Nine-Eleven ARSH 2023: “Now and at the Hour of Our Death”

YouTube algorithms are pushing 9/11 videos today, both of broadcast news and freelance videographer footage – because remember, younglings, smart camera phones were a decade away yet.

Every year I’m struck by something different, This year, and as in almost all years except the CovidCrime years, I’m on the road, and what just pierced my heart last night while doing my evening perusal, was the video footage shot of the fire fighters mustering in front of the WTC, hoses over their shoulders, getting ready to enter the Towers. Wincing in horror as the jumpers jumped, fell nearly a quarter-mile, and then hit with an explosive BANG before their eyes.

These men, these fire fighters in these videos, in intimate close-ups, would be dead within an hour.

These men were standing in what we pray how-many-dozen times per day: “…Holy Mary, pray for us now and and at the hour of our death…”

Many of them, if not most of them, KNEW that they weren’t coming out of those towers. They KNEW that it was a suicide mission to save as many as they could before the buildings collapsed somehow from the fire damage compromising the metal superstructure.

Show me any evidence of cowardice. Show me any evidence that those men did ANYTHING except manfully march into near-certain death with anything except duty and love of neighbor etched on their souls.

Every prelate, cleric and religious of the Catholic Church who holds the True Faith, all several dozen of them???, need to take a lesson from the NYFD men of 22 years ago and LEARN.

Because the Freemasons have done FAR WORSE to the Church than the suicide attacks on the Twin Towers.

This is your “Grand Master” Mohammed Atta:

Same dead-eyed psychopath look, desiring only death and destruction out of pure, unadulterated spite. Satanic. Quote me on that – and spell my name correctly: Ann Barnhardt.

You run INTO the burning building. You charge death. You get the civilians out, and die in glory trying to save every soul you meet. It’s your vocation.

Exactly how many jumpers falling nearly a quarter mile and splatting with a BANG do you need to see before you say, “Let’s roll,”???

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us now, AND AT THE HOUR OF OUR DEATH.

Lord Jesus Christ, send us virile men, and thwart their saboteurs.

No pictures. No video. If you know, you know.

Q: Ann, who are your influences? A: I have none. I am a trend-SETTER. 😂🤣😂🤣😜🤪

Tee hee. We’re getting traction, y’all!

This is behind a paywall, but here’s a screen cap of the visible headline:

“I Love Lucy” straight outta ’52 dresses, petticoats, hats, heels, and DON’T FORGET THE GLOVES, ladies!


Proselytize, Christianize, Civilize!!!!

Stickypost UPDATE 1: Please pray for the hardest working man on the internet, Frank Walker of, who had a stroke Thursday night.

“Hmmm. I wonder why no updates on I hope Frank’s okay…”

How many of us had this thought run through our minds since Friday? Because Frank Walker updates his Trad Catholic news aggregator site… religiously.

Gina Walker just let us know that Frank had a stroke Thursday night. He is heavily sedated in ICU. The prognosis is for a full recovery, but it’s going to be a long road back. So, we’re all going to be without Frank’s amazing service and hard work of combing the web for every interesting link for a while.

Please pray for Frank’s swift, full recovery and for his lovely bride Gina who is by his side. I’ll post any updates as they come in.

We love you, Frank!

Update #1 via NonVeni Mark:

“I’m informed by Oakes Spalding that Frank is responsive and talking, full recovery is expected, but could take weeks or months.

Please consider offering your Communion for Frank today.” [ I did! -AB]

Over the transom: Does anyone wanna explain the internal contradiction of this to John-Henry?

For the life of me, I can’t understand how these people think. They are saying things that obviously make no sense, and they’re totally okay with that, and it doesn’t embarrass them, but the very simple statement, “Bergoglio is an Antipope – Pope Benedict never validly resigned,” which most people who are paying attention know is obviously true, is unutterable, even embarrassing??

Barnhardt Podcast #195: Colonize, Proselytize, Christianize!

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode Supernerd is back after testing out the updated FLCCC I-Prevent protocol for the past week or two and we discuss the relative difficulty of learning Latin, anti-pope Bergoglio’s latest verbal vomiting of the approbation of the sin of those “struggling with the sin of sodomy,” the recent interview of Larry Sinclair by the CIA asset Tucker Carlson, and part of what made the fires in Hawaii worse than they needed to be: the deeply-seated paganism of the natives who worship the volcanoes, fire, and water, to the detriment of people and property. Truly we need a new spiritual crusade to bring the Catholic Faith to all people, and brave souls with a missionary spirit to colonize hearts for Christ! The harvest is great, but the workers are few…

Links, Reading, and Video:

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Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast, hosts Ann’s website, and more; if you got some value from these efforts and would like to return some value, you can use a credit/debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Link, or Cash App with this link or you can mail a donation to the address listed at

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]

Happy Birthday, Blessed Virgin Mary!!

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Giotto, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, ARSH 1305

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Giotto, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, ARSH 1305

This is the explanatory preamble from my missal for today’s feast, the Nativity (birth) of the Blessed Virgin Mary (nine months to the day after the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, naturally).  I thought it quite beautiful and timely, for those of us feeling the weight of the darkness of these days:

At the time of Mary’s birth the whole world was plunged in darkness.  The heathen nations were steeped in vice and pride.  The Jews, beloved of God, had strayed from Him.  Everywhere there was sin and gloom, no bright spot on the face of the earth.  But when Mary was born a light arose amidst the darkness:  the dawn of the glorious day that was to usher in the Redeemer.

Remember, The Blessed Virgin was born with the egg that would be fertilized by the Holy Ghost and thus incarnate Our Lord already in her ovary, fully-formed with half of Our Lord’s DNA, just waiting.  

Who knows what foundations and groundworks He has laid on the earth and in our lives, already extant or partially so, just waiting to be completed and realized in the fullness of time according to His will?

Over the Transom: Another Nurse (not Nurse Claire) waxing poetic on the “Faggot Factories”, aka “schools”

Over the transom from a high-level male nurse. MALE nurse. Not all male nurses are homosexual, folks. In fact, nursing was founded as a male vocation.

“COVID is second on my “most concerning issues” list. This whole transgender thing is out of control with child mutilation being encouraged and concealed. If COVID shut down the schools again, the only good thing would be that kids would have a small reprieve from the constant exposure to faggotry and mutilation.

Public schools are faggot factories where kids are sometimes living secret lives unbeknownst to their parents.

The peer pressure to accept these groups has gone too far. At (redacted) vs (redacted) High School football game there was a black male cheerleader, hair dyed flamboyantly, cheering and prancing around. It wasn’t even about the cheerleaders anymore. This one faggot literally took center stage. The females were there to support him. What a backwards upside down world we live in. Tik tok, Twitter, Instagram…. Would an EMP and war be so bad?”


St. Camillus de Lellis, founder of modern nursing, pray for us and for all nurses, and for an increase in nursing vocations, especially among faithful Catholic men. Because God knows we are going to need them.