Neumayr is in Buenos Aires! Pray for his safety! Plus: Get ready for fake “saint” Evita Peron AND Cardinal Battista Ricca

I was tickled to see yesterday that George Neumayr is doing what actual journalists do and has gone down to Buenos Aires to talk to the people on the ground down there who are victims of a global media blackout on any negative reportage on Antipope Bergoglio’s truly deplorable past in Argentina. To all my […]

Epstein Hit Has World Taking a Second Look At Murdered Argentine Child Sex Trafficking Whistleblower Natacha Jaitt

Apparently these child sex people are some of the most dangerous people in the world. It stands to reason. Anyone evil enough to be sexually aroused by children would find murder to be absolutely nothing. Epstein’s world seemed to revolve around females. What Natacha Jaitt was trying to blow the whistle on was largely the […]

Argentinian Sources Check In: Jaitt’s “Producer” Caught on Video Lifting Jaitt’s Cellphone from Crimescene and then Lying About It.

The Argentinians have checked in after I asked them if there was anything new on the Natacha Jaitt death that the English-speaking world should be aware of.  They said the big news was that Jaitt’s “producer”, Raúl Velaztiqui Duarte, was caught on video lifting Jaitt’s cellphone from the crime scene, wrapping it in a towel, and […]

Is Antipope Bergoglio a Sodomite? I Dunno, But His Child-Pimping Boyfriend Sure As Hell Is.

Let’s do a little review, shall we? February 14, ARSH 2017, I wrote in this space under the title, “Don’t Be Dumb. Obedience Has Nothing to Do With IT.  THEY’RE ALL BLACKMAILABLE”: Antipope Bergoglio is a diabolical narcissist psychopath who is now, and always has been about one thing: PERSONAL POWER. He rules through FEAR, […]

Remember how there were rumors in 2013 that Antipope Bergoglio wanted to abolish the College of Cardinals?

Remember how in the early months of the Bergoglian antipapacy in ARSH 2013 that there were rumors that Antipope Bergoglio wanted to ultimately abolish or otherwise liquidate the College of Cardinals? Remember how those rumors popped back up last year? Remember how I have been screaming for almost as long that EVERY ONE OF THEM […]