Barnhardt Podcast #178: Once Bitten, Twice Shia

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In this episode we discuss the hellish spectacle of Joe Biden’s prelude to civil war speech, comment on the interesting parallels between the Church and the former united States: both being led by someone not validly elected, both are being split in half in a fight between progressives and conservatives, both are going to be objects for a massive chastisement that could start at any day. And while things are bad in the Church it’s always the right time to convert and join the Church. If you’re thinking about converting and aren’t sure, take a piece of advice from Shia: JUST DO IT!!!

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Nurse Claire Sends: Good ‘Ol Pepto Bismol (Bismuth Subsalicylate) appears to be another cheap and effective treatment for Covid-type viral pneumonias. Stock up now before they ban it.

God is so good. Not only does He provide, but He usually makes things available to us simply and at a minimal cost. In this case, all you need to do is open your medicine cabinet. Who doesn’t already have Pepto Bismol on hand?

Remember folks, the active ingredient here is Bismuth Subsalicylate, which other diarrhea meds like Maalox and Mylanta do not contain. What you want here is Ol’ Pink, either the brand name version, Pepto Bismol, or a generic equivalent. And either liquid or tablets are fine. Just as long as it contains Bismuth Subsalicylate.

Here is the link to the research paper.

Share aggressively, and stock up on Pepto, lest the Malthusian Murderers ban it. Their poisonous injections and toxic drugs (i.e. Paxlovid) must be defended from all competition! And as we move into respiratory virus season, add Pepto Bismol to your list of totally safe things to take if you get a chest bug whether you have gut issues or not, because… why not? It CANNOT hurt… unlike every other poison being pushed by BigPharma and the human population reduction criminals.

As always, I… WE hope this helps!

Bismuth subsalicylate as potential treatment for Covid-19 pneumonia: A case series report

  • 1Department of Internal Medicine, Penn State Health Holy Spirit Medical Center, Camp Hill, PA, United States
  • 2Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology and Neuroscience, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, United States

Various literature cited suggests that bismuth may have usefulness against Covid-19 both in vitro and in vivo. During the course of caring for Covid-19 patients we administered bismuth subsalicylate to those who displayed diarrhea and/or gastric complaints. Using relatively conservative criteria, upon retrospective review, we noted marked improvement in oxygen requirements in most of the cases. This improvement was observed even when prior therapy with standard anti-Covid drugs had failed. Our overall impression is that these positive results support a detailed evaluation of bismuth as an adjunct treatment for the treatment of Covid-19.

It’s quite easy being green…

Remember ladies, you can do it! Just make the decision! No more sloppy modern clothes! Make apparel 1951 again! I get all of my dresses, semi-bespoke, from eShakti. And after the war, when textile manufacturing is re-started on the North American landmass in the Old South where the cotton is grown, someone PLEASE start up the eShakti business model domestically!

Green tea-length polka dot dress, light beige tulle-crinoline petticoat, beige espadrilles. Straw brimmed hat with matching green ribbon not shown.

“When green is all there is to be,

Well, it could make you wonder why,

But, why wonder? Why wonder?

I’m green and it’ll do fine ’cause it’s beautiful,

And I think it’s what I want to be.”

Folks, I’m really not kidding when I warn you that high-level Satanists are required to publicly manifest their Satanism. Their greatest satisfaction is the getting-away-with-it.

Joe Biden. Accused of incestuous pedophilia by his own daughter.

Antipope Jorge Bergoglio. Open protector of pedophiles, and himself accused of pedophilia and child sex trafficking in Argentina. Search “Gustavo Vera” in my search box on this website.

Open Satanist and NWO darling Marina Abramovic posing with “lord” Jacob Rothschild in front of Thomas Lawrence’s “Satan Summoning his Legions”.

Dr. Mazza’s latest video interview with Fatima Souls.

Dr. Mazza en fuego!!! 🔥


8:30 – Dr. Mazza on “What was Benedict XVI doing?” What does Benedict think he accomplished?” He talks about the Peter Seewald interview, and other interviews and statements

11:00 – What are the criterion for being a Pope? Benedict says: the follower of peter is not merely bound to a function (being the Bishop of Rome). The idea that you can have an active Pope, and one which is not.

14:00 – Why he still gives apostolic blessings in his own name, why his title is still His Holiness, why he still wears white and lives in the Vatican.

15:00 – Benedict remains a father in a deep inward sense. Functional vs Sacred.

16:50 – Benedict’s statement about the crisis of the Priesthood after Vatican 2.

20:00 – Statements by Archbishop Georg Gänswein, secretary to Benedict.
26:00 – Benedict may have committed a “substantial error” by trying to abandon his office of pope.
29:00 – Quote from Bergoglio about the “papacy being a sacrament.” (Not in the literal sense, in the sense of it being of sacramental nature). In other words, the idea that “you can never stop being pope until death.”

37:26 – First interpretation – Benedict could resign all public-facing responsibilities, but still be pope. If he believed this, he committed substantial error.

38:45 – Second interpretation – If Benedict thought that by becoming pope gave you a permanent sacramental mission that does not stop by resigning as Bishop of Rome, then you can’t resign.

40:00 – This weekend, Saturday the 27th, there will be a consistory (election of new Cardinals) in Rome, something Francis has not had in about 7 years. However, Pope Francis may visit the shrine of St. Celestine. St. Celestine was the first pope in history to resign, and his anniversary of consecration as bishop in 1294 is this Sunday. Dr. Mazza then talks about the history of St. Celestine.
UPDATE: “Francis praises humility of 13th-century pope who resigned”

50:00 – Dr. Mazza talks about the history of papal resignations, starting with St. Clement.

53:46 – St. Pontian in the year 235.

56:00 – Pope John XII & Leo VIII in the year 963.

58:00 – Pope Benedict IX and Gregory VI

1:00:00 – Pope Innocent the 3rd in 1198 – quotes regarding the papacy being a sacrament (spiritual message).

1:07:30 – Pope Celestine the 5th’s resignation and Pope Boniface VIII.

1:11:00 – Pope Gregory the 12th in the 1400’s – three different “popes,” a Council was held in Constance in 1417.

1:15:00 – Question, Why is knowing who the Pope is important to my Faith?

1:17:45 – Question, What would be the implications for indefectibility and visibility of the church if Benedict passes away leaving Francis in place for some time? Dr. Mazza mentions Innocent II and Anacletus.

1:19:30 – Question, Would Benedict be the oldest living pope in the history of the Church? Yes.

1:19:40 – Question, If Celestine was wrong about the ability to resign, would not that make Boniface VIII an anti-Pope? If Boniface VIII, then would not his addition to the ability of a pope to resign to canon law be a nullify?

1:20:40 – Question, So if Innocent III taught magisterially that the pope is married to his Office, a bond that can only be broken by death, and then a century later Boniface VIII teaches the opposite and changes canon law, because otherwise, Boniface himself would have been antipope… where does this leave us? Would not Innocent’s teaching be infallible as defined at Vatican I?

1:23:00 – Question, If substantial error is a condition for resigning the papacy, would not it also follow that it is a condition for accepting the papacy? If so, and Benedict XVI was in substantial error even before accepting the papacy, would not that mean his acceptance was invalid and ergo he was an antipope?

1:25:00 – George asks Dr. Mazza why Benedict XVI has not put this whole mess to bed by addressing the confusion.

1:31:45 – Question, Bergoglio may not have received permission to accept the papacy from the Jesuit Superior until after his “election,” how could he have accepted without the permission?

1:33:30 – Comment, methinks this is step one of the “papal council.”

1:33:45 – George asks Dr. Mazza what would a Cardinal intervention look like if they stood up and finally called this situation a schism.

1:36:20 – Comment, The person who commented from 1:33:30 added to their comment, saying “democratization of the papacy.”

1:38:40 – Comment, Shia LaBeouf has become Catholic while portraying Padre Pio in an upcoming film. A prayer of thanks for this high-profile witness.

1:39:32 – George comments on modernism and relativism and how Francis is convincing people of new “doctrine,” how people don’t know their faith, and how people don’t know what’s going on.

1:42:50 – Sister Lucy and “diabolical disorientation.”

1:43:30 – Question, Do you think Canon 185 is being misinterpreted? It clearly seems to put forth emeritus as simply a title and not an office in and of itself.

1:44:30 – George talks about Dr. Mazza’s “Pope History” class.

1:46:00 – Transitions to a back-and-forth discussion about Fatima in general, the Miracle of the Sun, Fr. Gruner, and “public prophetic revelation.”

1:48:00 – Comment, “maybe we are supposed to be burning (chastisement).” Transitions into discussion about Our Lady’s message at Akita, about “the living would envy the dead.”Transitions to George talking about the First Five Saturdays.

1:52:30 – Question, “Can we do First Saturdays in a parish location where they are not explicitly recognized during the Mass?” Transitions to discussion regarding the requirements for the First Five Saturdays.

1:57:30 – Question, “What is to argue against a Maccabian-style operation against the Vatican, our church HQ… Is there a reason not to? At this point, what more reason do we need!”

1:58:45 – Question, “To Steel-Man the Argument: What would have to happen, or new evidence would have to emerge, for you to seriously consider that Benedict’s resignation might have been valid and Francis could be pope?”
2:00:00 – Closing statement by George: Encourage and support your priests, they are people to, and need it. Ends with a Hail Mary.

Face In The Dirt Beheading of the Greatest Man Born of Woman


The Beheading of St. John the Baptist (Detail), Caravaggio, ARSH 1608

The Beheading of St. John the Baptist (Detail), Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, ARSH 1608

Our Lord said of John the Baptist “there hath not risen among them that are born of women a greater than John the Baptist.”

John the Baptist, rather than peddle the stone-cold satanic lie that there is something between yes and no, some middle ground between true and false, some compromise between sin and not sin, a limbo between life and death, went face-down in the dirt, hands bound behind his back, as his executioner drove his knee into the small of his back, grabbed him by his hair, pulled his head back, slit his throat, first windpipe, then the jugular vein and carotid artery, and proceeded to saw his head off.

The Freemasons, Sodomites and satanists infesting and attempting to destroy the Church today would condemn John the Baptist as “unmerciful” and “afraid of change”, or of being a “traditionalist ideologue” because he refused to declare that perhaps, in certain circumstances, 2+2 doesn’t ALWAYS equal 4, because to do that, in even the smallest way, denies nothing less than REALITY ITSELF, and John knew that his Cousin was nothing and no one less than REALITY, TRUTH and LOVE Incarnate Himself.

Adultery, fornication and sodomy cannot be both sinful and not sinful at the same time.  Nothing can be one thing AND its opposite at the same time.  These are the foundations of reality itself.

To say that

2+2= 4.0000000000000000000000000000000001
is every bit as false as saying that
2+2 = 8,986,345.

If you come off of 4 IN ANY WAY, you have denied TRUTH, which is to say that you have denied the very existence of God.  And if you do this, if you peddle these lies in the pursuit of worldly power and glory, then the only way “mercy” figures into the discussion is the infinite mercy of God toward the remorseful, contrite, repentant, shriven sinner, because Chabón, you’re gonna need it.

St. John the Baptist, Beheaded, pray for us.

The Third Barnhardt Axiom

Barnhardt Axiom #1: If you can’t stand in front of it and physically defend it with a rifle, then it isn’t really yours, and probably never was.

Barnhardt Axiom #2: The culture has degraded such that seeking and/or holding office, especially national-level office, is, in and of itself, proof that a given person is psychologically and morally unfit to hold public office.

BARNHARDT AXIOM #3: If full-on kinetic World War 3 breaks out, the worst possible outcome for humanity would be that the former-US/Washington DC regime win.

In the style of Paul Harvey, here is “The REST of the Story” about King St. Louis IX…

Over the transom…


The sainted king told me that several people among the Albigenses came to the Count of Montfort, who was then guarding the land of the Albigenses for the king, and asked him to come and look at the body of our Lord, which had become blood and flesh in the hands of the priest. And the Count of Montfort said, “Go and look at it yourselves, you who do not believe it. As for me, I believe it firmly, holding as holy Church teaches of the sacrament of the altar. And do you know what I shall gain,” said the count, “in that during this mortal life I have believed as holy Church teaches? I shall have a crown in the heavens, above the angels, for the angels cannot but believe, inasmuch as they see God face to face.”

He told me that there was once a great disputation between clergy and Jews at the monastery of Cluny. And there was at Cluny a poor knight to whom the abbot gave bread at that place for the love of God; and this knight asked the abbot to suffer him to speak the first words, and they suffered him, not without doubt. So he rose, and leant upon his crutch, and asked that they should bring to him the greatest clerk and most learned master among the Jews; and they did so. Then he asked the Jew a question, which was this: “Master,” said the knight, “I ask you if you believe that the Virgin Mary, who bore God in her body and in her arms, was a virgin mother, and is the mother of God?” And the Jew replied that of all this he believed nothing. Then the knight answered that the Jew had acted like a fool when—neither believing in her, nor loving her—he had yet entered into her monastery and house. “And verily,” said the knight, “you shall pay for it!” Whereupon he lifted his crutch and smote the Jew near the ear, and beat him to the earth. Then the Jews turned to flight, and bore away their master, sore wounded. And so ended the disputation.

The abbot came to the knight and told him he had committed a deed of very great folly. But the knight replied that the abbot had committed a deed of greater folly in gathering people together for such a disputation; for there were a great many good Christians there who, before the disputation came to an end, would have gone away misbelievers through not fully understanding the Jews.

“And I tell you,” said the king, “that no one, unless he be a very learned clerk, should dispute with them; but a layman, when he hears the Christian law mis-said, should not defend the Christian law, unless it be with his sword, and with that he should pierce the mis-sayer in the midriff, so far as the sword will enter.”