For the Record: The ORIGINAL Agenda Documents for the Hijacked and Failed Second Vatican Council

Vatican II COULD have gone down in history as not only a bookend to Vatican I, but maybe even a bookend to Trent – a massive, final throw-down on Protestant heresy. Vatican II SHOULD have dogmatically declared Mary “Co-redemptrix” (because her Fiat, no matter how relatively small as compared to the Infinitude of the Incarnation, was STILL required, and so thus she was a participant in the redeeming of mankind. The “Co” in “Co-redemptrix” does not mean equal any more than someone who owns 1% of a company could be said to own half the company. “Co” just means “with”.) Vatican II also should have denounced global Communism.

I can’t even begin to imagine what the world would look like today had the ORIGINAL schema not been tossed and Vatican II had proceeded as intended. I can tell you right now that people wouldn’t be getting arrested and having their children taken from them for refusing to cut off their children’s genitals. I also suspect that billions of people would not be injected with poisonous sterilants in a luciferian drive to exterminate the human race.

Nevermind what the Church would look like. Sigh… Imagine there’s no fag priests… it’s easy if you try…

I’ve copied this from a website called Catholicebooks, the link is below.

See the following texts of the original schemata for the Second Vatican Council, translated and published online by Fr. Joseph A. Komonchak:

See also the following related documents:

  • An Outline for the Ecumenical Council, by the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, translated by Fr. Joseph A. Komonchak (2012). Available in pdf format (on this page) at In Verbo Veritatis.
  • The “Brief Outlines” of Dogmatic Constitutions, prepared by the Preparatory Theological Commission for the Second Vatican Council (Summer 1960), translated by Fr. Joseph A. Komonchak (2012). Available in pdf format (on this page) at In Verbo Veritatis.

Wisdom for our time from St. Teresa of Avila

Trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

When we accept what happens to us and make the best of it, we are praising God.

We always find that those who walked closest to Christ were those who had to bear the greatest trials.

Souls who do not practice prayer are like people whose limbs are paralyzed.

Let us live in such a way as not to be afraid to die.

Truth suffers, but never dies.

In light of heaven, the worst suffering on earth will be seen to be no more serious than one night in an inconvenient hotel.

God is even kinder than you think.

If you seek to carry no other crosses but those whose reason you understand, perfection is not for you.

You pay God a compliment by asking great things of Him.

To have courage for whatever comes in life – everything lies in that.

What a great favor God does to those He places in the company of good people!

Those who in fact risk all for God will find that they have both lost all and gained all.

It is a great folly to be willing to violate the friendship of God, rather than the law of human friendship.

Blessed be He, Who came into the world for no other purpose than to suffer.

Barnhardt Podcast #180: The World Needs a U-Turn

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we discuss the legacy of Queen Elizabeth II and questioning if any monarch has ever presided over such a rapid and catastrophic collapse of the moral order of a realm as she has. We also reprised the topic of Father James Jackson, that he appears to be what he’s accused of being, and the urgent need to pray for all priests… for we know not the day nor the hour when God will call us to account for our lives, and if that hour arrives and we are un-confessed it won’t go well!

Links, Reading, and Video:

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UNPRECEDENTED PODCAST REPOST: Barnhardt Podcast #026: A Dog’s Breakfast in a Dumpster Fire: The Second Vatican Council

(A first ever: a PODCAST repost! As you can see, this episode from September ARSH 2017, when we were all so young and so innocent, is just ever-so-slightly timely and relevant right now in the year of the Pocket Ducks. Episode #180 is in the can, and will be posted anon. -AB ’22)

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we discuss Flammantem Receptaculum Repleti Jentaculum Canis (the flaming dumpster filled with a dog’s breakfast) more commonly referred to as the Second Vatican Council (or Vatican 2 for short). The documents which were discussed and voted on at the Council weren’t based on the original schema assembled by Cardinal Otavianni and his preparatory team; rather, they were a substituted agenda put in place after the council was hijacked during its first week! We look at part of one of the documents from this original schema which deals with marriage and the family and contrast it to Amoris Laetitia which is almost an exact, point for point, contradiction.


0:00 Intro. Direct answer to the question: Is Vatican II a failed Council?  YES!! It is a catastrophically failed Council, obviously.
06:03 The hijacking of Vatican II.  The original schemas (documents outlining the agenda) were clear, powerful, prophetic and CATHOLIC.
08:37 The results of the preparatory poll that was sent to all of the world’s bishops asking what Vatican II SHOULD should have addressed. Near the top: DENOUNCING GLOBAL COMMUNISM.
11:30 The despicable silencing and humiliation of Good Cardinal Ottaviani on Day 3 of the Council.
16:39 Other primary goals of the original schemas as recounted by Archbishop Lefebvre, who worked with Cardinal Ottaviani in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Vatican II was supposed to have finished the work of the Council of Trent and once-and-for-all driven a stake through the heart of Protestantism.
23:00 The obviousness and undeniability of the catastrophic failure of Vatican II
25:35 Shouldn’t the fact that all of the Freemasonic-Modernist-Sodomite infiltrators DEMAND total fealty to Vatican II, it’s “spirit” and its documents, and that all catechesis and theology be done through the lens of Vatican II be… informative?
28:44 All Vatican II documents were intentionally written to be unclear and to say “nothing and everything”. One of the fruits of Vatican II has been the past half-century of WASTING TIME trying to make sense and reconcile to the actual infallible Magisterium, Tradition and Scripture documents that were written in malice to be confusing and diabolically disorienting.  STOP TALKING ABOUT VATICAN II.
34:14 The documents of Vatican II are intentionally saturated with LOOPHOLES.
36:13 A lack of clarity comes from hell.Bergoglio’s true motto, “Hagan lio!” means, “Raise hell!” Diabolical Narcissists derive intense Narcissistic satisfaction from announcing to their victims their intention to commit crimes and/or abuse against them, and then watch the victim let them do it, and even defend them.
40:02 You couldn’t write this as a novel: How could faithful Catholics, “the Elect”, possibly be deceived into following the False Prophet into apostasy as explicitly foretold by Our Lord in Matthew 24:24?  Ask no more. WE ARE SEEING THAT VERY THING HAPPEN RIGHT NOW, BEFORE OUR VERY EYES.
43:29 In these dark days, we need to look very closely at friendships, and even familial relations and make sure that we put nothing and no one above God, lest we break the First Commandment by committing the sin of idolatry.
46:21 How the Rosary counters idolatry
52:54 How modern “entertainment” has rendered people incapable of prayer, and generally unable to focus, think logically or to mentally multitask.
57:02 Paragraph 4 of the ORIGINAL Vatican II schema document on Marriage and Family.  Prophetic condemnation of transsexualism, sterilization, and in vitro fertilization.
01:04:44 Paragraph 5 of the ORIGINAL Vatican II schema document on Marriage and Family. Man DOES NOT have the right to have sex. Re-emphasizing the total condemnation without exception of adultery, fornication, effeminacy, homosexuality and masturbation.  Explicit prophetic condemnation of the argument (Amoris Laetitia Chapter 8) that sometimes sexual sins “cannot be avoided”.
01:11:20 Wrap up


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