As close as you’re going to get to videographic evidence of the existence of Guardian Angels: Fr. John Bok and the flying car

I’m reposting this in full, but the original piece is HERE at the website of the St. Anthony of Padua Shrine in Cincinnati. -AB

Angels watching over Fr. John

2 cars

A car goes airborne over Fr. John Bok’s vehicle.

I believe in science and the laws of physics. My first assignment after ordination was to our Franciscan high school in Cincinnati. I taught various science classes including physics. As a Christian I also believe in the providence of God, miracles, and Guardian Angels. I had an experience on Sunday, October 2, the feast of the Guardian Angels, that has made me reflect often on God’s providence, miracles, Guardian Angels, and the laws of physics.

On most weekends I have a Mass at St. Andrew Parish in Milford. On Sunday, October 2, I was scheduled for the 9:00 a.m. Mass. At about 8:40 a.m. I was on a road behind the church just about ready to turn in the church’s parking lot. I sort of saw something out of the corner of my left eye fly by the back of me. I was born with a lazy left eye and have very limited vision out of it. I thought maybe it was a large bird or something and continued on my way to have the Mass. Watch the video below to see what really happened.

A family that owns a funeral home next to where all of this happened often invites me to join them at a local restaurant for breakfast after Mass. I joined them that morning. One of the sons is a policeman and had on his phone a video of what happened taken from one of the security cameras in their parking lot. He recognized the white car as mine. When he showed me the video I couldn’t believe what happened.

A 17 year old boy driving on the next road had a seizure and passed out. He jumped the curb on the road he was on, passed through a yard, and was ready to broadside me on the driver’s side when his car hit a pole that bent and catapulted his car over mine. His car landed on its wheels and soon came to a stop. The young boy was taken to the hospital, checked out, and was fine. I was not hurt and my car was not scratched. I drive a 2014 Hyundai Sonata. According to Google it is 4.83 feet tall. Why was the pole standing in that exact spot attached to nothing? By what laws of physics did it lift the boy’s car almost 5 feet in the air and send it over my car? So many questions. I am certainly thankful to God. I will continue to wonder how much God and how much the laws of science played in the experience. And I continue to be amused by the fact that I was oblivious to what happened until I saw the video in the restaurant. As always, God is good.

Knock me over with a feather boa: Yet again, the Colorado Springs sodomy club shooter is… wait for it… himself a sex pervert.

Folks, nobody hates the fags more than fags hate the fags.

Because Diabolical Narcissism is the root pathology behind every form of sexual perversion, and the emotional palette of Diabolical Narcissists consists solely of anger, hatred, jealousy and fear, it is not only zero surprise, but COMPLETELY TO BE EXPECTED that these wretches would, exactly like the demons and the damned souls in hell, hate “their own”.

There is no “relationship” whatsoever in hell, and here on earth, the Diabolical Narcissist, who has freely chosen to purge charity from his soul, is likewise incapable of relationship- only of fleeting usurious alliances, exactly like the demons they emulate. They hate themselves, they hate each other, they hate everyone else, and they hate God.

People ask, “How can the post-Christian west ever purge this now metastatic stage-IV civilizational cancer of sex perverts barring supernatural intervention?”

The answer is, most likely, that they will probably ultimately exterminate each other. The question is, how many morally sane people will be killed collaterally?

A lot. Including maybe you and me. And we will collectively deserve it because we tolerated it.

Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things [sodomy], are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.

Romans 1: 32

Stay confessed.

Barnhardt Podcast #183: Stupid Games, Stupid Prizes

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode — which might or might not be the end of the world as we know it — Nurse Claire joins us to discuss newly acknowledged medical issues in the bodies of people who have accepted The Jab into their lives. Whether it’s the theft of your immune system and health or the theft of your investments in sordid companies like FTX, the end is approaching with a velocity greater than that of high frequency trades in a NASDAQ computer. Get into the Church if you aren’t yet, stay confessed, and prepare prudently in a spirit of peace and joy because great things await us!

Links, Reading, and Video:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to [email protected] — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373‬. (Alternate email addresses are [email protected] and [email protected] if you are looking for something more secure.)

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The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]

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By Request: Ann’s Herbed Nut recipe, aka “Chunky Heroin”

Herbed Nuts (aka Chunky Heroin)

4 cups whole pecans
2 cups whole cashews
Two-thirds of a stick of salted butter
2 Tablespoons finely chopped fresh rosemary (4 whole sprigs, stem removed)
1 teaspoon thyme (use fresh if you can get it)
1 teaspoon finely chopped sage
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon honey
3 drops Tabasco

Optional additions:
Macadamia nuts
Shucked pistachios
Fresh bacon bits ***🤩🤩🤩🥓🥓🥓🥰🥰🥰***
Dried cranberries
Worcestershire sauce
Soy sauce
Garlic powder

Melt the butter in a BIG pot.  Add everything except the nuts and cook for 30 seconds.  Turn off the heat.  Dump the nuts in and stir to coat well.  STOP, TASTE, AND SEASON.

Dump nuts out onto a cookie sheet.  Lick the pot, the spatula and anything else that has the herby butter on it.   Do NOT proceed until this step has been thoroughly and conscientiously completed.  Pop cookie sheet in  a 350 degree oven with the rack in the top third and bake, stirring twice, being sure not to burn the nuts.  But you’re definitely looking for browning.

Serve warm.

Join a twelve step program, remembering that the first step is to admit that you have a problem.

Save unused “Chunky Heroin” in a tin or Tupperware container, or freeze.  Re-warm in microwave or by turning briefly in a saucepan.

I put these nuts in my Turkey stuffing, add to green beans or Brussels Sprouts, and use as a topping for baked Brie. They make everything better.

Liquid Sadness for Dark Days – Affective Musical Key Characteristics on the Feast of St. Cecilia

Today is the Feast of St. Cecilia, the patron saint of music.

Here is the second movement (Allegretto) from Beethoven’s 7th in A Minor, which is at once liquid sadness, but because it modulates into A Major, also cautiously optimistic. Every key in music carries its own specific emotional correlation – which I find miraculous in and of itself. Why do certain keys and chords in music elicit specific, consistent emotional responses across humanity? It’s just miraculous.

The key of A Minor is sadness, straight-up. The key of A Major is described by Schubart as, “suitable for declarations of innocent love, hope of seeing one’s beloved again when parting; youthful cheerfulness and trust in God.”

Well, yeah. That’s exactly right. That’s the Christian life on this mortal coil in a nutshell, really, isn’t it? Or at least it should be. Hurts so good.

Here is the full list of Schubart’s Affective Key Characteristics, if you’re interested. Some of the descriptions are quite moving.

Saint Cecilia, pray for us.

St. Cecilia, Guido Reni, ARSH 1606, Norton Simon Museum

Nurse Claire Sends: “FDA Says Telling People Not to Take Ivermectin for COVID-19 Was Just a Recommendation”

This is quite possibly the most egregious public example of “I’m going to lie to your face and then get off on watching you let me get away with it” demonic gaslighting I have yet seen.

People begged for Ivermectin. Families begged for Ivermectin. Doctors lost their licenses for attempting to prescribe and/or administer it. Pharmacists were threatened with loss of licensure if they filled prescriptions for it.

“Horse dewormer” propaganda against a drug that had been dispensed to humans over 3.5 billion times since the late 1980s with statistically zero side effects and was the “I” in the P.I.A. Triumvirate of the three most important HUMAN drugs in HISTORY (Penicillin, Ivermectin, Aspirin), was ubiquitous. The NewWorldOrder/WEF FTX money laundering cabal paid for a fake study indicating – falsely – that Ivermectin was ineffective.

Now, the FDA has the demonic, shameless gall to claim that all of their war of attrition against Ivermectin was “just a recommendation.”

As in, if you or your loved one didn’t get it or take it, that was YOUR fault.

Even I am taken aback at the brazen evil, the cocksure confidence that there will be no consequences, ever.

Full reportage HERE.

The Mark of The Beast Explained: MV = PQ, With Totalitarian Control of V(elocity)

(Written in ARSH 2016. We were all so young and innocent then. I reposted this in June of ARSH 2022, but will repost it here again to finish out the series on Monetary Theory, because inflation is, as anticipated, inevitably, finally at Carter levels with no end in sight, and because the New York Fed just announced the first roll-out of “Central Bank Digital Currency”. -AB ’22)


And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13: 16-17

I think this may be the most important economics piece I ever write.  This came to me at Mass as I was thinking about Monetary Theory and how to explain to folks why it is that we have not had Weimar Republic/Zimbabwe-like hyperinflation given the massive, unprecedented money and debt creation by the Washington D.C. and European banker-oligarch regimes over the past decade. The realization made me gasp audibly.

First, the question.  Why HASN’T there been hyperinflation?  Why ISN’T a loaf of bread $100,000 by now?

The answer, which I did know, even from my ridiculously bad college days of Keynesian drivel, is because the VELOCITY of money is very, very low.

INFLATION is defined by the equation MV = PQ.  Now stay with me, because this is actually really easy to understand.

The M stands for Money – the Money Supply, which includes both money (both physical paper currency and zeroes and ones of computer servers) AS WELL AS CREDIT, because in today’s world credit is also just zeroes and ones on computer servers. If you have access to credit, say a credit card, you can go out and purchase goods and services, no? Well, that’s money too.  So “M” is all money plus credit.

The V stands for Velocity.  The Velocity of Money is the number of times a given dollar turns over in a given period of time.  When Velocity is high, consumers are putting their money out into the economy – spending it.  Dollars don’t sit stagnant in bank accounts or under the mattress when Velocity is high. (Dollars DO sit stagnant, however, when the Covigarchy puts everyone under house arrest, or has direct control of HOW MUCH anyone can spend their “Central Bank Digital Currency” based on their “social credit score”. -AlphaBravo, ’22)

The P stands for Price and is self-explanatory – the price of goods and services.

The Q stands for Quantity – how many goods and services are produced.

This is an equation, and thus it must ALWAYS, ALWAYS BALANCE.  This is mathematical reality. To deny it is to deny the very metaphysical foundations of the universe.  But, in today’s sick, depraved world, people have been contra-educated and indoctrinated to believe that even the laws of mathematics are non-rigid and malleable according to the whims of man.  But mathematics is a subset of reality, and reality is God, so to cross math is to spit at God Himself.  And God will not be mocked. Math always wins.

Here is how it works.  Let’s use Weimar Germany.  In the early 1920’s, inflation was so bad in Germany that it was quoted not as percent PER YEAR, but percent PER HOUR.  People would be paid in Marks, and then literally run as fast as they could to the market square and buy tangibles such as bread and potatoes as fast as they could, because prices were rising literally from minute-to-minute.  To delay in spending Marks was to have your wealth dissipate into nothing before your very eyes.  

There is a sad-yet-hilarious anecdote about Weimar Germany in which a man literally had to haul his wages to market in a wheelbarrow (because so many Marks were needed to make even the smallest purchase).  The man stopped at a shop and went inside to make his purchase, leaving his wheelbarrow of money outside because it wouldn’t fit through the door.  When he came back out, all of the money was still there, in a pile upon the ground… but the wheelbarrow was gone.

Then, each merchant, upon making a sale, would immediately hand the money off to an associate or family member, who would then instantly go buy bread, potatoes, and any other cash commodities in a desperate bid to capture as much buying power as possible, and so on and so on like a game of hot potato, except with money.

So, if you have people desperately buying cash commodities, what does that frantic increase in demand do to prices?  Sure…  It bids them up.  That is why prices increased literally by the hour, or even minute.

NOW, add onto that the fact that the Weimar Republic, in an effort to keep the peace and pay reparations imposed upon it by the Treaty of Versailles for World War I, even though Germany was broke, was printing more Marks and using the massively devalued Marks to buy foreign currency.

LOOK AT THE EQUATION ABOVE.  MV = PQ.  We have just said that Germany was printing money like crazy, thus making M bigger and bigger.  People are also spending, or turning over, their Marks as fast as possible, which means that V, the Velocity, was through the roof.  If both of the terms on the left side of the equals sign are increasing, what MUST the terms on the right side of the equals sign do in order to balance the equation?- and the equation MUST, MUST, MUST and WILL, WILL, WILL balance.  Because REALITY.

Yes, the Price and Quantity must and will increase – but there is only so much wheat with which to make bread flour, and there are only so many ‘taters in Germany, Precious, so between P and Q, who gets the brunt of the force?  Yep.  PRICE.

Okay.  So now we understand MV = PQ.  MV = PQ describes inflation in a given economy.

So, we know that today the Bankster Oligarch regime in Washington and Europe has massively increased M – because the Central Banks just keep creating trillions and trillions of debt units called “dollars” and “euros” in order to enrich the oligarchy and to keep the unwashed masses from killing all of them in their beds by bribing them with government transfer payments – WELFARE.  So, what MUST NOT be happening?  Right.  Velocity must NOT be increasing.  In fact, it must be decreasing relative to M in order to keep prices from shooting through the roof. (“Lockdown.” –AB ’22)

And yes, that is EXACTLY the case.  The Central Bankster Oligarchs are indeed printing trillions upon trillions of dollars and euros, but most of it goes onto the balance sheets of megabanks and other massive financial institutions such as pension funds, money market funds, insurance companies and brokerage houses in the form of Treasury bonds and bills, which are then used to trade the much riskier and much higher yielding repurchase agreements and credit default swaps, at a relatively slow turnover rate.  So this massive component of the Money Supply, M, only reaches the economy in a very glancing, tangential way.  It pretty much stays in the derivatives market, enriching only the tiniest handful of oligarchs – but bear in mind that every dollar and every euro created out of thin air is a debt instrument leveraging the future labor, production and man hours of the HUMAN BEINGS that make up the populace behind the Central Bank.  In the case of the Federal Reserve, the people of the former United States are the backing collateral.  In the case of the European Central Bank it is the people of the Eurozone.  And given the amount of debt these criminal rackets have racked up, it isn’t just the people alive and working today – it is now multiple generations into the future that have had their very lives levered in this looting scheme by the oligarch class.

Do you remember my essay about how WE ARE THE GOLD – we the people, our lives and our capacity to labor, produce and create through time is the “commodity” that truly backs ALL MONEY?  I also covered this in my Economics Presentation video.

Now, let’s tie this diabolical mess all together and go back to the Velocity.  The Oligarchy likes things just the way they are now.  They are enriching themselves by leveraging/enslaving human life out into the future with seemingly no end or horizon in sight.  All they have to do in order to keep from being killed in their beds, or arrested, tried, and executed, is to keep INFLATION, which is what the MV = PQ equation is describing, from going parabolic and thus fomenting mass civil unrest and a war which would surely mean the death of the Bankster Oligarchs.

Now, they know that they have themselves painted into a corner so tight that they can no longer move, and that the economy, mathematically, is already guaranteed to implode.  What they are trying to do is drag the whole thing out such that they are dead before the implosion happens, having lived the rest of their lives in total material decadence, and thus never have to face any earthly consequences for what they have done. EARTHLY consequences. (Or, you know, concoct a bee-ess reason for global lockdowns and mass genocidal population reduction and sterilization. -AB ’22)

Interest rates were taken to zero immediately upon the usurpation of the Washington D.C. regime by Obama (which means the Bankster Oligarchs behind Barry and Valerie and the whole incestuous crew in Washington).  NOW, they are so desperate to “stimulate” in order to keep the plebs calm and the gravytrain rolling that they have taken interest rates NEGATIVE.  Yep.  That’s right.  If you have money in a deposit account with a bank, not only do you get no interest (time value) on your money deposited, you actually have less of the principal amount at the end of every month than the beginning.  So, this is the Oligarchy trying to COERCE people into spending (increasing Velocity), which they then hope will manifest by a relatively small increase in Prices but mostly by an increase in Q – the quantity of goods and services produced. (The interest rate dam done broke. -AB ’22)

But wait.  As we discussed not long ago, why would people keep their money in a bank if the bank took a bite out of the principal every month?

The short answer is because cash is soon going to be phased out and made illegal, thus FORCING people to engage in the economic behavior that the Bankster Oligarchs want – and ONLY that behavior.  They want nothing less than total economic control, and cash simply makes that impossible.  They want to control your income, your spending, and even what you spend your money on.  Not enough Velocity?  Okay.  Push those interest rates negative. Do you think a monthly confiscation of 10% of your balance might incentivize you to spend? Use it or lose it, baby!  Too much Velocity? – and believe me, that day WILL come, they’ll be ready for that too with micro-level capital controls.  Nope.  No new clothes or electronics for you. And you just bought food four days ago.  You don’t need any more.

In a cashless environment where all money and all transactions are electronic, the state can dictate HOW MUCH you can spend, and WHAT YOU CAN SPEND IT ON.  Oh, yes.  They fully intend to keep printing Money – the lion’s share of which winds up in their pockets – by CONTROLLING VELOCITY, WHICH MEANS CONTROLLING ALL SPENDING BY FORCE.  You can panic all you want, but you will only be permitted to spend X dollars per day, or to buy ONE package of toilet paper per week, or 15 gallons of gas per week, or use 300 kilowatt hours of electricity per month.  There will be no Venezuela-type runs on grocery stores here – how 20th century!  No, no.  This will be… different.  All government-released economic statistics will be very, very pretty, I’m sure.

The Mark of The Beast from Revelation 13 is real and it is coming – a biometric something-or-other (Proof of injection, young, naive Ann of ’16. -AB ’22) that will be required to buy or sell, to send or receive money in any context.  No more paper currency.  Only zeroes and ones, fully controllable, perpetually surveilled, with all transactions dictated by or subject to approval by the Oligarchy.  In other words, no more private property.  Only an endless cycle of stimulation and punishment in order to control Velocity in order to enable continued “money printing” to feed the insatiable, gaping maw of the Bankster Oligarch class.  Oh, and don’t forget the forced support of baby killing, islam and sodomy, with tithing and almsgiving to “unapproved” groups blocked. (Say, Canadian truckers, for example. -AB ’22) And here is where we delve into the supernatural.

We have already established that money itself is a fungible proxy for man’s capacity to labor, produce and create through time.  Let’s call that MAN’S EXISTENCE. We are created by God, and we exist through time.  We can labor, produce and create and be paid MONEY for our labor or production in time.  When we save money, we are saving up weeks, months and years of our life.  When we spend money, we are exchanging periods of time in our life for goods and services that we need (such as food, clothing and shelter) or want (like everything else). When we give money away in an act of charity, we are giving someone else a piece of our very life.  (That last one keeps me, reduced to being a well-dressed beggar, up at night folks, and don’t ever doubt it.)

Do you realize what VELOCITY is?

VELOCITY OF MONEY is nothing less than a manifestation man’s God-given FREE WILL.  Velocity is a manifestation of man’s freedom to choose what he does with the fruits of his labor and creativity – his very existence through time.  Does he spend?  Does he save? Does he invest? Does he tithe or give alms?  Velocity speaks to the dignity of man in the sense that God created man with free will, and thus able to love – and even though we are talking about Monetary Theory, when you drill down on these concepts, where you always, always end up is at LOVE.  Do you love, or are you a Diabolical Narcissist (like the Bankster Oligarch Class and their Bureaucrat Toadies)? Do you love God?  Do you love your neighbor as yourself because God loved us all first?  Love is completely contingent upon free will.  This freedom of will and corollary ability to love is one of the primary ways in which man is “created in the image and likeness of God”.

We are now, quietly and effeminately, entering into a supernatural totalitarianism never before seen.  The objective is to convince man in his post-modern, post-Christian effeminacy, materialism and narcissism, that he is NOT free to choose, is a slave to the will of the Oligarchy, and thus capitulate to serving the Beast without putting up even the smallest fight.  “But I had no choice – they took money out of my account and sent it PlannedParenthood, the Muslim Brotherhood and the ManBoy Love Association automatically.  I had NO CHOICE….”

(Folks, the paragraph above was written in ’16. Tell me that isn’t EXACTLY what happened with the CoronaScam. -AB ’22)

Satan, the father of all lies, and the father of all of this, hiding in the shadows, would like nothing more than to pummel all of humanity into believing that they are nothing more than chattel who can only submit to him and serve his cult like dumb animals, and certainly never achieve that which he himself can never, ever have: the Beatific Vision.  Heaven.  God.

And a main front of this attack, whether anyone acknowledges it or not, is the equation MV = PQ.  So maybe we should spend less time watching the Trump-Clinton joint-produced and pre-scripted “reality show”, and a little bit more time being adults and, I dunno, maybe mounting some sort of concrete resistance in the real-life war that is raging all around us.

So then, brethren, we are not the children of the bondwoman, but of the free: by the freedom wherewith Christ has made us free.  Stand fast, and be not held again under the yoke of bondage.
Galatians 4: 31, 5:1