Paul Pelosi’s sodomy parter was a California political scene insider, friends with pedophile Sen. Scott Weiner.

Via Twitchy

Count this Twitchy editor not one bit surprised that California State Senator Scott Wiener has been aware of Paul Pelosi’s alleged attacker for a long time. […] LGBTQ activist Wiener wanted to lower penalties for LGBT sex predators and floated a bill “offering Drag Queen 101 as part of the K-12 curriculum.” Age of consent is a big issue with Wiener, who also wanted to lower the age of consent for the COVID-19 vaccine from 18 to 12.

Wiener told KRON4 that he has been aware of assault suspect David DePape “for a long time because he was associated with the public nudity folks in the Castro. It’s a long history with him.”

Q&A: Ann, how can you go to a Mass in which a man you are beyond morally certain is an Antipope is commemorated?

Q:  Ann, how can you go to a Mass in which a man you are beyond morally certain is an Antipope is commemorated at the Te Igitur?

A:  Great question (all of you!)  My answer is, “Easily.”  As in, “daily” easily.

First and foremost, because the Mass is VALID (which it is – don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise), and Our Lord comes down on the altar and the Eucharist is validly confected – ’nuff said: I’m there.  Jesus is there?  Roger.  Give me vectors. I’m on approach.

I have what many moderns, and especially the anti-convert Trad, Inc. contingent disdain as a “Protestant convert thing”, that is, “A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST”.  This does NOT make a “me ‘n’ Jesus to-the-exclusion-of-everyone-else” relationship – quite the opposite.  Just as when friends (or couples courting) meet and each is very desirous of meeting the other’s friends, such is the case with Our Lord.  But at the peak and center of this dynamic is OUR LORD, NOT THE CLIQUE.  For now, I have a wonderful Tridentine Mass available to me daily, and as a backup, I have a Sunday Divine Liturgy at a Ukie Catholic parish also within easy walking distance.  The only problem is the commemoration of the Antipope – but, let me explain my position on that.

I do not hate or think evil the priests who commemorate Antipope Bergoglio, nor the faithful who assist at those Masses.  I do not think that they are heretics or schismatics or “crazy”.  I think that they are mistaken, and ignorant of the facts in evidence, and IF they are aware of my writings and video on the subject (which I don’t know – I do not discuss these things with them – I talk to my parish priests but rarely, mostly to protect them, and I go to confession elsewhere), then I assume, in charity, that they are scared shitless, and also observing any obedience that they are under.  

At the Te Igitur of a Mass in which Bergoglio is mistakenly commemorated, consider asking Our Lord to give you any temporal punishment, if any, that your priest might be incurring by mistakenly commemorating an Antipope at the Te Igitur, as I started doing several years ago, in imitation of Our Lord in the Garden. “Oddly”, doing this makes assisting at Mass even more awesome and profitable, and enflames tremendous compassion toward priests today, so many of whom are frightened, confused and internally conflicted by the Bergoglian Antipapacy.

I used to be a commodity broker, but I think that now looking back, it is clear that my true vocation is that of a teacher.  But the role of a teacher can manifest in many ways and formats.  One of the things that makes a person a truly good and effective teacher is EMPATHY (fruit of the Second Joyful Mystery, The Visitation, FRATERNAL Charity, Love of Neighbor).  A good teacher must be able to put themselves in the shoes of their students – to be able to remember what it was like to NOT HAVE the information being presented, to be able to understand MISUNDERSTANDINGS, and to anticipate questions.

Being not just able to do this, but KEENLY able to do this, I can TOTALLY understand why almost everyone initially simply took the word of the College of Cardinals.  It’s an understandable mistake to have made. I myself didn’t reach public moral certainty on the fact that Bergoglio was an Antipope and Pope Benedict had never validly resigned until June of ARSH 2016, over three years into the Antipapacy.

Something that has lingered in my mind since I was a child was this question: Had you (Ann) been alive when Our Lord walked the earth, had you (Ann) been one of the Women of Jerusalem, WOULD YOU (ANN) HAVE RECOGNIZED OUR LORD, or would you (Ann) have gone along with the Sanhedrin and the people and condemned Our Lord as just another paranoid schizophrenic with delusions of divinity?

Folks, the answer to that question makes me tremble.  TREMBLE. This has gnawed at me since WAY before Antipope Bergoglio, and WAY before even entering the Church.

I have people that email me regularly that are paranoid schizophrenics that claim visions of God, being a demiurge, or of being god himself.  I have a VERY sensitive bee-ess detector.  I think James Randi is a national treasure.  I am, by nature, a skeptic.

Would I have been in the mob screaming, “CRUCIFY HIM!!!!!” ??????????????

Here’s what I do know, and I am admittedly moved to tears as I type this:

Every day at Mass, even though Bergoglio is commemorated at the Te Igitur, when the Chalice is consecrated, and the priest elevates the Precious Blood, I bow my head and say EXACTLY what the Jews in Pontius Pilate’s courtyard screamed: “Let His Blood be upon us, and upon our children!”

And so, I have spent many, many hours in prayer before Our Lord in the Tabernacle, more often than not with the Rosary in my hand, thinking about THESE DAYS, and applying the lessons of the Gospel, specifically what people who were eyewitnesses to Our Lord’s earthly ministry nearly 2000 years ago went through.  How did Joseph of Arimathea do it?  How did Nicodemus do it?  How did Claudia Procles, Pontius Pilate’s wife, do it? Could I possibly, possibly, ever be able to do the same?  Or would I take one look at Our Lord and blow Him and His Gospel off just as I blow off the actually mentally ill people who land in my email box every day?  Or the fools passed off as “saviors” in the mainstream culture? Would Our Lord’s miracles HAVE BEEN ENOUGH FOR ME?

Again, I tremble at the thought.

I go back to Our Lord’s words to the disciples of John the Baptist who came specifically to ask Him, “Are You the Messiah?”  “And answering, He said to them: Go and relate to John what you have heard and seen: the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are made clean, the deaf hear, the dead rise again, to the poor the gospel is preached: And blessed is he whosoever shall not be scandalized in Me.”  

And again in the Good Shepherd Discourse: “Amen, amen I say to you: He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.  To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he hath let out his own sheep, he goeth before them: and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice. But a stranger they follow not, but fly from him, because they know not the voice of strangers.”

I AM the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd giveth his life for His sheep.  But the hireling, and he that is not The Shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and flieth: and the wolf catcheth, and scattereth the sheep:  And the hireling flieth, because he is a hireling: and he hath no care for the sheep.  I AM the Good Shepherd; and I know mine, and mine know Me.  As the Father knoweth Me, and I know the Father: and I lay down my life for My sheep. And other sheep I have, that are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice, and there shall be one fold and One Shepherd.”

The key concept here is the discernment of the voice, and we know that this is at least to some degree an INDIVIDUAL discernment from Our Lord’s words “BY NAME”.  This is in no way a “dogmatic demand” that the sheep appeal only to “authority”.  It is EXACTLY the opposite.  It is a warning AGAINST mindlessly appealing to “authority”, and also to “the mob” as sheep are very, very wont to do.  There are sheep who will be abandoned and/or deceived by the faithless hirelings and in their paralysis will be easy prey for the wolves.  But the sheep that the Good Shepherd CALLS BY NAME, will be able, because they know His Voice, to discern, and will be able to move proactively AGAINST the rest of the flock, AGAINST the commands of the faithless hirelings and the wolves, and will be able to always see and know the Good Shepherd, and follow only Him. Because when you have a “personal relationship” with Someone, you know the sound of His Voice.

So.  Do I hate the other sheep that are walking toward the Voice of the Stranger? No.  Of course not.  And neither does Our Lord.  What I am doing, and will continue to do, is walk toward the Good Shepherd, while BAAAA-ING over my shoulder all the way to my flock mates, and even in an attempt to notify the hirelings.  Often, shepherds are notified of the approach of a wolf, or any danger, BY THE SHEEP THEMSELVES. BAA! BAAAA! BAAAAAAA! Or, maybe I’m just blessed enough to be an Akbash Sheepdog bitch, a noble beast that the shepherd uses to help keep an eye out for wolves, and to alert and protect the sheep.  Maybe I am called, like the Akbash Sheepdog to CHARGE INTO THE WOLFPACK and help get as many sheep away from danger as possible.

If a damn dog can understand that the oblivious, mistaken and/or deceived sheep are not the enemy, and charge the enemy to defend them, how could I not do the same?  Do I not have superior capacities of discernment, and do I not have the capacity for empathy? Would a DOG demand that his human superiors act to defend the sheepfold before he, the DOG, acted?  And if his masters turned out to be “faithless hirelings”, would a DOG walk off in some sort of effeminate protest? Would a DOG engage in an erroneous calculus of Consequentialism or Proportionalism?

The oblivious, mistaken and/or deceived sheep are not the enemy – they are the victims.  Even if they are priests.  Or bishops.  Or Cardinals.  And so we work to help them perhaps see the objective evidence, the law, and then to themselves discern the Voice of the Shepherd and run towards Him.  And, if they don’t see, maybe that means that I am not doing ENOUGH.  I should BARK LOUDER.

The only way this will happen is by staying CLOSE to Our Eucharistic Lord, the Good Shepherd, MOST ESPECIALLY in these darkest of days, which may well be the run-up the the Big Show.

For the record, for any and all, and to whom it may concern:


If there is any part of “VALIDLY OFFERED”, “IMPRISONMENT” or “DEATH” that you don’t understand, then… woof?

I hope this answers the question, and helps.

St. Vincent Ferrer, pray for us.
St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us.

Our Lady of Copacabana, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Make sure everyone knows: Paul Pelosi is a sodomite, and the “attack” was a consensual Grindr date he set up with a known schizophrenic gay hustler.

Remember when Paul Pelosi was pulled over for DUI a few months back? What the press covered up was the fact that he had a young lad in the car with him. And not for “mentoring”.

I cannot emphasize enough how thoroughly evil, depraved and sexually perverted the oligarchy is. Most of the ruling class has merited execution SOLELY for their crimes against nature for years.

And what we then realize is that it is our own slothful and effeminate fault for NOT meting out justice, per Romans Chapter 1, and allowing these people to not just survive, but thrive, that is at the root of all of this.

We must return to Natural, Divine and Canon Law if we expect to turn this around barring supernatural intervention. We must become legal positivists in the sense that we simply enforce the law as it already exists, and restore the anti-sodomy laws with full enforcement. Nothing less. Let me be clear: any nation WITHOUT anti-sodomy laws in force and enforced is doomed. It’s the same dynamic as women’s suffrage – it’s a civilizational deal-breaker.

Sordid rundown on Paul Pelosi HERE.

And, as a reminder of how Christian men should roll:

Repost by request: The Standard of Schism is Unity With the Pope, NOT Unity With the Majority

When discussing the Bergoglian Antipapacy, one of the arguments one hears frequently from the Bergoglian apologists and the #FrancisIsDefinitelyPope contingent in an effort to quash the discussion itself is, “What difference does it make?”  This is generally followed by accusations of “insanity”.

Well, who is and who is not the Pope is of gargantuan importance because unity with the Pope is the defining standard of Schism.  Here is Canon 751:

“CANON 751: Schism is the withdrawal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or from communion with the members of the Church subject to him.”

Note that the horizontal unity with others is defined in terms of the Pope as well – “members of the Church subject to HIM.”

The Petrine See is THE STANDARD of unity/schism with Jesus Christ and His One Holy Church.  Therefore, it is clearly LOGICALLY NECESSARY that the Petrine See be specially and uniquely supernaturally attached – let’s use the imagery of welding here – to the Church Triumphant, and thus to the Triune Godhead Himself.

The Holy Ghost “welds” the Petrine Office to Himself, and the filler metal used in the weld is nothing less than the Word of Our Lord in the Petrine Promise: And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”  “But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and thou, being once converted, confirm thy brethren.”

“So shall my Word be, which shall go forth from My mouth: it shall not return to me void, but it shall do whatsoever I please, and shall prosper in the things for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55: 11.

So, the Holy Ghost, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, by the Word of the Son, attaches and binds the Petrine Office to Himself such that unity with Peter is the standard of unity with the Triune Godhead Himself in the Church Militant.  Whether a human being alive on earth is “in” or “out” is a function NOT of horizontal unity with other people in and of themselves, but of unity with Peter and his See, which is the VISIBLE head of the Church Militant.

Let’s build an image of this using our welding metaphor so that we can better understand what schism is.  God is infinitely “big”, so there is nothing in the universe that can be an adequate metaphorical representation of Him, but the device that pops into my mind is a monolith – a rectangular prism.  Let’s envision God for the purposes of this exercise as a solid metal monolith whose width is equal to that of our galaxy, and whose height is double that.  So… big. 600,000,000,000,000,000 (six hundred quadrillion) miles wide, and 1,200,000,000,000,000,000 (one point two quintillion) miles tall.

Now let’s build an image of us – human beings.  Let’s say that each human being, including the Pope, is represented by a single atom of iron.  1.3 billion atoms of iron together would form a particle so small as to be invisible to the human eye.  Consider that each cell in your body, visible only under a microscope, contains approximately 100 trillion atoms.  We’re talking only 1.3 billion atoms.

Now, let’s consider the single atom that is the Pope.  Let’s envision that one atom being “welded” by God Himself onto Himself – the Monolith whose dimensions are 2 Milky Way galaxies tall by 1 Milky Way galaxy wide. The other 1.3 billion atoms all gather around the one atom that has been welded to the Monolith, but the 1.3 billion atoms are NOT welded to the monolith and are free to drift away.  Only the Pope atom is welded to the Monolith by the Petrine Promise.

You now have an allegorical image of the Church Militant (the 1.3 billion atoms), the Papacy (the Pope atom welded to the Monolith by the Petrine Promise), and the Triune Godhead (the Monolith). In order for the 1.3 billion atoms to be in unity with the Monolith, and KNOW that they are in unity with the Monolith, which is so big relative to them that they can’t directly perceive it, they have to be in unity with the one Pope atom, which is visibly perceptible to them, which they know in turn is welded to the Monolith.

Now, what if the Pope atom is threatened, and/or despairs, and mistakenly declares that he is going to partially quit, and that there will now be other atoms welded to the Monolith at the same time?

Does the Monolith break the weld? No.

Does the Monolith weld another atom to itself so that there are now TWO atoms welded?  No.

But among the 1.3 billion atoms, almost all mistakenly declare themselves in unity with one atom who is NOT welded to the Monolith, and thus start drifting out into space, farther and farther from the Monolith.  All of the 1.3 billion atoms, save a few hundred, drift away from the Monolith following and declaring themselves in union with the unwelded atom.

Canon Law, and specifically in this case Canon 188, is part of the weld.  To carry on our imperfect analogy, and if you know anything about welding, you might think of Canon Law as being like the Flux, that PROTECTS the weld.  Canon 188 protects the Pope and the Church Militant by making coercion impossible (because the very act of trying to coerce a Pope to resign renders any attempted resignation invalid), makes it impossible for the Pope’s own substantial error (such as declaring that he only partially resigned and that he fundamentally transformed the Papacy into a collegial, synodal office) to break the weld, and even makes it impossible for a Pope to lose his office by accepting a bribe (simony) thus making it impossible to bribe a Pope out of office.

These protections of the “weld” of the Pope to the Petrine Office and thus the Monolith are derivative of the Natural and Divine Law, and thus even the Pope, the Supreme Lawgiver amongst the Church Militant, is subject to them.

Now here is the question: Who is in schism?  Are the few hundred atoms still huddled around the inactive yet still-welded-to-the-Monolith Pope atom in schism?  Or are the 1.3 billion atoms  trailing off en masse after some demon-worshipping sodo-mason Antipope in a white polyester cassock in schism?

Obviously the 1.3 billion atoms are in schism, EVEN THOUGH TO THEIR PERCEPTION THEY HAVE CREATED THEIR OWN MONOLITH.  The standard of schism is NOT unity with the majority or mob.  The standard of schism is unity with the Monolith through unity with the Pope atom that is welded to the Monolith, by the Monolith.  So even though there are only a few hundred atoms left huddled around the Pope atom, who has quit the active ministry but remains welded to the Monolith whether he likes it or not, and despite the fact that 1.3 billion other atoms have drifted away and huddled around an atom who claims to be a Pope atom, and are accusing the few hundred atoms still huddled around the silent Pope atom, still welded to the Monolith, the 1.3 billion atoms are in schism from the few hundred.  NOT the other way around.

You are in schism with us!  We are 1.3 billion! We have the numbers! What do you have, you pathetic few hundred fools!”

”We have the Monolith.”

Shut up! You’re INSANE!”

I have gone through this metaphorical exercise because I get the strong sense that MANY people out there are thinking about schism in terms of human numbers, or even in terms of control of real estate, and not in terms of Truth, which is to say GOD.  I think that the default assumption is that the smaller numbered group is, by definition, in schism from the bigger numbered group.  This is false.  It is using the wrong standard.  The standard is TRUTH. Numbers are irrelevant, because TRUTH is an INFINITE BEING.  For a culture that has revolved around and defined itself by democracy (cough, Americanism, cough) as the post-Christian west has, the notion of there being anything above the will of the majority is “abhorrent”.

This is why the TRUTH of who the Pope is and is not is so incredibly important, and can’t be blown off with cries of “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

In the big video presentation I went through a list of interesting manifestations by Bergoglio that imply that he is not the Pope, including:

-Referring to himself as “the Bishop of Rome”
-Refusing to wear the Mozzetta and other Papal garb
-Refusing to live in the Apostolic Palace or use Castel Gandolfo
-Waving, not blessing
-Retaining his Argentine citizenship and passport, even though the Pope is the Sovereign Monarch of the Vatican City State
Refusing to answer the Dubia

To this we should add this quote from Antipope Bergoglio in ARSH 2016:

It is not to be excluded that I will enter history as the one who split the Catholic Church.”

This is another example of the Divine Providence working such that even the wicked and the malefactors STILL can’t help but proclaim the truth.

I think it is absolutely true that Antipope Bergoglio will go down in history as the man who schismed The Church.  But here is what we have to remember:


The Pope is welded to the Church by the Holy Ghost by the words of the Petrine Promise.  A valid Pope cannot cause schism, because he can’t schism from himself. As Sister Lucia put it, “Where Peter is, there is The Church… he who is not with the Pope is not with God, and who desires to be with God must be with the Pope.”

So, for Bergoglio to say that he could go down in history as the man who schismed the Church is an unwitting admission on his part that he is NOT the visible standard of unity, and that he is ontologically capable of doing that which is impossible for any real, valid Pope to do – schism the Church.

Therefore, who the Pope is, is of the highest, gravest importance and CANNOT be ignored, swept under the rug, or effeminately kicked down the road “for future generations to figure out.”

Further, appeals to the “numerical strength” of factions is laughable when one fully understands and acknowledges that God is infinite, and only He is the standard of Truth.

Metaphysics is not a democracy. Logic is not a democracy.

The Monolith laughs at the self-referential atoms as they chant to themselves, “Le Monolithe, c’est nous!”

I hope this helps.

St. Athanasius, pray for us.
St. Eusebius, pray for us.

And since we have been talking about monoliths, here is the Monolith Theme Song, “Also Sprach Zarathustra” by Strauss.

Repost by request: Let’s Play… “WHAT A DIFFERENCE TEN YEARS MAKES!”

(If you were there, you know… 😉 -AB)

As we all sit here over nine years after the invalid attempted resignation of Pope Benedict and the usurpation of the Petrine See and Antipapacy of Jorge Bergoglio, I thought it might be helpful to play a little game in which we compare Trad Inc. partisans ten years ago versus today.  Ten years ago is in GREEN.  Today is in RED.  Let’s get started and see how many 180 degree flips we can easily identify.

Does the Pope have to be Catholic?

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO:  Of course the Pope has to be Catholic!  Isn’t that obvious? That’s the dumbest question I’ve ever heard!  What in the world are you thinking?

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY:  Of course not! Isn’t that obvious? That’s the dumbest question I’ve ever heard! What in the world are you thinking? You’re crazy!

Vector shift: 180 degrees.

Can the Pope be an Apostate?

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO:  Of course the Pope can’t be an apostate!  That’s completely irrational. What is wrong with you?

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY:  Of course the Pope can totally be an apostate! What is wrong with you? You’re crazy!

Vector shift: 180 degrees.

Is the Papacy important?

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO:  Of course the Papacy is important! The Petrine See is the rock upon which Christ built and sustains the Church Militant.  The Pope is THE PRINCIPAL OF UNITY and thus Visible Head of the Church on earth. The Pope is the Vicar of Christ on earth.

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY:  No!  The Papacy is nearly irrelevant and always has been.  We have just now figured this out.  If you think the Papacy is anything other than a meaningless figurehead position, you’re crazy!

Vector shift: 180 degrees.

Is it a sin to believe that the Pope is an absolute monarch and is the beneficiary of a supernatural negative protection per the words of Jesus Christ in the Gospels?

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO:  Of course that isn’t a sin!  In fact, it is a non-negotiable infallibly declared Dogma of Catholicism!

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY:  Yes!  If you believe that the Pope is an absolute monarch and has supernatural negative protection, you are guilty of the grave mortal sin of Idolatry – the First Commandment.  We call it “papolatry”.  The entire Church Militant has been guilty of papolatry for the past 2000 years – every saint, every doctor of the Church.  They were all, every one, idolators. And crazy.

Vector shift: 180 degrees.

Is the Pope the Principal of Unity and thus the standard of schism?



Vector shift: 180 degrees.

Can objective truth be known in real time? Can the identity of the current Vicar of Christ on Earth be known in the present?


TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY:  No. Truth can only be known in retrospect.  It is impossible to know who the Vicar of Christ is in the present.  There is absolutely nothing anyone can do in real time to make any determination. To think that the truth is knowable in the present is crazy!

Vector shift: 180 degrees.

Was Vatican I wrong?

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO:  Of course not.  Vatican I was an ecumenical council which declared Dogma infallibly.


Vector shift: 180 degrees.

Do you believe that satan, working through Freemasonry and global Communism is at war with and trying to destroy the Catholic Church by attacking the Papacy?


TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY:  Shut up, stupid crazy conspiracy theorist!! That’s CRAZY!

Vector shift: 180 degrees.

Is the lexicon of Canon Law precise or ambiguous?

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO:   The lexicon of Canon Law is extremely precise, which is why people study and get advanced degrees in order to be canon lawyers. Words have meaning, especially in the realm of Canon Law.

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY:  No.  The words of Canon Law can mean whatever anyone wants them to mean.  It’s all very loose and casual. Canon Law is extremely metonymic.

Vector shift: 180 degrees.

Is it sedevacantism to believe that the See of Peter is currently occupied?

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO:   Um, no.  That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.  Sedevacantism is to believe that the See is VACANT.  Believing that the See is occupied is the diametrical opposite of sedevacantism.

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY:  Yes!  Anyone who believes that the Petrine See is occupied by Pope Benedict is a sedevacantist!  It’s exactly the same thing!

Vector shift: 180 degrees.

Can the College of Cardinals sh*tcan the Law by popular opinion and sanate illegal acts by consensus?

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO:   Absolutely not.  That is madness.

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY:  Yes, they absolutely can. The College of Cardinals trumps Natural, Divine and Canon Law, trumps the Pope, and trumps God Himself. It’s a dogmatic fact!

Vector shift: 180 degrees.

Can a man be simultaneously the Pope, and NOT be the Pope?

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO:   Of course not.  That is a textbook violation of the Law of Non-contradiction.

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TODAY:  Yes, a man can be the Pope right now today, and simultaneously NOT be the Pope by virtue of a hypothetical ex post facto declaration at some point in the future.  Ontological states of being are changeable.  Reality is unstable, and the past timeline can be altered.  The Law of Non-contradiction is false (but also true at the same time.)

Vector shift: 180 degrees.

Is Jesus Christ an oath-breaking liar?

TRAD INC. PARTISANS TEN YEARS AGO:   Of course not.  Jesus Christ is God, who neither deceives nor can be deceived, and is Himself perfect Fidelity.


Vector shift: 180 degrees.

I hope this helps.

Fast and pray for Pope Benedict, the one and only living Pope whether he likes it or not, the Papacy, and Holy Mother Church in terrifyingly visible eclipse, outside of which there is no salvation.


Two-Thirds, One-Third: Words of Terror and Hope

And there shall be in all the earth, saith the Lord, two parts in it shall be scattered, and shall perish: but the third part shall be left therein.

Et erunt in omni terra, dicit Dominus : partes duae in ea dispergentur, et deficient : et tertia pars relinquetur in ea.

And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined: and I will try them as gold is tried. They shall call on my name, and I will hear them. I will say: Thou art my people: and they shall say: The Lord is my God.

Et ducam tertiam partem per ignem, et uram eos sicut uritur argentum, et probabo eos sicut probatur aurum. Ipse vocabit nomen meum, et ego exaudiam eum. Dicam : Populus meus es : et ipse dicet : Dominus Deus meus.

Zecheriah 13: 8-9

I assume that the figures for Israel shown below are very comparable to North America and Europe. Two-thirds poisoned.

Annual Tradition: Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown?

Every year I am surprised and humbled by how many greetings and good wishes come in – you all MUST have marked the date in your Outlook or whatever Contacts/email platform you use and get an automatic notification?  At any rate, thank you so very, very much for the kind remembrances and prayers as solar lap 46 is completed.

I am now in my LATE forties, thank you very much. Which means: NO MORE MESSING AROUND! LET’S GOOOO!!!

Let us keep the annual tradition, begun nineteen(!!!) years ago now, just a matter of a few weeks after I launched as a website to post my morning and afternoon cattle and grain market comments, of posting one of my favorite bluegrass songs performed by the Cox Family featuring Alison Krauss, “Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown?”  

Saints Simon & Jude, on your vigil, pray for us!

I am thinking today of that beautiful land
We shall reach when the sun goeth down
When through wonderful grace by my Saviour I stand
Will there be any stars in my crown?
Will there be any stars, any stars in my crown
When at evening the sun goeth down?
When I wake with the blest in those mansions of rest
Will there be any stars in my crown?
In the strength of the Lord let me labor and pray
Let me watch as a winner of souls

That bright stars may be mine in that glorious day
When His praise like the sea billow rolls.
Oh, what joy it will be when His face I behold
Living gems at His feet to lay down
It would sweeten my bliss in the city of gold
Should there be any stars in my crown.