Okay, folks. O Come, O Come Emmanuel is the only song anyone is allowed to sing until Christmas Eve Night!
Just kidding. But seriously, this is the penitential season of Advent. Christmas is from December 25th until Candlemas on February 2nd. Don’t lose sight of this!
With each passing year, the motif of desperate pleading for Christ to come grows stronger.
This isn’t the mere “Advent hymn” or “Christmas song” of a dozen years ago (before the Bergoglian Antipapacy), now is it? Not if you’re paying any attention. The notion of ransoming captives and mourning in lonely exile here isn’t external to our experience anymore the way it used to be.
And remember, this song has three simultaneous motifs: The Israel of the Old Covenant, before the Incarnation and Nativity of Our Lord; the New and Eternal Israel that is the Holy Catholic Church, which emerged from the side of Christ Crucified and was formally established at Pentecost, to which Our Eucharistic Lord comes at every Mass; and the Second Coming of Our Lord in Glory at the Consummation of the world and the New Jerusalem.
This song has nothing, and I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the atheist state founded in the Middle East in the late 1940’s, nor does it have ANYTHING to do with the pseudo-religion based on the Talmud that is commonly called “Judaism” today. This song is exclusively about the Catholic Church: seminal and anticipated, extant, and yet to come in fully consummated triumph.
Three versions. Original Latin, Bluegrass and Instrumental. Bluegrass is by definition a mournful, longing sound, and the Cello in the instrumental selection likewise carries the mournful, pleading sound.
The St. Andrew Christmas Novena – which isn’t exactly a novena because it is 25 days long from November 30th through December 24th – begins today, November 30th, the Feast of St. Andrew. It’s a great feast for me, because Andrew is my Confirmation Name. It was a fortuitous choice, as ‘Andrew’ means “manly” and “brave”, “strong” and “courageous” in Greek. I like to think that St. Andrew, being St. Peter’s big brother, would defend Peter in a street fight, which is definitely what defending the Petrine See against the Bergoglian Antipapacy feels like.
I’ve seen and personally received great graces from this beautiful devotion over the years, and strongly recommend it.
St. Andrew, being manly and strong, wants to help you. He wants to intercede for you as he looks upon the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, in the Beatific Vision. You just need to ask him for his help. As we hear in the Gradual of today’s Mass:
The Lord loved Andrew in an odor of sweetness. Alleluia.
Diléxit Andréam Dóminus in odórem suavitátis. Allelúia.
So don’t hesitate to ask St. Andrew to pray for your largest and even seemingly impossible intentions. Big, strong men lift heavy weights. Let St. Andrew help you. And remember, NOTHING is impossible through Christ Our Lord!
Here is the text of the Novena – you say the following prayer fifteen times per day – and break the fifteen up however you would like:
Hail, and blessed be the hour and moment at which the Son of God was born of a most pure Virgin in a stable at midnight in Bethlehem in the piercing cold. At that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee, to hear my prayers and grant my desires. (Mention your intentions here) Through the merits of Our Savior Jesus Christ, and of His most Blessed Mother. Amen.
And here is the fourfold intention of the Matthew 17:20 prayer initiative:
-That Antipope Bergoglio be publicly recognized as an Antipope and removed as such, and that the entire Bergoglian Antipapacy be publicly nullified.
-That Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger be publicly recognized as having been the one and only living Vicar of Christ, uninterrupted, from April ARSH 2005 until his death on December 31, ARSH 2022.
-That Jorge Bergoglio repent, revert to Catholicism, die in a state of grace in the fullness of time, and someday achieve the Beatific Vision.
-For the repose of the soul of Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger
St. Andrew, pray for us.
Our Lady of Copacabana, slayer of the Nachomama demon, pray for us.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and upon your Holy Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.
The Crucifixion of St. Andrew, Mattia Preti, ARSH 1651
In this Barnhardt Podcast episode #212, dedicated to Frank Walker of Canon212.com , Art and Ann discuss the need to be able to quickly identify bad actors trying to fish for gullible targets using obviously fake images, videos and documents. We then discuss how priests, bishops and Cardinals all seem to be operating in fear of being deposed, laicized and/or excommunicated by a man, Antipope Bergoglio, who isn’t even Catholic. Talk about being played by a scammer! Finally, Ann reminds the listenership what exactly is meant by Our Lord’s words in the Holy Gospels, “…and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail.” Prevent defense is every bit as pathetic and contemptible a strategy in the Holy Church as it is in the NFL. Prevent Defense only prevents winning, which Our Lord explicitly guarantees His Church.
The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]
1.) Make pie crust with lard and extra sugar. If you’re really serious, use cold rendered bacon grease. The saltiness of the bacon grease with the sweetness of the sugar is amazing.
2.) Follow the pecan pie recipe on the Karo Syrup bottle. It’s definitive. I use half light and half dark Karo syrup, but either full light or full dark works perfectly well. Make sure your melted butter isn’t boiling hot – it will scramble the eggs! (I made that mistake exactly once.) Yes, corn syrup is unhealthy, but I use it once per year for this pie. “Anything in moderation… including moderation!” 😅
3.) ***Add a shot of amaretto liqueur, like Disaronno*** This is what will have people asking why the pie is so good. The almond scent is heavenly.
4 cups whole pecans 2 cups whole cashews Two-thirds of a stick of salted butter 2 Tablespoons finely chopped fresh rosemary (4 whole sprigs, stem removed) 2 teaspoons thyme (use fresh if you can get it) 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon salt (to taste) 2 Tablespoons honey 3 drops Tabasco (to taste)
Melt the butter in a BIG pot. Add everything except the nuts and cook for 20 seconds. Turn off the heat. Dump the nuts in and stir to coat well. Dump nuts out onto a cookie sheet. Lick the pot, the spatula and anything else that has the herby butter on it. Do NOT proceed until this step has been thoroughly and obsessively completed. Pop cookie sheet in a 350 degree oven with the rack in the top third and bake, stirring twice, being sure not to burn the nuts. But you’re definitely looking for browning.
Serve warm.
Join a twelve step program, remembering that the first step is to admit that you have a problem.
Save unused “Chunky Heroin” in a tin or Tupperware container, or freeze. Re-warm in microwave or by turning briefly in a saucepan.
How have I never seen this until now? What a combination: Alison Krauss and mid-80’s pop!
Here’s Alison Krauss (who can do no wrong, musically) in front of Heart performing “These Dreams”.
You know someone is a good singer when Ann Wilson steps aside to sing backup. Look out. 🤩 (UPDATE: Nancy Wilson actually sang lead vocals on “These Dreams”.)
Enjoy both the cover and the original, and enjoy your time warp back to the spring of ‘86.
I’m crossposting in full this EXCELLENT, succinct and definitive take-down of the Luisa Piccaretta “divine will” satanic porno cult from hell. The original link is below, and you will notice that I have corrected the original writer’s English syntax in a few spots where needed. These citations are all of Piccaretta’s manifold heresies – the pornographic citations of Piccaretta and “jesus” engaging in sexual foreplay are not included. To include the pornographic citations is unnecessary in this context. You will see that Piccaretta’s heresies are so egregious that no further investigation is necessary. What Piccaretta’s pornographic writings do is point back to the base problem: her narcissistic, crazypants satanic heresy.
When you send this content to Piccaretta cultists, watch very carefully the cult behavior: the denial of objective evidence, the ad hominem attacks on anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their cult, etc.
14 June 2019, published by the Monastery of St. Joseph
No! There are real heresies in the writings of Luisa Piccarreta which we will explain.
The first principal heresy is that she clearly violates the Catholic notion of Divine Revelation and the role of private revelation in the Church. She (Luisa) clearly states that what she has received is a new revelation, available solely through her writings. This heresy is held by the Modernists.
The second heresy is called Monothelitism. This heresy was comdemded by the 3rd Council of Constantinople (A.D. 680). This heresy proposed that in Christ there was, in effect, only one will, the Divine Will, and that Christ’s human will was totally absorbed into the Divine. And beyond that, that this could happen with any man’s will. It is impossible for anyone’s will to be absorbed into the Divine Will. And that is exactly what Luisa teaches again and again in her “revelations”. Luisa clearly and repeatedly teaches that when one receives this new ¨Sacrament¨ of the Divine Will the human will ceases to function as such with only the Divine Will remaining in us. I repeat, this did not even happen with Christ. He has two wills, one Divine and one human.
The third heresy is called Quietism. Luisa follows this heresy by teaching interior annihilation, asserting that this is the means of attaining holiness. She is teaching that our free will is not responsabile for our actions once it is placed into the Divine Will.
Additionally, there is a formal condemnation of Luisa’s books:
¨On Wednesday, July 13, 1938, in the General Session of the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, the Most Eminent and Reverend Cardinals concerned with the defense of the faith and good morals, following the previous recommendation of the Reverend Consultors, have CONDEMNED and ordered inserted into the Index of forbidden books the following works written by Luisa Piccarreta and published by others at different times in several places:
1. The watch of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Chist, with a Treatise on the Divine Will
2. In the kingdom of the Divine Will
3. The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
The following Thursday, July 14 of the same month and year, Our Most Holy Father, Pius XI, Pope by Divine Providence, in the usual audience accorded the Most Excellent and Reverend Assessors of the Holy Office, approved the decision of the Most Eminent Cardinals that had been submitted to him, confirmed it, and ordered it published.¨ (Acta Apostolicae Sedis, t.30, August 31, 1938).
1.- Christian faith cannot accept ¨revelations¨ that claim to surpass or correct Revelation which was indeed closed at the death of the last Apostle, St. John the Evangelist.
2.- The teaching given in any private revelation must be submitted to Sacred Scriptures and Tradition in order to prove itself as something considered as Catholic teaching.
3.- Everything we need for our salvation and sanctification to the highest perfection has been given to us by Jesus Christ and the apostles and handed down to us through the Catholic Church.
1. Jesus to Luisa: “I wish to emit the third FIAT, since I cannot contain my love any longer. This will complete the work that poured forth from me. Otherwise, the work of Creation as well as Redemption would remain incomplete.¨ (BH, p 119). Against principle 1,2 and 3.
2. Jesus to Luisa: ¨There will not be either before or after you, any creature for whom I will obligate through necessity assistance of my Ministers.¨
COMMENT: One cannot be obligated through necessity to follow a private revelation. (Princ. 1)
3. Jesus to Luisa: ¨My Mother has supremacy over all the Church. In the same way I have done this with you… everything I reveal to you about my Will: The Goods that it contains and how the creature should enter into it and how the paternal kindness wants to open another era of grace”. (BH p.14)
COMMENT: Luisa is claiming to have received a new ¨deposit¨ of faith which parallels the revelation given to the Apostles. St Thomas teaches the following: “There is a threefold state of mankind; the first was under the Old Law; the second is that of the New Law; the third will take place not in this life, but in Heaven… we are not to look forward to a state wherein man is to possess the grace of the Holy Ghost more perfectly than he has possessed it hitherto.” (Summa I-II, 106).
Against St Thomas there is again Luisa’s ‘revelation’ from “Jesus”: “These revelations regarding my Volition will be as a balm to heal the wounds produced by the human will. Whosoever has the benefit of this knowledge will feel the flow of a new life of light, of grace and strength to fulfill my Will in everything… My daughter, the Kingdom of my Will is invisible. In these writings I have placed superabundant light, grace and attraction to make my kingdom victorious. TO THE EXTENT THAT THESE WRITINGS BECOME KNOWN, they will wage a sweet battle against the human will and will win.” (p.16, BH) (Against principles 1 and 3)
4. Jesus to Luisa: “Even the way I ask you to pray is not found in any other” (p 19, BH).
COMMENT: The Magisterium suffices to answer for us: “Let the understanding, the knowledge, and wisdom of individuals as of all, of one man as of the whole Church, grow and progress strongly with the passage of the ages and the centuries; but let it be solely in its own genus, namely in the same dogma, with the same sense and the same understanding.” (DS 1800).
5. Jesus to Luisa: “The soul that does my Will according to the perfection that I teach you … she will surpass all the other Saints… because by remaining in my Will they act divinely, secretly and in a surpassing way” (BH, p 38).
COMMENT: Besides the heresy of Monotheism and Quietism in this sentence, take heed that Luisa is saying that without this “revelation” the teachings and Sacraments of the Church as they have come to us through Sacred Scriptures and Tradition are inept to bring us to the level of sanctification God desires us to have”. It contradicts also principle #3.
6. “I (Luisa), upon hearing this, said to myself: ‘Soon He will say that His Will is more than Sacramental Communion itself’. Then He immediately added: ‘Right! Right! Because Sacramental Communion lasts a few minutes. It is temporary, My Will, on the other hand, is perennial Communion.” (p.36 BH).
COMMENT: This is completely impossible. Holy Communion cannot be compared to the indwelling of oneself spiritually in God! The Holy Eucharist is God Himself lasting physically for a few minutes in us, whereas in a mystical union of wills with God we always remain OURSELVES united with God through the bounds of charity! It is Monothelitism in all its monstrous size. It is again the voice of the serpent: “You shall be like unto God!” (understood as God as He is in His own essence).
7. Jesus to Luisa: “Ah, I repeat and I confirm to you that my Will is Sacrament and surpasses all the sacraments together in a way that is much more admirable, since it needs no one’s intervention nor anything material. The Sacrament of my Will is formed between my Will and the will of a soul. When both wills melt into each other they form the Sacrament.” (p. 106, BH).
COMMENT: This statement describing the nature of the union between the human and the Divine Will cannot be said even of Christ Himself. To say that His human will was melted into, or was fused with, his Divine Will, is heretical.
8. “When a soul acts in my Will her humanity is, as it were, suspended. Then the Divine Life of my Love takes its place and acts”. (p. 86, BH).
“Thus the soul, until she is buried in my Will and dies completely in It, by disintegrating her volition in Mine” (p. 28. BH).
COMMENTS: It is the heresy of Quietism. Annihilation of ourselves when placed in the hands of God. St Athanasius explains: “The human will following and not resisting or hesitating, but rather always submitting to His Divine and omnipotent Will. For it is necessary that the will of the flesh act, but that it be subject to the divine will”
9. “Jesus said to me (Luisa): ‘My dear one, look at how for the one who lives in my Volition there is no grace that goes forth from my Will toward all the creatures in Heaven or on earth in which he (i.e. the one who lives in the Divine Will) is not the first to take part. This is natural because he who lives in the house of his father abounds in his possessions. And if those on the outside receive anything, it is in virtue of him who lives inside.” (p.25 BH).
COMMENTS: Evidently, to live in the Divine Will is to join Our Lady as Mediatrix of all graces!(??).
10.-After being refused Absolution from her confessor, Luisa nevertheless received Holy Communion (after that refusal). She tells us that Jesus said to her not to worry… “For once a person is relieved of his own human will and given over to my Divine Will, there is no need for priestly absolution, for it is given to you by your loving Jesus”. (BH, Vol. 16. Nov. 5, 1923)
COMMENTS: Excellent example of the heresies of Monothelitism and Quietism. By doing this act of ¨trust¨ you shall be automatically saved without need of practicing your religion at all!!!
Luisa Piccarreta´s Divine Will is more than heresy. It is an entirely new religion that has a blend of Protestantism, Modernism, Buddhism, Monothelitism, and Quietism. These heresies destroy human responsability for one’s actions. This new religion gives the “formula” to become essentially like unto God.
Note 1.- BH = When the Divine Will Reigns in souls, Book of Heaven: A selection of Passages. Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine Will. Jacksonville, FL. 1995.
When I say EVERYTHING is fake and gay, I’m being literal.
Please don’t send me any emails saying how being a faggot who spent his career working for George flipping Soros is totally fine and no problem when Trump’s friends do it. Please. Don’t do that.
“You’re nitpicking and trying to find fault with everything he does!”
Trump is installing a Soros acolyte as Treasury Secretary.
That’s not picking nits. That’s diagnosing late-stage terminal cancer.
You can’t make this crap up. Do we all see now that Trump was clearly PERMITTED to win?
He also just named a massive DeathJab shill as Surgeon General.
I’m reminded of how back in the day, when I followed football in Denver, I was so sickened by the fact that any woman-beating, drug dealing, gang-banger was a “thug” and a “criminal” who should be out of the league when he played for the Raiders, or the Cowboys, but the second he was traded to the Broncos and caught a pass or ran in a touchdown he suddenly became “a good guy who has turned over a new leaf.” So sickening.