St. Anselm explains in 30 easy words why no churchmen nor “professional Catholics” will even discuss the obvious, observable, easily provable fact of the Bergoglian Antipapacy

“God often works more by the life of the illiterate seeking the things that are God’s, than by the ability of the learned seeking the things that are their own.”

–St. Anselm of Canterbury, Benedictine Abbot, and Doctor of the Church, died 21 April ARSH 1109

Nailed. It.

Mic. Drop.


In other words, Credentialism is the biggest joke in Clownworld’s and ClownChurch’s floorshow, and anyone still, after ten years of the Bergoglian Antipapacy, much less the Washington DC regime kayfabe, who not only doesn’t get that, but actually tries to engage in it, should be … well… laughed at. Because it’s just biblically illiterate buffoonery at this point.

Mailbag: Daily Ivermectin for over 16 months to significantly mitigate Rheumatoid Arthritis with zero negative side effects

The only thing better than this that waft over my transom are the “I went to confession for the first time in forty years…” notes. -AB

Dear Ann,

Thank you so much for posting very early in the coronadoom about how to use Ivermectin. My husband and I have benefited greatly.

In January of 2022, a friend from North Dakota told us that his GP had mentioned that Ivermectin has anti-inflammatory effects and recommended that our friend take it to relieve some arthritis he had.

After hearing that, my husband who suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis started taking Ivermectin every day. Initially he took about 4.5 ml (of the 1% cattle/swine injectable solution orally) based on his weight of about 150 lbs. His inflammatory numbers in blood tests significantly dropped. If he skipped a day, he could really feel it in his joints. After a few months he went down to 2.5 ml each day for maintenance. Now he is not by any means cured, but he has far less pain and inflammation in his joints.

So for 16 months, he has taken Ivermectin daily with only missing a day once in a while and has had no ill effects, only benefits. Of course, in all that time, he hasn’t had so much as a slight sniffle.

I hope that hearing this, someone else may feel confident to make use of this wonder drug.

God bless,


Ivermectin: “If you had to design a drug for COVID, it would look exactly like Ivermectin.” Yup. Also for any common cold and flu viruses. And probably cancer, too….

Just wait until the anti-tumoric properties of Ivermectin are delved into when actual science becomes legal again.

Oh, I’ve also heard from people saying that Ivermectin applied topically clears acne, rosacea, and all manner of skin maladies.

And worms. Don’t laugh. Way more Americans have actual parasites than anyone imagines. Remember the story of the family with the little girl who was always sick and underweight, and with her first dose of Ivermectin for a cold bug that was going through her family… well, let’s just say the mystery of her stunted growth and sickliness was found floating in the commode that night. Gross, but instructive.

Ivermectin pep-talk:

I take the prophylactic dose twice per month, the 1st and 2nd and the 15th and 16th of the month, and if I feel ANYTHING coming on, know I’ve been extensively around a sick person, or am actively sick.

It. Can’t. Hurt.

Ivermectin is orders of magnitude safer than aspirin.

I use the liquid livestock injectable form, which I DRINK, usually now just in a splash of water. It really doesn’t taste that bad.

If you take the higher “treatment dose”, wonky vision side effects are totally normal and clear immediately when you come off the Ivermectin. The wonky vision stuff that I experienced after intentionally taking a “confrontation dose” in January of ARSH 2022 was not severe enough to prohibit driving. It was just… there. Like very subtle water waves in the field of vision and occasional mild “light flashes”. Like I said, it was there, but not handicapping for me.

If you’re sick, stay on the Ivermectin treatment dose for at least five days, if not longer. There’s no reason to be sick for two weeks or more when it could be just two days.

Also, actual doctors are realizing as the new era unfolds just how clutch Vitamin D is. Make certain that your Vitamin D also includes Vitamin K. The K is critical in smooth uptake of the D. I buy it in liquid drop form. I take 15 drops (15,000 IUs) daily, and mega-dose 50 drops (50,000 IUs) if I feel in any way sick. Or, just go outside in the sun now that it’s warming up. And don’t forget your Zinc and Vitamin C.

I hope this helps.

Remember, Jesus loves the Glowies too. It’s possible that in attempting to infiltrate believing Catholic parishes, some of them will convert and be saved.

Now what many of us strongly suspected for years has been confirmed, that FBI Glowies tasked with infiltrating orthodox, believing Catholic communities aren’t just limited to online activities, but are actually physically showing up to Mass, there are a couple of things to consider.

First, yes, of course it’s deplorable, but the United States of America no longer exists, and is now fully replaced by a tyrannical, Luciferian kakistocracy. This is objective, observable reality. And yes, we have expected and should continue to expect the regime to send infiltrators.

HOWEVER, what we should NOT permit to happen to ourselves is the descent into pathological suspicion, mistrust and sociopathy that we have seen in other cultures that have fallen to evil. It’s important to NOT be the person who instantly suspects every new face to be a Glowie. We can’t allow ourselves to become like so many cultures today wherein people assume everyone around them is guilty until proven innocent, lying is the default in all communications and interactions, and love becomes something to be scoffed at, or even held in outright contempt.

Our Lord told us that we are expected to find that golden mean when He said to us, “Be wise as serpents, and simple as doves.” Don’t be gullible, but at the same time, don’t be a hard-hearted bastard. It IS possible.

And that leads us to the Glowies themselves. It’s hard to respect anyone who would, at this point, think that joining the FBI or any intel branch of the Washington DC regime was a good life choice, but they ARE human beings, redeemed by Christ’s Passion and Death on the Cross, and God does will that they repent and be saved. And you know what? It’s possible that in going to the Traditional Latin Mass, and researching the One True Faith, even for initially nefarious motives, could yield the fruits of conversion. The liturgy is the greatest proselytizer, which is precisely why the infiltrators in the early-to-mid 20th century went immediately for the Roman liturgy, and replaced it with the revolting banality and effeminacy of the typical Novus Ordo.

I’m reminded of the countless examples of hostile men converting after simply seeing and being around Christians, with some even dying as martyrs. The first was the Roman soldier, Longinus, who stabbed Our Lord’s side as He hung dead on the Cross, and received Baptism and Eucharist as first water, and then Blood flowed out from Our Lord’s punctured pericardium. Then there was the Roman centurion Cornelius, St. Maurice the commander of the Theban Legion, Saints Sergius and Bacchus, and who could forget the Forty Holy Martyrs and St. Aglaius, the Roman guard who voluntarily replaced the one man in the group who yielded to apostasy under torture.

Years ago I added to my after-Mass litany of prayer intentions “All of My Friends That I Haven’t Met Yet”, which I strongly recommend for everyone to have as a daily prayer intention. Then, a few years ago, I appended to the “friends I haven’t met yet” intention: “especially my future jailers and/or executioners”. Considering that I’ve been praying for them daily for years, if I end up imprisoned by the NewWorldOrder, I look forward to a very fruitful incarceration.

So, are Glowie infiltrators deplorable? Yep. Should we keep an eye out for them? Yes. BUT, we should also pray for them, and simply proselytize them through the Liturgy of the Church, and through our own examples of Christian virtue. Christ loves them, died to redeem them, and desires their salvation and eternal beatitude. They aren’t literal demons, without hope, any more than we are.

The Divine Providence is perfect and inscrutable. If Glowies show up in your parish, consider that it could be part of Our Lord’s plan to save them, and maybe we are called to be a part of that plan.

St. Longinus and all former state-sponsored oppressor convert saints, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and on your Holy Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

Another hellmouth opens: The demons openly manifesting in Rome, just steps from St. Peter’s Basilica

Fr. Z is over in Rome, and walked past the church that had the huge Pachamama demon display in October of ARSH 2019, including with the photograph of a woman breastfeeding a pig that is going to be slaughtered as an offering to the Pachamama demon. You think I’m kidding. This is the church that the Austrian guy, Alexander Tschugguel, removed the demonic idols from and then threw them in the Tiber. It was an excellent idea, but always remember that demonic objects must be burned, and the ash disposed of in running water. Burning the idols on the bridge would have been impossible. Because they weren’t burned, Antipope Bergoglio was able to claim that he had the police retrieve the idols from the river – who knows if this is true, as Antipope Bergoglio is a facile and inveterate liar, like satan his father.

Anyway, LOOK at the open demonic manifestation on the front door of the church, Santa Maria in Traspontina right now:

Zoom in..,

All the way in…

Yup. This is absolutely, 100%, a mocking taunt by the demons who were ensconced in and now occupy this church. If you were to turn left 90 degrees, this would be your view almost to the spot:

I believe St. Peter’s is currently a hellmouth and needs to be fully exorcized and reconsecrated due to the open demon worship that Antipope Bergoglio did in October ARSH 2019 when he placed a Pachamama demon plant (the proxy used in the demonic rituals of the Pachamama cult) on the high altar at the Offertory of the Mass, as well as the rampant sodomy and God only knows what else goes on in there. Here is my personal testimony of my run-in with the preternatural in St. Peter’s years ago.

So, a word to the wise if you go on pilgrimage to Rome: stay out of St. Peter’s, and stay out of Santa Maria in Traspontina just up the street. The preternatural is real. Don’t mess with it. Take the demons at their word here:

The pinnacle of human sexual perversion: ASEXUALITY… the obvious Luciferian end goal of so-called “transsexualism”.

File this under “obvious truths that no one is talking about”.

Adult content warning here, folks.

When a human being takes hormones and surgically mutilates and removes their genitalia, the person is rendered functionally asexual. A girl or woman who has had her clitoris mutilated or removed will not be experiencing an orgasm, no matter how much some pervert monster masquerading as a doctor tries to glue a transplanted muscle onto her pubis and call it a penis. And the doctors know this, obviously. A boy or man who takes female hormones and has his penis chopped off will likewise never experience an orgasm, no matter how much a demon in human skin masquerading as a doctor drills a hole in his perineum, shoves a molly into the fistula, and declares it a vagina. And the doctors know this, obviously.

The so-called “drag queens” are mostly depraved perverted men who not only have no interest in losing their masculine libidos or capacity for penetration and normal orgasm, but are either predators of women and girls, or sodomites, both with a depraved kink fetish for self-debasement by wearing women’s attire and grotesque demonic makeup.

This is different from the boys and men, and girls and women who have their genitals removed, thus rendering them asexual, unable to feel anything. The only things they can do are sodomitical: they all still have rectal vaults, mouths, and hands, and so IF they engage in sodomy – WHICH IS ALL THEY ARE PHYSICALLY CAPABLE OF, AND THEREFORE ANY VOLUNTARY GENITAL ACT THEY ENGAGE IN FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES IS, BY DEFINITION, MORTALLY SINFUL, EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE INCAPABLE OF ORGASM – they are just pieces of meat being used by someone else who is physically intact for masturbatory friction.

These mutilated children and adults are victims of human sacrifice just as much, and perhaps even more than the people who had their hearts cut out of their chests by the Aztecs, or the vestal virgins who were tossed into volcanoes. At least those poor people died quickly. These mutilated people, whether by their own consent, or children made human sacrifices by their parents or teachers, remain alive, permanently tortured, many used as de facto sex slaves by intact perverts.

So, what’s going on here? Hasn’t the human orgasm been set up as THE pinnacle and telos of human existence? Isn’t the Freemasonic-Antichurch culture of death driven towards the endgame of orgasms for all by any means necessary, and with zero connection, commitment, or responsibility?

No. That isn’t the FINAL Luciferian goal for humanity. To see what the real end game is, we need to look to… Japan. As I have said for years, the Japanese are at the point of the spear, the cutting edge, in terms of human depravity and perversion. The Japanese, more than any other pagan society, descend into human evil that is incomprehensible when they have no constraints. The Japanese are the most brutal and sadistic torturers on earth. They are despised by the Chinese and the Koreans for a reason. Look up the Rape of Nanking… or maybe don’t.

The Japanese have had as cultural norms suicide, euthanasia, male sodomy, pedophilia and transvestism for centuries. They are WAY ahead of the post-Christian west on that curve. But what has happened in Japan recently is something that is new in human history, and it is the peak in human perversion: mass asexuality. Young Japanese men have completely lost interest in sex, and even in sodomy. They are so severely narcissistic that they have lost any and all desire whatsoever for anything even tangentially related to the procreative function, even the perverted manifestations.

I first learned about this dynamic in ARSH 2015 when researching Diabolical Narcissism. I had the misfortune of crossing paths with a Diabolical Cerebral Narcissist sodomite. His family later explained to me that he, by his own testimony, oscillated between phases, oftentimes years in duration, of intense sodomitical activity and what he described as “asexuality”. My research confirmed that this phasic linkage is very common among cerebral DNs, and that almost all cases of “asexuality” are really just a phase that is coupled with a perversion of some stripe, or an outright lie to cover for abberosexuality. And so we see that true, consistent asexuality has not only been historically rare, but is the furthest afield perversion, a narcissism so intense that it blots out all desire for any human connection at all. The total absence of relationship- truly hell on earth.

I know that it is surprising and counter-intuitive to think that somehow NOT having sexual impulses could be worse than having them, and I think this confusion comes from the fact that asexuality has historically been so incredibly rare, precisely because it is perversion in extremis. It is also utterly essential to make the distinction between the categories of BEING and DOING (we’ve trod this path well in the context of the Office of the Papacy – being the Pope – and the Ministries of the Papacy – optional things that a Pope does).

Just because someone doesn’t DO sexual acts doesn’t mean that he or she isn’t a completely psycho-sexually normal person. It SHOULD simply mean that he or she is CHASTE.



Anyone who is unmarried or widowed, anyone who has taken religious vows, anyone who is physically apart from his or her spouse, anyone who is married but prevented by illness or injury from the marital act, all of these people are or should be 100% normal heterosexuals, which is to say… HUMAN.

There is only one “sexual orientation”: heterosexual. Every human being is heterosexual. Period. Tab A, slot B. Heterosexuality is intrinsic and quintessential to being human. Note the verb: BEING. Not necessarily DOING, but BEING. The categories outlined in the paragraph above are NOT asexual. Asexuality is NOT “human”. It is the supreme perversion of the sexual aspect of BEING human. Which is why Japan will probably self-annihilate, as will the post-Christian west barring supernatural intervention. The demographic collapse since the introduction of the birth control pill by itself is enough, and now we have sodomy being aggressively inculcated, with the pièce de résistance, surgical and chemical asexuality under the guise of the fiction of “sex changes” all driving toward extinction by sterilization. And for any intransigent heterosexual breeder hold-outs, why, there’s the Death Injections, which are known, proven sterilants.

Pull the focus back and see the big picture, who is ultimately driving the plot, and what the agenda truly is: the total cessation of human reproduction, with asexuality, preferably as a result of the human sacrifice of bodily mutilation borne from intense Diabolical Narcissism, the voluntary purgation of all love from the soul, as the primary cause. Pure, unadulterated Satanism.

Christ, save us.

Hearing secular songs with a Eucharistic Ear: “To Make You Feel My Love” edition

We all could use a pick-me-up, and something to pull us back to THE ONE that is the true center of everything, and that we are fighting for.

I’ve been doing posts about hearing pop-secular songs with a Eucharistic Ear for over a decade now.  Good love songs can be heard either as God singing to mankind, or mankind singing to God.

Do these songs have any place in liturgy?  ABSOLUTELY NOT.  But they can be a consolation while driving, working, exercising, whatever.

Today we will look at “To Make You Feel My Love”, written by, of all people, Bob Dylan, and performed here by Garth Brooks.  I am NOT a Garth Brooks fan at all, but props must be given – Brooks’ cover of this song is the best version.

Below is a video of the song. Just focus on the lyrics, which I have augmented in red with the Eucharistic motifs and concepts.  Our Lord is singing this to you.  Enjoy.

When the rain’s blowin’ in your face (“And when they were sailing, He slept; and there came down a storm of wind upon the lake, and they were filled, and were in danger. And they came and awaked Him, saying: Master, we perish. But He arising, rebuked the wind and the rage of the water; and it ceased, and there was a calm.” Luke 8: 23-24)

And the whole world is on your case (“And all that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution.” 2 Timothy 3:12)

I would offer you a warm embrace (The Sacrament of Confession; Spiritual or Sacramental Holy Communion)

To make you feel My Love (The Beatific Vision – it is why He made you, and what your entire life on earth is driving toward)

When the evening shadows and the stars appear (“The moon and the stars to rule the night: for His mercy endureth for ever.” Psalm 135: 9)

And there is no one to dry your tears (“In thy sight are all they that afflict me; my heart hath expected reproach and misery. And I looked for one that would grieve together with me, but there was none: and for one that would comfort me, and I found none.” Psalm 68: 21)

I could hold you for a million years (“Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5: 5)

To make you feel My Love (The Beatific Vision – it is why He made you, and what your entire life on earth is driving toward)

I know you haven’t made your mind up yet (Love, even of Infinite Love Himself, can only be freely chosen by us)

But I would never do you wrong (Christ is INFINITELY GOOD, INFINITELY FAITHFUL and can neither DECEIVE nor be deceived. He will NEVER abandon us, nor break His promises. EVER.)

I’ve known it from the moment that we met (Christ has known that you would exist for all eternity, and by your baptism the estrangement caused by The Fall and Original Sin was eliminated)

There’s no doubt in My Mind where you belong (We exist to know, love and serve Him in this world, and be happy with Him forever in the next)

I’d go hungry (His 40 days in the desert),
I’d go black and blue (His scourging at the Pillar. “But He was wounded for our iniquities, He was bruised for our sins: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by His bruises we are healed.” Isaiah 53: 5)

I’d go crawling down the avenue (Carrying His Cross to Calvary, falling beneath it thrice)

There ain’t nothing that I wouldn’t do (His death on the Cross)

To make you feel My Love (The Beatific Vision – it is why He made you, and what your entire life on earth is driving toward)

Storms are raging on a rolling sea (The Freemasonic-Communist infiltration, Vatican II, The Bergoglian Antipapacy, etc.  “I saw in my vision by night, and behold the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. And four great beasts, different one from another, came up out of the sea.” Daniel 7: 2-3)

Down the highway of regret (“For the sorrow that is according to God worketh penance, steadfast unto salvation; but the sorrow of the world worketh death.” 2 Corinthians 7:10)

Winds of change are blowing wild and free, yeah huh (Did I mention the Bergoglian Antipapacy?)

But you ain’t seen nothing like Me yet (His Sacred Heart WILL TRIUMPH through her Immaculate Heart. The theological virtue of Hope.)

There ain’t nothing that I wouldn’t do (Incarnate, suffer, die, rise from the dead, ascend, send the Holy Ghost, build His Holy Church)

Go to the ends of the earth for you (He is reposed in every Tabernacle, and comes down upon the altar at every valid Mass)

Make you happy, make your dreams come true (“But, as it is written: That eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9)

To make you feel My Love (The Beatific Vision – it is why He made you, and what your entire life on earth is driving toward)