This has to be corrected: Cardinal Pell did NOT celebrate the Tridentine Mass daily. In fact, he had only celebrated the TLM a few times in his entire life.

This story and pull quote from Our Sunday Visitor News is making the rounds, and it is flatly untrue:

This is the penultimate paragraph:

Cardinal Pell told OSV News he was himself “completely devoted” to Tridentine Mass, which he said he “celebrated each day.”

I don’t know if this is a case of people getting their terminology crossed, or somebody lying. But here is what I have been told by eyewitness sources in Rome, who frequently visited ++Pell’s home:

“Cardinal Pell celebrated the TLM fewer than ten times in his life, probably.”

++Pell’s secretary celebrated his daily Mass in the Tridentine Rite, and ++Pell had done at least one priestly ordination, a couple of Pontifical Masses in Italy, and a Mass in Australia in the Tridentine Rite, but that’s it. “…Fewer than ten times in his life...”

He simply did not celebrate the TLM “each day”. To say that he did is objectively false. His daily Mass was the Novus Ordo to the end of his life, and he had only celebrated the TLM a few times in his entire life.

I hope Our Sunday Visitor will confirm this fact with ++Pell’s secretary and correct their piece.

Barnhardt Podcast #185: Crooks, Cardinals, and Conclaves

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode Ann, Mark, and Dr. Mazza deconstruct the fourteen days since the Petrine See became vacant, plus a dramatic reading by Dr. Mazza of +Ganswëin’s 2016 Gregorianum speech that would have brought Lawrence Olivier to tears. Don’t squander the gift of being alive in these days, friends. Persevere in Faith and Joy.

Links, Reading, and Video:

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Mailbag: Q: If Al Michaels calls a game as an “emeritus” play-by-play caller, what is Al Michaels? A: A play-by-play caller.

Dear Ann:

Why can the rest of the secular world understand what “emeritus” means but the normies in the Catholic Church continue to insist that 2+2=5? Al Michaels calls a game for NBC as an “emeritus” play-by-play caller. So, guess what Al Michaels still is?

Answer: A play-by-play caller.

Everyone in the world understands this, even if he works for NBC in a “new way.”


Best presentation to date on excess deaths caused by the poison injections – it’s worse than even I thought.

This guy is an engineer who decided to go to law school in his 50s. He was thrown out of the program for refusing the poison injection, so he sued the university and The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and got access to Massachusetts death certificates and injury reports. The statistics clearly show massive upticks in cardiac arrests, clotting, leukemia, “anything to do with blood” across ALL age cohorts exactly coincident with the roll-out of the poison injections to each age group. And the really scary part is the the excess deaths are ACCELERATING – exactly what the ARSH 2016 article on Moderna stated: the toxicity of the poison is CUMULATIVE.

Delivery — actually getting RNA into cells — has long bedeviled the whole field. On their own, RNA molecules have a hard time reaching their targets. They work better if they’re wrapped up in a delivery mechanism, such as nanoparticles made of lipids. But those nanoparticles can lead to dangerous side effects, especially if a patient has to take repeated doses over months or years.

Novartis abandoned the related realm of RNA interference over concerns about toxicity, as did Merck and Roche.

Moderna’s most advanced competitors, CureVac and BioNTech, have acknowledged the same challenge with mRNA. Each is principally focused on vaccines for infectious disease and cancer, which the companies believe can be attacked with just a few doses of mRNA. And each has already tested its technology on hundreds of patients.

“I would say that mRNA is better suited for diseases where treatment for short duration is sufficiently curative, so the toxicities caused by delivery materials are less likely to occur,”said Katalin Karikó, a pioneer in the field who serves as a vice president at BioNTech.

So given the fact that mRNA injections were poisonous, and that the toxicity was cumulative was well-known and openly discussed, plus the confirmation of the excess deaths that are accelerating, it requires a total suspension of disbelief to not acknowledge that we are in the midst of a meticulously planned operation to rapidly reduce the human population. Most of the oligarchs bandy about the figure 1 billion as a goal. The chimpanzee witch Jane Goodall has declared that the human population “must” be returned to ARSH 1500 numbers – 500 million. A NINETY-FIVE PERCENT CULL.

And governments continue to buy the poison by the tens-of-millions of doses, and mRNA poison production factories are popping up like weeds. The next project they are ramping up is demanding that food animals be injected with the mRNA poison.

Hopefully the war starts before then.

**Honorable mention also goes to the poison Remdesevir, a failed chemotherapy drug which was inexplicably rolled-out in ARSH 2020 as suddenly the ONLY p€rmi$$ibl€ treatment for pneumonia, which the excellent presentation above proves is responsible for a massive uptick in acute kidney failure.

Shun and flee all pain at your own peril. The ability to bear, process, and become better from pain defines the man. In this fallen world, pain is often the very making, the spark to salvation, of the man. I wouldn’t be here talking to you now without it.

“Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”

― C.S. Lewis

We are saved through infinite pain, proceeding directly from Infinite Love. To experience pain is to be invited to enter into the Passion of your Savior.

We Know God Loves Order Because He Built It Into the Universe, and It Is Plainly Visible

Here’s another instance of God leaving His “thumbprint” with a wink and a nod to us, specifically in the realm of mathematics.

Behold a Galton Board.

The pop-culture name for this is “Plinko!” from “The Price is Right” gameshow.

Each ball has a 50-50 chance of bouncing right or left off of each peg as it traverses the board. Total randomness, right?

Well, yes, but out of chaos… ORDER.

Every time, the Galton Board yields a bell curve. Every. Time.

And God waves at us, with a wink and a smile.

Here is a good little tutorial on the mathematics behind a Galton Board.

Now, do we really believe that God isn’t visibly waving at us in the context of the Bergoglian antipapacy? If the LAWS of mathematics yield visible order and make visible the loving presence of God, where might we look for Our Lord’s visible signature and path to ORDER in the context of the Bergoglian Antipapacy – a juridical question?


Canon LAW.

Where else?

I am strongly reminded of the Fifth Joyful Mystery: Finding Jesus in the Temple, and His reply to His mother:

How is it that you sought Me? did you not know, that I must be about My Father’s business?