Stickypost: Fall Mazzamester! How often do YOU think about the Roman Empire (and the Roman Catholic Church)?

Experience the world of legions, martyrs, and slaves in “Romans, Christians, Barbarians II”. In Part Two, we reenter the world of the Caesars (AD 33 – AD 453) and learn how the Stone rejected by the builders became the Cornerstone of a new Order. We’ll meet saints and heretics, emperors and warriors and experience genius, brutality, and sanctity! Learn what lessons Roman Civilization and the Early Church have for our own time.


Yet another letter surfaces in which Pope Benedict proved that he intended to retain some portion of the Office of the Pope – the first person possessive adjective MY is irrefutable evidence.

And if he intended to retain even a nano-particle of the Papacy, which he obviously did, then his putative resignation was proffered in SUBSTANTIAL ERROR, and was thus totally invalid BY THE LAW ITSELF. This is Canon 188.

A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.
-Canon 188

Since it is THE LAW ITSELF that invalidated the resignation, anyone can simply observe, recognize and state reality. It is not only our God-given right as rational intellects created in the image and likeness of God to observe reality and hold it as true, it is also our DUTY. This is Canon 748.

Canon 748. §1. All persons are bound to seek the truth in those things which regard God and His Church and by virtue of divine law are bound by the obligation and possess the right of embracing and observing the truth which they have come to know.

The identity of the Vicar of Christ on Earth, who is in his person the Principal of Unity and the Standard of Schism, and therefore also the identity of who is NOT the Vicar of Christ, but a usurper Antipope, is very, very much an obligation for all persons to seek the truth regarding, and to embrace and observe that truth.

Checking your brain at the door and pretending that you aren’t “allowed” to observe and embrace reality is textbook effeminacy. A pure dodge designed to allow a man to play both sides, to answer “yes” and “no”, to try to have Christ while refusing to take up one’s cross. No one buys the “dazzling false modesty” schtick. Everyone can see that it is just effeminate evasion, trying to let your ‘yes’ be ‘no’ and your ‘no’ be ‘yes’.

Here’s the irrefutable, visible, obvious objective truth from February ARSH 2022:

CON = with

LA MIA = my


APOSTOLICA = Apostolic

The Apostolic Blessing is the Pope’s blessing, exclusively. The use of the first person singular possessive adjective “MY” tells us beyond the shadow of a doubt that Pope Benedict considered himself to be “a” Pope, remaining as a participant in the Papal Office, which means that he NEVER VALIDLY RESIGNED, and therefore there was no valid conclave in ARSH 2013 because the See was still occupied, and therefore Bergoglio is and always has been an Antipope. There is no “Pope Francis”, and Bergoglio has ZERO authority in the Catholic Church. It is all a lie, a Luciferian deception. He is simply a criminal usurper who should be publicly recognized as such, and physically removed from the Vatican.

The Old Wisdom: “Why Should I Go To Mass Every Day?”

(Over the transom, from the old “Pieta Prayer Book”.  Note that the title here is “GO to Mass”, NOT necessarily receive Sacramental Communion.  Per this post, one does not NEED to receive Sacramental Communion at Mass.)

“Why Should I Go To Mass Every Day?”

For each Mass we hear with devotion, Our Lord sends a saint to comfort us at death.  (revelation of Christ to St. Gertrude the Great)

St. Padre Pio, the stigmatic priest, said, “Every Holy Mass, heard with devotion, produces in our souls marvelous effects, abundant spiritual and material graces, which we, ourselves, do not know. It is easier for the earth to exist without the sun than without the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.”

St. John Vianney said that if we knew the value of the Mass, we would die of joy.

Your prayers are strongest at the Consecration in Holy Mass (raising of the Host and Chalice).

Each time we look at The Most Blessed Sacrament our place in heaven is raised forever (revealed by Our Lord to St. Gertrude the Great).

“The Holy Mass would be of greater profit if people had it offered in their lifetime, rather than having it celebrated for the relief of their souls after death.” (Pope Benedict XV)

Once, St. Teresa of Avila was overwhelmed with God’s Goodness and asked Our Lord: “How can I thank You?”  Our Lord replied, ATTEND ONE MASS.”

The Blessed Virgin Mary once told her faithful servant, Blessed Alain: “My Son so loves those who assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that, if it were necessary, He would die for them as many times as they have heard Masses.”

Perhaps one of the fruits of this situation will be people FINALLY getting their priorities in order.  Proximity to the Holy Sacrifice should be the TOP priority far above anything else in terms of residential real estate decisions, be it owning or renting.  People who can go to daily Mass (i.e. professional Catholics who set their own schedule, unmarried people who work from home, people who think they have the financial resources to carry high-six figure-plus mortgages…etc.) should be going to Daily Mass. Frankly, I find otherwise to be, simply, incomprehensible.  Period.

Antipope Bergoglio is such an obtuse imbecile narcissist that he can’t even fake decorum.

Yes, that’s ++Sarah. (UPDATE: It could be Cardinal Arinze of Nigeria. Both were present.) As you can see by the processional palms, this was this past Palm Sunday.

The question I have is: WHY were ++Sarah and ++Arinze anywhere near this? Why weren’t they at the FSSP or ICK parish in Rome?

But, what this demonstrates, yet again, is what a classless piece of malignant narcissist trash Antipope Bergoglio is. He makes Stalin look like Reginald Jeeves by comparison.

The Catholic Esquire drops a 14 minute “Elevator Pitch” of the “Benedict never validly resigned” argument and it is FANTASTIC!

Crossposting from NonVeni Mark.

My Part 3 video will be 2.5 hours plus expanding on this base premise.

It’s so great to have new voices joining in. The Truth is a big party to which ALL are welcome. Never was the saying “The more, the merrier” more applicable. -AB

Video: Pope Benedict’s failed resignation explained in 14 minutes.

The Miracle of the Sun occurred 106 years ago today at Fatima, as was foretold by the Blessed Virgin Mary. She also foretold many terrible things would happen, unless people repented, and Russia was consecrated to her Immaculate Heart. Things like: “Entire nations shall be annihilated.” We didn’t listen.

Then there is the vision of the bishop in white. Then lastly, there is the part we still haven’t been told, but all the conciliar popes knew, including Pope Benedict. I am quite convinced, though only a hunch, that everything that has transpired these last 11 years (or maybe 65 years) is bound up in the Third Secret. What a privilege to be born into this age.

Here is the video from our friend The Catholic Esquire, shared here with permission. 14 minutes of truth bombs. He covers all the key points, including the idea of synodal papacy as laid out in the Milller dissertation, which is backed up with copious annotation from 1950s-1970s  “leading” German theologians. He covers the +Ganswein speech in May 2016, which lays out in precise detail what Pope Benedict had attempted to do: Half resign, yet remain some kind of pope. Per canon law, if he intended to remain in any way papal, the entire resignation was invalid.

Please share with friends who are about to be scandalized by the “synodal church.” Bergoglio is not the pope, and he never has been.

GREEN FLAG: when a government knows of a forthcoming enemy attack and consciously allows it to happen, cf. Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Southern US border…


Second, it is now observably obvious that Israel knew it was coming, was warned by Egypt, and let it happen in order to leverage the optics.

Sit in stillness with this until the horror of not just the musloid terror, but the satanic evil of LETTING IT HAPPEN TO YOUR OWN in order to personally capitalize off of it sinks in. Beheaded infants, people jumping from 100 stories up, seamen dying slowly in the bowels of sunken battleships…

And never forget this axiomatic truth: NO ONE hates the Jews as much as the Jews hate the Jews. Only the fallen angels self-loathe more than the Jews. That’s why they have no problem funding and arming their own enemies through Washington DC, and Green Flagging themselves.

The thing about this self-loathing is that it is contagious. The post-Christian west now clearly loathes itself and desires its own extermination. This behavior is LEARNED and INCULCATED in the Post-Christian west primarily from and by secular Jews in the Deep State, New World Order and Freemasonry. It is one of the most anti-human and unnatural dynamics there is, even beyond the anti-humanity and unnatural-ness of sodomy.

As for me? I’m with Pope St. Pius X. The Holy Land, sanctified by the Life, shed Blood of Christ, and His Resurrection, belongs to us. We, the Church, the Body and Bride of Christ, all of the baptized, WE are Israel. Ergo, ultimately, and ontologically, the Holy Land is ours.

First we reclaim the Vatican. Then, Jerusalem.

For now, we watch and mourn every death and eternal loss of every unbaptized heathen, and we mourn the unnatural death of every Christian caught in the crossfire of this satanic event.

“…And so if you come to Palestine and settle your people there, we will be ready with churches and priests to baptize all of you.”

My God, My God, send us ONE prelate with ONE PERCENT of THAT virile faith!

Pope St. Pius X, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and on your Holy Church.

Columbus Day reminder to thank God Almighty for the first glorious Colonization, Proselytization and Conversion of the Americas

I put “first” in the title, because it is going to have to be done again.

One of the things that you hear from the New World Order cabal and Antipope Bergoglio is that one of the worst things to ever happen was the conversion of the Americas, specifically the Spanish conquest of the Americas, but now also the abject hoaxes that Antipope Bergoglio gleefully participates in about Catholic orphanages slaughtering eskimo and indian children in Canada. Here’s a bit of history that the Marxist education system has completely edited out of the book.

I, along with the reader who sent this to me, had always assumed that the family of the Aztec Emperor Montezuma was killed by the Spanish, namely Hernan Cortes, in order to keep the Aztecs from rallying to them and trying to re-establish the Aztec throne with his children. Montezuma did die, but it is unclear HOW he died. Admittedly, Cortes may have had him killed, but there are also accounts of Montezuma being stoned to death by his own people AND accounts of Montezuma starving himself to death. We just don’t know.

What we do know for a metaphysical certitude is what happened to Montezuma’s children – and brace yourself because this is going to be a shocker. They all converted to Catholicism, and were quickly created titular Spanish royalty by the King of Spain. Not only were Montezuma’s children and grandchildren not killed, but they were recognized and respected as royalty and integrated into the Spanish Royal caste as Dukes, Duchesses, Counts and Countesses. They then relocated to Spain and married other Spanish royalty, and their lines and titular houses exist to this day, with those houses receiving pensions all the way up until ARSH 1934.

The crest of the House of Moctezuma.

The crest of the House of Moctezuma.

What this shows is the amazing respect that the Spanish had for the people that they encountered in the Americas, DESPITE the horrific pagan atrocities that the Spanish encountered. The Spanish must have been utterly revolted at what they found in the Aztec culture, but STILL RECOGNIZED THE HUMANITY of the Aztecs. And yes, I do attribute this to the fact that the Spanish were working under the auspices of the Church, and the most important aspect their mission was to spread the Gospel to the peoples of the Americas. They didn’t view the Aztecs as sub-human. They viewed them as a pagan people that Christ Himself longed to have integrated into His Body.  And you know what?  MISSION. ACCOMPLISHED.

I am always shocked by how many Christians, falling for the Marxist propaganda of the last 60 years, LAMENT that the Latin American pagan cultures were converted to Christianity. This betrays the fact that most modern Christians really don’t believe in Christ or the Gospel deep down. How could a believing Christian LAMENT souls entering the Body of Christ? Furthermore, look at the Aztec, Maya and Inca cultures themselves. They were absolutely horrific. The amount of human sacrifice was massive. Life-or-death sporting events were also very common. Are we really so brainwashed by Marxist propaganda that we believe that the world would be a better place if such horrors were never exterminated and continued to this day – because ANYTHING is better than Christianity? Really? Every Christian should regularly offer prayers of Thanksgiving to Our Lord for the conversion of Latin America which began with Columbus’ expedition, the joy of many millions of people coming to know Christ and hear the Gospel, and for the extermination of the horrendous, satanic culture of human sacrifice that was swept away – may it never, ever return.

Oh… wait.

Gloria Steinem flashing the Triangle of Manifestation gang signal of satanism. Remember, public manifestation is always eventually required of satanists.

Barnhardt Podcast now posted on Rumble!

Cool! Thanks, Supernerd!

P.S. The Part 3 Antipapacy video IS RECORDED, thanks be to God. It should be just about two hours and twenty minutes, and I felt like I left a lot of stuff out, and probably could have lectured for another hour. There are a couple of edits, but it should drop within the week. Thank you all for your good prayers. Truly. I pray that this video will help just one person. If it does that, it will be totally worth it.

Once again, I’m filled with stupefied gratitude that WE get to live in these times and fight this fight. How could it possibly be that WE have been so favored by the Divine Providence to have been given this opportunity? I’m not squandering this, hamfisted though my efforts may be.

Here’s Barnhardt Podcast #198 on Rumble. Enjoy.

Another Sin-Nod, another demon takes up residence in the occupied Vatican: Cindy McCain gives Antipope Bergoglio a demon that eats children and murders priests.

Subtitle: Yeah, all that bunk about the elites being satanists is just plain CRAZYTALK!! Not.

Before reading this, keep in mind that October 4th was the four year anniversary of the worship of the Nacho-Mama demon in the Vatican Gardens, and today, October 7th, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, is the four year anniversary of the ceremonial installation/enthronement of the Nacho-Mama demon by a witch and Antipope Bergoglio upon the high altar of St. Peter’s Basilica at the offertory, where it remained for the duration of the Mass, including the consecration. ON. THE. ALTAR. This is why St. Peter’s Basilica MUST be exorcized and reconsecrated… if it isn’t somehow destroyed first.

And need I remind the readership what happened soon after? Remember the largest crime against humanity by orders of magnitude? The house arrest of the entire human race? The Masonic burqa? THE COERCED POISON STERILANT INJECTIONS DESIGNED TO KILL OFF 90% OF THE HUMAN RACE? The banning and near-total cessation of the worship of God? Yeah…

So John McCain’s widow concubine (they weren’t validly married on multiple counts if you read the rather sordid bio) Cindy, who is all-in on the New World Order cult, slithered into the Vatican and gave Antipope Bergoglio a statue of a Hopi demon that eats children and is holding a bloody knife. Why, the gentle reader might ask, is the knife bloody? Well, from murdering a Franciscan priest and destroying a mission church, of course! So Cindy McCain, or at least her handlers in the satanic coven, did their research on this one in picking out a perfect “gift”, RICH with meaning for Antipope Bergoglio.

So, I guess the Nacho-Mama demon has a boyfriend now. In addition to Bergoglio, of course. Monogamy is SO rigid and backwardist, after all.

The demon is a “Kachina”, and this specific demon is referred to as Chaveyo or Nata-aska, or “black ogre”.

Screen cap of the demon from Vatican News.



Here is video of the ceremony.

Here is an image of the demon murdering the Franciscan priest – which warms Antipope Bergoglio’s heart, because that filthy proselytizing colonizer deserved it, right?

You can read about this demon at the following links:,real%20world”%20(2).&text=believed%20to%20be%20the%20manifestation,beings%20represented%20by%20the%20masks.&text=The%20mask%2C%20as%20the%20focal,and%20power%20of%20its%20own.

At the dergipark link just above, for the “you gotta be kidding me but why am I not surprised” file, we find this:

10. The presence of Mickey Mouse—an icon of American popular culture—as a Kachina reveals an underlying feature of the Kachina cult. Accordingly, if the Kachina cult has remained the same for centuries, enabling the Hopi who observe it to remain the same, this has been achieved by sometimes adapting to innovations, rather than remaining static. A Kachina can lose popularity and disappear from the repertory, but it is replaced by a newly introduced one as result of individual dreams or by borrowing from other Pueblos or non- Pueblos. Bertha Dutton finds that the cow, the sheep, and the horse, introduced to the Southwest by Spaniards, have come to be represented by Kachinas; more recently, Mickey Mouse has been portrayed (51). Thus, continuity is achieved and the cult is preserved. The innovations, the subtle changes in practice, and the material adjustments that have been incorporated in the ritual and have been included in the ceremonies, have not destroyed the
integrity of Kachina religion and its value.

The flagrant, open manifestation of satanism is accelerating at full throttle. STAY CONFESSED. PRAY THE ROSARY. HOLD THE LINE.