Personal Update and Words of Gratitude on the Feast of Fraternal Charity – The Visitation

Today is the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, herself newly pregnant with God Incarnate, to her elderly cousin, heavily pregnant with John the Baptist, St. Elizabeth.

The Visitation is the Second Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, the fruit of which is “fraternal charity, love of neighbor”.

I write this as I have just come off a major manifestation of fraternal charity from YOU to me. The June Barnhardt subscription development drive was, as these things always are, humbling. I cannot thank everyone enough for your staggering munificence of both financial support AND prayers and kind words of encouragement.

I was especially touched by the requests for prayers for spouses, children, and family and friends who are outside the Church, and suffering from various trials (both spiritual and… experimental injection trials, shall we say). While I can’t as policy reply to every message, I want folks to know that I see those messages and prayer requests as they come in, and I pray for that donor and their intention immediately by name. Then the intention goes of the Big Barnhardt List, which is curated by God Himself and the Blessed Virgin who is the Mediatrix of all graces, which makes my part quite easy. Mass is offered daily for ALL Barnhardt Benefactors and Supporters, for their intentions, and for the salvation of their souls. And, I pray for my benefactors and supporters after every Mass, and with every Rosary.

The Communion of Saints transcends the entire Church – the Church Militant on earth, the Church Suffering in Purgatory, and the Church Triumphant in the Beatific Vision – dwelling INSIDE the Trinity. Consider: EVERY person in Purgatory has been enjoined to pray for YOU. Even more, EVERY person in the Beatific Vision, and EVERY ANGEL, of which I suspect there are at minimum in the QUINTILLIONS, not only know who you are, but lift you up in prayer at the foot of the Cross every day.

So you’ve got that going for you, which is nice, as the man once said.

But seriously. Never feel alone. Never feel abandoned. You have no idea how much you are loved not only by God, but by so many other dazzling rational intellects, both human and angelic, who are rooting for you, and always have been outside of anything to do with me. But, the Barnhardt Benefactor and Supporter List is a very real little corner of the Communion of Saints.

Practical updates:

The move is totally done however I’m just waiting now on three main things: clothes storage furniture (dressers, chests of drawers – it’s awkward not being able to unpack and stow one’s clothing, but it’s fine now that I have access to a washing machine), showers (although my camp shower game has now reached expert-level, which is a good skill to have), and WiFi installation. The WiFi delay has to do with the fact that my dwelling is in a rural mountain area, and WiFi is by line-of-sight antenna (NOT satellite, NOT Elon Musk), and a contraption has to be installed on my roof, and technicians are spread VERY thin. I have 4G signal on my phone, which I can use for writing and browsing, but is insufficient for recording podcasts. I know. I’m itching to record as much as the listenership is itching for content. It will happen when it happens. Which hopefully is soon. Patience… patience… 🙏🏻

Otherwise, the move has been a massive success and is yielding tremendous joys and benefits already.

I simply cannot thank everyone enough in words, because those words don’t exist. All I can do is echo what several donors have written – I pray that we meet in heaven, and then we can tell each other everything face-to-face.

Happy and Blessed Feast of the Visitation.

And blessed art thou that hast believed, because those things shall be accomplished that were spoken to thee by the Lord.

Et beata, quae credidisti, quoniam perficientur ea, quae dicta sunt tibi a Domino.

Luke 1: 45

Pope Benedict’s personal secretary laid it all out seven years ago: “If I understand you aright, he [Benedict] remained in the Office, but in the contemplative part, without having any authority to decide. Thus we have – as you said – now an active and a contemplative part which form together an enlargement of the Munus Petrinum [primacy and office of Peter]? Gänswein responds: That is what I have said, indeed.”

Excerpted below is Maike Hickson’s reportage and translation of Paul Badde’s EWTN interview with Archbishop Georg Gänswein one week after Gänswein’s 20 May ARSH 2016 speech at the Gregorianum in Rome, outlining the total illegality and canonical invalidity of Pope Benedict’s failed attempted partial resignation/bifurcation of the Petrine Munus.

If you have never taken the quarter of an hour it takes to sit down and read Gänswein’s 20 May speech in full, I beg you to click here and do so now.

Then read the reportage of the interview he gave one week later, excerpted below.

Then sit and stillness and consider the YEARS of ruthless, unrelenting insistence by Trad Inc. parti$an$ and the rest of the Novus Ordo world, consisting of CEASELESS GASLIGHTING, ad hominem attacks, name-calling, personal insults, slanders, attempted character assassinations, and even malicious, calculated campaigns of full-blown personal calumny, that there is NO EVIDENCE of ANYTHING amiss or afoul; that ANY questioning whatsoever of Bergoglio qua Pope and the canonical validity of Pope Benedict’s attempted partial resignation is the domain of schizophrenic conspiracy theories and the mortal sin of SCHISM; and then contemplate that no one, not ONE PERSON inside the Roman Curia did ANY Canonical due diligence with regards to Pope Benedict’s attempted partial resignation in February ARSH 2013 because “it was obvious that there is no problem whatsoever with his resignation.” Riiiiiight.

Just dedicate less time than it takes to pray two sets of Mysteries of the Rosary to reading the citations above and below, and then just… think. Read the citations above and below and ask yourself if, “Nuh-uh! Shut up, Stupid!” is an honest, much less satisfactory response.

Badde reports in his interview that he knows of cardinals in the Vatican “who are still shocked that the Catholic Church has right now two living successors of Peter.” He continues: “You yourself have recently spoken about an enlargement of the Petrine ministry, of an exponentiation, I believe. Could you explain this a little more?”

Gänswein answers, as follows:

Yes, you refer here to the book presentation of an Italian professor, Roberto Regoli, who has written a book about the first evaluation of the pontificate [of Pope Benedict]. He is professor at the Gregorian University and that is where the book was presented, as well. I was one of the two persons who presented it, and indeed, I spoke about a exponentiated [enlarged] pontificate. It is clear – to say it clearly, because I have seen in some of the reactions how people insinuated things that I never said. Of course: Pope Francis is the lawfully elected and lawful pope. That is to say, there are not two popes – the one lawful, the other unlawful, that is simply not correct. And I simply said – that is also what Pope Benedict said – that he, after all, is still present with his prayers, with his sacrifices, in the “Recinto” of Saint Peter [within the walls and precincts of the Vatican], and that, through these prayers, through these sacrifices, there shall come forth spiritual fruit for his successors and for the Church. That is what I meant to say, and now we have had for three years two popes and I have the impression that the reality that I perceive is covered by what I have said.

Paul Badde then sums up how he understands what Archbishop Gänswein tries to say:

If I understand you aright, he [Benedict] remained in the office, but in the contemplative part, without having any authority to decide. Thus we have – as you said – now an active and a contemplative part which form together an enlargement of the Munus Petrinum [primacy and office of Peter]?

Gänswein responds:

That is what I have said, indeed, that – if one wishes to specify it – it is very clear, the Plena Potestas, the Plenitudo Potestatis [full power, incarnate authority] is in the hands of Pope Francis. He is the man who has right now the succession of Peter. And then there are no difficulties left, as I also have said it. These two are also not in a competitive relationship. That is where one has to make use of common sense, as well as the Faith and a little bit of theology. Then one does not have at all difficulties to understand properly [sic] what I have said.

Pope Benedict XVI, Archbishop Georg Gänswein (Pope Benedict’s personal Secretary), and Antipope Jorge Bergoglio

“In chess, the PAWNS go first…”

I won’t be posting any of the myriad comedic Titanic death submersible memes out of respect for one person: Suleman Dawood. He was the 19 year old son of Shahzada Dawood, and the lad, Suleman, knew what was up, and was apparently rightly terrified of the entire plan. He was bullied by his narcissist father into going.

Suleman Dawood was murdered by his father as sure as if Shahzada had slit his son’s throat. I would say that I’m glad that the submersible imploded and instantly vaporized (think about what happens in the compression stroke in a diesel cylinder- no spark plug needed, the heat of the compression vaporizes and ignites the fuel) so that young Suleman didn’t suffer, but he DID suffer. For nearly two hours. He must have been absolutely terrified the whole time, and rightfully so. Only the very end was mercifully imperceptible, but there are reports that the submersible had dropped its emergency ballast, which means that the psychopath owner knew the pressure vessel was going for at least a few seconds before it imploded.

The other four idiots flaunted the Fifth Commandment by playing de facto Russian Roulette, and got their comeuppance. But Suleman Dawood was tortured unto death. And the owner, Stockton Rush, out of pure greed for the $250,000 cost of young Suleman’s ticket, allowed a person who was terrified and did not want to go, to board his vessel. What an abject monster. I’d call that being an accessory to torture and murder with special circumstances.

Ivermectin: THEY KNEW

Among its myriad properties, including anti-parasitic, topical healing and anti-scarring, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumoric, perhaps one of the most important properties of Ivermectin in the short-term, is its utterly amazing ability to expose the malignant, conscious evil that withheld this drug, and then ruthlessly attempted to vilify its proponents and users. It is perhaps the best socio-political and moral DIAGNOSTIC tool available today.

They knew. They knew EXACTLY what they were doing, and continue to do. Chest colds are actually the least of it. Consider the rheumatoid arthritis. Consider the cancer.

They did the research on SARS-Cov-1 years ago and knew that Ivermectin greased it like a deer in front of a Peterbilt. And that is PRECISELY why they went to war against it, with their premeditated “horse dewormer” horseshit.

Say it over and over until it just naturally rolls off the tongue:


And remember, to these, Geneva doesn’t apply.


My Ivermectin 1% livestock injectable (which we take by drinking orally) dosage table and other info HERE.

As always, I hope this helps.

All Sodomites – Including Lesbians – Are A Clear and Present Danger To Children

I’ve said it for years now, and I’ll keep saying it.  ALL sex perverts, by definition, are a clear and present danger to children.  INCLUDING FEMALE SEX PERVERTS.  We all tend to focus on male sodomites when it comes to the sexual abuse of children, which is meet and just, but I think there is an assumption out there that “dykes are pathetic, but harmless”.  No, dykes AREN’T harmless. I would say at this point, “Just ask Whitney Houston,” but I can’t, because Whitney Houston killed herself with hard drugs years ago.

Because lesbians are Diabolical Narcissists (remember, Diabolical Narcissism – the voluntary self-purgation of love, or charity, from the soul – is the overarching pathology under which all species of sexual perversion are subsets), they are VAMPIRIC PREDATORS, motivated by SPITE to drag other people down into hell with them.

It is now well-known that Whitney Houston was not only a hard-drug addict, but that she was also a lesbian.  This was an open secret in Hollywood, as Houston carried on publicly with her “personal assistant” Robyn Crawford for years.

It was later revealed that, sure enough, Whitney Houston was sexually abused as a girl by her lesbian cousin, Dee Dee Warwick.  This revelation is part of a documentary film on Houston that briefly made mainstream headlines several years ago, and then was memory-holed by the Sodogarchy.

What is both fascinating and infuriating to watch is the “tip-toeing through the tulips” of the mainstream, trying to have their cake and eat it too, by exposing and pointing to the woman-on-girl pedophilia, but at the same time refusing to admit that sexual perversion is a PATHOLOGY (much less a sin!) with clear CAUSES.  Their argument basically is that Whitney Houston became a hard-drug addicted uber trainwreck who ended up dead in a hotel bathtub because of abuse (maybe), but she was TOTALLY born a lesbian/bisexual! And one has nothing to do with the other, and don’t you DARE suggest otherwise!

I am reminded of another tragic case like this in the “celebrity” world: Chastity Bono.  The daughter of Sonny and Cher, Chastity Bono, was raped and abused as a young girl beginning at age nine by her female nanny, in whose lap her degenerate mother dumped her while Cher was out playing the harlot and God-knows-what-else in the 1970s.  Fast-forward, and Chastity Bono declares herself a lesbian, and then, because the DN pathology is a downward spiral with no end except eternal damnation itself, the lesbianism wasn’t enough, so Chastity Bono declared herself a “man” and proceeded to mutilate her body accordingly.  And the “doctors” were absolutely DELIGHTED to sign off on this, and cut the woman to shreds.  Becau$$$$$$$$$e… rea$$$$$$$$on$$$$$.

Diabolical Narcissists, of both sexes, target CHILDREN in particular because of spite.  Remember what the Diabolical Narcissist’s emotional palette consists of: Anger, Hatred, Jealousy (Envy), and Fear. They HATE and ENVY purity.  The HATE and ENVY normalcy. The HATE and ENVY innocence.  They HATE and ENVY happiness.  Do you see why children are always in their sights?  Do you see what the root of the VAMPIRISM is?

Because ALL human beings are exclusively heterosexual and born “normal” in the psycho-sexual sense, and because children are, by definition, pure, innocent and happy, they are the ultimate target for DNs being the mercenaries of hell that they are, precisely because DNs are animated by SPITE.

“If I can’t be happy, if I can’t be normal, then neither will they!” 

The happier, more normal, and – this is the big one – the more PURE (especially sexually) a person is, the more they will be held in contempt, and despised by sodomites.  This is why sodomites seek out and associate only with trainwrecks and moral degenerates, and will drive out happy, normal people.  Folks: hear me well. If the sodomites don’t hate you, then you need to examine your conscience.

Let this also inform us as to why Antipope Bergoglio absolutely DESPISES people who display genuine Catholic piety.  Especially cloistered, contemplative orders.  The greater the genuine sanctity, the greater the contempt, hatred and spite this will generate from the DN sex perverts. EVERY. TIME.

And blood connections, even the very closest, such as parent-child, full sibling, and CERTAINLY blood uncle/aunt or cousin, will NOT stop a DN from sexually abusing a child.

How many children have been sexually abused and ultimately driven into hell by sodomite family members, of which the family KNEW that the abuser was a sodomite (of either sex), and told themselves, “Oh, he (or she) would NEVER touch MY kids….” It is countless at this point.

This is why I cry:


I hope this helps.

Now that the Titanic wreck is a grave AGAIN, maybe we should treat it like a grave, as we should have all along.

Dr. Robert Ballard was right from the beginning. The Titanic is a grave site. The coordinates should have been held top-secret, as Ballard’s initial discovery expedition was part of a compensation package and cover story by the U.S. Navy for Ballard to find the wrecks of the USS Thresher and USS Scorpion, two early nuclear submarines.

I have been a Titanic-phile since Ballard’s discovery in September of ARSH 1985, just as I was starting the third grade. But I have intentionally never gone to any Titanic exhibitions with items recovered from the wreck, because it has always seemed to me to be a species of grave robbing. There is no reason for people to be descending to the Titanic wreck. It’s macabre.

And now the Titanic is a double monument: there are fresh bodies in the graveyard, victims of their own imprudence, recklessness, greed, and now with the 21st century Luciferian twist of suicidal devotion to the cult of wokeness and its intrinsic despisal of competence and merit.

A crush-depth compression would be as fast as a gunshot to the head. Let’s pray they had just enough warning to call upon the Name of the Lord.

And let’s hope that this is the end of interference or creepy tourism of the Titanic, and that all of the dead, including the five from this week, are left in peace.

The final photograph taken of the Titanic as it departed Queenstown (now Cobh), Ireland on 11 April, ARSH 1912.