Q&A: Ann, Ash Wednesday is coming up and we healthy adults are obliged to fast. What exactly is the fasting protocol?

Q: Ann, Ash Wednesday is coming up and we healthy adults are obliged to fast. What are the fasting protocols?

A: Don’t eat ANYTHING from midnight to midnight, at minimum. Drink only water, preferably, or a beverage with zero caloric value.

I have no idea what the official fasting protocol of the Church is, other than it is something like three times the amount of food I would eat on a normal day – literally. So, meaningless, and a glaring commentary on the abject gluttony and softness (aka effeminacy) of the post-Christian west. Exactly like the so-called Eucharistic Fast of one hour. Utterly meaningless.

Fasting means NOT EATING FOOD for a prolonged period of time. A healthy adult should be able to go 24 hours without food with no problem. If you are stricken by not eating for 24 hours, there is something terribly, horribly wrong with you metabolically and you should see a doctor immediately.

Fasting is normal, extremely healthy and salutary, and y’all best get used to it, because it’s fixing to be part of everyone’s life whether you like it or not, sooner than we think.

Again, fasting means TO NOT EAT ANY FOOD WHATSOEVER.

I hope this helps.

Barnhardt Podcast #187: Balloons and Bad Blood

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode Nurse Claire joins us to discuss ideas and strategies for banking one’s own blood in advance of medical needs (or to assist your “non-genetically modified” neighbors) and to share updates from the FLCCC. Prudent preparation is the priority: neither Jeff Bezos nor any other space alien will be delivering a miracle cure to you via balloon or any other means. Ultimately its the presence of Sanctifying Grace in our souls and not the absence of spike proteins that matters most or our eternal destiny!

A note about methylene blue: those who are pregnant or breastfeeding SHOULD NOT take it. Also, it is contraindicated in people on SSRI and/or MAO inhibitor antidepressants. There is a very serious drug interaction that can occur, causing serotonin syndrome. Patients who want more guidance can refer to the FLCCC post-vaccine protocol for information on methylene blue. It will stain your teeth; swallow any lozenges whole and consume the liquid thru a straw. It will also stain fabric so handle it with caution. If you are purchasing methylene blue, look for the USP label. Do not consume the fabric dye or fish tank methylene blue as the purity standards will not be the same as the pharmaceutical grade (USP).

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The balloons are Washington’s. They are for tracking vehicles and movements of citizens, probably in anticipation of banning vehicles and ‘environmental lockdowns’.

It’s all laid out in this Guardian piece from ARSH 2019. A few screen caps below for the record.


They’re dragging UFO’s into the conversation because Boobus Effeminatus Americanus is, for the fist time, collectively stupid enough en masse to actually believe not only in space aliens, but space aliens IN BALLOONS.

Diabolical Narcissism in Film: Song of Bernadette (ARSH 1943)

I think these examples of Diabolical Narcissism in film are very instructive, and make for interesting posts.  Remember, just because I coined the term “Diabolical Narcissism” doesn’t mean the phenomenon is new – it is exactly the opposite.  DN predates the existence of human beings, as it is what Lucifer and the one-third of the angelic beings chose to do when they fell and were cast out of heaven.  That happened BEFORE God created man.  If you have watched my video presentation on DN, you know it basically hinges around 1 Corinthians 13: 1-5, in which St. Paul, inspired by The Holy Ghost, makes the chilling statement that the man who chooses not to love is, in the eyes of God, NOTHING.  Nihil sum.

In this scene (2:30:00) at the end of the VERY GOOD film about St. Bernadette Soubirous and her visitation at Lourdes by The Blessed Virgin which Holy Mother Church celebrated yesterday and every February 11th, the Imperial Prosecutor, Vital Dutour, played by Vincent Price, always in contempt of Bernadette and especially of religion (remember, this is France just a few decades after the satanic French Revolution and the Vendee Genocide), after being diagnosed with terminal throat cancer, goes to the Grotto and makes this confession:

“I am a stranger here.  I am not like these thousands of souls flickering brightly and hopefully in the darkness.  My pride has always stood between them and me.  The pride of being a superior human being. But now I know that we are all a wretched animal species, distinguished from the insects only by nerve centers and false reasoning. A hungry cancer is feeding at my throat.  Tomorrow I’ll crawl back to Langlois, hide in some hole of death and be heard of no more.  I’ll be alone – alone and desolate.  And why not? It’s logical.  I’ll be alone because I have loved no one.  No one and nothing.  Not even myself.  Nothing.  Nothing.

Pray for me, Bernadette….”

This is a succinct description of Diabolical Narcissism.  The otherness, the pathological haughtiness, the self-loathing, the self-pity, and most importantly the lovelessness.  The freely-chosen lovelessness, which only leads, as St. Paul said, to NOTHINGNESS.  Nihil sum.

165 years ago today the Blessed Virgin first appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes. 10 years ago today, Pope Benedict announced that he was going to half-quit, and today Dr. Mazza is on Taylor Marshall

February 11th is a big day in Church history. Ten years ago today, I woke up jet lagged in Rome after having arrived the evening before, and was shocked to see late-edition newspapers with massive headlines “Benedict announces resignation”. I guess he heard that I was in town and couldn’t take it. This explanation is every bit as plausible as “insomnia” or “jet lag from having to fly to Brazil to World Youth Day”. That morning, while I was snoozing off my jet lag a few hundred yards away, Pope Benedict mentioned almost tangentially towards the end of an address to a consistory of the Cardinals that he was going to resign the ministry of the bishop of Rome for the active governance of the Church. No bizarre qualifications there! Miraculously, the Vatican was re-admitted to the SWIFT banking network the next morning, having been cut-off on January 1, ARSH 2013, some six weeks before.

165 years ago today, the Mother of God appeared to a barely-literate peasant girl who struggled to name the Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity in her catechism class, growth stunted from impoverished malnutrition, in a garbage dump. Through this girl, the Queen of Heaven confirmed to the world that she was, in fact, The Immaculate Conception, conceived without the stain of Original Sin in order to be the Ark of the New Covenant.

And today, Dr. Mazza appears on the Taylor Marshall show discussing at length the canonical invalidity of Pope Benedict’s catastrophic attempted partial resignation.

St. Bernadette, pray for us.

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and on your Holy Catholic Church outside of which there is no salvation.

Good morning to all the Glowies tryna infiltrate the One True Church!

If the world hate you, know ye, that it hath hated Me before you.
Si mundus vos odit, scitote quia me priorem vobis odio habuit.

If you had been of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
Si de mundo fuissetis, mundus quod suum erat diligeret : quia vero de mundo non estis, sed ego elegi vos de mundo, propterea odit vos mundus.

Remember My word that I said to you: The servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you…
Mementote sermonis mei, quem ego dixi vobis : non est servus major domino suo. Si me persecuti sunt, et vos persequentur…

Remembering that time the SPLC put me on a low-key hit list in ARSH 2015. Their blurb on me is stunningly prophetic.

As soon as the news broke that the FBI was going after Catholics who actually hold the Catholic faith, citing the Southern Poverty Law Center, I looked up the hit list “Women Against Islam” that they did in ARSH 2015. Sure enough, it is still up. And I’m the second broad on the list – it’s alphabetical.


I’m posting the text and screenshots just to be sure that this never goes away.

Ann Barnhardt, a blogger and former commodities brokerage owner whose house was sold in 2013 to satisfy a federal tax lien, is one of the most extreme Muslim-bashers in the United States. She refers to Muslims as “musloids,” says that Islam is a “seditious system working against every government” in the world that must be “exterminated,” and once burned a Koran with a bacon bookmark for a YouTube video. In 2011, she said “the Muslim population is mentally and developmentally disabled on a mass scale,” describing it in the same essay as the only population that “is mentally and physically devolving.” But Barnhardt’s blind rage isn’t only directed at Muslims. She says that beginning in 2008, when Barack Obama was elected, a “cold putsch” began that she predicts will lead to riots and civil war, the importation of “millions of socialist Latin Abmericans,” and, ultimately, the Chinese Red Army landing in America. She urges people to buy long guns because “THERE WILL BE MASS RAPES when the inner city hip-hop contingent can no longer be contained by standard law enforcement.” And she opposes women’s suffrage, saying that it “effectively castrated” men and wrecked the family. She once described herself as “a buzzsaw crossed with a blowtorch,” and about that, at least, she is surely right.

I love how the SPLC paid an artist to use this photo of me, but make the eyes sad, and eliminate my smile. The artist totally botched my mouth. But, that’s okay. You’d think that they would have done the whole “crazy eyes” treatment on me, since that’s what I’m famous for. A missed opportunity, to be sure. And while I’m flattered by the golden halo the artist gave me, I denounce it stridently. I’m aspiring to the deepest spot in Purgatory, and will weep with gratitude until the heat death of the universe, which I expect to be my tenure. In fact, I’ll probably be the person to run the dust mop, check the restrooms, turn off the lights, and pull the door shut. IF I make it.