Gaudete!! Mulled White Wine

Happy Gaudete Sunday!

(Scale up in proportion. Make WAY more than you THINK you’ll need.)

2 bottles dry white wine
2 VERY healthy sloshes Cointreau or Grand Marnier – Orange Liqueur
Dark brown sugar (start with 1/3 cup)
Honey (to taste)
Star Anise
Whole Cloves

Warm it up. Ladle it into heat-proof vessels.  I am personally using copper mugs (usually deployed in the summer for Mule drinks of all kinds – Moscow, London and Messico.)

And here’s a joyful musical interlude: “Christmas Is Coming” off the Vince Guaraldi Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack. Enjoy!

Twelve years ago today.

This picture was taken twelve years ago today while I was on my pilgrimage to Rome. I’m looking at the side altar of St. Philip Neri, unaware at the time that he would soon become my personal patron, if he wasn’t already, unbeknownst to me.

It seems like just yesterday, and a lifetime ago. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me and for all of us who love Him in the next twelve years. I look forward to meeting all of the friends I haven’t met yet, and to many new adventures.

But most of all, I’m just grateful to the Most Holy Trinity (beautifully depicted in the high altarpiece) for the miracle that is my life, and for the Divine Providence bringing me into His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

St. Philip Neri, pray for us!

Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us!

“Hold on to your hat, Girl. Things are about to get VERY interesting….”

Dr. Mazza, the Smiling Honey Badger, has two pieces on the Bergoglian Antipapacy published in one day, including on the heretofore “Fwanciss is definitely pope” 1Peter5 site. The truth is outing!

Dr. Mazza, the smiling honey badger, continues to crush it.

Here’s his piece at 1Peter5 and a fantastic reference piece at LifeSite that Dr. Mazza assembled that is definitely worth a bookmark.

The DeepState/Freemasonic stooges and their pathetic, gormless mewlings in support of the Bergoglian Antipapacy, attempting to refute both Dr. Mazza’s mountain of work, and objective, observable reality, at this point remind me of a serpent being dispatched by a honey badger. It’s fun to watch.

NonVeniMark writes my words for me: What is everyone so afraid of? “Pope Francis” has no more authority than that week-old potato salad in the back of your fridge. TOSS THAT CRAP OUT.

Non Veni Mark’s image of nasty, rancid potato salad is absolutely brilliant. That’s what Antipope Bergoglio reminds me of. He’s so revolting.

I’m shamelessly crossposting this in full as Moving Daze continue apace. Thanks, Mark!!

Exhorting prayers for the conversion of “Pope Francis” is de facto admission he is an antipope

Do you see how this works? If he needs conversion, he’s not Catholic. If he’s not Catholic, he can hardly be the visible head of the outfit he doesn’t belong to.

The thing about this here antipapacy is its utter obviousness. A true Pope cannot teach heresy in matters of faith and morals. Bergoglio has, multiple times. A true Pope is supernaturally protected from doing any such thing. The other thing about this antipapacy is that it is the first time an antipope has NOT been Catholic.

Bishop Strickland says that “Pope Francis” is “Leading souls into darkness…” well, yes and no. Yes he is leading souls into darkness, Excellency, but so are you by claiming Bergoglio is true Pope. Instead, you should be pointing out that a true Pope is incapable of leading souls into darkness. Good grief.

What is everyone so afraid of? “Pope Francis” has no more authority than that week-old potato salad in the back of your fridge. Toss that crap out.

Do we pray for Bergoglio’s conversion? Of course! We are Catholic, and we owe him that. He needs to  convert to Catholicism, publicly confess his crimes, and renounce the seat he has illegally usurped and never validly occupied.

He has never been Pope.



Memories from early childhood ballet performances. This piece was referred to as “The Snowflake Ballet”, but it is formally titled “Barcarolle” from Les Contes d’Hoffman by Offenbach.

First the instrumental orchestral version, then with voices – a duet of a soprano and a mezzo soprano.


I highly recommend reading this complete plot summary of “Conclave” so you can see the evil and be prepared to smash it with ridicule and explanations of Catholicism and the Bergoglian Antipapacy and Antichurch.

The PedoClowns are in a BLIND PANIC, y’all.

Read this, and let your laughter be the laughter of confidence. This movie is going to backfire BIGLY.

These demon faggots think we’re going to try to hide this. Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. This is a gift. And yes, they’re all so lacking in self-awareness or any sort of tactical vision that they don’t even see their own glorious embarrassment.

Can you imagine Trad Catholics appearing on No Agenda, Tucker and Rogan and just shredding this with laughter AND catechizing at the same time?

I can. I can see it happening easily. 😁

The key is to get good people who aren’t batpoop crazy and are good communicators front and center. Easier said than done, but still very doable. Let’s goooooooo!!