A Military Allegory: When Defending the Left Flank Is Declared Treason

(An allegory. Imagine being on the battlefield, and for some incomprehensible reason, which can only be attributed to diabolical disorientation, the entire officer corps and most of the enlisted men suddenly decide that the Left Flank shall not be defended, re-conned, nor even discussed as a tactical reality, and to do any of those things is treason….)

The two sides meet on the field of battle. An order comes down from on high, and is enthusiastically followed by every officer, and a high percentage of the enlisted men:


“Stop talking about the Left Flank.  It is irrelevant, and distracts from other considerations.”

“Only idiots assign any importance to the Left Flank. All previous war theory was, well, wrong.  We now know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the Left Flank is now and always has been irrelevant.  Any focus on the Left Flank in all previous ages has been detrimental, and is to blame for this war today.”

“Send emissaries to the enemy notifying them of our promise to ignore the Left Flank. They will be impressed by our modern sophistication and reasoned enlightenment.”

Battle begins.  The Left Flank is left completely open and undefended.  Immediately, the enemy mounts an aggressive move to the Left Flank. Enlisted men begin to point this out to their commanders.

“Shut up, stupid! The Left Flank is irrelevant!  It doesn’t matter!”

Banners are hoisted and transmissions are made on all frequencies declaring to the enemy and all observers that the Left Flank will not, under any circumstances, be engaged or defended.


Aggressive, multi-pronged attack by the enemy from the Left Flank begins. Artillery, cavalry, air.



Carnage ensues.  Only a relatively few men EVEN TURN TO FACE THE LEFT FLANK and engage. Many are shot by their own side as “traitors”, per orders from above, because “There is nothing we can do!” “There is nothing we can do!” becomes the new motto and pledge of allegiance.

Most Officers and enlisted men begin to curse their own country as having never been legitimate in the first place, and curse each other, and fragging becomes the main battlefield activity.  Many officers negotiate lucrative face-saving surrender plans and join the enemy regime.  Most of the surviving enlisted men go AWOL, permanently resolved to never risk or fight for anything except themselves as individuals henceforth.

The enemy is satan and the Antichurch of the Antichrist.

The Left Flank is the Papacy – usurped and left totally undefended to the Antipope and his legions.

The orders to neither engage nor even observe the Left Flank under threat of court martial is the ideological refusal to even investigate the events of February ARSH 2013 and Pope Benedict’s attempted partial resignation, coupled with the open declarations of the Papacy being “unimportant”, Vatican I being “wrong”, and anyone who does honor the Vicar of Christ as the Church has for 2000 years being guilty of “idolatry”.  The cries of “schismatic” are allegorical to anyone who DARES seek the Truth as to the identity of the Vicar of Christ being a “traitor”, and to summary execution as a “traitor”. Joining the enemy is akin to declaring that the Catholic Church was the schismatic sect that broke away from the true Church in ARSH 1054.

The Carnage inflicted by a relentless, OSTENTATIOUSLY undefended attack by the enemy on the Left Flank is Antipope Bergoglio and the Freemason-Sodomite infiltrators’ near-daily battlefield successes over the past ten years in their war against Jesus Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. 

“…He cared not for the king’s decrees But trusted God to set him free; Oh Daniel prayed every morning, noon and night.”

I heard about a man one day
He wasted not his time away
He prayed to God
Every morning noon and night
He cared not for the things of Bel
But trusted One who never fails
Oh, Daniel prayed
Every morning, noon and night

Oh Daniel served the Living God
While upon this earth he trod
He prayed to God every morning, noon and night
He cared not for the king’s decrees
But trusted God to set him free
Oh Daniel prayed every morning, noon and night

They locked him in the lions’ den
Because he would not honor men
But he prayed to God
Every morning, noon and night
The jaws were locked, it made him shout
And God soon brought him safely out
Oh Daniel prayed
Every morning, noon and night

Oh Daniel served the Living God
While upon this earth he trod
He prayed to God every morning, noon and night
He cared not for the king’s decrees
But trusted God to set him free
Oh Daniel prayed every morning, noon and night

Now brother let us watch and pray
Like Daniel did from day to day
He prayed to God
Every morning, noon and night
We too can gladly dare and do
And pray to God He’ll see us through
Oh, Daniel prayed
Every morning, noon and night

Oh Daniel served the Living God
While upon this earth he trod
He prayed to God every morning, noon and night
He cared not for the king’s decrees
But trusted God to set him free
Oh Daniel prayed every morning, noon and night.

Who or what is “Bel”?  Well, if you are a modern Protestant, you probably don’t know, because the 14th chapter of the book of Daniel was torn out of the Bible by Luther and the revolters because… reasons. Now, you might be asking yourself, why does an old-school American Bluegrass song have a reference to something only found in complete, that is, Catholic Bibles?  Because up until the late 19th to early 20th century, all of the books and bits that Luther tore out of the Bible were included in most printed Protestant Bibles as an appendix, so people were still aware of things like the story of Daniel and Bel.  So, it really isn’t surprising that an American Protestant folk song like this would have a reference from Daniel 14.

So you have context, here is the story of Daniel and Bel, Daniel 14: 1-21.  Daniel was awesome.  Cool as a cucumber. Someone should make a movie about Daniel.  Seriously.

And Daniel was the king’s guest, and was honoured above all his friends. Now the Babylonians had an idol called Bel: and there were spent upon him every day twelve great measures of fine flour, and forty sheep, and sixty vessels of wine. The king also worshipped him, and went every day to adore him: but Daniel adored his God. And the king said to him: Why dost thou not adore Bel? And he answered, and said to him: Because I do not worship idols made with hands, but the living God, that created heaven and earth, and hath power over all flesh. And the king said to him: Doth not Bel seem to thee to be a living god? Seest thou not how much he eateth and drinketh every day?

Then Daniel smiled and said: O king, be not deceived: for this is but clay within, and brass without, neither hath he eaten at any time. And the king being angry called for his priests, and said to them: If you tell me not, who it is that eateth up these expenses, you shall die. But if you can shew that Bel eateth these things, Daniel shall die, because he hath blasphemed against Bel. And Daniel said to the king: Be it done according to thy word. Now the priests of Bel were seventy, besides their wives, and little ones, and children. And the king went with Daniel into the temple of Bel. And the priests of Bel said: Behold we go out: and do thou, O king, set on the meats, and make ready the wine, and shut the door fast, and seal it with thy own ring:

And when thou comest in the morning, if thou findest not that Bel hath eaten up all, we will suffer death, or else Daniel that hath lied against us. And they little regarded it, because they had made under the table a secret entrance, and they always came in by it, and consumed those things. So it came to pass after they were gone out, the king set the meats before Bel: and Daniel commanded his servants, and they brought ashes, and he sifted them all over the temple before the king: and going forth they shut the door, and having sealed it with the king’s ring, they departed. But the priests went in by night, according to their custom, with their wives and their children: and they ate and drank up all. And the king arose early in the morning, and Daniel with him.

And the king said: Are the seals whole, Daniel? And he answered: They are whole, O king. And as soon as he had opened the door, the king looked upon the table, and cried out with a loud voice: Great art thou, O Bel, and there is not any deceit with thee. And Daniel laughed: and he held the king that he should not go in: and he said: Behold the pavement, mark whose footsteps these are. And the king said: I see the footsteps of men, and women, and children. And the king was angry. Then he took the priests, and their wives, and their children: and they shewed him the private doors by which they came in, and consumed the things that were on the table.

The king therefore put them to death, and delivered Bel into the power of Daniel: who destroyed him, and his temple.

The priests of Bel, their wives and children, sneaking out from the trap door under the altar and eating all the food left for the fake pagan deity Bel. British Museum.

Attention Antipope Bergoglio and Freemasonic Antichurch: PLEASE send a formal letter of “excommunication” because I was burnin’ korans before y’all could say ‘Hagan Lio”

Folks, I’m dead serious when I say that I’m legit nervous about rolling in to my Particular Judgment without having some sort of official documentation of being “excommunicated” from the Antichurch of which Jorge Bergoglio has been the puppet front these ten years. I feel like Our Lord will tell me that I didn’t do enough, didn’t try hard enough, didn’t LEAN INTO THE PLATE unless I have an official document of “excommunication” from these God-hating Freemason sodomite rat bastards.

SO, you filthy faggots, please mail my letter of “excommunication” to:

Ann Barnhardt
6834 South University Blvd.
Centennial, CO 80122

And, I know I’m not in the position to ask any favors, but if it could be signed by BOTH Antipope Bergoglio AND Tucho Fernandez, I’d be absolutely over the moon.

Hoo baby, I’m gonna matte and frame that badboy and hang it in my living room and have it blessed. And if I die before the Antipapacy and Antichurch usurpation is resolved, it’s going in the plywood box with me.  PLEEEEEAAASE. PLEEEEEASE excommunicate me from the Antichurch. I’m Roman Catholic. I’m NOT in communion with the Antipope and his flying faggot apostate Antichurch monkeys. MAKE IT OFFICIAL. MAKE IT PUBLIC. LET’S GOOOOOOOO.


Thursday Night Must-See TV: Dr. Mazza on “Space Aliens”, Angels and Demons

NonVeni Mark writes:

Have you noticed all the new talk about UFOs/aliens? The wild claims about the US Government being in possession of up to 16 “alien crafts?” Or if not whole crafts, at the very least technology/materials of non-terrestrial origin? Could it really be that we’ve been visited by “alien beings?”

Also, did you know it is the 60th anniversary of the enthronement of Lucifer at the Vatican and in the US simultaneously, within weeks of the election of Pope Paul VI??

Well, I’m not going to spoil it for you.

Tune in TONIGHT, Thursday July 13th, at 7pm Eastern.

Yes it is free, but you need to register to get the Zoom link:


Open Letter to the City Commission of St. Marys, Kansas: Yes, keeping books out of the public library designed to turn children into sex perverts IS ABSOLUTELY A HILL YOU SHOULD DIE ON.

Here’s a story from a leftist rag in Kansas detailing how City Commissioners in St. Marys, Kansas (fun fact: the proper, official spelling is WITHOUT an apostrophe) are threatening to cancel the lease on the public library which is trying to push sodomitical grooming agitprop on small children.

St. Marys officials again threaten library because of LGBTQ books

Mr. Kleinsmith, I’m sure a good man, needs to think long and hard about his Americanist “freedom of speech at all costs” mindset and EMBRACE censorship. Because CENSORSHIP is his job as a leader of the community and simply as an adult human man. If demoniacs want to push sodomitical, transvestitism agitprop on children, CENSORSHIP IS YOUR CLEAR, GRAVE, IMPERATIVE RESPONSIBILITY TO CARRY OUT. Enough of this ridiculous groveling to the Freemasonic American paradigm wherein the First Amendment is used as a cudgel to justify the physical and spiritual mutilation of CHILDREN, and society as a whole. What would Mr. Kleinsmith’s father, grandfather or great-grandfather have done if some sodomite had rolled into St. Marys 30, 60 or 90 years ago in the demonic costume of a drag queen, demanding access to the local children in order to vampirically infect them with the psycho-spiritual death of SODOMY?

We all know it would have involved lead and a shovel.

The City Commission of St. Marys should immediately pass ANTI-OBSCENITY LAWS prohibiting ANY public display of any act or work depicting sodomy or transvestitism and then ENFORCE THOSE LAWS. Quit this pussyfooting around apologizing for censoring that which any morally sane society knows MUST be censored. And if that means shutting down the library and firing all of the moral degenerate women and faggots running the thing, so be it.  Y’all have a rather spiffy large new church with a rather large basement that I’m sure could house a wonderful children’s library AND a spectacular adult library filled with edifying and enriching works that could serve a large portion of the Great Plains.

This business of sacrificing children and society in general to “Muh Furst Amendmunt” has got to stop. The American Constitutional Republic Project, like Vatican II, is an observable, proven failure. This incident clearly demonstrates it. If the past three years of tyranny didn’t prove this, and now these demands that you grovel and voluntarily hand over your children to the molochian cult of sodomy, I don’t know what will.

If your children don’t constitute “a hill to die on”, then WHAT DOES OR EVER WOULD???

Go into that library, physically destroy every book containing sodomitical filth, and then fire everyone even remotely involved. And if you need to, shut the damn thing down entirely. Children can survive without a library. Children CANNOT survive being inculcated into the living death of sodomy and transvestitism.

Here’s a video showing how real men handle public obscenity, namely an advertisement for a sodomy website. Men of St. Marys, watch and learn.


How Long, My Sweet Lord?

George Harrison’s song “My Sweet Lord” has always “blessed me”, as the ladies in Texas say. Well, it blesses me up until poor, apostate Harrison starts caterwauling about some Hindu idiocy, about halfway through the track after the instrumental bridge. But before that, it’s an achingly beautiful and completely relatable cri de coeur to Our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to see Him with the veil of friendship that we must have in this world removed. “I really want to SEE You, Lord, but it takes so long, My Lord….”

If you ever struggle with the hiddenness of God, I wrote a piece a while back explaining why it HAS to be this way – FOR NOW. The Punchline: It’s because of love, which can never, ever be coerced. Once you understand it, it makes you love Him even more, and paradoxically, it makes His presence and operation in events, both big and small, all the more obvious. And it makes His promise that what He has waiting for us in the Beatific Vision is beyond anything we can possibly imagine all the more credible, desirable and worth sacrificing everything worldly in order to achieve. And, again, paradoxically, the more you’re willing to sacrifice in the worldly sense, the better life gets. Trust me.


But back to the Quiet Beatle. What got me thinking about this was the Gradual at Mass yesterday, the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost. I use DivinumOfficium.com quite a lot, and their English Douay-Rheims translations of the Latin are beautiful. Especially this:

Convértere, Dómine, aliquántulum, et deprecáre super servos tuos.

Return, O Lord! How long? Have pity on Your servants!

Psalm 89: 13

Perhaps the Chiffons weren’t the only “unconscious inspiration” for “My Sweet Lord”. Who knows? The Mass goes DEEP into children. Take your children to Mass.

Here is a version of “My Sweet Lord” that a very kind Christian person has clipped so that none of the Hindu stuff comes in. Sing along, and enjoy. This is, certainly paraphrased, what my moments after receiving Sacramental Communion are similar to. Simple? Yeah. But love is, ultimately, simple. At a certain point, what is there to say? It gets simpler and simpler, and better and better, as you go.

Pray for the repose of the soul of George Harrison, a lapsed Catholic.

My sweet LORD
Mm, my LORD
Mm, my LORD

I really want to see You
Really want to be with You
Really want to see You, LORD
But it takes so long, my LORD

My sweet LORD
Mm, my LORD
Mm, my LORD

I really want to know You
I really want to go with You
Really want to show You, LORD
That it won’t take long, my LORD

My sweet Lord
My sweet LORD

I really wanna see You
I really wanna see You
I really wanna see You, LORD
I really wanna see You, LORD
But it takes so long, my LORD

My sweet LORD
Mm, my LORD
My my my LORD

I really wanna know You
I really wanna go with You
I really wanna show You, LORD
That it won’t take long, my LORD

My sweet LORD
My my LORD

#Toldya: Tucho Fernandez, satanic monster faggot, writer of homoerotic grooming poetry book, will be given a Cardinalatial Red Hat on September 30th by Antipope Bergoglio

Pope St. Pius V would have laicized Tucho Fernandez, notorious open sodomite, and handed him over to secular authorities for trial and public execution.

Antipope Bergoglio, probable False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, is trying to trick the world into thinking that Tucho is a Cardinal Prince of the Church, and head of the Office of the Doctrine of the Faith. But anyone with a modicum of Catholic sense can observe the obvious: Fernández is a purely malicious infiltrator who has as much authority in the Catholic Church as the Dread Strumpet Madonna Ciccone. Both are evil apostate perverts in league with Satan and the demons. It’s OBVIOUS.

Methinks Antipope Bergoglio has overplayed his hand, as evil always does, as he shambles toward his death and judgment.

Apparently Tucho reads the Trad American blogs, so I’d just like to remind him of the fact that his crimes are capital according to both the Natural and Divine Law, and are Capital under secular codes when secular states acknowledge Jesus Christ as Sovereign King. I’ll address him directly in Spanish:

TUCHO: tus delitos son capitales según la Ley Natural y Divina, y son Capitales bajo los códigos seculares cuando los estados seculares reconocen a Jesucristo como Rey Soberano.

Arrepiéntete, o pasarás la eternidad en el infierno.

This is why Tucho Fernandez, Jorge Bergoglio, and all of the sodomite infiltrators of Holy Mother Church hate God, and are on a mission to destroy The Church from within. Because they know that God will never, ever ratify their sickening, perverted lusts, and so they are on a mission to hurt God by destroying as many human souls as they can – they want to drag as many people as possible into hell with them. It’s pure spite and hatred of God Himself that drives these vomitous wretches.

Keep repeating this over and over until you get it:

Jorge Bergoglio is an Antipope who is the public front of the Antichurch. Pope Benedict never validly resigned, therefore Bergoglio has NEVER been the Pope, and as a public apostate from the Catholic Faith, never could be the Pope. Antipope Bergoglio never “lost the Office of the Papacy”, because he NEVER HELD IT. There WAS NO CONCLAVE in March of ARSH 2013. You can only lose what you have previously possessed.

As Fr. Linus Clovis has so brilliantly said: The Church and the Antichurch today occupy the same liturgical, sacramental and juridical space. But the Antichurch is ascendant, and is pushing the True Church further and further into terrifyingly visible eclipse. We’re not at totality yet, but we’re sprinting towards it.

But always remember what happens AFTER totality….


Science request: IF you get into Poison Ivy this summer, PLEASE try salving it with Ivermectin paste or injectable solution and let us know how it goes.

I’ve had a couple of suspiciously severe “bites” which I assume are mosquito, but… I can’t be sure.

Anyway, I got a golf ball sized inflammation on a bite in my calf. I started massaging Ivermectin injectable solution into it, and simultaneously took a treatment level oral dose, so I would be attacking from both the exterior and interior surfaces.

Within THREE HOURS a 3″ diameter swollen hotspot bite now is… hold on, let me measure… gone. All that’s left is the bite itself, which I will continue to treat both externally and internally.

So, here’s my question: does Ivermectin work on Poison Ivy? Because the anti-inflammatory properties are clearly HUGE. If anyone out there amongst the hundreds of thousands of you gets Poison Ivy this summer, which someone will, can you please, literally for science, treat it with Ivermectin, both topically and internally, and let me know? I grew up in sultry Eastern Kansas and remember well the absolute scourge of Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac. It doesn’t exist where I am now, and I’m not wading in brush or undergrowth much these days, but the question looms: does Ivermectin help Poison Ivy, Oak, Sumac??

Because I can tell you straight-up right now that it is borderline magic on insect bites.

This could help a LOT of people.

Thank you, as always, for your support.