Movie Recommendation: “The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis”

Putting aside the incomprehensible fact that Lewis died an Anglican and never entered the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church (I blame, at least partially, his attachment to his invalid marriage to the American divorcée Joy Davidman), I recommend this film which is very unique in its format – an autobiography presented almost entirely as a filmed monologue with Lewis as a spectator to his own life. I would love to see other autobiographies presented in this way. Can you imagine this format applied to St. Augustine? I found it enthralling. This film focuses on the process of Lewis’ conversion from atheist to deist to Christian.

There aren’t many films these days worth a person’s time, but this one is.

“The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis”

Post-Christian effeminate culture and self-gaslighting: He’s explicitly threatening to kill them and they all just sit there.

First, watch. Nothing gory here, just pathetic.

Something I have learned over the years is how to handle drunks, druggies, gypsies and demoniacs who threaten violence in public places, especially churches. I have noticed that this sort of thing is becoming more frequent, and not merely because of any “defund the police” dynamic, but from a deeper source as satan and the demons make bolder and bolder manifestations as the world submits to their rule.

As we watch the video above, we see the male passengers of the plane sitting literally paralyzed as a clearly dangerously insane man explicitly threatens to kill them all. What has happened in our truly sick culture is that the vices of EFFEMINACY (refusing to do the virtuous good because it might reduce one’s personal pleasure and/or comfort) and SLOTH (refusing to do the virtuous good because it is difficult) have caused men to GASLIGHT THEMSELVES whenever they come under attack. That is, men, wallowing in their own effeminacy, tell themselves that what they see happening right in front of their eyes “isn’t really happening”, or is “no big deal”. It takes them far, far too long to respond, if they even respond at all, and our culture is now so far gone that men will now even DEFEND THEIR ATTACKERS purely in order to avoid acting like men and defending themselves, much less the women, children and elderly around them.

So what can one do, even a woman? It’s actually quite simple, and I’ve done this many times, the last time just a few weeks ago when a demoniac entered a church during a Mass I was attending: GIVE PEOPLE PERMISSION TO ACT. In other words, provide leadership to the point of GIVING ORDERS. Quickly scan the space and identify men who could be of help. Disqualify obvious faggots and heterosexual faggots and put them in the same category as elderly women. Then, start giving orders. TELL them, don’t ask them, to rise and approach the attacker. “YOU, YOU and YOU. GET OVER HERE NOW AND HELP.” By TELLING them to act, you have given them permission, which, as passive sheep, they require. Any sense of leadership, initiative or protective impulse has been wrung out of post-Christian man like water out of a sponge. They are incapable of generating it themselves, BUT a few are still capable of contributive action IF and ONLY IF they are given permission by a LEADER.

Once you have a group of men with at least the possibility of subduing a threatening person, give further orders: “If he lunges or touches anyone or pulls a weapon, rush him. Get him face down on the ground.” If I had personally been on that plane, I would have given orders to break both his arms and both his legs. This would completely incapacitate the man without killing him. If required, blows to the head with an improvised cudgel (I have approached threatening people with my metal water flask in hand to use as an improvised sub-optimal blackjack if necessary), or even using an improvised garrotte to knock out via strangulation a threat, is on the table.

Now, many of you reading this might think that I’m just fulfilling my own personal weekend warrior pseudo-masculine fantasies about myself. That may be part of it, but I can also tell you without the slightest doubt due to my own lived experience that some men today will respond to leadership and any semblance of genuine moral authority, EVEN IF THAT LEADERSHIP AND MORAL AUTHORITY IS COMING FROM A WOMAN. Please note the qualifier “MORAL”. It is critical to make the distinction here between the usurpation of authority and pathetic attempts at leadership by screeching harpy feminists, which is precisely the root cause of most men now being de facto castrates, and the rare and sadly occasionally required leadership and moral authority of a woman. Would that it were that I could “let the men handle the situation.” WOULD. THAT. IT. WERE. But as we see in the clip above, the assumed and reliable presence of masculinity is a luxury which our culture no longer affords.

This, once again, brings us to the question of how we present ourselves in public. If I were dressed like an average American slob, and comported myself as your typical American walrus cow feminist, I would wield no MORAL authority, and thus would not be able to effectively LEAD in an emergency situation. But because I am always dressed and comport myself with a gentility that was utterly pedestrian sixty years ago, but is now quite erroneously considered by some a form of LARPing, when I start leading in an emergency situation and giving orders (aka “permission”), it elicits a response. “Oh, crap. THAT lady just took point. This is for real….”

This exact same dynamic applies to men. A well-dressed and comported man (and by that I mean a man wearing actual clothes, i.e a shirt with a collar, pants not shorts, etc., not pajamas, who carries himself with a masculine, serious and respectable bearing) will wield authority over other men, sometimes with only a look. “Get your ass up and get over here” is quite easy to communicate solely with the eyes.

Folks, whether it be on a plane, at Mass, in a restaurant, in a store, at a sporting event, on the street, or ANY situation wherein a drunk or demoniac manifests, and this is only going to keep increasing in frequency, DO NOT do what the people in the clip do – waiting until the very last minute, or until it is too late. If no one immediately takes charge of the situation, if no one provides leadership, if no one gives permission to act, then the simple fact is that YOU are the leader, even if you are a woman – sadly. YOU must take charge, even if you are a woman – sadly. YOU must give the sheep the permission they require, even if you are a woman – sadly. Don’t be effeminate. Don’t be slothful. Don’t gaslight yourself into believing that what is happening right in front of you isn’t happening, or is no big deal, or is normal, or is JUSTIFIED (cough, CoronaScam, cough, death jabs, cough, cough). Don’t be like the people on the plane in the clip above.

To bear with patience wrongs done to oneself is a mark of perfection, but to bear with patience wrongs done to someone else is a mark of imperfection and even of actual sin.
St. Thomas Aquinas

If you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.
St. Thomas Aquinas

Fear not, for I am with thee: turn not aside, for I am thy God: I have strengthened thee, and have helped thee, and the right hand of My Just One hath upheld thee.
Ne timeas, quia ego tecum sum; ne declines, quia ego Deus tuus; confortavi te, et auxiliatus sum tibi, et suscepit te dextera Justi mei.
Isaiah 41: 10

I hope this helps.

Musical Interlude: “That’s All…”

Mel Torme, aka The Velvet Fog.  File this one under “God singing to man.”


I can only give you love that lasts forever, And a promise to be near each time you call. And the only heart I own For you and you alone That's all, That's all...

I can only give you love that lasts forever,
And the promise to be near each time you call.
And the only Heart I own
For you and you alone
That’s all,
That’s all…

I can only give you country walks in springtime And a hand to hold when leaves begin to fall; And a Love Whose burning light Will warm the winter's night That's all, That's all.

I can only give you country walks in springtime
And a hand to hold when leaves begin to fall;
And a Love Whose burning light
Will warm the winter night
That’s all,
That’s all.

There are those I am sure who have told you, They would give you the world for a toy. All I have are These Arms to enfold you, And a Love time can never destroy.

There are those I am sure who have told you,
They would give you the world for a toy.
All I have are These Arms to enfold you,
And a Love time can never destroy.

If you're wondering what I'm asking in return, dear, You'll be glad to know that my demands are small. Say it's me that you'll adore, For now and evermore That's all, That's all.

If you’re wondering what I’m asking in return, dear,
You’ll be glad to know that My demands are small.
Say it’s Me that you’ll adore,
For now and evermore
That’s all,
That’s all.

Combo Post: Pope Benedict XVI never stopped giving “MY Apostolic Blessing”. MY. First Person Possessive Pronoun. OF COURSE his intention in February ARSH 2013 was to retain participation in the Papacy. Hence his attempted partial resignation was 100% INVALID.

Pope Benedict Still Gives the Papal (“Apostolic”) Blessing. Tell Me More About How His Attempted Resignation Wasn’t Intended To Be Partial. I’m All Ears.

A longtime reader has asked me to revisit this compelling and yet overlooked piece of evidence, which I think might be the single most compelling datum in the whole set of “visible manifestations” of Pope Benedict’s conscious retention of the Petrine Office SUBSEQUENT to his February ARSH 2013 words.  Pope Benedict XVI never stopped giving the Apostolic Blessing, and folks, he did it IN WRITING, when there was absolutely ZERO situational pressure upon him to do so.

Here is the closing of the ARSH 2017 letter from Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger to an unnamed German Cardinal that leaked a while ago. (It was later openly revealed to be a letter to ++Brandmuller.)

“Beten wir lieber darum, wie Sie es am Ende Ihres Briefes getan haben, daß der Herr seiner Kirche zu Hilfe kommt. Mit MEINEM apostolischen Segen bin ich…”

“Let us pray, as you did at the end of your letter, that the Lord comes to the rescue of His Church. I bless with MY Apostolic Blessing,


Benedict XVI”

Folks, the Apostolic Blessing is the PAPAL BLESSING. It belongs exclusively to THE POPE, who may then choose to impart it by delegation, but the blessing is the POPE’S.  For Pope Benedict to have used the first person possessive adjective MEINEM/MY is slam-dunk, irrefutable evidence that he absolutely believed himself to be in possession of the Petrine Office to some extent.  His substantial error was that he did not think that he was 100% in possession and occupation of the Petrine Office.  He thought that he had “fundamentally transformed” the Papacy into a “collegial, synodal, shared ministry.” Pope Benedict XVI was WRONG in this, and it is no sin to make this simple observation of objective truth, any more than it would be wrong to correct him in an error of arithmetic, grammar, or geography. Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, whether he liked it or not, was in TOTAL AND EXCLUSIVE POSSESSION OF THE VICARIATE OF CHRIST until his death because he never VALIDLY RESIGNED, and had been thus since April of ARSH 2005. “Pope Francis” is a fiction – a complete nullity, a criminal Freemasonic usurpation.

“I bless with MY Apostolic Blessing.”

And then signed with his Papal name.

But I’m the crazy one, and the Barnhardt Thesis is nothing more than the uneducated rantings of a “dippy” “convert”.


Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, whether he liked it or not, was the one and only living and reigning Pope until his death, having invalidly attempted to “partially resign” the Papacy these ten years ago.  The Papacy can not be bifurcated nor fundamentally transformed into a “collegial, synodal office” by anyone, including the Pope himself, because the Papacy was established by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Himself and is thus IMMUTABLE.  For a Pope to attempt such in a resignation of only the administrative/governance ministry of the Petrine Office, but NOT the Office in toto would render such resignation invalid per the “substantial error” clause in Canon 188, forcefully affirmed by Canon 332.2 which demands that the Roman Pontiff, if he should resign, resign the OFFICE (muneri), not merely a ministerial component or components of said Office.

I would, at this point, bless you all with my Apostolic Blessing, but I can’t, because I’M NOT THE POPE.

So, I’ll just wish you a very good day, and assure one and all of my continued prayers.

Pope Benedict AGAIN giving “MY Apostolic Blessing” – the PAPAL blessing. MY. First person singular possessive pronoun. MY.

This time to Cardinal Sarah, per ++Sarah’s request.

Seguendo la Sua domanda imparto la mia benedizione apostolica a Lei, ai Suoi collaboratori, e alle persone a Lei care.

Suo nel Signore,

Benedictus XVI

(According to your request, I impart MY Apostolic Blessing to you, your staff, and to those you care about.

Yours in the Lord,

Benedict XVI)


And thus, there was no conclave in March of ARSH 2013, and there is no such thing as “Pope Francis” – only Antipope Bergoglio, a criminal apostate usurper, squatting upon the See of Peter, leaving less and less room for doubt with each passing day that he is probably the False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, and is certainly leading the Apostate Antichurch.

As always, I hope this helps.

CRACK! Jesus Christ, The Good Shepherd, will break your leg if He has to.

When a shepherd would go out and search for a lost sheep that had wandered off, when he found the lost lamb, he would BREAK OR DISLOCATE ITS LEG, and then carry it back to the flock on his shoulders. This husbandry technique is called “hobbling.” We have all seen that image of Our Lord as The Good Shepherd. He wasn’t carrying the lamb because it was fun. A shepherd would be carrying the lamb because he had intentionally crippled it. 

Why? Why break or dislocate the animal’s leg? First, to keep it from wandering off again. Second, in order to train it to stay with the flock. While the leg was mending, the lamb would NOT wander off and learned to stay with the fold. This was done not just to protect the straying lamb, but also to protect the rest of the flock. Sheep are very gregarious. If one is heady and heads off on some tangent, the rest of the flock might go after it instead of staying with the shepherd. 


In terms of the actual breaking or dislocating of the leg, you might be thinking that a broken leg would kill an animal or be massively cruel. You would be wrong. The folks who taught me the cattle business used to herd and drive wild animals like elk and reindeer up on the tundras of Canada. One time they came across a large herd of elk and one of the animals had a fractured hind leg. The bone was totally severed and the leg was flopping completely free as the animal ran with the herd on three legs. When they came back to that herd a few weeks later, they spotted the animal, and its leg was almost fully healed. It had a slight deformity, but it was running on the broken leg. The point is that animals have a massive pain tolerance such that their perception of pain is fundamentally different than that of human pain. Additionally, they have a capacity for physical healing that humans likewise do not have. An untreated compound fracture in a human leg would kill the human. But animals are different, so the shepherding technique of breaking or dislocating the leg of a straying lamb would have been standard operating procedure. 

I looked this up, and sure enough, up until just within the last century, people understood the symbolism of the Good Shepherd fairly widely, as many people were still involved in animal agriculture on roughly the same technological level as that of 2000 years ago. The Church, and thus the people understood that if God gently guides you back to the fold, but you keep persistently wandering off and being disobedient to God’s perfect Will, endangering not only yourself but the rest of the flock as well, JESUS WILL PROVERBIALLY BREAK YOUR LEG, hoist you on His shoulders and haul you back to the flock. The alternative would be to let you get eaten by the wolves, and thus entice the wolves to attack the rest of the flock. 

When Jesus Christ says, “I am the Good Shepherd,” He MEANS IT. CRACK! 

Finally, this also illuminates the prophecy in Numbers 9:12 that the Passover Lamb shall not have any of its bones broken: 

They shall not leave any thing thereof until morning, a nor break a bone thereof, they shall observe all the ceremonies of the phase. –Numbers 9:12

This was specifically emphasized by John in his Gospel: 

For these things were done, that the scripture might be fulfilled: You shall not break a bone of Him. –John 19:36 

Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God (Agnus Dei), slain for the sins of the world (Qui tollis peccata mundi). He was slain without any of His bones being broken because He is the prefect Lamb, in perfect union with the Will of the Father, Who never, ever strayed, and thus His bones, in particular His legs, were not broken. 

If you remember the narrative from Calvary, when Our Lord had died on the Cross, the Romans, spurred by an earthquake and the desire to get the three crucified Jews off of Golgotha before the beginning of the Passover (also prophesied in Numbers 9:12 – “They shall not leave any thing thereof until morning”), were ordered to break the legs of the three men in order to hasten death. If their legs were broken, they couldn’t hold themselves up on their crosses to breathe, and would thus asphyxiate in a matter of minutes. The two thieves had their legs broken with a cudgel by the Romans. When the Roman soldier Longinus came to Christ, he saw that Our Lord was already dead. In order to make sure that Jesus was dead, the Roman, Longinus, took a spear and stabbed Our Lord in His side, through to His Heart. This pierced the pericardial sac of water that had formed around His Heart as He went into shock and asphyxiated. Out of Our Lord’s side poured first water (Baptism) followed by Blood (The Eucharist). So, while the good thief and the bad thief both had their legs broken, Our Lord’s legs were NOT broken at the last second because He is the perfectly submissive Lamb to the Will of the Father. 

Again, this symbolism would have been obvious to previous generations. It is only today that it has been lost. Beware of any clergy today who try to paint Our Lord as utterly benign, effete and passive. He is anything but. Jesus Christ will BREAK OUR LEG if that is what is required to get us safely to heaven and save us from the wolves. Priests and bishops would do very, very well to heed this example. The fact that there have been no excommunications in the wake of the pro-abort culture in government, especially now among such “c”atholics as Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Joe Biden and every member of the Kennedy clan is a testimony to the utterly piss-poor job of shepherding that today’s episcopacy is doing. UTTERLY. PISS. POOR. 

For the love of God, and in the name of Christ the Good Shepherd, BREAK SOME LEGS! CRACK! 

(Isn’t this image incredibly moving now that we know the full story and context?)