or the Rosary. And he lived and died like it, too. It was the dirty lie of “cheap grace” that allowed him to think that he could indulge his passions without consequence – because he was baptized and sang spirituals every night.

Our Blessed Lord says, “If you love Me, keep My Commandments.”
Si diligitis me, mandata mea servate.

He gathered his back-up singers, all gospel singers, male and female, and made them stay up and sing Southern Spirituals all night after their stage shows. He had no interest in singing anything recreationally other than spirituals.

But as John 14: 15 makes crystal clear, that’s not even remotely enough.

Elvis is yet another example of a man who should have been evangelized by the Holy Catholic Church – but the “laborers were few”, as Our Lord put it. Understatement of the day, right there.

I listened to Elvis’ spiritual oeuvre non-stop growing up. One of my absolute favorites, which has SO much more immediate meaning now is “Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho”.

When do we march on the occupied Vatican? Anybody got a Ramshorn?

Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
Jericho Jericho
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
And the walls come tumbling down

God knows that
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
Jericho Jericho
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
And the walls come tumbling down

Good morning sister Mary
Good morning brother John
Well I wanna stop and talk with you
Wanna tell you how I come along

I know you’ve heard about Joshua
He was the son of Nun
He never stopped his work until
Until the work was done

God knows that
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
Jericho Jericho
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
And the walls come tumbling down

You may talk about your men of Gideon
You may brag about your men of Saul
There’s none like good old Joshua
At the battle of Jericho

Up to the walls of Jericho
He marched with spear in hand
“Go blow them ram horns,” Joshua cried
“Cause the battle is in my hand”

God knows that
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
Jericho Jericho
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
And the walls come tumbling down

You may talk about your men of Gideon
You may brag about your king of Saul
There none like Joshua
At the battle of Jericho

They tell me, great God that Joshua’s spear
Was well nigh twelve feet long
And upon his hip was a double edged sword
And his mouth was a gospel horn

Yet bold and brave he stood
Salvation in his hand
“Go blow them ram horns,” Joshua cried
“Cause the devil can’t do you no harm”

Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
Jericho Jericho
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
And the walls come tumbling down

Up to the walls of Jericho
He marched with spear in hand
“Go blow them ram horns,” Joshua cried
“Cause the battle is in my hand”

Then the lamb ram sheep horns began to blow
The trumpets began to sound
Old Joshua shouted “Glory!”
And the walls came tumblin’ down

God knows that
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
Jericho Jericho
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
And the walls come tumbling down

Down, down, down, down, down
Tumblin’ down

Mailbag: Matthew Hanley, author of FrontPage Mag’s “Benedict is Pope” piece, checks in

A lovely letter over the transom today!

Dear Ann / Miss Barnhardt,

I just saw your post where you referred to my recent anti-pope article. Thank you for that. Let’s hope this matter keeps gaining further traction!

With respect to your observation:

So one day I said to myself: I am going to look into it. I am going to read what people who claim Bergoglio is an anti-Pope have to say – and evaluate their arguments. Not their personality or writing style, nor their position within “society” or the Church, but the thrust of their arguments.

[He’s totally talking about me – at least a little. Yay! ]

Let me just briefly say that, actually:

1) that was kind of a generic comment (even if, sure, it pertains “a little” to you too 🙂 – because I have come across many different folks weighing in on this topic, and appreciated (& acknowledge) even some of the pointed differences, mannerisms etc. I’ve also gained in some respects from reading those not on board with the anti-pope thesis. But here’s the other thing:

2) I *like* your personality/writing style. I like your verve or tenacity or whatever the right word is. Boldness. I think there is definitely a place for that, and in fact that quality you have in spades is in too little supply, as far as I am concerned.

So I just wanted to say hi, and that I’ve benefited much from your work, and your zeal for the truth. And so I thank you for all that…and send you much encouragement going forward.

God bless you!


Mailbag: A Novus Ordo Normie checks in with profound insight.

(I publish this just as a reminder of how most people think and go through life. “Pope Fwanciss is the Pope because he’s the Pope.” Also, “the vaccines are safe and effective.” Amirite? A staggering level of insight and argumentation, indeed. For most people, begging the question is their idea of logical thought, and pathological indifference is THE Cardinal Virtue. Also note how this woman is dutifully babbling the Antichurch boilerplate that the Novus Ordo is “THE Mass of the RC”. She clearly isn’t very well informed or catechized, but she’s sure up-to-date on the latest Bergoglian buzz phrases and agitprop. Lenin had a name for these poor people….-AB)

Hope you are well. I want to advise you that Francis is the true pope because he is in charge of the Barque of Peter and is the Fisher of Men. Granted, he is a terrible fisherman and will face the Lord with empty nets but that’s none of our business.

Hope you will discuss this with a local NO bishop of priest which is the mass of the RC.

Back in the day, when I was an art undergrad, my first lecturer told me I couldn’t paint, was crude in execution and was depending on style. He was right and I wish I had saved myself decades of foolishness.

And I do fast and pray daily btw

Love fondness and concern

Your sister in Him


HUGE: Frontpage Mag is onboard with reality – Pope Benedict never validly resigned.

“Francis: The First Antipope in Centuries? The case is airtight – and foolproof – that he is.”

Matthew Hanley is a widely-published Catholic bio-ethicist. This is big, folks. Expect more like this.

Mr. Hanley, if you read this, believe me when I tell you that every serious scholar and churchman (and there are MANY) who are looking at the abdication question all know that the issue here is Ratzinger’s substantially erroneous attempt to “fundamentally transform” the papacy into a “collegial, synodal, shared ministry”. Everyone who has read ANY of Ratzinger’s massive oeuvre, especially the pre-Papacy phase knows this is true. Further, people who know him personally know him to be a man prone to quitting. There’s no other way to put it. He ran. And yes, that is absolutely horrific, and why we have to get someone to tell him that his resignation was invalid, and pray unceasingly for him before he dies. What a fearsome thing – and what a massive heresy and act of selfish uncharity to claim that “Popes can never be in danger of hell.”

Here’s the Frontpage Mag piece.

Excerpt below.

“He is an anti-pope because Benedict XVI did not validly renounce the Papal office as required by Canon Law – the most recent 1983 version of which he himself helped craft.  Therefore there should never have been a conclave following his surprising February 11, 2013 announcement known as the Declaratio. This would be the case even if someone other than Bergoglio had been chosen, and even if Bergoglio hadn’t done and said all the things he’s done and said.


So one day I said to myself: I am going to look into it. I am going to read what people who claim Bergoglio is an anti-Pope have to say – and evaluate their arguments.  Not their personality or writing style, nor their position within “society” or the Church, but the thrust of their arguments. [He’s totally talking about me – at least a little. Yay! 😎] I wouldn’t have to commit.  I could just sit with it all for a while.  And so that’s what I did. 

First off, I was a bit surprised to learn that immediately after Benedict XVI’s Declaratio (within days), prominent Latinists, canonists, philosophers, theologians and journalists were pointing out significant errors in the Latin text Benedict XVI had delivered. Do such errors always nullify a juridical act? Possibly not. But let’s just say it raised eyebrows even at that time.

Most significantly, though, I was struck by the simplicity and persuasiveness of the contention that, from an objective point of view, Benedict XVI’s Declaratio does not adequately constitute a valid Papal renunciation as stipulated by canon law. If the relevant canonical requirements are not satisfied in the communicated act of renunciation, no other circumstance (e.g. “everyone now accepts Bergoglio as the Pope), event (e.g. a conclave), or rationalization, whenever expounded, can validate it. At its core, it really is that simple. 


Yet it is right and just for Catholics to grapple with the evidence that Bergolio is an anti-Pope. The facts and the arguments are out there, and the case is rather airtight – foolproof, in my humble estimation.  This is not an arbitrary or agenda-driven personal judgment but the outcome of a sincere reading and dutiful application of the pertinent Canon law, which alone dictates the verdict.

If you want an idea of what is coming, you might consider watching my video presentation from ARSH 2012 on the Vendée genocide during the French Revolution.

The trajectory has been obvious and inevitable given to total rejection of Jesus Christ for many years. Dick Cheney made it clear that they intend to try, and “Epsteinecute” Trump for capital sedition. The scamdemic and death injections were the final test to ensure that Boobus Effeminitus Americanus would never resist his own genocide. Now that that has been confirmed, what was called “The Terror” in the French Revolution will be commencing shortly in North America.

I was unsure how this Tea Party group would receive my defense of the French Monarchy given the lies all Americans have been taught for centuries about the “glorious” French Revolution. When I was done speaking, after the video cuts, when the standing ovation finally stopped, a Vietnam Vet and leader of the group hushed the crowd and declared this presentation to be the finest he had ever seen or heard. I guess I was effective in overcoming the American Freemasonic cultural bias against Catholic Monarchy and culture, and demonstrating that the former US was on the fast-track to a collapse into tyranny, genocide, and hot, bloody civil war. Recorded July 12, ARSH 2012. It simultaneously feels like yesterday, and several lifetimes ago….

Graphic content warning – explicit descriptions of satanic atrocities committed against women and infants.

Diabolical Narcissism and Religion: When the DN devalues and dumps his co-religionists, and ultimately declares God Himself to be “such a disappointment” and dumps God. Just like Lucifer.

(Originally penned in May ARSH 2016. I’m reposting this for two reasons: first, to explain the hatred of Catholicism and Catholics by most of the bishops today, and also because of the open admission by the guy who used to own 1Peter5 of what was known behind closed doors for many, many years: he is a God-hating apostate who despises Catholics and Catholicism. I don’t think it’s accurate to call him an atheist, because he thinks God exists and is evil, even publicly stating his admiration of Lucifer for having rebelled against God. I think Luciferian is a far more accurate description of what he is, and has been for a long time. Sit in stillness with this as you think back on the monthly bleeding-heart “don’t you want to help us in our important work of restoring Catholic culture and tradition?” fundraising blegs. It was pure racketeering. The fact that this guy now spends his days railing against Jesus Christ and His Holy Church on social media, desperate for attention, trying to scandalize and do as much damage to souls as he can, I tried to warn of and explain years ago. This “crisis of faith” is nothing new. Pray for him, and most especially pray for his wife and children. Being stuck in a house with an obese, substance-abusing, rage-monster Luciferian DN is something too terrible to imagine. And if the wife and children ever show up in your parish, reach out and discreetly let them know that people are willing to help if they need it. -AB ’22)

A question that I have always asked myself is, “Who are the people who would dedicate their lives to a Church that they clearly hold in contempt at best, and hate at worst?  What would drive a man or woman to a life driven by and revolving around such pure, focused spite?”

Who are they?  They are Diabolical Narcissists.

To review, Diabolical Narcissism is the condition in which a human being freely chooses to adopt the psycho-spiritual comportment and emotional palette of the fallen angels.  Simply put, the DN chooses, exactly as the fallen angels chose, to voluntarily purge himself of all love. As a result, he is voluntarily incapable of empathy, and incapable of the emotions derived from love, namely happiness, gratitude, joy, and sadness.

DNs are capable only of the demonic emotional palette of anger, hatred, envy and fear. They view other human beings as 3-dimensional cartoons to be used as the DN sees fit to provide him with diabolical narcissistic satisfaction.  And, like the angelic demons, deep down, Diabolical Narcissists know that they are monstrosities, and thus are animated by an unquenchable spite, especially toward those “mere humans”, so far beneath them, and yet capable of that which they have freely rejected: love.

DNs derive the greatest diabolical satisfaction from forming attachments, sometimes referred to as the “idealization phase”, grooming the attachment/victim, then turning on and “devaluing” the attachment/victim, and then viciously abusing the attachment/victim.  DNs derive intense diabolical satisfaction from not only the actual abuse of the victim, but oftentimes even more so from the “getting away with it” – watching as others around him, not wanting to incite his wrath or lose their connection to him, give their tacit approval or even their positive approval of his abusive actions.

DNs are literally obsessed with the notion that they are a separate caste, an uber-aristocracy, distinct and above everyone else, even “super-human”, and as such the “rules” which apply to the rabble and the great unwashed do not apply to them.  One of the greatest sources of diabolical satisfaction for DNs is to openly commit crimes, atrocities, scandalous sin or acts of abuse and NOT be held to account – to operate outside the law or the rules of human decency. In the secular political sphere this is referred to as “oligarchy”. On the micro level it has many names: megalomania, sociopathy and psychopathy.

But what happens when a DN forms such an attachment with, and then devalues, hates, abuses, and even declares war on God?

Well, that, dear reader, is what we call a “Jesuit”. That’s a little joke. This dynamic is certainly not limited to the Jesuits. It is everywhere in the Church, and can be seen amongst the laity, and Traddyland is by no means immune.

First, the initial phases of the DN’s “relationship” with God.

It is typically cerebral narcissists, as opposed to somatic or “physical” narcissists, that seek out God Himself as an attachment/victim.  Cerebral Diabolical Narcissists see God as the ultimate attachment, and eventually, as the Ultimate Victim – which, ironically, is exactly what He is.  God is everything that DNs want to be: omniscient, awe-inspiring, admired and adored, mysterious and much-discussed, perfect.  Some DNs, especially those that were deified as children, will view God as their only peer, casting themselves in the role of co-God, fourth person of the “Quatrine Godhead”, or demiurge.

Across the board, these DNs believe themselves to be the “only one” who genuinely “understands” God.  They believe that they have a completely unique and privileged relationship with God.  It is the DN and God, alone together, against the world.  Some in the protestant cult milieu will even use terms like “anointed”, such as Jim Jones.  DNs believe that they derive authority from their privileged relationship with God, and that this authority exempts and dispenses them from laws and behavioral standards as they apply to “mere humans”.  They believe that the rules do not apply to them, but that they are able to sit in God-like judgment of others without countenancing the slightest hint of hypocrisy.

It bears mentioning at this point that the deification of children is no longer the rarity that it once was, found typically in years past with genius children and the children of heredity monarchs.  In fact, the entire post-Christian education system and media complex today is specifically designed to drive children into pathological effeminacy at best and full-blown Diabolical Narcissism at worst.  If the children around you today seem like insufferable mini-tyrant “Social Justice Warriors”, it is because that is exactly what they are.  They are an army of DN Stormtroopers, eagerly awaiting their orders, convinced of their “otherness”, and perhaps more importantly, regarding other human beings as expendable animated sacks of meat.

For DNs who enter the priesthood, religious communities, or who find themselves in a position of authority within The Church, be it working in the Chancery, or even laymen grifting off the Church, their predisposition toward sadism and abuse is facilitated by any position of authority, even if they have not yet turned on and devalued God.  Their default position of contempt for others is intrinsic to their diabolical nature, and thus they are attracted to positions in which they can, under the guise of authority, dole out narcissistic abuse.

In the beginning of the “relationship” with God, the DN idealizes God, in the sense that the DN convinces himself that God is completely congruent to himself.  The more he learns about God, the more he sees himself in God.  At this point, one should be reminded of the Archangel Michael whose very name is a refutation of this very dynamic: Who is like God?  The Archangel knows that the answer to that question is NO ONE.  To the DN, the answer, exactly like Lucifer’s answer is, ME!

After a while, the DN becomes disillusioned with God.  When the world fails to fall at the DN’s feet, when the DN is not regarded, adored and obeyed as co-God, when God “fails to deliver”, the DN then devalues and turns on God just as with a human attachment/target.  Interestingly, this devaluing almost always goes in steps, working up finally to God Himself.  For example, a DN might first turn on and devalue his parish, his religious community, his Rite (going from Roman to Byzantine), or even his vows (taking a concubine(s) of either sex).  These are all mere stops along the road to the final destination for the DN, the rejection of God Himself.  When this happens, the DN declares war on God Himself and, motivated by pure diabolical spite, sets out to do as much damage to God as he can.  After all, the bigger the enemy, the more grandiose the DN feels.  And there is no bigger enemy to set oneself against than God Himself.  What this means for the DN is exactly the same as what it means for the actual demons: hurting and even killing the souls of other human beings out of hatred for God – an exact inversion of the Second Great Commandment, hating others for the hatred of God.

Fallen Angel, detail, Alexandre Cabanel, ARSH 1847

One of the surest signals of Diabolical Narcissism in general is what is referred to as “hating your own”.  In the context of The Church, the DN priest or religious (and let’s not forget the loud but dwindling army of apostate lesbian nuns prowling throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls), or layman will hold in the highest contempt orthodox, pious, devout Roman Catholics.  In the micro context, a DN will typically devalue and abuse those closest to him – spouse, children, employees, even eventually friends – if he has any. 

To the DN, his “flock”, in whatever form it takes, becomes his hostage.  A Catholic DN in this phase will rant endlessly about how Catholics are the worst people in the world, how much he despises Catholics, how much he is put-upon and victimized by Catholics, etc.

And the greatest rush of diabolical satisfaction a DN can procure is the attention, affirmation and even adoration of the very people he is taunting, tormenting, berating and abusing, while he is abusing them.

The most strategically effective position for a DN to do this is INSIDE THE CHURCH.  And so, despite their descent into full-blown hatred of God, instead of leaving the Church, they entrench.  They climb the episcopal ladder.  The higher they go, the more damage to souls they can wreak; the more they can enable and protect others like themselves who seek to abuse God and destroy His Church; the more they can destroy the Liturgy; the more they can punish and scandalize those who foolishly love God; the more lies they can tell the miserable, pathetic sheep, and then sit back and watch the sheep skip merrily into hell AT THEIR COMMAND, ignoring the very Voice of the Shepherd Himself; the more they can shake their fists at God, luxuriating in their crimes and not just their total immunity from any earthly consequences, but even to the cheers and cries of adoration of the sheep whom they are slaughtering – adoration given to them instead of to God.

Laymen grifting off the Church will also do this, and attempt to drag as many of their donors and followers into their apostasy and luciferian war on God and His Holy Church as they can.

When you see this DN war on God happening, GET AWAY from it. These people are driven by pure spite, exactly like the apostate angels, and cannot be reasoned with or trusted. Pray for them. Pray for their victims. But steer well, well clear.

St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.

Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created.

And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

Let us pray.

O God, Who didst instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Ghost, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise, and ever to rejoice in His consolation,

through Christ, our Lord. Amen.