Patrick Coffin would like for me to assure you that he denounced Kermit the Hermit’s fake Marriott conclave, and knew something was very wrong when KtH went all-in for the Zelensky regime.
Patrick Coffin sends:
“While I did affirm [KtH’s] earlier work on the BiP evidence regarding the Declaratio (a lot of it was, in fact, helpful to me), I have had zero contact with him, no interviews, emails, nada, although I understand he posted some of my content on his website. In fact, I called him out for the retarded airport Marriott fiasco, pointed out his many contradictions, delusions of grandeur, and exposed him as a crank at best. He, or whomever is behind his “Remember Pope Benedict” Twitter account (the vulnerable man in Kansas?), blocked me after issuing his standard hyperbolic insults (absolute liar, a fool/knave etc etc.)
I didn’t know anything about his green habit background or the sketchy Lebanon fund raising, but his throwing money and attention at Ukraine was enough to alert me that something was seriously wrong. The Marriott airport BS is the cherry on top of a whole lot of crazy.”
This vomitous uptalking heterosexual (I assume?) faggot is a USAF Brigadier General. I seriously have no idea why the Chinese haven’t mounted a land invasion of CONUS yet. I’m not kidding.
Reporter: “If the [Chinese spy balloon] is violating our airspace, why not take it down?”
Pentagon Spox: “We assessed that it does not pose a risk to people on the ground as it is traversing the continental United States.”
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) February 3, 2023
And I will give children to be their princes, and the effeminate shall rule over them.
Et dabo pueros principes eorum, et effeminati dominabuntur eis;
Isaiah 3: 4
Mailbag: I conditionally baptized my miscarried child
Over the transom:
Dear Ann,
I wanted to thank you for sharing that information in your blog a while back regarding the truth concerning the death of unbaptised infants and going on into information about conditional baptism wherein the form changes slightly to “if you are able to be baptized, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Som, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
My wife was 6 weeks pregnant. Bleeding started and looked to be more then more “spotting”, so she set an appointment with the ob/gyn in the afternoon of the next day. On that following day it wasn’t any better, maybe worse. Her ob/gyn encouraged her to go on into the ER, so she did. Ultrasound detected a faint heartbeat. They couldn’t exactly explain the bleeding–only that she would either miscarry or the baby will be carried to term, but they couldn’t do anything for her, so she came home.
Within 2 hours after coming home, she miscarried. “I think this is it,” she told me tearfully, having called me into the bathroom. I took our baby from her hands, who fit easily in one palm, so in the bathroom sink I administered conditional baptism.
So much is unknown. Baby had a faint heartbeat hours before in ultrasound and whether death occurred in utero and then my wife miscarried or whether the baby died almost immediately post miscarriage, there is only a slight chance that the soul was still present in the moment of baptism to save our child. I do not know and will not know in this life, but there comes much peace with the hope that our child may be with Jesus now because I had the presence of mind and knowledge how to administer conditional baptism thanks to the article you shared on your blog some time ago that covered this. So thank you for sharing this information. It really helped us make the most of a difficult situation.
I’ll mention reverent disposal of a miscarriage is a touchy subject, but there’s an organization called “A Mom’s Peace” that is good to be aware of. Closest location to us was just over 2 hours, but we couldn’t afford using a conventional funeral home. Tomb markers alone are north of $2000 at the LOW end of the price range. We found a monastery with a child cemetery using donated land and through the use of the nonprofit organization “A Mom’s Peace” everything from scheduling to finding a priest or deacon to perform the burial service is taken care of and they won’t turn you away if you can’t even afford to give that much. Even recommended donations only ran upwards of a few hundred dollars tops, but it was always stressed “just give what you can and we will take care of this for you.” This gave us much needed closure and a means to provide proper reverent disposal of human remains without “breaking the bank” to do so.
Deliver us from Pork Pilferers
Today is the feast of St. Blaise. He was a physician who became a bishop and was martyred in the persecution of the governor of Cappadocia and Lesser Armenia, Agricola, under the Emperor Licinius in ARSH 316. St. Blaise was, before being beheaded, essentially skinned alive by being scraped with iron combs. It is edifying to me that the Church has assigned saintly patronages with an undeniable sense of humor, reminding us to laugh at death. St. Blaise, because he was skinned alive with iron combs, became the patron saint of wool producers – because wool fleece, when processed, is combed with metal combs.
But my favorite St. Blaise story is of the old woman who came to him because a wolf had absconded with her pig. St. Blaise, being good with animals to say the least, promptly found the wolf and commanded it to return the old woman’s pig. The wolf promptly complied, returning the pig whole and unscathed. Because it is a low-down dirty thing to steal pork. Hands (and paws) off the sweet, sweet swine. When St. Blaise was imprisoned and awaiting his execution, the same old woman brought him candles for his cell.
Also, don’t forget to get your annual St. Blaise throat blessing today after Mass. A mother brought her young son who had a fish bone lodged in his throat to St. Blaise while he was in prison, and St. Blaise took two blessed candles that the old woman with the stolen pig had brought him (and remember that yesterday was Candlemas), crossed the candles over the lad’s throat and prayed. The lad promptly yakked up the lodged bone. Don’t laugh. Having a pin bone lodged deep in your snorkel in the early 300’s with no technology to remove it was a terrifying and potentially lethal ordeal.
St. Blaise, pray for us, and by your intercession may we always be protected and delivered from those who would steal our pork, both real and proverbial.
Barnhardt Podcast #186: Off By One
In this episode we discuss the curious non-Curial circus at which Jorge Mario was elected to an office he cannot validly hold by FOUR people who cannot validly elect anyone. Even more perplexing was the posthumous publication of the previous Pontiff that percolated onto the planet (in which practically nothing profound or precocious was proffered). Crazy and curious times indeed, but if you know where to search the path to Grace and salvation is as available as its always been!
“For my part, in life, I no longer want to publish anything. The fury of the circles against me in Germany is so strong that the appearance of my every word immediately causes a murderous shouting from them. I want to spare myself and Christendom this.” –Pope Benedict 16th
Links, Reading, and Video:
- Advanced Google Search Techniques
- What is Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) collection?
- “Off By One” error
- Pope Benedict Unleashes Posthumous BOMBSHELL on the Catholic Church
- NonVeni Mark on the Marriott faux-conclave
- (Book) Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia
- Commentary on the Psalms
- The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- More resources on the Psalms and the Divine Office
- (YouTube) “Age quod agis,” Johnny Ringo style
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to [email protected] — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373. (Alternate email addresses are [email protected] and [email protected] if you are looking for something more secure.)
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St. Ignatius of Antioch on the Power of Distinguishing
Today is the feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch, who was a student of St. John the Apostle. Not bad. I love how in the image above, Our Lord is reaching toward St. Ignatius and handing to him His Sacred Heart, crowned with thorns, and pierced.
When I was reading my way into The Church (and being so scandalized by the Kennedys that I kept delaying my entry), one of the most helpful books I read was called “The Four Witnesses: The Early Church in Her Own Words“, which is a compendium of quotations by the early Church Fathers, namely Ignatius of Antioch (died ARSH 110), Clement of Rome (died ARSH 99, consecrated a bishop by St. Peter), Justin Martyr (died ARSH 165), and Irenaeus of Lyon (student of Polycarp who was a student of John the Apostle, died ARSH 202). If you are genuinely interested in what EXACTLY was going on in the days, weeks and decades after Our Lord’s Passion, Resurrection and Ascension, and the descent of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost, I highly recommend reading the words of the Church Fathers themselves. It’s all there: the Mass, the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist, sacramental confession of sins, hierarchical structure of the Church Militant, everything.
Here is a quote from St. Ignatius.
In like manner, everyone who has received from God the power of distinguishing and yet follows an unskillful pastor and receives a false opinion for the truth shall be punished…
Be not deceived: if any man follows him who separates from the truth, he shall not inherit the kingdom of God; and if any man does not stand aloof from the preacher of falsehood he shall be condemned to Hell.
-St. Ignatius of Antioch
Boy, how timely and relevant is this? Remember folks, every one of us will stand ALONE before Christ at our Particular Judgment. There will be no finger pointing, no blaming of others. Every human being with the “power of distinguishing”, which means above the age of reason, and not suffering from mental retardation or other physical limitation to reasoned thought and apprehension of objective reality, will be held responsible for their actions.
Many people today are desperately trying to convince themselves and others that only degreed theologians or canon lawyers are competent to “distinguish”. This is a LIE. And it is so transparently ridiculous a lie as to be laugh-out-loud-able. We know from the Good Shepherd discourse, Our Lord’s words to the disciples of John the Baptist, the example of the Good Thief, and the witness of the Martyrs, many of whom were peasants, soldiers, and even children (St. Agnes of Rome was 13), coupled with the observation of the ever-escalating catastrophic failure of theologians and canonists of the past century, and plain old common sense, that “the power of distinguishing” belongs to all of us, and we are all expected to use it.
Trailing off after an arch-heretic Antipope, and likely False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, in the name of “obedience” and “humility” or even some perverse notion of “piety” will NOT go over well. “But… but… but…the wolves and faithless hirelings and people with doctorates from Pontifical Universities told me it was okay….” Balderdash.
Hey Catholics! YOU READY TO FACE REALITY AND LISTEN YET? Pope Benedict never validly resigned, and Antipope Bergoglio is moving fast to trick the world into totally abolishing the VALID offering of the Mass in any Rite from the earth. STOP HITTING YOURSELF.
Did you honestly think that satan’s endgame with regards to installing an Antipope or Antipopes was to just grind sideways? From the DAY Pope Ratzinger did what he said he would likely do – attempt to flee for fear of the wolves – the OBVIOUS end of all of this is and ever was the TOTAL ELIMINATION OF THE MASS AND THE CHURCH MILITANT from the earth by satan and his minions: Freemasons, Communists and sodomites. But I repeat myself.
Unlike the effeminate heterosexual faggots infecting this culture like so many cysts with their vidja games, sportsball, teevee and insufferable bleating about their own “victimhood”, the demons and their human comrades-in-arms never stop, never tire, and are willing, despite certain ultimate defeat, to fight, motivated only by spite.
The only motivator more powerful than spite is AGAPE (SACRIFICIAL) LOVE, something today’s culture of apostate narcissist manchildren and misandrist StormKarens and their commandant overdykes know nothing of – they voluntarily purged it from their souls long ago.
This is OBVIOUSLY THE PLAN and has been for going on ten years now. COME ON.
Any priests who flee former Ecclesia Dei communities AND TRY TO GO TO THE SSPX will be fake “excommunicated” – fake, because remember, Jorge Bergoglio has as much authority to excommunicate anyone from the Catholic Church as Kim Kardashian has. Bergoglio IN SE is nothing more than DECEPTION. He is, it could be said, “a man of deception”.
The SSPX is being played every bit as hard as the former Ecclesia Dei communities are – remember, the SSPX is “FiP” and commemorates “Francisco” at the Te Igitur, too. 🤦🏻♀️
Every ounce of “power” that Antipope Bergoglio possesses is COMPLETELY GIVEN to him BY YOU. Every bit of groveling, boot licking and capitulation BY YOU is his power. NOTHING MORE.
I’m reminded of childhood bullies grabbing another child’s arm and hitting them in the face with their own hand, taunting, “Why you hitting yourself? Why you hitting yourself?”
That’s EXACTLY what satan and Antipope Bergoglio are doing TO YOU.
How long are you going to take this obvious deception and abuse?
When are you going to stand up and simply state the obvious truth? Pope Benedict never validly resigned; Bergoglio is an Antipope presiding over the Antichurch.
The Church of St. Martina on her Feast day.
Urgent reminder about scandal: if you allow a scandal (real or fabricated) to destroy your faith, YOU are guilty of suicide
Never, ever, ever conflate any person or earthly institution with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is God-Man, or with the Supernatural reality that is His Holy Catholic Church, His mystical Body and Bride.
To have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is to be impervious to scandal, by definition.
“Those who commit these types of scandals are guility of the spiritual equivalent of murder, but I am here among you to prevent something far worse for you. While those who give scandal are guilty of the spiritual equivalent of murder,
those who take scandal – who allow scandals to destroy their faith – are guilty of spiritual suicide.”
– St. Francis de Sales