The Internet is Forever. Barnhardt’s “Islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil” full video presentation found, despite attempts by the Deep State to scrub it.

The whole presentation is morbidly fascinating, but I’m convinced the primary reason that the Deep State/New World Order Combine wants this presentation memory-holed is the conclusion: namely that sexual perversion is INCULCATED, that is, TAUGHT and CONDITIONED, not inherent, which the islamic cultures clearly prove to be observably true. Heterosexuality is inherent and intrinsic. The only “sexuality” is heterosexuality. Everything else is pure evil, a sucking void of bestial, spiteful, loveless misery, violence and ultimately eternal damnation. And boy oh boy, do sex perverts ever want to drag as many people into hell with them as possible, and thus are now so hyper-aggressive in their quest to inculcate sexual perversion into the entire world, with children being their prime target.

Musical respite: Skylark


Have you anything to say to me?

Won’t you tell me where my love can be?

Is there a meadow in the mist

Where someone’s waiting to be kissed?


Have you seen a valley green with spring?

Where my heart can go a journeying

Over the shadows and the rain

To a blossom covered lane

And in your lonely flight

Haven’t you heard the music of the night?

Wonderful music

Faint as a will o’ the wisp

Crazy as a loon

Sad as a gypsy serenading the moon


I don’t know if you can find these things

But my heart is riding on your wings

So if you see them anywhere

Won’t you lead me there

NonVeni Mark crosspost: a delightful Derby allegory of cognitive dissonance and the Bergoglian Antipapacy

Brilliant post by NonVeni Mark. Shamelessly lifted in full. -AB

Derby Day: Looking back on an instructive display of cognitive dissonance

It’s Derby Day! You may remember last year’s Derby was quite remarkable, with Rich Strike, the longest of long shots, tearing down the stretch for the win. First, take a look at an aerial shot starting from the far turn:

Notice anything interesting, besides the unbelievable finish? Larry Collmus, the track announcer, who is presumably the best in the world at what he does, doesn’t see Rich Strike thundering down the rail, clearly in the open. Or rather, his eyes are taking in the information, but his intellect refuses to process the data, because it “does not compute.” His intellect says this can’t be happening, and ignores the data. This is known as Cognitive Dissonance.

Next, watch Collmus make the call. Video should be queued up to start at the top of the stretch. Watch as Rich Strike is fully neck and neck with Epicenter before Collmus finally comes to terms with reality, and calls his name for the first time. Then watch after the finish, as Collmus shows signs of physical disbelief over what he just witnessed:

And so it goes with those who think a raging heretic Argentinian usurper barreling down the Appian Way could possibly be the legitimate Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church.

Somehow, they just can’t see it.

The Bergoglian Antipapacy is right there out in the open, upending doctrine as if such a thing could be done, spewing heresy on a near daily basis, and they just can’t see it. Now don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of people and prelates who DO see it, and choose to do nothing, which is far worse. But I’d say the multitude just can’t bring their intellect into conformity with the obvious, obvious, reality staring them in the face. Of course, the ’58 Sedes would say the same, which puts them more in the right than anyone who would cede authority and obedience to this demon worshipper in white.

In your charity: Crowdfunding for a young unjabbed mother of five with sudden heart failure in Lubbock, TX

On April 26, 2023 Angela Asher, a young mother with 5 children (including a 2 month old baby) went to the hospital in Lubbock because she couldn’t breathe and was having extreme chest pain. She was diagnosed with acute heart failure and on the 28th she was transferred to Baylor hospital in Fort Worth. The doctors at Baylor in Fort Worth are hopeful that no surgical intervention will be needed but the road to recovery will be long and it may be months before she sees much improvement.


In one of his very first acts as Pope, St. Pius V ordered that sodomites be executed by the secular authorities. He then went on to order that any cleric caught engaging in sodomy be immediately laicized and turned over to the secular authorities to be executed. Papa Ghislieri, pray for us.

A happy and blessed Feast of Pope St. Pius V Ghislieri to one and all!

In one of his very first acts as pope, Pope St. Pius V in Cum Primum on April 1, ARSH 1566 ordered that sodomites be executed by the secular authorities.

Two years later, he declared in a Constitution:

That horrible crime, on account of which corrupt and obscene cities were destroyed by fire through divine condemnation, causes us most bitter sorrow and shocks our mind, impelling us to repress such a crime with the greatest possible zeal.

Quite opportunely the Fifth Lateran Council [1512-1517] issued this decree: “Let any member of the clergy caught in that vice against nature, given that the wrath of God falls over the sons of perfidy, be removed from the clerical order or forced to do penance in a monastery” (chap. 4, X, V, 31).

So that the contagion of such a grave offense may not advance with greater audacity by taking advantage of impunity, which is the greatest incitement to sin, and so as to more severely punish the clerics who are guilty of this nefarious crime and who are not frightened by the death of their souls, we determine that they should be handed over to the severity of the secular authority, which enforces civil law.

Therefore, wishing to pursue with greater rigor than we have exerted since the beginning of our pontificate, we establish that any priest or member of the clergy, either secular or regular, who commits such an execrable crime, by force of the present law be deprived of every clerical privilege, of every post, dignity and ecclesiastical benefit, and having been degraded by an ecclesiastical judge, let him be immediately delivered to the secular authority to be put to death, as mandated by law as the fitting punishment for laymen who have sunk into this abyss.” (Constitution Horrendum illud scelus, August 30, 1568, in Bullarium Romanum, Rome: Typographia Reverendae Camerae Apostolicae, Mainardi, 1738, chap. 3, p. 33)


This sodomite crap isn’t a game, folks. Satan is playing for keeps, and we would all do well to face this fact now.  Better late than never.

Pray for us to the Lord Our God, Papa Ghislieri, that we be delivered from the brutal jackboot of the sodomites.

Mailbag Q&A: St. Monnica Edition

Okay, Ann, here’s one for ya.

I started reading your financial column when ‘the letter’ got published. I found that interesting, but what I found mesmerizing was the information about Catholicism. I am a 60 year old married woman with no religious training in my background at all other than what I have picked up from walking around on the planet.

I asked my husband if he would attend a Catholic service with me which he did. I have told him ‘I think those Catholics have it right’. However, he was born, raised and confirmed into the Lutheran church – he emigrated from Sweden to the USA as an adult. He says if we ever attend a church, it will be Lutheran.

So now what? Do I do the Ephesians 5:22-33 thing or what?


Dear L,

You do the First Commandment thing. God is first. If the hypothetical choice is hell for all eternity with your husband, or heaven for all eternity with God, which do you think God wants you to choose?

Hear this now: God does not will or expect anyone to choose hell out of “loyalty” to another person. Even their spouse.  Or their child.  Why did God make you?  What is your purpose? What is the meaning of life?  The answer is literally the first paragraph in the Catechism:

You exist to know, love and serve God in this world, AND BE HAPPY WITH HIM FOREVER IN THE NEXT.

Read that over and over again until you get it.

Receive instruction and enter the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Do this through a Latin Mass parish, if possible.  Not only are the odds exponentially higher that the instruction you receive will be CATHOLIC, but the old rites of initiation are vastly superior to the Novus Ordo watered-down rites.  I so rue not entering the Church in the Old Rite, but now realize that it was all 100% in the Divine Providence, both in terms of people that I did meet, AND people that I was specifically prevented from meeting until after I was safely in the Barque.  But my blanket advice is: However far the drive might be to a Latin Mass parish, it is worth it.

Pray for your husband, and enjoin the assisstance of St. Monnica.  Here is a link to a little piece that does a good job of recounting St. Monnica’s conversion of her husband, Patricius. (And her mother-in-law!!) When we read between the lines, we realize that Patricius was almost certainly a Diabolical Narcissist and possible psychopath. And we also know that the healing of such people is a FAR greater miracle than merely breaking the laws of physics by levitation, or altering the weather. To heal the heart and soul of a DN is… beyond words.

So, for those of you with DNs in your life, KEEP PRAYING, as I do, as St. Monnica did.

St. Monnica, pray for us. 

St. Augustine and his mother, St. Monnica St. Augustine and his mother, St. Monnica