Aaaaaaaand… Ivermectin clears Jock Itch. (Are we surprised?)

Jock Itch is very similar to Athlete’s Foot – a fungal infection of the skin in the groin caused by excess moisture and chafing. But, like Athlete’s Foot, once you get it, it can be difficult to clear.

Well, not to my surprise at all, over the transom come reports that taking Ivermectin prophylactically helps prevent and clear Jock Itch – which makes perfect sense.

A couple of things to remember: if someone develops skin fungal infections from the chafing and moisture caused by obesity, that’s disgusting and you MUST MUST MUST lose weight, not just “manage” the side effects.

If you develop Athlete’s Foot or Jock Itch from sweating in poorly-breathing clothes, just fix that. Get a cotton or wool layer to wick moisture away from the skin. Wearing polyester or nylon socks and/or underwear is just a bad idea in general.

The reports I’ve seen about Jock Itch are as a totally unforeseen “happy surprise” side-effect of taking Ivermectin orally; but as with Athlete’s foot, I see no reason not to apply the Pony Paste as a topical treatment directly on the skin as well. Get it from both the inside and the outside.

Poor Lou. He just needed some Vitamin I and cotton boxers. But points to Flahrda Snow Bird Mr. Ferretti for having kept it old-school low-key back in the Nine-O and calling it… “Heat Rash”. IYKYK 😉


The Synaxis of the Chief of the Heavenly Hosts, Archangel Michael and the Other Heavenly Bodiless Powers: Archangels Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and the Other Unnamed of the Angelic Host

Today is the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, and I am going with the Byzantine style this year even though on the Byzantine Calendar this feast is observed on November 8.  Why?  Because the Byzantine name of the Feast is just about the coolest, most macho thing you’ve ever heard.  Check it out:

The Synaxis of the Chief of the Heavenly Hosts, Archangel Michael and the Other Heavenly Bodiless Powers: Archangels Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Jehudiel, Barachiel, and Jeremiel

The term “synaxis” in this context refers to “a common commemoration of a number of saints in a single service”.

Also, I just like saying the word “synaxis”, because… easily entertained. Talk about a six dollar word!

I also like referring to Angels as “Heavenly Bodiless Powers”.  I reckon they like it too, because the whole business of depicting Angels as winged babies, or as Precious Moments figurines must be galling to them.  “Heavenly Bodiless Powers” is not only macho, it is also much more accurate a description of their nature.

Here is a really good page (albeit Eastern Orthodox, but the content is totally sound) about our friends the Heavenly Bodiless Powers.

And remember, this… YES:

This… NO:

And for your musical interlude, Bortniansky’s Cherubic Hymn Number 7:

“All we that in mystery
Holy Cherubim portray
As the life’creating Trinity
With thrice-holy hymn we adore and praise.
Come, let us cast off all earthly care,
And forget every vain employ.

St. Michael and all Heavenly Bodiless Powers, pray for us!

U.nnamed S.tate A.ctor confirms Barnhardt Axiom #3

BARNHARDT AXIOM #3: If full-on kinetic World War 3 breaks out, the worst possible outcome for humanity would be that the former-US/Washington DC regime win.

Make no mistake: the U.nnamed S.tate A.ctor did this.

And, of course, the dementia clown show/Jonestown poisoning campaign continues apace:

Stickypost: Fall Mazzamester at Mazza-U begins October 18th!


Dear Student,
We’re so happy to let you know that Mazza classes are now only 3 weeks away!

Thanks to all of you who have already signed up (and taken advantage of our discounted pricing). Sign-up by October 8th to get the discounted pricing!

Tuesday October 18th “Papal History: What you don’t know might hurt you! (The first 500 years)” begins.

Wednesday October 19th “Spiritual Warfare (Good vs Evil): Resist the Power of the Dark Side!” begins.

Enroll today at
(Sign-up by October 8th to get the discounted pricing!)

And… sometime this Fall (God-willing) the long-awaited Mazza book on The Papacy and Pope Benedict’s Resignation is to be published!

Lastly, requesting prayers for our family as we have some health challenges at the moment.

Thanks again.
God Bless,
Dr. Ed

Thank you all so much for your munificence toward Mr. and his Crowdfunding for prostate surgery

I’ve never met Mr. Mann of, but I’m just so delighted at how the fam came through for him. I can’t tell you how much fun it has been to pull up his Crowdfunding page and watch the tally ratchet higher, ever higher, over the past few days.

The preferred surgery for him is just over $36,000, and as I write this, the tally is at $34,000, so almost completely covered.

I just feel so darn… proud. Way to go, guys. Way to go.

I’m told Mr. Mann put the Crowdfund up five days before I posted it, and then Frank Walker at the invaluable Catholic news and blog aggregator subsequently featured it, and had only received a couple of donations. All Mr. Mann needed was to get the word out, which came when a friend of his, whom I don’t know, emailed me.

This can’t but remind us analogically of The Communion of Saints. We’re part of a massive network, almost always invisible to us even here on earth, that springs into action when the cry goes up. We just need to activate the network, so to speak. In the case of the Communion of Saints contained in the Church Triumphant, Church Militant, and Church Suffering (the Poor Souls in Purgatory), the key is the ACTIVATION. In the world- the Church Militant- activation could be called “notification” or “networking”. In the Divine Economy, it’s called prayer. I have no idea, but I suspect that Mr. Mann PRAYED that help come, and that… fires were then subsequently lit here on earth in the Church Militant, which is SO VERY connected to the Churches Triumphant and Suffering, as a direct result.

Again, folks, I can’t thank y’all enough.

Question: What does Bill Gates WANT? Answer: Bill Gates wants to be God

(Originally penned and posted on April 20, ARSH 2020, while most of the planet was cowering indoors. A few references have been updated to reflect today’s date – September ARSH 2022. -AB)

Seven years ago I began a project on the overarching psycho-spiritual pathology in the world today which explains, at least partially, behaviors that are, to morally sane people, incomprehensible.  This pathology is called Diabolical Narcissism.

Diabolical Narcissism is when a human being freely chooses, for whatever reason, to voluntarily purge himself of all love, or charity.  I added the term “diabolical” to the name of this pathology precisely because this condition is exactly what Lucifer and one third of the angelic beings did when they fell.  And yes, non-corporeal rational intellects are very, very real, both the good ones and the fallen ones, which are called “demons”.  If you can’t deal with that, then just stop reading now, because it is absolutely essential to understanding what drives a man like Bill Gates.

My research was spurred by my crossing paths with an extreme Diabolical Narcissist psychopath that I had met in that hive of diabolical narcissists – Rome.  Rome, being the See of Peter, the visible earthly head of the One True Church, and being massively infiltrated over the past 100 years, has been a magnet for DN humans, many of them sodomites.  The demonic presence, oppression and relentless attack on Rome has been every bit as bad as Pope Leo XIII foresaw and warned the world of.  This person turned out to be demonic in every sense, being one of, if not the most internationally notorious layman sodomites on the Rome/Vatican clerical gay scene for almost 25 years.  And folks, THAT IS SAYING SOMETHING.  The horror stories related to me by this person’s closest family members, other family members, friends, acquaintances, work colleagues, victims, enemies, etc. have been non-stop for over half a decade now.  

But, where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more.  The good that has come out of this ghoulish nightmare has been that massive insights into the mind, tactics, behavior and origins of Diabolical Narcissism have now been codified in my nearly three hour video presentation on the topic, along with countless thousands of written words in this space.  Over a million people have engaged the topic, with many, for the first time, finally getting at least a partial explanation for the incomprehensible evil behavior of their abusive spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, parent, child, boss, co-worker, friend, priest, etc., with PATHOLOGICAL AND EFFORTLESS LYING, GASLIGHTING and PROJECTION being the three most common.

Because narcissists have, by definition, purged or nearly purged themselves of love, they all share the same emotional palette.  They are capable of only negative emotions that do not proceed from love, namely: ANGER, HATRED, JEALOUSY, and FEAR.  Being thus crippled in their very humanity, they struggle to appear “human” to others, and must project a false facade in order to conceal their true monstrosity and diabolical nature.  Some are more successful than others.  Politician psychopaths like Bill Clinton are able to appear “charming”.  Some, like Bill Gates, struggle to appear human.

Within the set of Diabolical Narcissists there are two broad categories: the somatic narcissist and the cerebral narcissist.  Both types almost always result in some species of sexual perversion.  The somatic narcissist is the more commonly recognized narcissist because the somatic narcissist’s narcissism revolves around their body and appearance.  The term “narcissism” comes, of course, from the mythical character Narcissus who fell in love with his own reflection.  Think about all of the Kardashians, all of the selfie-taking, duck-pouting Millennials, all of the sodomite gym rats, and perhaps the most severe manifestation of somatic narcissism, the self-multilating transvestities like Bruce Jenner, or THIS monster pervert.

But the class of narcissists that are actually more dangerous on a macro scale are the CEREBRAL NARCISSISTS.  Cerebral narcissists tend to be largely uninterested in their physical appearance – they are obsessed rather with their own intellects, and the notion that they are superior to other human beings by virtue of their “superior intelligence”.  Interestingly, oftentimes their “intellectual prowess” is nothing more than a photographic memory, and their capacity to be creative or to think speculatively is nil.  This obsession with their own superiority and eliteness begins, almost always, in childhood and can be traced very often directly to their parents and upbringing.  Many are deified as children – told by their own parents that they are literally superior beings, which only amplifies feelings of inadequacy.  Some, like Bill Gates, are brought up in a hyper-competitive environment in which absolutely everything is framed by the parents as a competition, and all that matters is “winning”, and that all of humanity is made up of “winners” and “losers”, and that there can only be ONE WINNER.  An excerpt from Gates’ wikipedia bio, with footnotes:

Gates was small for his age and was bullied as a child.[21] The family encouraged competition; one visitor reported that “it didn’t matter whether it was hearts or pickleball or swimming to the dock; there was always a reward for winning and there was always a penalty for losing”.[27]

Thus, Diabolical Narcissists like Gates do not acknowledge other human beings as HUMAN, with many believing that the vast majority of people are a separate species akin to “Neanderthals”, sub-human animals, which is difficult for the morally sane to get our heads around.  

DNs view other people as objects, like chessmen on a board, plastic toy soldiers, or as three-dimensional cartoons that exist ONLY as tools to be used or to provide the DN with diabolical satisfaction, or as it is also called, “narcissistic supply”.  Put simply, Diabolical Narcissists, being devoid of love, are totally incapable of EMPATHY.  What other people experience or feel is totally, completely irrelevant to the Diabolical Narcissist.  This is how Gates can totally destroy the economy without so much as a flinch.  Destroying every small business, entire lifetimes of work, for billions of people DOES NOT EVEN REGISTER for Gates.  Nada.  Zip.

This objectification is why Diabolical Narcissists are drawn to social media like flies to honey, and so many of them are gleefully addicted to it.  Reducing other human beings down to mere pixels on a screen is catnip to them.  Not only is social media reductive of the human person BY DESIGN, but DNs also openly tell themselves and others that their behavior on social media “doesn’t count” because social media interactions aren’t “real”, or “aren’t real life”.

So, let’s look at Bill Gates himself.  The man is worth $100 BILLION, a fortune acquired not from his own ability or creativity, but from his psychopathic lifelong obsession with acquiring the creative fruits of others, from standing on the shoulders of others, from shamelessly riding coattails, but claiming “victory” for himself alone.  He has an inexhaustible supply of money.  He could do absolutely ANYTHING he wanted to do.  But it wasn’t enough. In fact, Bill Gates, like many cerebral narcissists doesn’t really have much interest in things like fine cuisine and wine, fancy clothes, high social living, endless travel and vacations, or even the “being seen” that somatic narcissists obsess over.  Gates, like many cerebral narcissist psychopaths, would happily shut himself in a sparsely-furnished room and wallow and mentally masturbate to thoughts of his own superiority and contempt for other human beings.  The difference with Gates is that he has $100 BILLION, and can actually make those elitist totalitarian fantasies into the tyrannical reality that we are now seeing.  

Many people are rightly asking the question, “Ann, it makes no sense that Bill Gates would want to set himself up to profit from a forced vaccine paradigm, BECAUSE THERE IS LITERALLY NO WAY FOR HIM TO ENJOY HIS MONEY – THERE IS NOWHERE TO GO AND NOTHING TO DO. HE HAS DESTROYED THE ECONOMY.  EVERYTHING IS CLOSED.  So, what does he think he is going to do with any profits he would make off of this?”

FOLKS, I’m telling you, with Gates, it isn’t about the money. Bill Gates maxed-out on money-based dopamine rushes a long time ago, I suspect.  Bill Gates is, right now, reaping the single greatest rush of narcissistic satisfaction that perhaps any human being has ever managed.  Watching the world burn, simply sitting and pondering the fact that he has done what no one has ever done before: literally imprisoning half of the human race over the entire planet by his mere word – THIS is what Bill Gates is after and has been planning and fantasizing about for many years.  And he will NEVER be satisfied.  Ever.  This is why he is pushing for the poisonous “vaccine” – to take his level of control to levels never-before imagined, never-before thought possible.  The very fact that half of the human race has submitted to imprisonment and poisoning WITH ZERO PROTEST is pumping dopamine into Gates’ bloodstream like a mega-dam at discharge.

Bill Gates has wealth sufficient for him to declare “victory” over every other person on earth, and yet it isn’t enough.  There is one foe left to be conquered.  There is one entity left that needs to fall under Gates’ power.  There is one position of power that Bill Gates needs to take over and occupy.

Bill Gates wants to be God.

Bill Gates wants to rule the world by his mere utterance.  Bill Gates wants to control every human life, down to the ability to literally imprison and poison the entire planet.  Bill Gates wants total control of the economy, saying who works, where, when and how, and at what pay.  Bill Gates further wants to control who gets money, and how that money is spent.  Bill Gates wants to control human reproduction, determining who will be permitted to reproduce.  Bill Gates wants to control all healthcare delivery, determining who lives, who dies, and who is euthanized, both actively and passively.  Bill Gates wants to determine the number of people who exist on earth. Bill Gates wants to control and suppress all worship of God, because to worship God is a direct challenge to Gates’ attempt to deify himself.


Something to remember about people who fall into massive evil, and into the literal worship of satan – these people become these demonic monsters NOT because they “love” satan, or even find him attractive.  Heck, many of them don’t even believe in satan or anything preternatural or supernatural.  Remember, what drives Diabolical Narcissists who are at war with God is that they HATE GOD, not necessarily love satan.

They hate God because He exists and is omnipotent, because He is a reminder to them of their smallness and imperfection.  They hate Him because He is perfect Good, and thus will never, ever, ever ratify their sins, most especially their SEXUAL PERVERSIONS (Gates ran with Jeffrey Epstein. Don’t kid yourselves.  There is only one reason for a man worth $100 Billion to be running with a pervert like Epstein.)   They hate God because He is infinite Love, and love is what they despise as a sign of weakness, and have freely chosen to purge themselves of, exactly like Lucifer and the demons.

Having said all this, do I believe that Gates is the Antichrist?  No.  The Antichrist will be attractive,  almost universally admired, and also an ethnic Jew, with many scholars believing that the Tribe of Dan will be his provenance.   (The Tribe of Dan is NOT listed in Revelation 7, replaced by the half-Tribe of Manasseh.)  Gates is OF the Antichrist, but I don’t think Gates IS the Antichrist.  Gates is what happens when a cerebral narcissist psychopath looks at his $100 BILLION and STILL feels insecure and needs MORE narcissistic satisfaction and dopamine rush.  And the world is giving it to him.

YES, THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY TRYING TO KILL YOU. “World population must be stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day.”

(I’m printing this excerpt of an article written in ARSH 2002 by Lee Penn in full, with the footnotes, for the record. Human Population Reduction to the tune of 90% is the foundational agenda of New World Order/New Age/Freemasonry/Antichurch. They view most people as an inferior sub-species, akin to “Cave Men”, that must be made extinct. -AB ’22)

Lee Penn

SECTION 6 of 6

As part of the imminent global transformation, the radical New Age leaders look forward to a “selection” of the human race. The elect of humanity will survive to enter the New Age. Many others will die – a prospect that these gurus view with cold equanimity. 

Alice Bailey described World War II as “the broom of the Father of all, sweeping away obstructions in the path of His returning Son.”[223] Since she saw war and mass murder as part of God’s plan, it’s reasonable to ask whether other Theosophists and New Age leaders who foretell a “selection process” intend to kill their opponents, if they can. 

For several decades, in books with titles such as Happy Birth Day, Planet Earth, The Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium, and The Book of Co-Creation, Barbara Marx Hubbard has predicted “personal extinction”[224] for people who will not get with the New Age program. 

“A Quantum Transformation is the time of selection of what evolves from what devolves. The species known as self-centered humanity will become extinct. The species known as whole-centered humanity will evolve.”[225] At the time of the quantum transformation, “humans capable of cooperating to self-transcend will do so”; “elements” who maintain “the illusion of separation will become extinct … just as Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal humans became extinct.”[226] 

In referring to undesirable people as “elements,” she follows the example of the Nazis, the Communists, and others who dehumanize their opponents to justify destroying them. Barbara Marx Hubbard warns that if the selection comes, it will be violent: “Either the good will prevail, connect, link, and magnetize the majority of humanity to act with love for life everlasting, or the violent selection of the self-centered will begin.”[227] For her, Satan “is part of the selection process … that will bring forth the self-elected from the self-rejected, so that … only those connected to the whole survive.”[228] Robert Muller says that persons “who hold contrary beliefs” to those favored in the “next phase of evolution” will disappear [229] ; opponents of the UN and other “anti-evolutionary, blind, self-serving people” will have their souls “parked in a special corral of the universe for having been retarding forces, true aberrations in the evolution and ascent of humanity.”[230] David Spangler says that those who do not enter the New Age “will lose, for the time being … the ability to control or influence the developments upon Earth. … They will have moved from an active state to a relatively passive one.”[231] “Relatively passive” – like a corpse? 

All the New Age soothsayers say that the extinction of the opposition is for their own good, the beginning of their cosmic re-education. 

David Spangler says that those not attuned to New Age energy “have no place in the new world”;[232] they will be sent “where the patterns of the old still hold sway” for their “highest good.”[233] 

Barbara Marx Hubbard says that those who are against the New Age “will begin again within a different planetary system which will serve as kindergarten for the transition from self-centered to whole-centered being.”[234] 

Nick Bunick, the self-styled reincarnation of the Apostle Paul, sets the date for the selection. Between 2000 and 2010, “those people who are not living according to the laws of God” will be “no longer participating in our world”.[235] The resisters will be sent to “a different vibrational plane”[236] – not as a punishment, but to improve their karma.[237] 

Barbara Marx Hubbard says that survivors of the “selection” will go with the flow of evolution, will love “choice, diversity, flexibility, ambiguity, uncertainty, responsibility, and response-ability,” and will be able to “co-create, unite, synergize and love everyone as a member of your body.”[238] 

The inheritors of Marx Hubbard’s new kingdom will pass all the current tests for political correctness, and will be highly qualified to serve as bishops in the Episcopal Church. 

The leaders of the New Age movement argue that the earth is overpopulated, and that radical measures are needed to defuse the “population bomb.” In the 1940s – when world population was less than half what it is today – 

Alice Bailey said, “certain physical restrictions should be imposed, because it is now evident that beyond a certain point the planet cannot support humanity.”[239] 

Matthew Fox has said, “Excessive human population is a grave danger … it’s one of the reasons I joined the Episcopal church, because of its open-minded and pragmatic view of birth control.”[240] 

In 1997, Gorbachev said, “for a certain transitional period families should limit themselves to one child;” once the world’s population is stabilized, the former Communist premier would consider upping our ration to two children per family.[241 ] 

Some of these “forward-thinking” people want to go further, and reduce Earth’s population to 2 billion or less. In a November 1991 interview with The UNESCO Courier, Jacques-Yves Cousteau said: “World population must be stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldn’t even say it. But the general situation in which we are involved is lamentable.”[242] That works out to 127,750,000 people per year, and 1.27 billion people to “eliminate” per decade. Media magnate Ted Turner is more patient; he will allow 80 to 100 years to reduce the population of the Earth from 6 billion to 2 billion by a global “voluntary” one-child policy.[243] In an interview with the environmentalist E Magazine, he added, 

“I think the population should be closer to when we had indigenous populations, back before the advent of farming. Fifteen thousand years ago, there was somewhere between 40 and 100 million people. But [population researchers] Paul and Anne Ehrlich have convinced me that if we’re going to have a modern infrastructure, with commercial airlines and interstate highways around the world, we’re going to need about two billion people to support it.”[244] 

The eco-feminist theologian Rosemary Radford Ruether has a similarly low view of humanity. She told those who attended a May 1998 ecological conference that “We need to seek the most compassionate way of weeding out people. … In place of the pro-life movement we need to develop the ‘spirituality of recycling’ … a spirituality that includes ourselves in the renewal of earth and self. We need to compost ourselves.”[245] Several months later, Ruether told a national conference of Call To Action, a liberal Catholic organization, how many people must go onto the compost pile: “We must return to the population level of 1930″[246] – about 2 billion people. What the supporters of population reduction leave discreetly unannounced is how to get rid of the 4 billion “surplus” people. 

Despite his deep involvement in New Age occultism, David Spangler points out some dangers of the New Age worldview: “a desire for power, the tyranny of the group over the individual,” “an attachment to novelty for its own sake,” destruction of marriages due to pursuit of “self-development,” a misguided pursuit of “limitlessness,” losing awareness of the transcendence of God, and “unwillingness to say that anything is out of place or wrong.”[247] He also warns, “The new age movement in North America has much in common with its counterpart in Europe between the world wars. The ecological spirit and desire for transcendence expressed at that time in Germany became corrupted and channeled into the Nazi movement, which had many roots in occultism.”[248] An orthodox Christian might also offer all of these criticisms. It is unfortunate that Spangler did not use similar discernment in his other work. 

Because the radical New Age adepts extol each other’s writings, speak at the same workshops, and share board memberships in the same organizations, it’s fair to assess their teachings as a group. (If this is “guilt by association,” it’s an association that the New Age gurus have created themselves.) 

Taken together, the works of Robert Muller, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Neale Donald Walsch, Alice Bailey, David Spangler, and Helena Blavatsky are an anti-Catechism: a revival of the Gnostic heresy, a comprehensive anti-Gospel, and a point-by-point inversion of Christian morality and doctrine. The problem is not a few “smoking gun” quotes pulled from otherwise-innocent writings. The adepts of the New Age have provided an arsenal full of smoking guns, all pointed in the same direction. Those who can stand to read New Age and theosophical books in detail will find that these writers make clear their intentions for us all – just as Hitler did with Mein Kampf and as the Communists have done since Marx and Lenin. This time, let us heed the warning! 

Is the New Age movement a conspiracy? No. Conspiracies are usually secretive associations with illegal objectives. New Age leaders and their utopian, globalist allies are open about their aims, and their activities are legal. The goals of the current crop of New Agers and utopians match what radicals have sought since the French Revolution. Their project reveals the permanent vulnerability of mankind to temptation and sin. Consider: God remains forever, and does not change. Human nature does not change, since mankind is created in God’s image. The devil does not change, and the temptations he offers mankind do not change. From the Garden of Eden to the séances of the theosophists, the message is the same: you will not die, and you will be a god. Human response to temptation does not change either; apart from God’s grace, we sin. Therefore, human rebellion against God will follow a consistent pattern. People who wish to rebel against God will find collaborators and mentors to affirm them and to assist them in their plans. (Also, the religious and governmental authorities, by their oft-repeated injustices and abuses, put the same temptations, scandals, and stumbling blocks before their people, again and yet again.) What some fevered observers see as multi-generational, international conspiracies are really just successive groups of fallen men following temptation to its logical conclusion. If New Age and utopian movements show unity and consistent purpose internationally or historically, it arises from the dark spirit they follow, rather than from human conspiratorial skill. 

Format Copyright 2000 – 2003 by The M+G+R Foundation. All rights reserved. 

NOTE: Internet document citations are based on research done between September 1997 and January 2000. Web citations were accurate as of the time that each Web page was accessed. However, some documents may since have been moved to a different Web site since then, or they may have been removed entirely from the Web. 


[223] Alice A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, 1957, Lucis Publishing Company, New York, ISBN 0-85330-106-9, p. 618 
[224] Barbara Marx Hubbard, Happy Birth Day Planet Earth: The Instant of Co-Operation, Ocean Tree Books, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1986; ISBN 0-943734-08-8, p. 31 
[225] Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium, Nataraj Publishing, Novato, CA, 1995, ISBN 1-882591-21-6, p. 111 
[226] Barbara Marx Hubbard, Happy Birth Day Planet Earth: The Instant of Co-Operation, Ocean Tree Books, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1986; ISBN 0-943734-08-8, p. 23 
[227] Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium, Nataraj Publishing, Novato, CA, 1995, ISBN 1-882591-21-6, p. 303 
[228] Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Book of Co-Creation Part II – The Promise Will Be Kept: The Gospels, The Acts, the Epistles, Foundation for Conscious Evolution, San Rafael, California, 1993 (privately published), p. 299 
[229] Robert Muller, 2000 Ideas And Dreams For A Better World, Idea 1748, Internet document, 
[230] Robert Muller, My Testament to the UN: A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, World Happiness and Cooperation, P.O. Box 1153, Anacortes, Washington 98221; ISBN 
1-880455-07-2, pp. 148-149 
[231] David Spangler, Revelation: The Birth of a New Age, Lorian Press, 1976 (fifth Lorian Press printing 1984), ISBN 0-936878-00-2, p. 164 
[232] David Spangler, Revelation: The Birth of a New Age, Lorian Press, 1976 (fifth Lorian Press printing 1984), ISBN 0-936878-00-2, p. 160 
[233] David Spangler, Revelation: The Birth of a New Age, Lorian Press, 1976 (fifth Lorian Press printing 1984), ISBN 0-936878-00-2, p. 161 
[234] Barbara Marx Hubbard, Happy Birth Day Planet Earth: The Instant of Co-Operation, Ocean Tree Books, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1986; ISBN 0-943734-08-8; p. 17 
[235] Kirstin Miller, “The Story Angels Want Told: An Interview with Nick Bunick,” Psychic Reader, October 1997, Vol. 22, no. 10, p. 7 
[236] Kirstin Miller, “The Story Angels Want Told: An Interview with Nick Bunick,” Psychic Reader, October 1997, Vol. 22, no. 10, p. 7 
[237] Bob Young, “St. Nick,” Willamette Week, Vol. 24, Issue 8, December 23, 1997, p. p. 24 
[238] Barbara Marx Hubbard, The Book of Co-Creation Part II – The Promise Will Be Kept: The Gospels, The Acts, the Epistles, Foundation for Conscious Evolution, San Rafael, California, 1993 (privately published), p. 120 
[239] Alice A. Bailey, Education in the New Age, 1954, Lucis Publishing Company, New York, ISBN 0-85330-105-0, pp. 133-136 
[240] Virginia Lee, “Science and Spirit: Conversations with Matthew Fox, Ph.D. & Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D.”, Common Ground, Summer 1997, Internet version;, pp. 6-7 
[241] Mikhail Gorbachev, “Finding Our Way Five Years After the Rio Earth Summit,” delivered for Green Cross International on April 15, 1997 in Washington DC; Internet document,, p. 6 
[242] Bahgat Elnadi and Adel Rifaat, “Interview With Jacques-Yves Cousteau,” The UNESCO Courier, November 1991, p. 13 
[243] Tracey C. Rembert, “Ted Turner: Billionaire, Media Mogul … And Environmentalist” (Interview), E Magazine, January/February 1999, Volume X, number 1, p. 10 
[244] Tracey C. Rembert, “Ted Turner: Billionaire, Media Mogul … And Environmentalist” (Interview), 
E Magazine, January/February 1999, Volume X, number 1, p. 10 
[245] Michael S. Rose, “Feminist Theologian Urges Religious To Find A Way To ‘Weed Out People’,” The Wanderer, June 11, 1998, p. 1 
[246] Ann Sheridan, “CTA Conference Presents The Reality of Unreality,” The Wanderer, November 12, 1998, p. 1 
[247] David Spangler, Emergence: The Rebirth of the Sacred, Delta/Merloyd Lawrence; pp. 154-157 
[248] David Spangler, Emergence: The Rebirth of the Sacred, Delta/Merloyd Lawrence; p. 159 
[249] Catechism Of The Catholic Church, Image Books/Doubleday edition, 1995, ISBN 0-385-47967-0, 
sections 675-676, pp. 193-194 
[250] Catechism Of The Catholic Church, Image Books/Doubleday edition, 1995, ISBN 0-385-47967-0, sections 2116-2117, pp. 569-570 



The Obligatory Barnhardt Toenail Fungus post. (Yep, Ivermectin again.)

I’ve never had any nail fungus myself, but so many people have emailed in on this that it is an obligatory post.

Yes, Ivermectin seems to clear toenail fungus with an almost unbelievable speed, according to my inbox. And we’re talking about people who have fought it for years and even decades.

Here is what seems to be working for people: take the prophylactic dose orally, AND also apply either the horse paste OR the liquid injectable directly to the nail as a poultice. If you’re using the liquid, I would soak a wad of gauze in it and affix that to the nail with medical tape. Same with the horse paste – rub it generously on the nail and cover with a gauze sheath. So between the oral dose and the poultice, you are attacking the fungus from both the inside and the outside.

And within very short order… no more fungus amungus.

So add “anti-fungal” to Ivermectin’s properties.

Just brainstorming here… why wouldn’t this also knock out Athlete’s Foot, which is a fungal issue? I haven’t had Athlete’s Foot since the miserable days of forced showering in disgusting public school locker rooms, but I would think that rubbing the horse paste on the feet would likely help if not totally knock Athlete’s Foot out. And, again, file this under “It Can’t Hurt To Try”.

As always, I hope this helps.