How the Swiss Guards prevented the Desecration of Pope Benedict’s Body lying in state inside St. Peter’s Basilica

One of the most common phrases heard on the ground in Rome and among “Churchy people” on all sides over the past decade since Pope Benedict’s failed attempted partial abdication has been, “THEY’RE WAITING FOR RATZINGER TO DIE.”

As in, the infiltrators, the Bergoglians, the Sankt Gallen Mafia, the Freemasons, the sodomites, the Luciferians – however you choose to call them. It has been openly acknowledged by ALL SIDES that there was an unspoken RESTRAINT against any full-out attempt to utterly and finally destroy the Catholic Church by
1.) attempting to formally ratify contraception and sodomy
2.) attempting to establish a pseudo-marriage “rite” for sodomites
3.) attempting to establish a “rite” for re-naming transvestites
4.) attempting to completely abolish priestly celibacy
5.) attempting to “ordain” women
6.) attempting to declare any celebration of assistance/attendance at a Traditional Latin Mass an excommunicable sin; and the final coup de grâce:
7.) attempting to change the words of consecration of the Eucharist such that the Holy Mass would be invalidated

Yes, things have been bad for over sixty years, but what we have seen so far has been preparation of the battlefield for the final battle. Now, with their final obstacle and personally despised archenemy gone – The Pope, Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, with the Petrine See vacant, the forces of evil no longer feel themselves restrained. It’s really, really hard to not see the narrative of 2 Thessalonians 2 and the removal of the Katechon, the Great Restrainer, not playing out before us in real time.

Here is a link to a piece written by the notorious, open, publicly obscene sodomite Vatican “reporter”, Bobby Mickens, who was fired by his previous employer for publicly wishing death upon Pope Benedict Ratzinger. Mickens states openly that now that Pope Benedict is dead, there’s not going to be any more “Mr. Nice Guy” routine from Antipope Bergoglio. But even the wretched sodomite Mickens states that the egregious indignities, humiliations and insults to Pope Benedict since his death were shameful – even for a man who publicly wished death upon Pope Benedict.

Rorate-Caeli put together a laundry list of these indignities, insults and humiliations HERE.

But I have one more anecdote to add – one that actually has a silver lining that is quite heartwarming.

As the Rorate piece states:

– One of the things that most annoyed the bishops and cardinals present was the indolent attitude of Cardinal (Mauro) Gambetti, archpriest of St. Peter’s Basilica. His cold and mechanical attitude in the celebration of the rites (and the voice of a man just out of bed that could be heard), and his lack of obedience of many rubrics did not go unnoticed.

Here’s what was communicated to me from Rome, with permission to make this public:

After Pope Benedict’s body was moved into St. Peter’s Basilica in the very early morning darkness of Monday, January 2nd, IN A GREY CARGO VAN – NOT EVEN IN A HEARSE – the wicked and hateful Gambetti, Cardinal archpriest of the Basilica, immediately after processing back to the sacristy (seen in the video below at the 4:57 timestamp) re-emerged and ordered all of the lights turned off and the Basilica emptied and closed until the next morning. He literally wanted Pope Benedict’s body to lie exposed on the bier, alone, in the dark, unattended, during the overnight hours for the three days of Pope Benedict lying in state in the Basilica.

And here’s where a ray of light shone forth in the darkness:

The Swiss Guards REFUSED TO LEAVE.

The evil Gambetti AGAIN demanded that the lights be turned off, and that the Basilica be cleared and closed until the morning.

AGAIN, the Swiss Guards refused to abandon Pope Benedict’s exposed corpse – an unthinkable humiliation and desecration of a body that no mortuary or funeral home would EVER allow for ANY PERSON, much less a Pope.

The evil wretch Gambetti, seeing that these MEN were not going to relent, then huffily declared that if they wanted to stay that it would NOT count toward their “on-duty” time, that they would be “off the clock”, and no on-duty Swiss Guards would be permitted to stand overnight vigil, only Swiss Guards who were already off-duty, and thus volunteering their own private time, and would be expected to work their full, regular shifts regardless of if they had been up all night standing vigil. And then he stomped off, seething.

And so, it warms my heart to tell you, that Pope Benedict’s body was never left alone as he lay in state, that the Swiss Guards stood all-night volunteer watches at his side until he was placed in his coffin, and thus Pope Benedict’s body was never desecrated by exposure and abandonment, which was what the vile Cardinal Gambetti, fully in line with the truly evil Antipope Jorge Bergoglio, intended to happen.

Please pray for the Swiss Guards, who, sadly were given the ultimatum, as were all Vatican employees, to take the deathjab or lose their jobs. Quite a few Swiss Guards did refuse and left the Vatican, but the ones who remain to this day have been injected multiple times with the poison, by definition. They might have heart damage in the physical sense, but they showed with their actions last week that they still have heart in the more important and lasting sense of the word.

They never left his side. May God protect and reward them.

Canon 188, coercion, substantial error, and why Pope Benedict’s death makes no difference to the relevance of his invalid attempted partial resignation, and the ongoing urgent need to publicly acknowledge the Antipapacy of Jorge Bergoglio.

LifeSite’s full reportage HERE.

“Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.”



St. Peter’s Square
Sunday, 24 April 2005




A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.
-Canon 188

The Pope is bound to Canon Law insomuch as Canon Law is derived from DIVINE AND NATURAL LAW.  All three provisions of Canon 188 are derived from Divine and/or Natural Law.

Canon 188: A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.

Okay, just off the top of my head here, Coercionwould be against the Fifth Commandment if it involved any threats of violence of death.  It would also be against the Seventh Commandment as a form of stealing; stealing of the Office itself, and possibly stealing of a man’s right to his reputation if threats of detraction are involved (aka blackmail of the guilty).  If the coercion is in the form of blackmailing of the innocent, this would be against the Eighth Commandment because it would be bearing false witness.

Substantial Error:  Can the Pope make 2+2=5?  No.  Can the Pope make any number that is not 1 equal to 1?  Can the Pope make 2 = 1?  Of course not.  This is a clear breaking of the Natural Law, of which arithmetic and logic are subsets.

Simony: To accept a bribe or payoff in exchange for attempting to resign the Papacy would be not merely the coveting of money, but is even moreso a sin of IRRELIGION, a sin against the FIRST COMMANDMENT itself because it is the buying and selling of a spiritual thing, namely, in this case, the exercise of an ecclesiastical jurisdiction – the Papacy itself.

Now here is the $64,000 question:

Do you honestly believe that the Pope has the ability to ABROGATE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS and/or THE NATURAL LAW?

If the Law is derivative of GOD HIMSELF, being perfect good, truth and justice, and Jesus Christ EXPLICITLY bound Himself to the Law when He gave Peter the Keys, saying:

And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven

Does it make any sense whatsoever that the Pope can override the very ESSENCE of God Himself, namely truth, goodness, justice and RATIONALITY? That the Pope can do that which even God Himself cannot and would not do given that God is pure goodness, truth, love and justice?

If so, then what EXACTLY is the stable base upon which EVERYTHING exists?  How can Peter be The Rock if Peter is NOT anchored to The Divine and Natural Laws, which is to say to Christ Himself?  If you take away the Earth (God Himself, the Rational Logos) what, exactly is the Rock (Peter) going to sit upon that The Church is then subsequently built upon?  If the Divine Law is mutable and overridable, and even the Natural Law can be casually tossed aside (any positive integer greater than 1 can equal 1 if it suits the Pope’s error), then how can God be rational?  Is the first verse of St. John’s Gospel, proclaimed at the conclusion of almost every Tridentine Mass, in error?  Is Christ NOT the Word, the LOGOS??

Like I said, this all sounds very, very suspiciously like the islamic political system and its irrational, pure will tyrannical satanic fake deity crap.  Red flag much??  Maybe worth a rethink?

The Pope is absolutely bound by Canon Law insomuch as a given point of Canon Law is simply a derivative recapitulation of Divine or Natural Law, which Canon 188 is in every particular.

To argue otherwise (if you can even call it that) is madness, and of the Enemy.

The fact that Pope Benedict has been dead for eight days, or ANY amount of elapsed time, makes absolutely no difference with regards to the importance of publicly acknowledging the situation. TRUTH HAS NO EXPIRATION DATE.

The statement that could end the Bergoglian Antipapacy has not changed a single iota with the death of Pope Benedict, because his earthly presence is not required to adjudicate the validity of the juridical act of the putative resignation that he proffered in February ARSH 2013. Only his words and deeds in February ARSH 2013 are legally germane, and we have a thorough record of that. So, we keep up the good fight to have the TRUTH publicly acknowledged. Let it ALL come out.

Significant Canonical irregularities have been identified with regards to the putative resignation proffered by Pope Benedict XVI in February of 2013. Pending further investigation, a state of emergency suspense is hereby declared.”

I hope this helps.

Love therefore is the fulfilling of the Law.

Plenitudo ergo legis est dilectio.

Big God, Tiny Toes

Happy Feast of the Epiphany! Might one even wish you a Spiffany Epiphany!

This is one of my favorite paintings, and today is the feast of its depiction: the Epiphany, or Adoration of the Magi.  This painting makes me smile every time I see it.  I love the depiction of Our Lady because she is so very beautiful. But the Star of this Show is the Baby Jesus – and His Big Toe.

Adoration of the Magi, Ottavio Vannini, early 1600s, Florence

When I look at this image, it seems not like a painting to me, but like a .GIF.  What do I mean by that?  I can see the movement of Our Lord’s toe as He is wiggling it, and I can see the subtle smile come across Our Lady’s face as she looks down at the scene of the very serious and lofty king leaning in to kiss the tiny toe of the Creator of the Universe and King of Kings, and He is PLAYFULLY wiggling it and making cooing baby sounds as the Magi puckers up and leans in to “get that Toe!” as so many of us have done exactly with other babies.

We have discussed many times in this space the infinite HUGENESS of God, using galaxies and galactic clusters as metaphors for His infinite bigness and our infantesimal smallness.  I am reminded of something Our Lord said to St. Catherine of Siena, to whom, let us not forget, He was MYSTICALLY ESPOUSED.  Listen to His words to His beloved Catherine:

“Do you know, daughter, who you are, And who I AM? If you know these two things, you will be blessed. You are she who is not; whereas I AM HE WHO IS. Have this knowledge in you and the enemy will never deceive you….

God Almighty can say to His beloved, “you are she who is not” because it is true relative to Him, and because ALL EXISTENCE, REALITY AND TRUTH is through Him, with Him and in Him.

And that brings us back to the Tiny Wiggling Toe. It is precisely through these infinite juxtapositions that we draw closer to God in our contemplation of Him.  The selfsame God that created and sustains the galaxies, galactic clusters and the entire universe is also the cooing Baby wiggling His Big Toe at the Magi crawling on the ground to kiss It.  

Without the Majesty of the Bigness, you can’t appreciate the Humility of the Smallness, and without the Condescension of the Smallness, you can’t appreciate the incomprehensible Love of the Bigness.

This is the same idea with the two species of Fear of the Lord – without the servile fear of the Lord as Our Judge, you can’t fully appreciate the filial fear that He established Himself with the words, “I no longer call you slaves, but friends….” The paradigm shifted with the Incarnation and proclamation of the Gospel from not sinning primarily for fear of punishment, to not sinning because He loves us so much that to disappoint or hurt Him in any way is (should be) revolting to us.

And likewise, without the filial fear of breaking Our Lord’s Heart, one can very easily cast aside the fact that He is, in fact, the Fearsome and Terrible Judge and He can be twisted by our minds into the horrific cartoon character “Jesus my Boyfriend”, or even worse, “Jesus my pet Golden Retriever”. People with no healthy servile fear of the Lord are called “cheap grace” Protestants, or just universal salvationists.

So what exactly is the Good News?  Is it that God is NOT the Just and Terrible Judge of Mankind who will sort the sheep from the goats, and sift men like wheat from chaff, burning the chaff?  No.  The Good News, the GOSPEL is that the Just and Terrible Judge is also the Baby wiggling His Tiny Toe as the Three Kings crawl forth to kiss It.  The Gospel is that the Just and Terrible Judge ALSO loves you infinitely, and is thus 100% on your side.  Do you understand that?  THE JUDGE IS ON YOUR SIDE TO AN EXTENT THAT YOU SIMPLY CANNOT COMPREHEND.

All you have to do is say “yes” to Him.  All you have to do is say and believe, “Jesus, I know that You love me”, and then ACTUALLY ACT LIKE YOU BELIEVE IT.  Keep His commandments.  Don’t break His heart.  Enter His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Avail yourself of the Sacraments He established for YOU and YOUR SALVATION, most especially the Sacrament of Confession and the Sacrament of the Altar, which is His very Physical Substance.

Look at the Tiny Wiggling Toe.  Then go look up at the stars and galaxies and galactic clusters that He made and sustains without effort.  Put the two together and know that you are he who is not, and the Tiny Toe is HE WHO IS.

I hope this helps.

DOUBLE UPDATED: Sound advice from Denninger to NFL Players who took the poison, which applies to civilians as well.

Full post HERE.

The key quote:

Spend $1,000 of your own money and no, not any team-approved or affiliated NFL doc either. Pay a qualified independent cardiac specialist.

Go get a troponin test and a cardiac MRI looking specifically for LGE.

If you come positive for damage on either or both go get a lawyer to tell your club to either fork up the entirety of your contract balance, in cash, right now and release you from all further obligation or you’re going to sue the living crap out of both the club and the NFL for coercing you to do what you have every reason to believe caused that condition and which makes you unfit to play.

UPDATE: I’ve been told that for most people, the two tests above would cost closer to $10,000.



Not 10 large, one large.

You have to shop it though. And once you do you’ll realize exactly how bad the {proverbial sodomizing} is that most people take on this sort of thing.

There are MRI places that will run a scan with and without contrast for under $1,000, including reading of it, and a troponin test is a bog-standard and cheap blood test.

Don’t look at what an MRI costs in Japan, which of course would be cash for you because you’re not covered by their social insurance.

A decade or so ago they were about $100 so you could fly to Narita, have it done and fly back to the US for less than they wanted here.

Of course neither cheap if you “run it through insurance” or don’t shop, so you might have to travel to get that MRI at a reasonable cost.


Now, let me reiterate: if you were coerced by your employer into taking the jab into your life as your personal lord and savior, then you ARE ultimately responsible. “Coercion”, in a certain sense, does not exist. At the end of the day, we all make our own decisions. If you got the death injection without being knocked unconscious or strapped and held down while you screamed at the top of your lungs, then YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE.

HOWEVER, every employer who “mandated” the unholy sacrament of myocarditis should be sued into oblivion… for a start.

But don’t think for one second that “muh job”, much less being able to eat indoors at TGI Fridays or go on vacation to Cabo, absolves the grave sin against the Fifth Commandment (self-infliction of potentially lethal self-harm) of injecting yourself with an obvious, known poison.

Moderna, whose entire business model was mRNA injections, had never brought one single product to market EVER because they could never get past animal trials without MAIMING AND/OR KILLING ALL THE ANIMALS, and this was very much on the public record, including the WELL-KNOWN AND PUBLICLY ADMITTED CUMULATIVE TOXICITY of mRNA injections.

If you get the diagnostic tests above, DO NOT tell your employer ahead of time. If you are maimed, the first your employer should hear of it is from your legal team. If you are inclined to pursue this, do it quickly, because if you die of ‘Suddenly’, once you are dead, it will be almost impossible for your estate to litigate, and completely impossible if you are cremated.

Men can deny reality, but they can’t deny the consequences of denying reality.

The NFL, in all of its “woke” and pro-sodomy decrepitude, which I earnestly hope and pray is completely destroyed and has to permanently fold, is now trying to gaslight its own players, accusing them of being “mentally ill” because they are terrified that an average hit could kill or permanently maim them, and thus do not want to play.

It isn’t “mental illness”. It’s the hundred yard stare of finally being made to man-up and face the very real consequences of your suicidally stupid decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Current Interregnum

Recorded 16 November, ARSH 2018, recapitulating for the video record what I had been saying since June ARSH 2016.

The 1:29:58 Timestamp should be cued up in the video above.


1:29:58 ‘But what if Ratzinger dies? Then you’ll be a sedevacantist!’ Yep. You know why? Because the issue of sedevacantism is a binary, objective reality. He’s the Pope. If he dies in his soup tomorrow, the Pope, the one and only living Pope, will have died, therefore, the See will be vacant. It has nothing to do with the Holocaust or the Society of St. Pius 2 ½, or anything else, any other political football. Nothing. It is a binary objective reality, and the fact that you think that that’s a “gotcha!” that you would get me with only betrays how incapable of logical reasoned thought that side of the argument is. That’s all you got? Yes, I believe in objective, binary, ontological realities. If he dies, there won’t be a living Pope. The See will be vacant. Yep. Absolutely. Let’s hope that he doesn’t die before this gets resolved. But what if Ratzinger dies? Since sedevacantism is a binary objective reality, if Pope Benedict dies, the See will then be vacant because there will then be no living Pope. Bergoglio is completely irrelevant to the question. He has nothing to do with it. Anyone who attempts to link this binary objective reality to Holocaust denial or any other political football is either terminally stupid or fundamentally dishonest.

The whole “guilt by association” tack with regards to 1958 Sedevacantism is WELCOME, because it makes visible the weakness of the arguments of both “Fwanciss is definitely Pope, stoopid!” contingent AND the 1958 Sedes themselves.

As I write this, Pope Benedict’s body is still lying in state, and he has been dead for a little over 96 hours. But please, by all means, keep sending the emails drooling with spite arguing that I now, magically think that the Petrine See has been vacant since ARSH 1958, and that ninety-six hours and sixty-four years are TOTES THE SAME THING. The obtuseness of the argument just proves my point all the more.

What is the longest that the See has been vacant in the 2000 year history of the Church, you may ask? There have been FOUR extended interregnums that lasted over a year, with all four lasting over TWO years in fact, with the longest being two years and ten months.

From Clement IV to Gregory X:
The See was vacant from 29 November ARSH 1268 until 1 September ARSH 1271.
2 years 10 months

From Nicholas IV to Celestine V
The See was vacant from 4 April ARSH 1292 until 5 July 1294.
2 years 3 months

From Clement V to John XXII
The See was vacant from 20 April ARSH 1314 until 2 August 1316.
2 years 3 months

From Gregory XII to Martin V
The See was vacant from 4 July 1415 until 11 November 1417.
2 years 5 months

Just as a thought exercise, think about where YOU were two years and ten months ago. That would be 4 March ARSH 2020. The CoronaScam hadn’t even begun in earnest yet. Hardly anyone outside of the medical profession knew what “myocarditis” or “Antibody Dependent Enhancement” were. “Suddenly” was an adverb, not a noun for the leading cause of death among young adults. Ivermectin was merely something I dewormed my cattle with. The Nuremberg Code was considered a sacrosanct foundational premise of western civilization that was taken completely for granted. Had anyone proffered the idea of mandatory universal house arrest and the near-total cessation of economic activity and the public worship of God for months on end being ordered, much less passively accepted, they would have been laughed out the door.

My point being, A LOT can happen in two years and ten months – not that two years and ten months is any sort of line in the sand. It’s just an interesting historical reference point to consider.

Also remember that evidence is pointing VERY strongly toward this being the run-up to the End Times, with the Antichurch in full ascendance, with the likely False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, Antipope Bergoglio, as its mascot, more than half the human population injected with a provable and observable poison sterilant, economic insanity and monetary debasement the likes of which has never been seen before in human history, nuclear war a distinct possibility, and sodomy more pervasive and more debased and perverted than Sodom and Gomorrah could have imagined. And now, it can be well-argued that the Katechon, the Great Restrainer, of 2 Thessalonians 2, the Pope qua Pope, has been… removed. And if this is what St. Paul prophesied, we should expect all hell to break loose, making the past century, the past 60 years, heck, the last THREE years, look like a child’s glass of spilled milk.

I can’t tell you how this will all resolve except to say that it is going to be SPECTACULAR, and that I hope to live to see it, and I thank God every day that we get to be alive in these times, to fight the good fight, run the race, and watch Our Lord work everything to the good through His perfect, Divine Providence.

And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.
Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti.
-Romans 8: 28

Stay confessed, and as NonVeni Mark says, stay frosty, friends.

Say His Name, Say His Name

Today is the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.

The name of God, and as we celebrate today in particular the Most Holy Name of the Second Person of the Triune Godhead, Jesus, should be spoken early and often, but always with complete reverence, and with a head bow, and a doffing of the hat for gentlemen outdoors.

There is a weird trend amongst the uncatechized and the heretical quasi-Christian sects, to adopt Jewish practices as some sort of a sign of piety.  One of the most common is to write “God” as “G-d”. Make no mistake, to do this is to DENY THE INCARNATION AND THUS TO DENY THE TRINITY ITSELF. We say the Holy Name by God’s explicit command:

For anyone who has ever loved another, to hear the name of the beloved person spoken can make the heart fly.  And, to hear the beloved speak one’s own name is also a great joy.  Such is the case with Jesus Christ, who specifically said, “Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends, if you do the things that I command you.  I will not now call you servants: for the servant knoweth not what his lord doth. But I have called you friends: because all things whatsoever I have heard of My Father, I have made known to you.”

The Most Holy Name, spoken with complete reverence, is a declaration of love, and not only is all of heaven enraptured by its every utterance, but Our Lord Himself, that font of infinite love for each of us, requited or no, loves to hear those who love Him speak His Name with loving reverence.  There it is again – that pesky bit about a “personal relationship with Jesus Christ” that keeps popping up.  Funny, that.

Which leads to…

…a few words must be said about taking the Lord’s Name in vain – that is, violating the Second Commandment. It is strange, but thinking back as a child, I had a family member who used Our Lord’s Name – Jesus Christ – constantly as an expression of disgust and contempt, and delivered it with extreme hyper-enunciated gusto.  And from the time that I was a teeny, tiny child with absolutely no formal understanding of who Jesus Christ was, I knew that That Name was different and sacred, and that when That Name was said like that, that it was a very bad and scary thing, and that the person who said it was to be avoided.  Looking back now at my adult life, I can CLEARLY see that people who used Our Lord’s Name in vain as an expression of disgust should have been immediately rejected by me.  It is a classic example of the axiom “where there’s smoke, there’s fire”.

If you want to get your head around what exactly it is that you’re doing when you use His Name as an expression of disgust, simply replace His Name with the name of the non-divine person you love most in the world.  Then imagine yourself calling out that person’s name as an expression of disgust.  A few years ago now, if you remember, I had a chunk of human poop fall on my foot from a toilet brush in a trashed apartment that I was hired to clean.  Imagine human poop falling on your foot (Eeeewww!!!) and calling out the name of your most beloved person as an expression of disgust.  It’s depraved, right?  No one does that.  Well, your beloved person isn’t Perfect Good and Infinite Love who hung on a cross and died for your sins, now are they?  So how much sicker is it when we do it to God?  Yup.  There’s a reason why the Second Commandment is the SECOND Commandment.

It is a dead giveaway, folks.  A person who uses Our Lord’s name as an expression of disgust, ESPECIALLY in combination with profanity (avoid like the plague anyone who says or uses the expression “OMFG” whether spoken in full or written as an acronym – bad, bad, bad) is a person who A.) probably doesn’t actually believe in Him, NO MATTER WHAT THEIR POSITION, or B.) does believe in Him and hates Him.  I have seen both.  An example of the latter was a layman who held and to this day holds himself out as a super-Trad and Byzantine liturgical expert, who would frequently yell, “Oh, sweet JESUS!” or “Oh, sweet Baby JESUS!” as his preferred exclamation of extreme disgust, and he turned out to be… wait for it… not just a sodomite, but a sacrilegious sodomite. As in “bedding” seminarians, clerics and prelates, sometimes inside of Basilicas and churches, and then bragging about it in “safe circles”.  We’re talking straight-up satanic activity.  The signs were all there, first among them the consciously malicious use of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.

So, say Our Lord’s Most Holy Name as often as you can, always with love and reverence. To do so is a declaration of belief in the Personal Triune Godhead, His Incarnation, and belief in His almost too-good-to-be-true words, “You are My friends.”  Say His Name with love and let your heart fly at the very sound of it.  Say His Name with love and let Him joy in the sound of you, His beloved friend, saying it.

Say His Name, because consider that in these dark days of apostasy in the post-Christian West, Our Lord’s Name is said orders of magnitude more frequently as a curse or expression of disgust than it is in loving reverence.  I would guess that just the Irish alone, who are notorious for this terrible sin – they use Our Lord’s name almost as a verbal tick, often in combination with the “f” word – more than equal with their sacrilegious abuse of The Holy Name ALL OTHER UTTERANCES of Our Lord’s Name reverently spoken in the entire world every day. That’s how bad the Irish are, and how bad the world is.

And finally, the Most Holy Name is not only the shortest prayer, but also one of the most powerful: