MOAR Barnhardt Monetary Theory! Be Fruitful and Multiply!

First: There can be no hope of a sound rebuilding unless and until people understand what money actually is.  As I covered in Parts One and Two of my Economics Presentation on YouTube, MONEY is a FUNGIBLE PROXY for man’s ability to labor, produce and create THROUGH TIME.  Money isn’t gold.  Money isn’t pieces of paper.  Money isn’t zeroes and ones on a computer server.  Money is human life and effort manifested in an agreed-upon form which is used as a convenient medium of exchange.  This is why, for example, when Jon Corzine swept the MFGlobal accounts, one trader at the Chicago Merc (now housed in the Board of Trade building), who kept the majority of his wealth in his MFGlobal account, precisely because it was, according to the Rule of Law, the safest place to store wealth, walked up to one of my order clerk clerk buddies during the first week of November of ARSH 2011, weeping, and said to him, “It’s all gone.  All those years of work … its all gone.”  Note the units.  YEARS OF WORK.  Not dollars, but “YEARS OF MY LIFE”.  Yep.

Let’s say I have a friend to whom I loan some of my money in the form of cash.  Let’s also say that this friend, after years of study and hard work, has acquired a skill set that I would like to learn – let’s say welding.  There are two ways that my friend can repay his debt to me.  The first is for him to repay me in cash money – which is actually a DERIVATIVE.  The second, and PUREST FORM is to repay me in his TIME and SKILL, which is the true underlying entity.

Okay, so we would now have two choices of the form of repayment if we decide that he will repay me in his time and skill.  First, we set an HOURLY RATE, because humans live their lives passing through time, and thus TIME is the baseline unit.  Let’s say $20 per hour is the rate for tutelage in the skill set of welding.  After every one hour lesson, I can reach into my wallet and hand him a $20 bill, which he would then hand immediately back to me, and I would then reduce the balance on his loan in my ledger by $20.  OR, he could take every $20 bill I hand him over the weeks and months of welding tutelage, put it in an envelope marked “Ann”, and when he had the full balance of the loan saved up, hand me the envelope, and then I would close out the ledger as “paid in full”.  THIS is how most people think they MUST do business.  Since people wrongly think that money is the pure commodity itself, and NOT a mere derivative proxy, they insist that this “You hand me a $20 bill and I hand it back to you” maneuver is necessary.  But it isn’t.  In fact, it is silly.  The SIMPLEST way to repay this debt is for me to simply strike $20 from the loan balance for every hour of tutelage, with no further exchange of cash.  In fact, once the hourly rate for the tutoring has been set, the debt COULD be recorded not in dollars, but in HOURS OF HIS LIFE.

This is why Marxism is so evil, and why the Seventh Commandment (Thou shalt not steal) exists.  Forcibly confiscating the property of one person unjustly and giving it unjustly to another person is an act of violence and degradation – utterly denying and disregarding the humanity of the one (the “rich”), presumably in favor of the other (the “poor”).  When this is done in the name of “charity” or “compassion”, it is, in a way, even more evil.  Hey, at least with Jon Corzine we all know where we stand.  Corzine and the other oligarchs feel free to steal other people’s property because they have no respect whatsoever for other human beings.  When religious leaders falsely paint property confiscation and redistribution as “CHARITY”, which is, remember, a constitutive quality of God, namely the joy at the very existence of another – NOT the indifference to the life and existence of the other to which the denial of property rights is an obvious corollary – this is perhaps even more damaging to society.  It is nothing less than calling good, evil and evil, good.   

Not surprisingly, the Antipope doesn’t seem to have even the faintest understanding of this – or he does and is evil, which seems ever more likely.  He seems to believe that money is MERE paper, MERE zeroes and ones, with no connection whatsoever to actual human beings, and seems to have not the slightest understanding that it is the FREE GIVING of one’s money or property, which is simply a derivative proxy for one’s human capacity to labor, produce or create THROUGH TIME, that is charity, not being gang-raped by oligarchs spewing platitudes about “the poor”.  And don’t even get me started on his seeming failure to comprehend that government debt monetization is the forcible confiscation of wealth from not just the contemporary non-oligarch class, but also from human beings who do not yet exist, and are thus utterly helpless.  

If nobody even understands what money is, how can we possibly hope to rebuild the economy, banking system and financial markets into something other than yet another iteration of the satanic maw of iniquity and villainy that we are now witnessing the implosion of?  “Same song, second verse” is NOT a satisfactory goal.  Not even close.  Either do it right, or lay down, shut up and stay out of the way so that better men than you can at least have a clean slate from which to start.  Harsh?  Yep.  But true.  So deal.

More Barnhardt Monetary Theory: The Magi Didn’t Bring Baby Jesus Gold Because Schlomo Gave Them a Good Price….

Money is a representative proxy for man’s ability to reason, labor, produce and create.

Money therefore is a fungible representation of human life.

Personal property is also a proxy for human capacity. Humans exchange their labor and productivity either for direct payment with other commodities, or, most commonly, for money, which they then turn into either consumable commodities OR personal property.

This is why the coveting and/or stealing of another person’s personal property and/or money is specifically prohibited in Seventh and Tenth Commandments. If you steal a man’s property or money, you are stealing the part of his life, labor and capacity that the property or money represents. If you covet another man’s property, you are begrudging him the right to be compensated for his labor and/or creativity, and thus his sovereignty and human dignity.

Money and property are therefore interchangeable concepts.

If a person purchases a tract of land and agrees to let it to a tenant for a year, the landowner is paid for the TIME VALUE of the productivity of the land for the year in which the tenant has possession and use of the land, and the landowner necessarily surrendered by virtue of the lease.

Money has time value just as the land has time value. If a man lends another man money for a year, which is simply a different, more fungible form of property, upon returning the money to the lender after one year of possessing and using the money and reaping the productivity of the money, why shouldn’t the lender be paid a fair rent on the money in exactly the same way that a landowner is paid a fair rent on his land?

To deny interest on money, which is a proxy for human capacity and productivity, is to deny that human life has any time value. To deny that human life has any time value is to deny that human life has any value at all, since all human life exists traversing through time at the precise rate of one second per second. Hence, wages are paid as a function of TIME, per hour, per month or per year.

Now that we have that pinned down, we can move to the question of fractional reserve banking and the creation of money in the banking system. Many anti-interest people argue that money should not be created and that the money supply should remain static. This is false. In a healthy, Godly society, people reproduce in excess of the replacement rate and the population increases. As the population increases, so does the human capacity to reason, produce labor and create as a function of time.

A population of 10,000 people has more productive and creative human capacity than a population of 2500 people. If the money supply remained static as a population grew from 2500 people to 10,000 people, the same number of dollars (or whatever unit) would have to represent the larger pool of creative and productive capacity. Therefore, each dollar would serve as a proxy unit of exchange for more and more human capacity. Thus, the dollar would be worth more and more with the passage of time and the resulting multiplicative increase in the population. And remember, a multiplying population is a good, good thing. See Genesis 1:28.

When a currency increases in value per unit, this is called DEFLATION. Persistent deflation is bad because it stifles investment and growth. If you know that your dollars will be worth more tomorrow than they are today, and worth more next month than this month, and worth more next year than this year, you will be incentivized to hold your dollars and not invest, or even spend. This will eventually strangle an economy to death.

In order to have a truly stable economic and monetary system, the money supply must grow in proportion to the population. Since human beings are themselves the “gold”, or the “wealth” of a nation, as the population multiplies, so too must the amount of money in order to keep the buying power of that money stable.

The smoothest way to accomplish this is via the fractional reserve banking system, with
A.) significant, strictly enforced reserve requirements,
B.) “One Dollar of Capital” daily marking-to-the market of bank assets with full dollar-for-dollar backing of any shortfall or of any unsecured loans by bank owners and investors
C.) the total, complete elimination of branch banking and bank holding companies (Yay!)

The alternative method of controlling money supply would be a central bank, and I think we can all agree that that little experiment has been tried, failed miserably, and proven that Central Banks are nothing more than a cesspool of scoundrels and aspiring tyrants.

I’ll leave it to others to discuss such in-depth topics as the use of reserve requirement adjustments to fine-tune the money supply, and to navigate the natural, normal, albeit less pronounced cycle of economic expansion and contraction that is organic and intrinsic to ANY economy.

Banking requires the charging of interest in order to cover the intrinsic default risk. Defaults WILL happen in lending. This is one of the main components of a bank’s cost structure. This cost MUST be covered, or else banking is, by mathematical definition, impossible. Any argument to the contrary is thus irrational, and then we’re done talking.

Bank depositors, as the primary source of loan funds, are also entitled to compensation for the time value of their money, as discussed above.

Finally, interest is also necessary because money DOES erode whenever the economy is in a period of expansion, which is inevitable as healthy economies operate in a pseudo-respiration cycle of inhaling (expansion) and exhaling (contraction). The net, over time, is GOOD HEALTH, GROWTH and THRIVING – just as with an individual person. Thus interest rates would modestly increase in periods of expansion, thus keeping growth from exceeding the natural growth in the population, and conversely interest rates would fall during contraction, thus preventing a strangling deflation.

Caritas (charity/love) PROCEEDS FROM The Logos. Logic and reason (of which mathematics is a subset) have primacy over charity. Deny that, and you deny the Trinity.

But what do I know. I’m just a mindless Catholic woman who checks her brain at the door when I put on my second-class citizen chapel veil of misogynistic, slackjawed submission. Oh, and also a CONVERT!! </Eyeroll>

Concluding aside: Now do you understand why the Magi brought GOLD as a gift to the Baby Jesus? The Gold wasn’t just a crass gift of jewelry or coinage. The gold represented the gift of mankind offering his capacity to labor, produce, reason and create BACK to the King of Kings, God Himself, who is the Source of all life and creation, the Driver of all human capacity, and Who is Reason Itself.

Adoration of the Magi, detail, Gentile da Fabriano, ARSH 1423, Uffizi Gallery

Repost by Necessity: WE ARE THE GOLD.

Originally penned and posted on February 29, ARSH 2012.  The next day Western Rifle Shooters Association reprinted it in full (everyone has full reprint permission – I’m not writing this stuff to exercise my fingers, I’m writing it to be read), and the following comment showed up on the WRSA thread.  I found it quite humbling.  Given the events of the past decade – remember how bad we thought things were ten years ago today, and how naive it turns out that we were? –  the commenter’s words now carry even more weight. Hopefully it encourages folks to read this piece, despite its length. -AB ’22

“Part 3 of 3 is the most profound insight on why we are where we are in this allegedly Representative Republic that I have encountered in 40 years of deep reading on history and economics. In this day of shallow education and shortened attention spans, I never expected to come across anything like the profound insight and clarity she put forth here. I submit that the above paragraphs are nothing less than the Unified Field Theory of Western Civilization. One of the Founding Fathers said that the system of government they had put together would only work for ‘a moral and religious people. They will utterly fail for any other’. In a few paragraphs, Ann just explained to us why that is so. Yes, it’s depressing, and the successfully and designed outcome of an amoral state education system. Well done Ann.  -Trivium Pursuit”



Ann Barnhardt


If you know how bad the situation is and don’t feel the need to subject yourself to any more of my patented Barnhardt Phillipic and Funeral Dirge for Civilization, take your leave now, because I honestly think that this is the the saddest, most profoundly depressing post I have yet written.

And I’ve written a few.

A few thousand.

The topic is the US Dollar, and currency in general. The Federal Reserve has been willfully and systematically debasing the US dollar for a century by claiming that 2% inflation is the benchmark of a healthy economy. Since the universities and media have been overrun by Marxists, there is hardly anyone alive who A.) is in possession of the capacity to independently think and reason their way through such a question and B.) anyone who cares in the first place.

In addition to the slow grinding debasement by the Fed, the Marxists have finally fully usurped and overthrown the government of the United States, and thus have now executed the coup de grace: wild, flagrant money “printing”, and by “printing”, please understand that we are not talking about the fabrication of paper bills. We are talking about computerized entries into the Federal Reserve’s ledger. The Fed literally types in an addition of x billion or y trillion dollars into its balance sheet – creating dollars out of thin air that exist as zeroes and ones on a computer server – and then use those new dollars to purchase US Treasury bonds. In this way, the Obama regime and its puppetmasters have debased the US dollar by roughly one half the total GDP in less than four years. This iteration of both the United States and the US Dollar are over. There is no way to walk back the damage that the Obama regime has done. They have accomplished their mission, no matter what happens from this day forward.

After reading and reviewing my texts on monetary theory from Mises, Hayek, Friedman and contemporary economists including Denninger, I have come to a profound realization about money and the fiat vs commodity money (i.e. gold-backed currency) debate – and it bodes very, very poorly for us.

First, a few preliminary points.

1. Going to a gold standard will solve nothing. This is not to say that I don’t think that gold and silver are good wealth storage vehicles in this situation. To the contrary, I think they are excellent for these times. BUT, simply reverting to the gold standard, in and of itself, will not turn us around. We will, at some point, be FORCED to revert to the primordial commodity currency paradigm simply because our government and society will collapse, and thus our currency with it. If and when our culture rebuilds itself, if we remain as we are, the exact same problems that have arisen under the fiat money system will emerge again, even under a gold-backed currency.

So why has civilization, up until just within the last few decades, operated on commodity money systems, and why is it plausible to think that any fiat currency could ever have any legitimacy? The reason why civilization has used commodity money, namely gold and silver, up until just recently is because up until just recently, there was no way to instantly verify money held on deposit, or the existence of a line of credit. With computers and the internet, such instant checks are as common as breathing, blinking and walking. We don’t even think about it anymore. We go to the sandwich shop, get our sandwich, and in less than three seconds, the vendor has confirmed that we have funds, and then transferred those funds into his account. In the centuries and millennia past, people would load chests filled with gold coinage and jewels onto sailing ships and set out for distant lands. Why did they take their gold and jewels with them and risk losing that money to shipwreck or piracy? Because they had to take it with them. The only way to confirm your wealth to others was to physically possess it. Physical possession and spot exchange was also the only way to execute mercantile transactions. If we lose telecommunications and computing ability due to the successful detonation of an Electromagnetic Pulse weapon, or simply due to the total breakdown of society and the ability to maintain and power such systems, then indeed, this argument will become moot. BUT, so long as there is near-instant data transmission, commodity money will be theoretically optional (*with a qualifier to be addressed later in Part 3).

While we are looking at history, it bears mentioning that metals-backed currencies have not prevented other economic calamities. Just in the United States, the Great Depression of the 1930’s and the post-Civil War depression of 1873-1879, now called the Long Depression, which was actually caused by the manipulation of silver demand by the German Empire, were not magically prevented by metals-backed currency. Returning to a gold standard would not prevent recessions from happening. In fact, recessions are a necessary fact of economies, and serve to deflate bubbles and restore equilibrium. The only people who promise to eliminate economic recessions are Marxists, and that is because Marxists are liars. Just as all respiring beings on earth must both inhale and exhale, so too must economies. A person who perpetually inhaled would eventually burst their lungs and die. Conversely, a person who could only exhale would asphyxiate and die. But both actions, in a balanced, moderate cycle, are the definition of health. It is the same with economies: periods of expansion followed by a healthy, normal contraction that deflated any bubbles and restored equilibrium, thus setting up the next expansion phase.

2. Metals-backed currencies can be corrupted, too. There are two ways to corrupt a metals-backed currency, and it has happened many, many times throughout history. The first means pertains to coinage, and is to corrupt the metal itself with cheaper metals, such as zinc. The Roman denarius was debased from 4.5 grams of pure silver to less than one tenth of a gram of silver. Hyperinflation was the inevitable result, and the currency had to eventually be totally replaced.

The second means, which pertains to paper and electronic currency, is for the government to lie about the reserve quantity. This could either be done by explicitly lying about the number of ounces in storage, OR could be done by clandestinely issuing dollars to cronies of the oligarchy, which were NOT actually backed by any metal, and thus would be a de facto lie as to the supply. Since the people would be unable to demand a daily audit and reconciliation, the ability to police and reconcile the supply of metal and dollars would be impossible, and exactly the same things that are going on today, namely government looting of the Treasury and debasement of the currency, would continue apace.


The problem lies in our overtly criminal government, obviously, but also in the banking paradigm itself. Fractional reserve banking with unsecured lending has got to go. In the current banking paradigm, banks are required to keep from zero percent to ten percent (yes, that’s right, ZERO PERCENT) of customer deposits on hand as reserves, and loan the rest of the money out. If a customer deposits $100 in Bank A, $90 is lent out and $10 remains as reserve (and this is the CONSERVATIVE version). Whoever borrowed the $90 then deposits it in Bank B. Bank B then lends out $81 and keeps $9 in reserve. And so on, and so on. If you go through ten cycles this way, you end up with the original $100 being leveraged into $686.19 of deposits backed by only the original $100. This is what they call “money creation.” For you math buffs, this is a limit function. With a 10% reserve requirement on a $100 initial deposit sum, the limit terminates at $1000. With a 5% reserve requirement on $100, the limit terminates at $2000. With a zero percent reserve requirement, the limit is obviously infinite.

A reasonable, non-zero reserve ratio is workable, but only so long as banks are required to carry one dollar of reserves for every one dollar they lend out. These reserves can be either in the form of the bank’s own capital, OR in the form of FAIRLY VALUED booking of the assets purchased with the loan. All unsecured lending must stop. This means that all home mortgages must be marked-to-market every single day, and if the home is worth less than the loan outstanding, the bank must post its own capital against the shortfall. This also means that credit cards, which are totally unsecured because they are used to purchase mostly non-assets, such as meals, gasoline, vacations and pure service commodities, must be backed by bank capital dollar-for-dollar. The bank could sell bonds to raise capital if it wants to make unsecured loans and then would be arbitraging the spread between the interest rate it must pay on the bonds and the interest rate plus default risk on the credit cards. In this way, the worst that could possibly happen, namely every unsecured credit line totally defaulting, would result in the bank owners and investors losing their money – but the customer deposits would be safe because all of the loans against hard assets, which would be properly valued and marked-to-market, could be sold to other banks in the market, and that revenue would fully cover all customer deposits.

In not posting capital against unsecured loans, the banks are indeed naked short selling our currency – and it matters not whether that currency is gold-backed or not. The credit card customer is promising to pay back (deliver) a loan with money that they do not have and does not exist, and they won’t be able to borrow. So, the bank and the customer together are colluding in the naked short sale. The long on the other side is the citizen and taxpayer who will subsidize the inevitable “need” to print more dollars to “bail out” both the bank and the customer. Taxes will be raised and the currency will be further debased via electronic “printing”, causing price inflation – a one-two punch to the citizen. This is EXACTLY what is happening to us today.

Well, the reality today is that banks are both writing massive quantities of unsecured loans and doing nothing on their side to balance the ledger, AND they are failing to honestly and realistically book the values of their hard-asset loans. The big banks are still booking home values at their original purchase price – not the fair market value today. Given the housing bubble, most mortgages today are underwater and are worth far, far less than the principal balance to say nothing of interest. This is why I say, echoing others, that the major banks in this country are not just totally insolvent, they are insolvent multiple times over. If the government wasn’t criminal and the favored banks of the oligarchs actually had to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley, the entire system would implode into a singularity tomorrow.

For more info and a much better explanation of the concepts covered to this point, do purchase “Leverage” by Karl Denninger – a very easy-to-grasp, detailed explanation of the whole, stinking mess.



And that brings us to the conclusion and actual point.

All of the stuff outlined above is all well and good to talk about, but as I was reading, including opposing thoughts from other schools, including the Austrian School which advocates full-reserve banking in some instances, namely demand deposits – a possibility to which I am not entirely opposed – I kept running into the 400 pound gorilla, which is silently acknowledged, but never really discussed, because the discussion would inevitably lead to talk of morality and thus . . . religion.

At the end of the day, any currency is backed not by physical commodities or a collective abstraction called “a government”. No. A currency is backed by the character and integrity of men that constitute the issuing nation or body. In short, WE ARE THE GOLD. We are the bearers of the “full faith and credit” which backs our Federal Reserve notes today. And that, dear readers, is why this country is not going to turn itself around anytime soon, and is almost certainly doomed in the short-run.

Every text I read over the last few days always included a very brief caveat that all of the preceding theory was, of course, contingent on a moral society with a functioning rule of law, honest regulation and a populace that was mostly honorable and trustworthy. This caveat was phrased differently in each instance, but it was always there, hanging over everything else like a fine mist. If you have a nation of moral degenerates, all bets are off. If the people are more dishonest than honest, and the government is nothing more than a mafia, then all economic systems and all postulations fly apart at the seams. If there is no rule of law, and if theft, graft and looting are the prevalent systems of economic activity, then no matter what your banking system, no matter what your currency – fiat or commodity-backed, your system and your economy will absolutely, positively fail eventually.

Sadly, that is where we are in this country. Sure, there are still good people, but as a percentage it isn’t even remotely enough to bear the burden of the massive moral degeneracy of the others. Even among those people who would never steal or loot, there is a decided lack of courage to stand up to those who do steal and loot. The MF Global confiscation proves this. People have mostly rolled over and taken having their money stolen, shrugging their shoulders and telling themselves that there is nothing they can do – and then going back for more, continuing to patronize the very exchange that facilitated the theft and fraud. To my knowledge, only one broker has exited the field on purely moral grounds in a pre-emptive action to protect clients, and as a protest to the injustice of the system itself.

Our government is saturated with corruption, looting and outright treason and criminality, and yet most people simply cannot be bothered to care, much less to act, and are thus passively complicit. A non-trivial percentage of the population are planning and maneuvering to best “benefit” or profiteer from the criminality and fundamental dishonesty of the paradigm. Others are attempting to enter the oligarch class themselves under the guise of running for political office – and make no mistake, this encompasses both the so-called left and the so-called right on the political spectrum. The degeneracy is everywhere.

The fall of a society can happen very quickly. Our society has taken roughly 50 years to topple. If the previous example of the Russian culture is any example, we can expect it to take many multiples of 50 years to undo this damage, if and only if the pendulum has reached its maximum amplitude and now begins to swing back, which I fear has not yet happened. Morality cannot be legislated. Cultures cannot be purged of evil, selfishness and sloth overnight – even with a war. I cannot lie to you and tell you that short of Divine Intervention, this situation will resolve itself in any of our lifetimes. We had “it.” We had “it”, and we squandered “it”, and now “it” is gone, and no governmental, economic or monetary policy will get “it” back. “It” can only come from God, dwelling in the hearts of men, and God only comes to men if they specifically ask Him.

We, the people, always have been and always will be the ultimate backing commodity of our currency, because at its core, money is merely the representative device for a man’s capacity to produce and create. Dishonest men do not create or produce. They steal. Thus, the currency of a morally degenerated society is by definition degenerate itself. The currency of a degenerate society is the proxy not for a man’s ability to work and think, but rather a proxy for a man’s capacity to steal and evade work.

We used to be like gold – beautiful and warm. Now we are like pig iron – cold, brittle and good-for-nothing. And THAT is what constitutes the “full faith and credit” that backs the U.S. Dollar. So long as our culture remains degenerate, our currency can never be anything but spiraling, worthless trash.

The NewWorldOrder’s obsession with Virtual Reality devices explained: Video Game headsets that kill you in real life if you “die” in the video game.

Mark my words, barring supernatural intervention, this technology WILL become more popular than p*r*ography is today – in fact, it will SUPPLANT p*rn as THE preferred “entertainment” form.

THIS is what Mark Zuckerberg bought and wanted to get his hands on – a Virtual Reality paradigm that kills the user in real life by detonating explosives mounted in the helmet which destroy the forebrain. Die in the VR, die in real life. This concept was first introduced by the satanic transvestite Wachowski brothers in their “Matrix” movies.

I have long said that our satanic culture is careening towards a return to pagan gladiatorial blood sports in which the combatants die. The problem with this is that men in this culture are so universally effeminized and slothful that the sort of physical training required for things like UFC or just boxing (which are non-lethal bloodsports) is totally out of the question for Boobus Narcissistus Post-Christianus. Ah… but VIDEO GAMES. Yes, Boobus Narcissistus Post-Christianus LOVES his video games.

And now, as the world teeters on the brink of collapse, as a massive percentage of people begin to realize that they have injected themselves with poisonous, blood clotting, heart-killing, immune system-frying sterilants, and as the Antichurch with its Antipope and Freemasonic culture of death tell them that all death – even suicide – is mere “soul annihilation” at WORST, and eternal bliss, peace and relief at best, then suicide by video bloodsport will be WILDLY attractive. “Go out as a hero. Go out with millions of ‘followers’ cheering you on. Earn a payout for your peeps to split after you’re dead – or just pay off your debts. You’re helping ‘Mother Earth’. Humans are a cancer upon the earth. Life sucks anyway. You’re never going to be happy. Just end it.”

Yep. It all makes sense. THIS is Zuckerberg and the WEF’s plan for humanity. Everyone sitting around watching “gamers” play Video Game Roulette. Think the Chess channels that you can watch all day in which your favorite players – like a Magnus Carlsen, or a Nakamura – except having their brains blown out if they lose.

You might say, “But no one would ever actually DO that.”

Friends, they would have an absolutely inexhaustible line of people BEGGING to do it. As soon as the technology becomes widely available, people will commit suicide like this EVEN WITHOUT A MONETRARY OR FAME INCENTIVE. They will kill themselves like this alone in their rooms, voluntarily. Prison inmates will do it and will be happily facilitated. Upper middle-class soccer moms will do it.

We live, right now, in the biggest, most widespread and casually accepted cult of human sacrifice ever in human history. What is happening right now is the transition from murder as the primary method of killing the human sacrifice victims, to suicide. As the sterilant injections and the total voluntary unwillingness of even healthy humans to reproduce take effect, suicide through injections (and one must also include the self-mutilation of transvestitism) will have to replace abortion to keep the Pachamama’s bloodlust satisfied.

Ten years from today – barring supernatural intervention – all of the children that were made into Diabolical Narcissists by the masks will be watching this, considering it, and doing it.

THIS will be the next iteration of “DIED SUDDENLY”.

Stay confessed.

STICKYPOST: Mazza University Advent Mini-Course begins 11/27! “APOCALYPSE NOW: THE THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA”



Mazza Advent Mini-Course

Is an Antipope Predicted? Is the Ukraine-Russia War Mentioned? Why was the Secret Suppressed? Why is it still Suppressed? Who is the “Bishop dressed in white?” When will it be released? In what will the Triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart consist? How can I save my family and friends?

Join DR. ED MAZZA each Sunday of Advent @6pm Pacific starting Nov. 27th

Attend classes live or watch the videos anytime. Enroll by Nov 27th and the Mini-course is only $99



“…the ugly ones included.”

“Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.”
-Karl Marx

The second sentence is so very, very true, but NOT in the way Marx meant it (or did he?), nor the way today’s Neo-pagan zombies would read it.  Young women today are basically chemically neutered sows, used as single-use, disposable masturbation aides by men, and kept docile, distracted, and amused by an ever-growing mercenary army of sodomite men.

Make no mistake.  Women today live in a psycho-spiritual imprisonment, and fags are the prison guards on the cell block.

Methinks it is time again to at least re-link to my essay:


Women’s suffrage was perhaps the key offensive campaign of the final offensive by the enemy, even more so than the Federal Reserve or the Income Tax, because it is a direct strike against the foundation of all human civilization – MARRIAGE and the FAMILY. Financial and governmental sins can be corrected and walked back, albeit at a cost, so long as there is a sound cultural, societal base producing good men, which in turn form and maintain a decent culture and government.  Strike at marriage and thus the family, and you strike at the very source of good men.  Bomb the factory, end munition mass production.  Bomb the family, end the mass production of good men. No good men, no good culture, no good government.  Period.

The 19th Amendment passed the House in May ARSH 1919, the Senate in June, and was ratified by the states in August ARSH 1920.

And the rest, as they say, is herstory.

Should not have the right to vote. 👆🏻