Please, Sweet Merciful Jesus, send us a holy and manful Monarch like King St. Louis IX. PLEASE. Because we have now learned the hard lesson that DEMOCRACY DOESN’T WORK.

Slowly, slowly, I think more and more people are coming to the sick realization that “democracy” is and ever was a ticking time bomb built for the inside-out destruction of Christian Civilization. I think people are finally starting to sit down and think in stillness about the inner cities utterly devoid of any morality, about the SJW youth and their middle-aged and Boomer indoctrinators who are completely detached from reality, and at the luciferianism of the political class and realizing that “democracy” did this. And even more chillingly, that democracy can never, ever be the way out of this, and should never be returned to, because to return to it would be the proverbial dog returning to its vomit.

As Americans it is REALLY hard to come to grips with it, much less say it out loud. But, as Nurse Claire’s motto says, “Take your red pill, or you’ll get it by suppository.” Well, the Post-Christian West has its pants around its ankles, and Nurse Ratchet just walked into the room.

As readers of this space know, I think that barring supernatural intervention, we are going to have to reset to Monarchy, several Monarchies, in fact, because it is clearly unwise for one secular monarch to have control of so much landmass, resources and population as North America has. Further, as I have stated before, I am a fan of the ELECTED MONARCH model because I still believe in meritocracy, and have seen far too many examples in all walks of life of the eldest son  being a complete and total dipshit to ever trust such a model. So, let’s have a bunch of small republics following the Venetian model with an elected monarch. The Venetian Republic was founded in ARSH 697 and lasted exactly 1100 years until ARSH 1797. It’s absolutely astounding considering that Venice is a city built in the middle of a lagoon on top of a few million tree trunks pile-drived into the mud.

Another huge point in favor of elected monarchy is the fact that God Almighty Himself incarnated and established the government of His Holy Church on earth SPECIFICALLY AND IMMUTABLY as an ELECTED MONARCHY, and that has lasted coming up on 2000 years now, the present vacancy of the Holy See these 603 days and counting notwithstanding.

So, please, for your own sanity, let go of the “VOTE HAAAARDERRRR!” mindset and get serious about what we’re going to do after this War of Disassociation. It is, in fact, our MORAL DUTY AND OBLIGATION to have a plan BEFORE the hot war begins. The rules of Just War and common sense demand that the counter-revolting side (that is the side that is turning back TOWARDS God, which is us) have a plan for governance such that there is ZERO anarchical power vacuum, because if you think this shit is bad, you cannot fathom in your darkest nightmares what will happen if we get into a genuine full-blown WROL (Without Rule of Law) total anarchy situation. And again, we MUST come to grips with the fact that we can’t just “reboot” the American Constitution, because we will end up EXACTLY in the same mess again, except the second iteration will be faster and worse in every way.


Monarchy CAN work. As the Old Timer who taught me the cattle business explained as I sat in his living room over Labor Day weekend of ARSH 2004, which made my converting brain realize that the Papacy was not only legit, but indispensable:


And not just a meaningless figurehead. Some ONE has to be genuinely in charge, personally responsible, and personally accountable. None of this rule-by-committee (aka “synod”) bullshit.

I have to chuckle at all of these Trad Inc. and academic egghead people today running around decrying the Papacy as a disastrous system in se that has to be “demythologized” and evanesced into meaningless because “Fwanciss is definitely totally Pope!” Show me a man (or harpy) making this argument and I’ll show you someone who has never run a business and/or served in the military. And no, being a CIA spook doesn’t count as military service.

On the secular side, I think people are cottoning to the fact that the system is set up precisely so that NO ONE IS ACCOUNTABLE. Even if Biden were the President, and didn’t have late-stage dementia, nevermind Harris who is mildly intellectually disabled and a staggering alcoholic, the system is set up such that the Executive Branch can point the finger at the other two branches, and round and round she goes. Biden’s dementia just underscores the point. You can’t deny it now. The man in this system of governance with the most putative personal power, responsibility and accountability shits his pants on the regular and struggles to walk and speak. This folks, is merely the two-by-four to the head of reality demanding that we shed our American indoctrination and acknowledge it.

Now, on his Feast Day, let’s ponder good King St. Louis IX of France, and pray that IF supernatural intervention is NOT what the Divine Providence has in mind, and we need to work this out, that we find a King, a Doge, a Grand Duke, an Archduke – I think Emperor has too much negative baggage (cough, Star Wars, cough), and shouldn’t be used – whatever. And several of them, because this business of the mega-states is just no damn good, as history clearly bears out. The only earthly monarch who should have massive jurisdiction, and in fact, he still does, if we ever get one again, is the Pope. The Pope is the monarch of monarchs. The Pope has plenary jurisdiction over the entire physical universe. But remember, the Pope is also The Servant of servants.

King St. Louis IX, pray for us, and for the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church in terrifyingly visible eclipse, and for the Petrine See, vacant these 603 days.

Mary, Queen of Heaven, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

“Fair son, the first thing I would teach thee is to set thine heart to love God; for unless he love God none can be saved. Keep thyself from doing aught that is displeasing to God, that is to say, from mortal sin. Contrariwise thou shouldst suffer every manner of torment rather than commit a mortal sin.

“If God send thee adversity, receive it in patience and give thanks to our Saviour and bethink thee that thou hast deserved it, and that He will make it turn to thine advantage. If He send thee prosperity, then thank Him humbly, so that thou becomest not worse from pride or any other cause, when thou oughtest to be better. For we should not fight against God with his own gifts.”

“I advise you that you accustom yourself to frequent confession, and that you choose always, as your confessors, men who are upright and sufficiently learned, and who can teach you what you should do and what you should avoid.”

“Love all good, and hate all evil, in whomsoever it may be.”

The instructions which St Louis gave to the heir of his crown and which, he had constantly observed himself, testify to his great devotion and holiness.
These were the last admonitions of the Holy King:

-Love God, the Almighty, above all else.
-Flee sin more quickly than you would a serpent.
-Become not fainthearted in adversity.
-Become not elevated in the days of prosperity.
-Show the wounds of your soul frequently, to your spiritual physician and refuse no remedies, however bitter, to heal them.
-Pray diligently.
-Be compassionate and generous to the poor.
-If your mind is harassed with doubt, consult a devout man.
Keep faithful and pious counsellors around you and dismiss those who are wicked.
-All that is good hold fast: all that is bad discard.
-Lend a willing ear to those who speak of God.
-Listen not to calumniators and slanderers.
-So long as you reign, leave not unpunished those who blaspheme God and the Saints.
-First be grateful to God, then to men.
-Love and protect justice and neither neglect nor despise, the complaints of the needy.
-In your own affairs, when they are not perfectly clear, speak and act against yourself.
-Refund immediately the possessions of others.
-Protect the clergy.
-Love and honour your parents.
-If you are obliged to war against Christians, spare the Churches and the Convents.
-Endeavour to terminate all contentions with kindness.
-Guard all your officials with a watchful eye.
-Ever show due reverence to the Pope.
-Overstep not the bounds of moderation in your expenses.
-When I have departed, let prayers and Masses be said for the repose of my soul.


The sainted king told me that several people among the Albigenses came to the Count of Montfort, who was then guarding the land of the Albigenses for the king, and asked him to come and look at the body of our Lord, which had become blood and flesh in the hands of the priest. And the Count of Montfort said, “Go and look at it yourselves, you who do not believe it. As for me, I believe it firmly, holding as holy Church teaches of the sacrament of the altar. And do you know what I shall gain,” said the count, “in that during this mortal life I have believed as holy Church teaches? I shall have a crown in the heavens, above the angels, for the angels cannot but believe, inasmuch as they see God face to face.”

He told me that there was once a great disputation between clergy and Jews at the monastery of Cluny. And there was at Cluny a poor knight to whom the abbot gave bread at that place for the love of God; and this knight asked the abbot to suffer him to speak the first words, and they suffered him, not without doubt. So he rose, and leant upon his crutch, and asked that they should bring to him the greatest clerk and most learned master among the Jews; and they did so. Then he asked the Jew a question, which was this: “Master,” said the knight, “I ask you if you believe that the Virgin Mary, who bore God in her body and in her arms, was a virgin mother, and is the mother of God?” And the Jew replied that of all this he believed nothing. Then the knight answered that the Jew had acted like a fool when—neither believing in her, nor loving her—he had yet entered into her monastery and house. “And verily,” said the knight, “you shall pay for it!” Whereupon he lifted his crutch and smote the Jew near the ear, and beat him to the earth. Then the Jews turned to flight, and bore away their master, sore wounded. And so ended the disputation.

The abbot came to the knight and told him he had committed a deed of very great folly. But the knight replied that the abbot had committed a deed of greater folly in gathering people together for such a disputation; for there were a great many good Christians there who, before the disputation came to an end, would have gone away misbelievers through not fully understanding the Jews.

“And I tell you,” said the king, “that no one, unless he be a very learned clerk, should dispute with them; but a layman, when he hears the Christian law mis-said, should not defend the Christian law, unless it be with his sword, and with that he should pierce the mis-sayer in the midriff, so far as the sword will enter.”

Over the transom: ChatGPT poetry hour


There’s a Signal group with four former Navy and one Air Force, (all trad Catholics and listeners to your podcast) and we were trying to coerce the system into writing a poem encouraging “immigrants” in Europe to return to where they came from — and the Texas Cattle Rancher managed to get it to do it (I gave up on it — didn’t have the patience to have a “discussion” with the system).

The Time Has Come to Build Your Native Land

*Created with ChatGPT based on the promptings of The Texas Cattle Rancher

The hour is late, and all your work is done, You’ve given much to lands that welcomed you,

But now the time has come to turn and run, To fields where first your roots in soil grew true.

You’ve shared your gifts, you’ve paid the debt you owe,

And now your homeland waits, in need and pain,

It calls you back, where only you can sow The seeds of hope and strength, where they’ll sustain.

Leave now, and let these shores be memory, For others here will carry on your fight.

Your place is where your blood and history Demand your hand to shape a future bright.

Return, but not to walk these paths again—Build up your home, let that work never wane.

WE’RE BACK! Barnhardt Podcast #206: Meet Art Decco

No, you aren’t listening to the wrong podcast. That voice you hear is the new producer of The Barnhardt Podcast, Art Decco. Art’s a long-time listener who just so happens to have some free time on his hands after being fired from a 30 year career in local TV production for… refusing the death injections. In this episode, we discuss and debunk the ridiculous and highly suspicious fake news agitprop being pushed by ex-Pfizer executive Yeadon against Ivermectin, then we pivot to the open satanic rituals of the Paris Olympics and the DNC convention, where child sacrifice is openly happening, and conclude with a reader question about why the Eucharist is only distributed to the faithful in the traditional Roman Rite under one species, the Host. After an unplanned hiatus… WE’RE BACK!!

Feedback: the email address for the podcast is [email protected]. 

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]


Over the transom: An AI generated image of Our Lord using only data from the Shroud of Turin.

I gotta say, this is quite close to what Our Lord looks like in my head. For what that’s worth. But it’s compelling in a good way. Besides, can you really say that you love someone if you have no desire to know what they look like? The Lord left us His image on the Shroud and on the Veronica Cloth for a reason.

I’m reminded in this moment of the cleaned-up and de-paganized edited version of George Harrison’s “My Sweet Lord”, where he says, achingly, over and over, “I really want to see You, Lord.”

My sweet LORD
Mm, my LORD
Mm, my LORD

I really want to see You
I really want to be with You
Really want to see You, LORD
But it takes so long, my LORD

My sweet LORD
Mm, my LORD
Mm, my LORD

I really want to know You
I really want to go with You
Really want to show You, LORD
That it won’t take long, my LORD

My sweet Lord
My sweet LORD

I really wanna see You
I really wanna see You
I really wanna see You, LORD
I really wanna see You, LORD
But it takes so long, my LORD

My sweet LORD
Mm, my LORD
My my my LORD

I really wanna know You
I really wanna go with You
I really wanna show You, LORD
That it won’t take long, my LORD

My sweet LORD
My my LORD

Hmmmm. Is Monkey Butt Faggot Pox really just SHINGLES rebranded? Shingles being a very common side effect of the Death Jab?

The death jabs basically give a person AIDS, that is the immune cells in the body just stop doing their job. One immunologist described it as the immune cells “getting drunk and going to bed. They’re there, but they’re completely useless.”

So people who had Chicken Pox as kids and therefore SHOULD be immune to shingles, have shingles crop up after the death jab because their immune system is drunk in bed.

So, BigPharma, desperate for another trillion dollar windfall, and needing to cover the fact that VAIDS (Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is very, very real, has re-branded vaccine-induced shingles as the Monkey Butt Faggot Pox, complete with an already produced “vaccine”. So they cover their tracks AND bleed for several hundred billion in debased cash the retarded-by-sin masses into yet more poisonous injections.

Yup. Sounds just about right.

That time St. Bernard of Clairvaux singlehandedly exposed Antipopes “morally unanimously accepted” by the College of Cardinals and restored the True Pope. Thank God manly St. Bernard didn’t listen to the effeminate “there’s nothing you can do” despair merchants!

Q:  If we can’t trust the Church to tell us who the Pope is, doesn’t that mean the Church has defected?

A: Well, apparently not, because Antipope Anacletus II was backed by a majority of Cardinals and the entirety of Rome with the exception of the Corsi family and illegitimately ruled EIGHT YEARS until his death.

Here’s the short version.  You can read the long versions at and Wikipedia.

Pope Honorious II dies, and in rules established by a predecessor (Nicholas II) and Honorious II, the election of Honorious II’s successor is left to a special commission of eight Cardinals.  They validly and canonically, albeit hurriedly and insistently, elect Pope Innocent II Papareschi the next day.

Later that same day, other Cardinals, backed by all the Roman noble families declare Pope Innocent II’s election invalid, except it WAS valid, as we will see, and instead elect their very corrupt boy, Cardinal Pietro Pierleone and name him Anacletus II.

Both men are crowned Pope/Antipope on the same day – the Antipope Anacletus II in St. Peter’s Basilica, and the true Pope Innocent II in Santa Maria Nuova (now called Santa Francesca Romana).

Antipope Anacletus II Pierleone, having the backing of most of the Cardinals, all of the Roman noble families except one (the Corsi), and all of the Roman populace, drives the true Pope Innocent II out of Rome and he flees to France where he resides for three years, whereupon he is escorted back to Rome by King Lothair of Germany, albeit with an insufficient calvary force of only 2000, and upon Lothair’s departure, Pope Innocent II has to flee Rome again to nearby Pisa, where he remains for four more years.

During these eight years, Antipope Anacletus II enjoys essentially unanimous support in Rome as he plunders the Church’s wealth and spends it lavishly to maintain support and popularity.

When Antipope Anacletus II dies after EIGHT YEARS uncontested and peacefully accepted by the Cardinals and Rome in January of ARSH 1138, an invalid conclave is called (because the True Pope Innocent II is still very much alive), and Antipope Victor IV Conti is “elected”.

This mess was resolved not by arms, but by A SAINT.  Enter Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, who had discerned that despite the essentially unanimous and peaceful recognition of Anacletus II as Pope by the College of Cardinals and the populace of Rome, that this was wrong, and Pope Innocent II was the true Pope, and had been all along.  St. Bernard went to Rome and by only the force of his eloquence in preaching to the people of Rome convinced the Church and the people of Rome of Innocent II’s legitimacy, so that upon Anacletus II’s death and the faux-election of Antipope Victor IV, Victor IV soon PRESENTED HIMSELF AS A PENITENT to St. Bernard, who immediately escorted him to Pope Innocent II, to whom Antipope Victor IV Conti repented and submitted, thus proving that Anacletus II had been an Antipope all along.  Because if Pope Innocent II was the Pope, then that HAD to mean that Anacletus never was. Because LOGIC.

So, the answer is clearly, emphatically YES, the College of Cardinals and Rome HAS ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY dropped the ball on who the Pope is, and for EIGHT YEARS, and clearly this did not constitute defection. The Church fully admits that Anacletus II, who reigned peacefully accepted by the College of Cardinals and Church of Rome, was an Antipope, and that Bernard who discerned this, was not only a Saint, but a Doctor of the Church.

So, we have YET ANOTHER powerful Saint to enjoin in our prayers for resolving today’s mess.

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, PRAY FOR US!

The Submission of the Antipope Victor IV to Pope Innocent II (with St. Bernard), Antoine Favray, ARSH 1743, Norton Simon Art Foundation

St. John Eudes, who smacks down Narcissists and their effeminate, pride-soaked bleatings of “I dindunuffin!” It is NOT Our Redeemer’s fault if we are lost. It is ours.


St. John Eudes will always be a favorite because he has one of the most informative and explicatory quotes about what is happening to us, the Church and the world.  He simply and directly answers the question, “My God, why is this happening?”:

“The most evident mark of God’s anger, and the most terrible castigation He can inflict upon the world, is manifest when He permits His people to fall into the hands of a clergy who are more in name than in deed, priests who practice the cruelty of ravening wolves rather than the charity and affection of devoted shepherds. They abandon the things of God to devote themselves to the things of the world and, in their saintly calling of holiness, they spend their time in profane and worldly pursuits. When God permits such things, it is a very positive proof that He is thoroughly angry with His people and is visiting His most dreadful wrath upon them. 
–Saint John Eudes 

Only truly malignant and totally blind narcissists could possibly claim that “I dindu nuffin to deserve this!” Oh, every one of us is guilty to one degree or another. Remember the ways that one can be complicit in sin:

1. By counsel (to give advice, one’s opinion or instructions.)

2. By command (to demand, to order, such as in the military.)

3. By consent (to give permission, to approve, to agree to.)

4. By provocation (to dare.)

5. By praise or flattery (to cheer, to applaud, to commend.)

6. By concealment (to hide the action, to cover-up.)

7. By partaking (to take part, to participate.)

8. By silence (by playing dumb, by remaining quiet.)

9. By defense of the ill done (to justify, to argue in favour.)

(Note: To participate in the sins of another person means that one is just as guilty of the sin as the one who committed them. For example, if you encourage someone to have an abortion, you are guilty of the sin of abortion.)

Always beware the man who refuses to say those three little words: mea maxima culpa. Beware the man who declares that Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church aren’t worthy of his presence, thus inverting the Domine non sum dignus into “Lord, You are not worthy to enter under my roof…” Talk about total, satanic inversion….

Here is another quote from St. John Eudes on the effect of our sins on Our Lord’s Sacred Heart.  Read it well.

The first cause of those most painful Wounds in the Sacred Heart of Our Redeemer is our sins. We read in the life of Saint Catherine of Genoa that one day God let her see the horror of one tiny venial sin. She assures us that, although this vision lasted but a moment, she saw nevertheless an object so frightening that the blood froze in her veins and she swooned away in an agony that would have killed her if God had not preserved her to relate to others what she had seen. Wherefore she declared that if she were in the very depths of a sea of flaming fire and it were in her power to be set free, on condition that she should once more behold such a spectacle, she would choose to remain rather than to escape. If the sight of the smallest venial sin brought this saint to such a pass, what must we think of the state to which Our Saviour was reduced by seeing all the sins of the universe? He had them continually before His Eyes, and His vision being infinitely more powerful than that of Saint Catherine, He could behold infinitely more horror.

He saw the immeasurable insult and dishonour it caused His Father; He saw the damnation of a countless number of souls resulting from those sins. As He had infinite love for His Father and His creatures, the sight of all those sins rent His Heart with countless Wounds, such that if we were able to count all the sins of men, which are more numerous than the drops of water in the sea, we would then be able to count the Wounds of the loving Heart of Jesus.

The second cause of His Wounds is the infinite love of His Sacred Heart for all of His children, and His constant vision of all the afflictions and sufferings that are to happen to them, especially all the torments that His holy martyrs are to suffer. When a mother watches her beloved child suffering, she feels the pain more keenly than the child. Our Saviour’s love for us is so tremendous that if the love of all parents were centred in a single heart, it would not represent even a spark of the love for us that burns in His Heart. Our pains and sorrows, ever present to His vision and seen most clearly and distinctly, were so many Wounds bleeding in His paternal Heart. These Wounds were so painful and deep that they would have caused His death a thousand times over, even immediately after His birth, if He had not miraculously preserved Himself, because during His whole earthly life His Sacred Heart was continually pierced by many mortal Wounds of love.

Therefore we have the greatest obligation to honour the gracious Heart that sustained so many Wounds of love for us. With what affection should we embrace, and endure all our afflictions, out of love for Jesus, our Saviour, since He first bore them for love of us! Should they not be most sweet to us, since they have already passed through His most gentle and loving Heart? What a horror we should have of our sins that have caused so many Wounds and such intense grief to the divine Heart of our Redeemer!

Let us learn from the foregoing example that it is not our Redeemer’s fault if we are lost. There are hearts so hard that, even if Jesus Himself were to come down from heaven to preach to them and they were to see Him covered with Wounds and bathed in His Blood, they would still not be converted.

O my God, let us not be one of them, but give us the grace to open our ears to the voice of all the sacred Wounds of Your Body and Your Heart, which are so many mouths through which You call us unceasingly: ‘Redite, prævaricatores, ad cor — Return, transgressors, to the heart’, which means to My Heart that is all yours, since I have given it entirely to you. Return to that most loving Heart of your Father, which is full of love and mercy for you, which will receive you home, heaping upon you blessings.

Forget the Fictional Romeo & Juliet. True Romance is Sts. Joachim & Anne.

Today is the Feast of St. Joachim, father of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lord’s grandfather.

Long story short, Joachim and Anne were childless, and thought that this was a sign of God’s displeasure. St. Joachim went off and did penance, and God, His ways being unsearchable and perfect, told St. Joachim to go home to St. Anne, and they would conceive a child. At the same time St. Anne was told in a locution to go meet her husband at the Golden Gate, and that they would conceive.

This image is by Giotto in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, Italy, and is stunning in its bold depiction of marital love. Especially for ARSH 1305.

The Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived naturally in the marital embrace, albeit without the stain of Original Sin. But she was conceived naturally by her elderly, up-until-then barren parents. The Embrace at the Golden Gate communicates with subtle yet unmistakable clarity the marital love and even “romance” between these Saints, and their kiss is symbolic of the subsequent conjugal act that resulted in the Immaculate Conception.

It is especially edifying to see this in these dark days wherein anything to do with the marital embrace is being warped, twisted and perverted, and we’re all at risk of becoming totally cynical, or already are, with regards to marriage and its fruits.

Romeo and Juliet? Phuff. For REAL romance, it’s Joachim and Anne.

If THIS was the “dark ages”, we must be the pitch-black ages.

I promised a longtime reader I would post this today. This composition is from the 11th Century. Listen and remember that you have been taught for your entire life by “enlightened” American culture that these were the “Dark Ages”. What a lie. Look out your window and behold a truly Dark Age, abominable and desolate. 

Enjoy, and happy Feast of the Assumption. 

Hail mother of Mercy, mother of God and mother of Pardon, mother of Hope and mother of Grace, mother full of holy gladness. O Mary! 

Hail, honor of mankind. Hail worthier Virgin than the others because you surpass all of them and in heaven you occupy the highest seat of honor. O Mary! 

Hail Blessed Virgin yet bearing child: For He who sits at the Father’s right hand, The ruler of heaven, of earth and sky, has sheltered Himself in your womb. O Mary! 

Become, O mother, our solace: Be for us our source of joy, and at the last, after this exile, unite us rejoicing to the choir of angels. O Mary!