Barnhardt Podcast #216: Biden Joins CornPop’s Lodge

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Barnhardt Podcast #216: Biden Joins CornPop’s Lodge

In this episode, Art and Ann first thank the readership for their extreme munificence in helping to fund the purchase of choir stalls for the Regina Pacis Monastery, and put in a plug for the small-but-growing community. Remember, if the Antipope and the Antichurch and satan hate contemplatives with an unbridled passion, contemplatives MUST be of extreme importance to the well-being of the Church and the world. We then share a contemptuous chuckle at the spectacle of apostate Joe Biden joining the Black Masons, and finally discuss the Antichurch as the largest human trafficking organization on earth, and how it might be kind of important to publicly call out and differentiate between the True Church and the Antichurch.

Joe Biden Formally Joins Freemasonry the Day Before Leaving the Presidency

Vance Spars with US Bishops Over Immigration Policy

Feedback: the email address for the podcast is [email protected]

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for any reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]


Must-read piece: India – It’s Worse Than You Think

The thing that struck me hardest in this piece is the fact that the average I.Q. of Indians (dot, not feather) is a shockingly low 77. As I have said and written, the Indians we see in the West are all on the front side of the I.Q. bell curve, capable of studying and working in medicine, engineering and computer science. India, with a population of 1.4 billion, cherry picks brainpower from its population to export, but most Indians are of far lower intelligence than white Westerners, even though we have a misperception of the entire race being “above average.” Pile on top of that the fact that their culture is pagan and intrinsically depraved, without the advantage that Christianity and its moral code imparts, and it’s exactly as the author says: so much worse than we think.

Wow. It’s almost as if they should be colonized and converted to Catholicism FOR THEIR OWN GOOD, or something. It’s almost as if PROSELYTIZING IS A VIRTUOUS ACT OF CHARITY, EXPLICITLY COMMANDED BY CHRIST HIMSELF.

Do read the whole thing.

Behold the ghoulish depravity of IVF: wearing your murdered, disposable, commodified children as jewelry and thinking it is some sort of “pro-life” statement. Satanic inversion exemplified.

Salesian Wisdom

Today is the feast of St. Francis de Sales.

“While extremely sensitive as to the slightest approach to slander, you must also guard against an extreme into which some people fall, who, in their desire to speak evil of no one, actually uphold and speak well of vice.”
-St. Francis de Sales

UPDATE: Goal reached in just over two hours. Well done, Friends! Action Item: Let’s push this over the top—- Trad Benedictine nuns over in Italy need to buy choir stalls for their convent.

UPDATE: I knew it wouldn’t take long. Well done, everyone! May God reward you! The Communion of Saints exists in the Church Militant, too! I’m sure the Sisters have a whole list of items their nascent community could use, so don’t be dissuaded from donating and giving them some extra windfall in these final days of Christmastide!

They’re almost there. Let’s get it done tonight, y’all. With maybe a little extra money to boot. 😇🙏🏻

Can confirm.

Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, a protection against sadness.

-St. John Chrysostom

Happy Feast of St. John Chrysostom!

Years ago, before the CoronaScam Crime Against Humanity, as I was walking to Mass one evening, some jerk sexually propositioned me as I walked past his storefront. This rarely happens to me because I never leave the house dressed in anything other than what modern people literally consider formal-wear, and that sort of dress and comportment rarely receives gutter attention. Dress like a lady, be treated like a lady. Dress like a skank, be treated like a skank. Dress like a slob, be treated like a slob.

After Mass, I stopped into a nice sushi bar for a quick dinner, and the owner/manager before seating me leaned in and said, “Can I ask you something?” And I thought, “Here we go again. You’ve gotta be kidding me…”

Cynically, I was expecting something lascivious having been lasciviously addressed just a couple of hours before. Here is what he said:

“We see you walk past here every day, and you’re always so HAPPY. Why are you so HAPPY?”

“Because I live here, I get to eat sushi, and I get to go to the Latin Mass every day.”

“There is a Latin Mass? Here? Where?”

I told him, and then I ate sushi, as one does.

Unagi roll!!!

The highest prayer is The Mass. Next is the Divine Office. The next highest prayer is the Rosary, which is actually a proxy for the Divine Office in a sense. The Rosary is called “Our Lady’s Psalter” because the 150 Hail Marys (15 Mysteries X 10 Hail Marys per Mystery) map to the 150 Psalms, and thus could be the layman’s participation in the Divine Office.

St. John Chrysostom wasn’t blowing smoke. If you pray, you’re happy, you’re confident, and you’re at ease. Because if you pray, you aren’t scared or worried. You know Who is in charge, and you know that He loves you, and is driving everything toward greater good and ultimately total consummation. You trust Him, and are abandoned totally to His Providence, which is always perfect.

St. John Chrysostom, pray for us!

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us!

Kicking Against the Goads – Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul

(Originally penned and posted eight years ago today, 25 January, ARSH 2017. I keep reposting this on The Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, of which it is the Epistle reading,  precisely because “kicking against the goads” is such a massive, massive problem of moral failure among men today. The right thing has to be done. The Truth MUST be acknowledged, sooner or later. Fighting it, trying to avoid it, trying to kick the can down the road and foist unacknowledged disaster off on future generations is just about the most effeminate act there is. IT JUST MAKES EVERYTHING EXPONENTIALLY WORSE. The only way out is through, and the “through” is The Cross. –Alpha Bravo ’25)

The Conversion of St. Paul on the Road to Damascus, detail. Caravaggio, ARSH 1601, Church of Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome.

The Conversion of St. Paul on the Road to Damascus, detail. Caravaggio, ARSH 1601, Church of Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome.

Today is the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul.

Nearly all Protestant Bibles and Post-Vatican II Bibles delete the words of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to Saul in Acts 9:5. The full verse of Acts 9:5 is:

VERSE 4:  And falling on the ground, he heard a voice saying to him: Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?
Et cadens in terram audivit vocem dicentem sibi: Saule, Saule, quid me persequeris?

VERSE 5:  Who said: Who art thou, Lord? And He: I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. It is hard for thee to kick against the goad.
Qui dixit: Quis es Domine? Et ille: Ego sum Jesus, quem tu persequeris: durum est tibi contra stimulum calcitrare.

What does “It is hard for thee to kick against the goad” mean??

A goad is a type of cattle prod, a stick with a sharp iron tip that was used to drive oxen pulling a plow in antiquity. You might have heard the verb “to goad”, as in, “She goaded her husband into buying her a fur coat.” The way the goad worked, if the ox kicked at it to resist it, it would actually drive further into its flesh.  So, the more the ox tried to resist the prod of its master, the more it suffered. In this saying, Christ is referencing a well-known ancient Greek proverb:

“To bear lightly the neck’s yoke brings strength; but kicking against the goads is the way of failure.”
-Pindar (died 438 B.C.)

See how that ties directly to Our Blessed Lord’s use of the imagery of the yoke in Matthew 11…?

VERSE 29: Take up My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls.
Tollite jugum meum super vos, et discite a me, quia mitis sum, et humilis corde: et invenietis requiem animabus vestris.

VERSE 30: For My yoke is sweet and My burden light.
Jugum enim meum suave est, et onus meum leve.

The more we resist the Truth of Jesus Christ and His Holy Church, of which The Law is an integral part, the more we suffer, and the harsher God’s discipline necessarily becomes.

Proverbs 13:15 says, “The way of the unfaithful is hard…” and Proverbs 15:10 says, “Stern discipline awaits him who leaves the path.”

The reason that Antipope Bergoglio is so popular with “the world” is because he ratifies and confirms people in their mortal sin, most particularly those sins relating to the Sixth Commandment, and also because it is very clear that he DOESN’T ACTUALLY BELIEVE ANY OF THAT CATHOLIC “BULLSHIT”, thus ratifying and confirming all of those who are heretics and apostates within The Church, are outside The Church, have left The Church, and atheists.  They falsely believe that Bergoglio is The Vicar of Christ, or at least a legitimate representative of The Church, and that he is finally confirming that the Natural and Divine Law is not only BULLSHIT, but that they will be HAPPIER and their lives EASIER and BETTER if they break it, and he, Bergoglio, is their “all-merciful liberator” from it. What Antipope Bergoglio is trying to do is vilify and suppress the conscience of man such that it is totally silenced and replaced with sensual, material, earthly, effeminate, narcissistic, concupiscent pleasure as the only metric by which man weighs and judges his decisions.

This is, quite simply, SATANIC, and if one STILL can’t see that Antipope Bergoglio is a man wholly in league with satan, actively seeking the ruin of souls, then I reckon one never will.

Ever wonder why sex perverts become more and more miserable, many unto suicide, despite the fact that our depraved culture hails them as heroes?  Why did multi-millionaire celebrity pop singer George Michael, as just one example, despite all of his wealth, popularity and complete cultural acceptance, cruise filthy public toilets for sodomy with strangers, and ultimately kill himself with alcohol and hard drugs, crack cocaine being his purported favorite?  Why do transvestites, today held up as heroes and as superior beings, have one of the highest suicide rates in the world? Why are psychopathic arch-criminals like John Corzine and Hillary Clinton, among so many others, so consistently horrible, miserable, cruel, abusive, evil people behind closed doors? Ever wonder why divorce rates skyrocketed after the introduction and social acceptance of birth control in the 1960s?

Because it is hard to kick against the goad.

Now you know what that means.

And please, get yourself a Bible that includes EVEYTHING, properly translated, and when you see some word or phrase you don’t understand, LOOK IT UP.  This pretty much means, for English speakers, a Douay-Rheims Bible.

Here is an online version:

St. Paul, pray for us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Barnhardt Podcast Episode #215: Noah (place to) Hide

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In this barnburner episode featuring Nurse Claire, Art, Ann and the Good Nurse first discuss the myriad developments, many of which are NOT good, since Noon EST on Monday. We then segue into the main topic of the episode- the very dangerous ascendancy of “Noahide Law”, which many Christians are falling for hook, line and sinker. Many related theological points are covered, points which were common knowledge until the… let’s see… checking my notes here… ah yes! Until the 1960s. Hmmm. It’s almost as if SOMETHING VERY VERY BAD HAPPENED in the 1960s that caused Christian Civilization to auto-destruct at a pace never before seen in human history. My inbox is ready to receive all of the hate mail that this episode will generate, from Trump tribalists to Joooooooooz and Jooooo-adjacents to all Indians (dot, not feather), Feeneyite heretics to Village People fans and anyone named “Timmy”. We cut an especially wide swath in this episode. Our Lady of Copacabana, slayer of the PachaNachoMama demon, pray for us!

Show notes:

Joe Biden’s ARSH 1992 Senate Resolution declaring April 14th “Noahide Law/Rabbi Schneerson Day”. NOT SATIRE.

What is Catholic teaching about “deportation”? Maybe not what some higher-ups think.

Larry (Spellman) Ellison Wikipedia entry

Sam Altman Wikipedia entry


Watch and spread aggressively. Abortion and transvestite mutilation, the satanic sacraments, both use the exact words of Our Lord: This is M(m)y body. It’s no coincidence.

Golden Dawn Wikipedia entry

Rabbi Schneerson Wikipedia entry

Trump visits grave of Rabbi Schneerson

Vox Day: An Apple Manager’s Experience

Feedback: the email address for the podcast is [email protected]

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for any reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]


Happy Feast of St. Emerentiana, a saint who was never baptized with water.

Golden cup depicting St. Emerentiana being stoned to death at the tomb of St. Agnes

Today is the feast of St. Emerentiana.  While her name might sound obscure, she is actually a very important saint, and I look forward to her feast every year.  St. Emerentiana is described as the “friend” or “foster sister” of St. Agnes of Rome, whose feast we just celebrated on Sunday.  St. Agnes was a young virgin of Roman nobility, who refused to marry and was executed after many torments, including being dragged naked through the streets to a brothel. Despite all the efforts of her tormenters, her virginity and modesty was maintained throughout her martyrdom, and finally giving up, her torturers beheaded her.  You can visit St. Agnes’ skull in the church of St. Agnes in the very famous Piazza Navona in Rome.  St. Agnes is commemmorated in the Canon of every Mass at the Nobis quoque peccatoribus, which is one of the “landmarks” in the Mass wherein the priest says the words out loud, not only so that the faithful might confirm exactly where the priest is in the order of the Mass, but also because the Nobis quoque peccatoribus is one of the NINE instances in the Mass wherein Our Lord offers His forgiveness of our venial sins.  Here is the text of the prayer, which comes after the Consecration – so remember, when this prayer is said, Our Lord is physically substantially present on the altar in the transubstiated host – now Body – and chalice – now Blood, and space-time has been manipulated by God Almighty such that the moment of Calvary intersects and touches that moment of “now”, and thus we are literally present at the foot of the Cross.

Nobis quoque peccatoribus famulis tuis, de multitudine miserationum tuarum sperantibus, partem aliquam, et societatem donare digneris, cum tuis sanctis Apostolis et Martyribus, cum Joanne, Stephano, Matthia, Barnaba, Ignatio, Alexandro, Marcellino, Petro, Felicitate, Perpetua, Agatha, Lucia, Agnete, Caecilia, Anastasia, et omnibus Sanctis tuis, intra quorum nos consortium, non aestimator meriti sed veniae, quaesumus, largitor admitte. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.

To us also, thy sinful servants, confiding in the multitude of Thy mercies, vouchsafe to grant some part and fellowship with Thy holy Apostles and Martrys; with John, Stephen, Matthias, Barnabas, Ignatius, Alexander, Marcellinus, Peter, Felicity, Perpetua, Agatha, Lucy, Agnes, Cecily, Anastasia, and with all Thy saints, into whose company we beseech Thee to admit us, not weighing our merits, but pardoning our offenses.

When the priest says aloud, “Nobis quoque peccatoribus”, it is a pious practice for the faithful praying along with the Mass silently on their knees in the nave, to bow their heads and strike their breast, as this is the fifth of nine moments of contrition and, if the person is so disposed, forgiveness of their venial sins in the Mass.

And little St. Agnes is included in the list of saints invoked by name.

But back to St. Emerentiana.  St. Emerentina’s mother was actually St. Agnes’ wetnurse, and thus what would have been called a “slave” of St. Agnes’ noble family, but really such employees of noble families like these were considered part of the family.  So, St. Agnes and St. Emerentiana, while not blood relatives, were more than friends in the sense that St. Emerentiana was a legal part of St. Agnes’ father’s household.  And, naturally they were playmates and friends, but with a decidedly sisterly dynamic between them.  St. Agnes had told St. Ementiana of Our Lord and His Holy Church, and St. Emerentiana wanted to likewise be a Christian, and was thus receiving convert instruction in preparation for her baptism.  Back in those days, this period of instruction lasted years, as it was deemed absolutely essential that catechumens know and hold the Catholic faith whole and entire.  They had to know what exactly they were professing, and be willing to die for it.  If a catechumen were poorly or incompletely catechized, the odds of them apostatizing under threat or torture obviously increased, and such apostasies were profoundly scandalous. Furthermore, as we have discussed previously, hell for the baptized is far worse than hell for the unbaptized precisely because the baptized soul will know, for all eternity, that they had the Beatific Vision, eternity with God, in their grasp, and they lost it by their own free choice to turn their back on Christ in favor of indulging their appetite for sin.

So, St. Agnes was murdered, and a few days later, St. Emerentiana went to her tomb to pray and mourn.  A group of pagans saw St. Emerentiana weeping and praying at St. Agnes’ tomb, and filled with murderous hatred, they stoned her to death.

So, what do you think?  St. Emerentiana had not yet been baptized.  Was she saved?  The Church says, “Yes!” St. Emerentiana is, in fact, a virgin martyr.  She is an example of what is called The Baptism of Desire, and also in this case because she was murdered for her faith, Baptism of Blood.  She had the faith.  She loved Our Lord and His Holy Catholic Church.  She was actively in the process of being catechized so that she could receive the Sacraments of Initiation.  She wasn’t just a “nice person” who nebulously “tried to live a good life”. She was specifically in the process of entering The One True Church.  And since Our Lord is a Person, and not an impersonal legal code or philosophy, and since Our Lord is not a jerk, and is not limited by His Own Sacraments, He can do what He wants, which is ALWAYS perfectly JUST and MERCIFUL.

Now, there is a heresy floating around that was invented by a priest in the 20th century, a Fr. Leonard Feeney, who fell under the influence of… wait for it… a woman, that is called “Feeneyism”.  Nearly all Trad Catholic bloggers are spammed by, and often times calumniated by a very sad man who is a Feeneyite heretic.  I suspect that this chap, who I will not name, because that would just be throwing gas on the flames of his disorder, is not quite altogether mentally right, as he is completely obsessed with the Feeneyite heresy, and seems to suffer from a total lack of self-awareness and delusions of grandeur.  One of the symptoms of these mental disorders that I have noticed over the years of my internet notoriety, such as it is, from what might be called low-grade Asperger’s all the way up to full-blown paranoid schizophrenia, is that the people in question are utterly convinced that the entire universe is hanging on their every word.  It never occurs to them that the reason no one responds to them is because no one is paying attention.  It never occurs to them that people simply block them, send their emails to the spam folder or to auto-delete, and that they are being ignored.  Again, this is another negative aspect of the internet – it feeds and amplifies not only narcissism, but also mental illness.

The heresy of Feeneyism revolves around the doctrine of Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (EENS), which means, “Outside The Church There Is No Salvation”.  Feeneyites argue, very unsuccessfully, that God Almighty is, in fact, limited by His Own Sacraments, and that it is completely impossible for someone who never received Water Baptism to be saved.  So what do Feeneyites say about not just St. Emerentiana, but the other saints that The Church has lifted to the altar? namely, Saints Victor, Rhais and Hericlides, who were all catechumens, and even an unnamed soldier in England during the reign of Diocletian who was converted by St. Alban as the soldier was escorting St. Alban to his execution.  The soldier was thus executed with St. Alban, and The Church thus holds this soldier, St. Alban’s companion, as having been Baptized By Blood.

The Feeneyites tend to stare at their shoes, and then mumble something about these people being “baptized by the angels”.  Well, we can see where this leads.  If the angels come down and baptize with water, then why don’t the angels baptize babies that are about to be murdered by abortion?  And if the angels DO preternaturally baptize babies with water, then why, exactly shouldn’t a woman murder her own child – after all, if the angels swoop down and “baptize” the child, the child goes instantly to heaven, right?  So, yeah, the heresy of Feeneyism leads very quickly to abortion being the greatest act of love and mercy a woman can do for her child.  Murder the child and guarantee it heaven.  Because, folks, ALL HERESIES, BECAUSE THEY ARE BASED ON A FALSE BASE PREMISE, INEVITABLY LEAD TO TOTAL INVERSION. Some heresies only take one or two logical steps to end up at child murder or the like, while some are more subtle and take a few more logical steps, but they ALL end up in hell.  There is only One Truth, and this is why Our Lord said, “Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!”

If you would like to read more about the doctrine of Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, which is so critical, and which is openly denied today by Antipope Bergoglio and the rest of the Freemasonic infiltrators of The Church, I wrote a piece a while back that tries to explain it a bit.  In contemporary parlance, the denial of EENS is called the heresy of “Universalism” and “Indifferentism”.  Long story short, of course there is no salvation outside The Church.  Heaven is The Church Triumphant, that is all the angels and saints INDWELLING inside The Triune Godhead, eternally adoring God “from the inside”, offering the endless Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving.  There is no domain of heaven outside of this.  There is certainly no “Hindu heaven” or “Buddhist heaven” or “Protestant heaven” or “atheist heaven”.  Everyone in heaven is Catholic, because the Catholic Church, Triumphant, is The Father’s House of Many Mansions. And there is no other House.  There is no other Truth. Only hell exists outside of the Beatific Vision.  The domain of hell called “The Limbo of the Innocents” does not involve torment, but it is hell because it is outside of God.  The hell of the damned, which, sadly, most people probably end up in, involves torment because the people there are aware of the fact that they will never see God, and that they COULD have been saved, but freely chose not to be.  God, in His mercy, allows these lost souls to be tormented by demons, and by each other, AS A MERCIFUL DISTRACTION.  Sit in stillness with that until it sinks in.  Not only should it drive home how truly awful eternal damnation will be, but more importantly, it should drive home how incredibly, incomprehensibly GOOD heaven is.  Heaven is so good that the worst possible torment would be for a damned soul to spend all eternity, alone and undistracted, pondering what they will never see by their own free choice – God Himself.

I hope this helps.

St. Emerentiana, pray for us.
Saints Victor, Rhais, Hericlides and the Companion of St. Alban, pray for us.

Christ, have mercy on us.