As for my people, their oppressors have stripped them, and women have ruled over them….

As for my people, their oppressors have stripped them, and women have ruled over them.

Populum meum exactores sui spoliaverunt, et mulieres dominatae sunt eis.

Isaiah 3:12

Wisdom: let us be attentive. Mother Wilhelmina Lancaster

I haven’t posted on this yet as I was initially waiting for more information, specifically if Mother had been embalmed (NO), and what sort of coffin she was interred in (basically a “cremation box” as it is called in the mortuary trade, the simplest possible coffin). Then more information came to light which I can’t discuss (sorry), that has led me to believe that I really need to be seeking Mother’s intercession – actively. I’d encourage one and all to do the same. The Communion of Saints is very, very real, folks, and it transcends time and space to form connections that none of us could ever imagine. The General Judgment, when ALL is revealed, is going to be astounding, to put it mildly.

Letter from Mother Wilhelmina Lancaster to Pope John Paul II, 19 Jan ARSH 1991:

Most Holy Father:
I see no need for an African rite.
I see no need for an American rite.
I see no need for an African-American rite.
I adhere to the Roman rite. Latin is the official language of the Roman rite. Gregorian chant is the official music of the Roman rite.
I am a subject of Christ’s kingdom, which is not of this world.
Our Lord Jesus Christ founded one Church for all men regardless of skin color, regardless of living conditions, regardless of mother tongue. Everyone must die to himself and put on Christ. “Forget your people and your father’s house,” the Psalm says.
Please, Holy Father, listen to the cry of UNA VOCE; Establish a Traditional Ordinariate Consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary!—p. 100 God’s Will; Benedictines of Mary.

It’s Viva Uganda Month! The Uganda Martyrs Died Because They Refused to Engage in Sodomy with King Mwanga

(Originally penned and posted in November of ARSH 2015.)

Please spread the TRUE STORY and REAL POINT of the Ugandan Martyrs far and wide, and don’t let the Luciferian sodomitical Freemasonic infiltrators and enemies of God and His Holy Church twist this into yet another heresy-supporting perversity.

King Mwanga was 19 years old and a raging sodomite.  The Ugandan martyrs were young Christian men, the youngest being 14 years old and some of them actually OLDER than King Mwanga himself, the eldest being 25 years old, who were pages in Mwanga’s court that categorically refused to comply with his demand that they engage in sodomy with him or anyone else, including his… wait for it… MUSLOID buddy, Lutaya.

In the week leading up to the commencement of the great bloodletting, a lad named Matthias Gayinga refused to engage in sodomy with the musloid Lutaya at King Mwanga’s specific order.  Matthias Gayinga was tortured, but not to death, for his virile stance against the sodomite wretches Mwanga and Lutaya.  This incident, and the “splendid example” as it was called among the Christians, is what led directly to the rage and mass martyrdom at the sodomite Mwanga’s hands.

The leader and protector of the young men and boys in Mwanga’s court was a Catholic man named Charles Lwanga who had ascended to that role just a few days earlier when his predecessor was beheaded by King Mwanga. Upon being made head page in Mwanga’s court, Charles Lwanga himself asked to be baptized and received into the Church on November 15, ARSH 1885.  When King Mwanga’s favorite male catamite, a lad named Mwafu, revealed that another man named Denis Sebuggwawo was instructing him and the other boys, under Charles Lwanga’s supervision as head page in the court, in the Catechism and preparing them for baptism, and that is why Mwafu had stopped coming to Mwanga’s court (for sodomy with King Mwanga), King Mwanga became enraged, sealed the court and summoned his executioners.

Charles Lwanga, knowing that they would all be killed by the raging sodomite king, immediately baptized the four catechumens on May, 26, ARSH 1886.  The next morning they were summoned before King Mwanga, and the Christians were asked to identify themselves, and then asked to apostatize.  Not one lad apostatized.  All stood manfully for Christ, knowing it meant their torture and death.

As I cover in my Diabolical Narcissism video presentation, almost all sodomites have freely adopted the psychological pose and emotional palate of the demonic, and thus relish in inflicting wanton suffering upon others.  Generally they are confined to emotional and spiritual cruelty, but when given power, like King Mwanga, they are reliably physically sadistic.  The torture of the Ugandan Martyrs is no exception to this.  Charles Lwanga was separated from the rest of the lads and had his feet BURNED OFF before being finally killed. As his feet were being burned off, Charles Lwanga said to the executioner, “It is as if you are pouring water on me. Please repent and become a Christian like me.”

The other lads were marched 37 miles, and at the place of execution were wrapped in reed mats, stacked like logs, and burned as a human pyre.

I find several extremely relevant points here.

First, King Mwanga’s demand was not just for sodomy, but CONSENSUAL sodomy.  The lads were not raped, it seems.  This is a huge distinction, and so reflective of our contemporary culture and situation, and it harkens directly back to the events in the city of Sodom as recorded in Genesis 19.

Sodomites are never content to be “left alone” to their wretched depravity.  The cultural progression goes from tolerance to acceptance, acceptance to ratification, ratification to support, and support to participation.  King Mwanga tortured and killed those lads because they refused to crawl down into hell with him – just as the demons and their human allies want every human being to freely choose hell, just as they did.

Second, we all know that with regards to St. Charles Lwanga and Companions, the part about the sodomy will be totally glazed over.  Heck, just in researching this post I came across Catholic websites that never mention it – only “the King’s immoral practices”, being conspicuously careful to never say what those “immoral practices” were. According to the evil infiltrators of the Church, poor King Mwanga just wanted to be “loved”, albeit in a “different way” with it own unique “value”. Who are we to judge, and who were these pious, rigid, fundamentalist, creepy young men who judged King Mwanga judgmentally, and refused to encounter, dialogue and accompany him body-to-body with the tender caresses of the God of Surprising Newness on his equally valid path through the fragrant lands of teh sweet, sweet buttsecks?

Make no mistake, according to the Bergoglian Antichurch, the Ugandan Martyrs deserved what they got for not capitulating and being “haters”.

Please tell everyone you can about St. Charles Lwanga and his Companions and their glorious and holy deaths at the hands of a raging sodomite and his musloid instigator, standing against that sin so vile, so foul, that it cries out to heaven for God’s vengeance, and that even the demons themselves withdraw from once instigated, given their angelic nature: SODOMY.

St. Charles Lwanga and Companions, pray for us, that we too may die before we ever capitulate to sodomites.




Men are sometimes hanged for telling the truth…

Happy feast of St. Joan of Arc, the only person of either sex to be the supreme commander of the military forces of a nation at the age of seventeen. How lovely that her feast falls on Pentecost Tuesday this year.

Today, this quote seems especially fitting:

“Men are sometimes hanged for telling the truth.”


St. Joan, pray for us.


(This has been a very popular piece since it was originally written for Memorial Day over a decade ago, and explains to a culture so stripped of any sense of reverence, respect or even decorum why it is that liturgy should be masculine, solemn, reverent, and especially BEAUTIFUL, in the only terms that can still, just barely, be understood: the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery. I have received many emails over the years mostly from men, but also a few women, who reported having a change of heart about the “fancy vestments” or “hyper-formal and distant” rubrics of the Traditional Mass after reading this piece. It is so sad that today’s infiltrated and fallen culture considers masculinity and beauty to be in opposition to each other. Nothing could be farther from the truth.)


Those are the words engraved on the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery. Here is a video of the Changing of the Guard.

I think we can all agree that the Tomb of the Unknowns, the 24/7 guarding of the Tomb, and the intense precision of the ceremonial rubrics therein is one of the most excellent things in American culture. The old saying goes, “You may judge a nation by how it treats its fallen warriors.” In an otherwise degraded and despair-inducing society, the Tomb of the Unknowns is a beacon of cultural light and hope.

The Tomb of the Unknowns is also extremely instructive, and believe it or not, it instructs us about . . . the Mass. The reason the Tomb of the Unknowns instructs us today about the Mass is because the Tomb of the Unknowns rubrics are highly informed by the rubrics of the Mass, which were themselves informed by military rubrics, which were informed by even older liturgical rubrics. Military ceremonials and the Ceremonials of the Church are intertwined. Only since the Asteroid hit in the 1960s has the masculinity and, if I may use the term, militant aesthetic been utterly purged, in an attempt by the infiltrators to destroy the Church Militant from within by concealing its very nature from itself – MILITANCY. And so I am reminded of a quote I once heard:

It is important for Christians to know their own history, because if you know your own history, no one else can tell you who you are.

And that is precisely what has happened, and continues to happen. The enemies and infiltrators desperately want all knowledge of WHO and WHAT the Church truly is suppressed and forgotten so that they can lyingly “tell you who you are”. And if you have no knowledge of your own history, you will have no way to discern what is truth and what is lies, and you can thus be conned into believing that you are what you are not, and deceived into believing that you are not what you in actuality are.

For those of you who have never seen a pre-1969 Tridentine Mass and are used to the clownish, degraded, irreverent Novus Ordo Masses of the last 50 years, or of Superfun Rockband church, I hope the sense of reverent awe and solemnity you feel when watching the ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns helps you understand what exactly it is that has been robbed from you.

After watching the ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns above, I want you to imagine the guards walking about casually, maybe wearing a partial uniform jacket, but with jeans and sandals. Imagine the guards walking out and introducing themselves, “Hi, my name is Lieutenant Jones, but you can call me Lieutenant Jake, or just Jake.” Then the guard might say something like, “Isn’t it a beautiful day today? It sure was rainy yesterday. I had to wear a rain jacket. I’m so glad you all could make it to my shift today. I’m going to be guarding the tomb for the next few hours, and I know that it can sure get BOOOORING! That’s why I have asked a local band to come in and play some awesome new music for you guys, because I want this to be A FUN EXPERIENCE for all of us! And, of course, GO RAVENS!”

If this happened, you would be shocked and disgusted, right? Do you understand that what I have just described is a watered-down comparison of what has happened to the Holy and August Sacrifice of the Mass? The Mass went from being even more reverent than the rubrics of the Tomb Guard to what I just described above – and many times even worse than what I described above. And this happened for many people within a span of several WEEKS in late 1969 into early 1970.

Let’s walk through some of the many parallels.

The soldiers are in full dress uniform, meticulously turned-out and maintained. They are not in combat gear that soldiers would use to walk a patrol in Afghanistan. The Tomb guards are doing something DIFFERENT, and thus their uniforms reflect that.

Really, what the ceremonies surrounding the Tomb are is the highest form of ART. It is living ART, not consisting of a mere two-dimensional representation, not consisting of inanimate objects, but ART consisting of human beings in action. The uniforms, the gait, the precise rubrics, words, gestures and movements – these all combine into a perpetual work of art that not only moves and inspires the people who witness it, but also accomplishes the goal of making tangible a RESPECT for and a REMEMBRANCE of all of the fallen unknown soldiers. The Tomb Guards walk their patrol whether anyone is there to see them do it or not. It isn’t a show. It is a service. It is a rite.

It isn't all about him. For real men, it never is.

It isn’t all about him. For real men, it never is.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is exactly what I just described, except that the Mass is the most perfect artistic action in the universe because the Mass is the artistic creation of God Himself. The Mass is SUPERNATURAL ART. The Holy Spirit taught the Church the Mass. The Mass is art that is so perfect that it actually causes something SUPERNATURAL to happen – it causes Heaven and Earth to touch, it causes time to be bent such that the moment of “now” touches and intersects with the moment of Calvary 1984 years ago, and it causes bread and wine to be transubstantiated into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, made PHYSICALLY SUBSTANTIALLY PRESENT. Man calls down God, and God, in His infinite love, responds and fully submits in complete love, making Himself present on the Altar both at the moment of His death, and in His resurrection, so that He may go into us not only spiritually but also physically as Food.

-In the Tridentine Mass, the priest observes “custody of the eyes”, never looking around and NEVER looking out at the people. Like the guards, priests are supposed to keep their eyes on exactly what they are doing without distraction. The Guards at the Tomb wear mirrored sunglasses to block out all eye contact. Priests are supposed to keep their eyes DOWN or CLOSED, with a couple of exceptions such as just before the consecration when they are to look up to Heaven. This is like the Guards’ rubric of looking from side-to-side very deliberately when inspecting the rifle and the relieving officer. Did you catch that?

Priests are also supposed to walk with a very deliberate gait – slow, measured and reverent in exactly the same way the Tomb Guards walk in a slow, deliberate, reverent gait.

Priests are only supposed to say very specific words – no improvisation, no modifications. The Guards are the same way. They have a very strict announcement that they make at the changing, and they have very strict words that they say when telling people to be quiet and observe reverent silence (there is a YouTube video of that happening, look it up.) There is no chatting or extemporaneous speech. In the Church, the command is “Say the black, do the red,” in reference to the layout of the Roman Missal with the words of prayer in black and the instructions for the intensely precise rubrics, down to every gesture, in red.

-I would analogize the exaggerated heel-clicking movement that the Guards do to the genuflecting of the Priest (and servers, and laity, ahem) to the rubric of ALWAYS genuflecting to the right knee EACH AND EVERY TIME the axis of the Tabernacle and/or Altar Cross is crossed. In many Catholic Churches, the Tabernacle, which is the center of the Church – heck, it is the center of the universe – has been moved off to the side, or even hidden in a sacristy. Where a Tabernacle is present, Our Lord, physically present inside, is largely ignored. I have never seen a Novus Ordo priest consistently observe the loving rubric of genuflecting to the Tabernacle every time the plane is crossed. (I have learned since originally writing this that the General Instruction of the Roman Missal for the Novus Ordo Mass specifically states that there are to be no genuflections to the Blessed Sacrament or Cross except by the priest at the consecrations. Sit in stillness with this for a moment. Do you see why I say that the Novus Ordo was conceived in malice by the infiltrators, and thus cannot be “fixed”?)

In fact, most Novus Ordo priests wander around the sanctuary with their backs turned to the Tabernacle while they put on their “performance.” This would be analogous to the Tomb of the Unknowns itself at Arlington being moved “out of the way” and instead a stage being erected upon which the Guards would perform. It makes you sick to think of that happening at Arlington – but that is largely what has happened to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

-There is even an analogue in the Changing of the Guard ceremony to the Consecration of the Host in the Mass. Did you hear it when you watched the video above? It comes at the 2:36 mark. A rifle is fired, its report thus commemorating the moment of death of the Unknowns. In the Mass, the moment of consecration and transubstantiation are the report of Christ’s words spoken by the priest:

(This is My Body.)

If you are fortunate, you can still find a church with a bell tower which rings the bell at the consecration of the Host and again at the consecration of the Chalice. This enabled everyone within earshot – oftentimes miles away – of pausing and saying a prayer as Our Lord came down upon the Altar, uniting themselves to the Mass.

Finally, the words engraved on the Tomb of the Unknowns:


This is analogous to the words of the Mass:

(Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him who takes away the sins of the world.)

In the Mass, Christ is obviously alive, physically substantially present in the Eucharist, veiled under the mere appearance of bread and wine. Every Mass is a supernatural event – a miracle. At the Tomb, the Unknowns remain dead – only their memory, veiled in anonymity, is honored. There is absolutely NOTHING supernatural about the Tomb of the Unknowns. Let me say that again: There is absolutely NOTHING supernatural about the Tomb of the Unknowns. It is most excellent, to be sure, but it is not a supernatural thing.

The point is this: if we all know and understand and FEEL the power of the excellent, excellent ceremonial rubrics of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, if we understand the power of “living art”, and we understand how important the concepts of reverence, solemnity, precision, dignity and beauty in movement and action are in the context of the Tomb, why, oh why, do we continue to tolerate the lack of reverence, the lack of solemnity, the absence of liturgical precision and dignity and the resulting UGLINESS that has been unleashed on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is not just a mere memorial of Calvary, but is Calvary Itself, made supernaturally present, and Our Resurrected Lord physically substantially present?

The Tomb of the Unknowns merits the excellent, beautiful, solemn, reverent, disciplined ceremony of the Guards.

Our Lord, Crucified, Risen and physically substantially present to us in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar deserves INFINITELY MORE excellence, beauty, solemnity, reverence, discipline and dignity in His Mass.

Seek it out. Demand it. Make it your priority.

Happy Memorial Day

Musical Interlude: Goodbye (She Quietly Says)

There is no great big ending,
No sunset in the sky.
There is no string ensemble,
And she doesn’t even cry.
And just as I begin to say
That we should make another try,
She reaches out across the table looks at me and quietly says good-bye.
There is no big explosion,
No tempest in the tea.
The world does not stop turning round,
There’s no big tragedy.
Sitting in a coffee shop
With cheesecake and some apple pie,
She reaches out across the table looks at me and quietly says good-bye.
Said so easily.

Said so quietly.
Good-bye good-bye good-bye.

Antipope Bergoglio sick with a fever. Pray that he repent and revert to Catholicism.

Even a wretched monster like Antipope Bergoglio can repent and be saved in the infinitude of Christ’s mercy… IF Bergoglio avails himself of it. One good confession and a public statement is all it would take. So simple. Our Lord provides an EASY path to His mercy in even the most horrific situations. The only obstacle is ourselves. The only thing keeping Jorge Bergoglio from the State of Grace is Jorge Bergoglio.

The same goes for anyone.

Pray not that Antipope Bergoglio die, but that he repent and revert to Catholicism.