Every Saint in Heaven Knows that Bergoglio is an Antipope. Never feel like you’re alone. That’s the biggest lie this side of heaven.

Happy, happy feast of All the Saints!!

If you ever feel alone in the knowledge of the Bergoglian Antipapcy and the truth of Pope Benedict’s substantially erroneous “partial resignation” of only “the ministry of the active governance of the Church”, just remember that every Saint and Angel in Heaven knows the truth. His resignation was completely invalid, and therefore he remained the one and only living Pope until his death on 31 December ARSH 2022, whether he liked it or not.

Considering that every star in the universe has a custodian angel, that puts the angelic choir in the QUINTILLIONS, at minimum. Be edified today. Be very, VERY edified. They were all at the Mass you heard today. All of them. They were all right there. They are at EVERY valid Mass. Sit in stillness with that. Go ahead. I’ll wait. ☺️

All ye Saints, pray for the Petrine See, vacant these 671 days and counting, for Holy Mother Church, and pray for us!!

It is no coincidence that Lutheran Revolt day is also Satanism’s highest unholy day of the year – 31 October.

Christ committed adultery first of all with the women at the well about whom St. John tells us. Was not everybody about Him saying: ‘Whatever has He been doing with her?’ Secondly, with Mary Magdalen, and thirdly with the women taken in adultery whom He dismissed so lightly. Thus even, Christ who was so righteous, must have been guilty of fornication before He died.”
(ref. Trishreden, Weimer Edition, Vol. 2, Pg. 107.)

Luther, an Augustinian priest, was a filthy pervert, looking to ratify and excuse his disgusting, sick perversions and in doing so dragging as many souls into hell with him as possible.

This is Luther.  This is the piece of s*** that they are all celebrating as the “great reformer”, including, not surprisingly, Antipope Bergoglio.

Martin Luther was a diabolical narcissist, and, after years of shameless sacrilegious fornication with his concubine, a nun, Katarina von Bora, while a priest – descended into full-blown psychopathy.  

We see in today’s world the result of unworthy reception of the Eucharist – a world full of diabolical narcissists unable to think or reason clearly, utterly detached, it seems, from reality.  Fornicating priests commit not merely the mortal sins against the 6th Commandment of fornication and adultery, but because the Aggrieved Spouse is Christ Himself and His Holy Church, the sin is that of sacrilege – a sin against the 2nd Commandment.  Can you imagine the damage done to such a priest by not only his reception of the Eucharist, but by his very offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? It is said that nothing short of actual satanic “black liturgies”, such as satanic “black masses”, attracts demons like these sins of sacrilegious fornication.

Being a diabolical narcissist, Luther was obsessed with convincing himself of the grandiosity, superiority, perfection and “sinlessness” or better said, “faultlessness” of his false self.

Everything he did and said revolved around his need to convince himself that the fact that he, a priest forever after the Order of Melchizedek, espoused to Jesus Christ and His Holy Church, was fornicating with Katarina von Bora (and apparently also the maid when Katarina “had a headache”) was NO BIG DEAL. This is why Luther despised the priesthood, despised the Eucharist, despised marriage itself, and preached his satanic heresy of “total depravity”. He had to convince himself that his fornicating was not only no big deal, but also “natural”.

This satanic filth is what Antipope Bergoglio is so enamored of, and openly celebrates.  I have a theologian friend who firmly believes and argues very well that Antipope Bergoglio is, very simply, a closet Lutheran. I think that it is worse than that – at least Luther could be argued mildly credibly to be a Christian, albeit an arch-heretic.  Antipope Bergoglio?  No.  Not credibly. Antipope Bergoglio is an open apostate.

I have copied these quotes from David L. Gray’s site. Be warned, there is extreme blasphemy here involving Our Lord engaging in sex acts.

Remember, every single one of these quotes is from Luther himself, and is fully acknowledged by the Lutheran sect.

“I look upon God no better than a scoundrel”
(ref. Weimar, Vol. 1, Pg. 487. Cf. Table Talk, No. 963).

“Christ committed adultery first of all with the women at the well about whom St. John tells us. Was not everybody about Him saying: ‘Whatever has He been doing with her?’ Secondly, with Mary Magdalen, and thirdly with the women taken in adultery whom He dismissed so lightly. Thus even, Christ who was so righteous, must have been guilty of fornication before He died.
(ref. Trishreden, Weimer Edition, Vol. 2, Pg. 107.

“I have greater confidence in my wife and my pupils than I have in Christ”
(ref. Table Talk, 2397b).

“It does not matter how Christ behaved – what He taught is all that matters”
(ref. Erlangen Vol. 29, Pg. 126).

“[The Commandments’] only purpose is to show man his impotence to do good and to teach him to despair of himself”
(ref: Denifle’s Luther et Lutheranisme, Etude Faite d’apres les sources. Translation by J. Paquier (Paris, A. Picard, 1912-13), Volume III, p. 364).

“We must remove the Decalogue out of sight and heart”
(ref. De Wette 4, 188)

“If we allow them – the Commandments – any influence in our conscience, they become the cloak of all evil, heresies and blasphemies”
(ref. Comm. ad Galat, p.310).

“It is more important to guard against good works than against sin.”
(ref. Trischreden, Wittenberg Edition, Vol. VI., p. 160).

“Good works are bad and are sin like the rest.”
(ref. Denifle’s Luther et Lutheranisme, Etude Faite d’apres les sources. Translation by J. Paquier (Paris, A. Picard, 1912-13), VOl. III, pg. 47).

“There is no scandal greater, more dangerous, more venomous, than a good outward life, manifested by good works and a pious mode of life. That is the grand portal, the highway that leads to damnation.”
(ref. Denifle’s Luther et Lutheranisme, Etude Faite d’apres les sources. Translation by J. Paquier (Paris, A. Picard, 1912-13), VOl. II, pg. 128).

“…with regard to God, and in all that bears on salvation or damnation, (man) has no ‘free-will’, but is a captive, prisoner and bond slave, either to the will of God, or to the will of Satan.”
(ref. From the essay, ‘Bondage of the Will,’ ‘Martin Luther: Selections From His Writings, ed. by Dillenberger, Anchor Books, 1962 p. 190).

“Man is like a horse. Does God leap into the saddle? The horse is obedient and accommodates itself to every movement of the rider and goes whither he wills it. Does God throw down the reins? Then Satan leaps upon the back of the animal, which bends, goes and submits to the spurs and caprices of its new rider… Therefore, necessity, not free will, is the controlling principle of our conduct. God is the author of what is evil as well as of what is good, and, as He bestows happiness on those who merit it not, so also does He damn others who deserve not their fate.”
(ref. ‘De Servo Arbitrio’, 7, 113 seq., quoted by O’Hare, in ‘The Facts About Luther, TAN Books, 1987, pp. 266-267).

“His (Judas) will was the work of God; God by His almighty power moved his will as He does all that is in this world.”
(ref. De servo Arbitrio, against man’s free will).

“No good work happens as the result of one’s own wisdom; but everything must happen in a stupor . . . Reason must be left behind for it is the enemy of faith.
(ref. Trischreden, Weimer VI, 143, 25-35).

“Be a sinner, and let your sins be strong, but let your trust in Christ be stronger, and rejoice in Christ who is the victor over sin, death, and the world. We will commit sins while we are here, for this life is not a place where justice resides… No sin can separate us from Him, even if we were to kill or commit adultery thousands of times each day.”
(ref. ‘Let Your Sins Be Strong, from ‘The Wittenberg Project;’ ‘The Wartburg Segment’, translated by Erika Flores, from Dr. Martin Luther’s Saemmtliche Schriften, Letter No. 99, 1 Aug. 1521. – Cf. Also Denifle’s Luther et Lutheranisme, Etude Faite d’apres les sources. Translation by J. Paquier (Paris, A. Picard, 1912-13), VOl. II, pg. 404))

“Do not ask anything of your conscience; and if it speaks, do not listen to it; if it insists, stifle it, amuse yourself; if necessary, commit some good big sin, in order to drive it away. Conscience is the voice of Satan, and it is necessary always to do just the contrary of what Satan wishes.”
(ref. J. Dollinger, La Reforme et les resultants qu’elle a produits. (Trans. E. Perrot, Paris, Gaume, 1848-49), Vol III, pg. 248).

“Peasants are no better than straw. They will not hear the word and they are without sense; therefore they must be compelled to hear the crack of the whip and the whiz of bullets and it is only what they deserve.”
(ref. Erlangen Vol 24, Pg. 294).

“To kill a peasant is not murder; it is helping to extinguish the conflagration. Let there be no half measures! Crush them! Cut their throats! Transfix them. Leave no stone unturned! To kill a peasant is to destroy a mad dog!” – “If they say that I am very hard and merciless, mercy be damned.Let whoever can stab, strangle, and kill them like mad dogs”
(ref. Erlangen Vol 24, Pg. 294).

“Like the drivers of donkeys, who have to belabor the donkeys incessantly with rods and whips, or they will not obey, so must the ruler do with the people; they must drive, beat throttle, hang, burn, behead and torture, so as to make themselves feared and to keep the people in check.”
(ref. Erlangen Vol 15, Pg. 276).

“If the husband is unwilling, there is another who is; if the wife is unwilling, then let the maid come.
(ref. Of Married Life).

“Suppose I should counsel the wife of an impotent man, with his consent, to give herself to another, say her husband’s brother, but to keep this marriage secret and to ascribe the children to the so-called putative father. The question is: Is such a women in a saved state? I answer, certainly.”
(ref. On Marriage).

“It is not in opposition to the Holy Scriptures for a man to have several wives.”
(ref. De Wette, Vol. 2, p. 459).

The word and work of God is quite clear, viz., that women are made to be either wives or prostitutes.
(ref. On Married Life).

“In spite of all the good I say of married life, I will not grant so much to nature as to admit that there is no sin in it. .. no conjugal due is ever rendered without sin. The matrimonial duty is never performed without sin.”
(ref. Weimar, Vol 8. Pg. 654. In other words for Luther the matrimonial act is “a sin differing in nothing from adultery and fornication.” ibid. What then is the purpose of marriage for Luther you may ask? Luther affirms that it’s simply to satisfy one’s sexual cravings “The body asks for a women and must have it” or again “To marry is a remedy for fornication” – Grisar, “Luther”, vol. iv, pg. 145).

“What harm could it do if a man told a good lusty lie in a worthy cause and for the sake of the Christian Churches?”
(ref. Lenz: Briefwechsel, Vol. 1. Pg. 373).

“To lie in a case of necessity or for convenience or in excuse – such lying would not be against God; He was ready to take such lies on Himself”
(ref. Lenz: Briefwechsel, Vol. 1. Pg. 375).

“St. Augustine or St. Ambrosius cannot be compared with me.”
(ref. Erlangen, Vol. 61, pg. 422).

“What I teach and write remains true even though the whole world should fall to pieces over it”
(ref. Weimar, Vol. 18, Pg. 401).

If you heard strains of Bergoglianism, Marxism, post-modern oligarchism, AND islam in these quotes, you were not imagining things.  All of these “isms” have the same root – diabolical narcissism: the purging of all love from the self and the elevation of the self above all else including God – this is what Lucifer and the demons did, and this is what diabolical narcissists do. That’s why I made a video about it, and will be writing about it ad nauseam for the foreseeable future.

Now do you see why giving Holy Communion to the Lutherans in St. Peter’s Basilica was an explicit act of Eucharistic desecration?

Now do you see why this business of “celebrating” the Lutheran Revolt of ARSH 1517 is nothing short of satanic?

And to any Lutherans out there, if you genuinely love Jesus Christ, get the hell out of that cesspit of a sect.  Find a traditional Catholic parish where the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (or Divine Liturgy) is offered and jump the Tiber – before it is too late.

Barnhardt Podcast #209: Pervs Playing with Dolls

Download MP3 file

In this episode, Art and Ann deconstruct the “Luce…fer” mascot of the 2025 Jubilee, including the word “mascot” itself. You’ll never look at the MLB San Diego Chicken the same way again. We then touch on politics in hopes of keeping people grounded in reality about all of the unsavory characters in the last episode before the 2024 “election.” Finally, we discuss the excellence of the three hour uninterrupted, unscripted podcast format for public figures and candidates, and even potential colleagues, friends or spouses. Would you hire someone, or marry someone, who couldn’t or wouldn’t answer questions or hold a train of thought?


HELL: It’s So Much Worse Than You Think. Worse Than You Can Possibly Imagine.

UPDATED! – Really? I ask the readership… a serious question… no, really… the MASCOT for the Jubilee Year



Feedback: the email address for the podcast is [email protected]

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]



Mascot of 2025 Jubilee is a blue-haired androgyne wearing a sodomy “Pride” rainbow Rosary as a necklace and carrying a witch’s stang, named “Luce.” Is that short for Lucifer? The answer is, “Almost certainly, yes.”

Remember the reportage here years ago about the Stang? Yeah.

A Stang is a witch/warlock’s ceremonial staff.  It is always forked, and always has an iron nail driven through it. Ideally it has a human form carved or integrated into it somehow.  The Stang signifies several things, the first being a satan himself.  Read the quote below from a witchcraft blog:

“Gary describes the Stang as primarily a symbolic tool rather than a working one, and as such it stands in for the Devil himself, holding his power and his dual nature. The Devil and the Stang is often less about strict duality  and more about the transgressing of boundaries, The Devil being a spirit I often think of as non-binary and difficult to define in terms of absolutes.”

That’s mild compared to this quote from the same article:

“The witch is bound to no dogma. This makes them a threat to a Christianity established on doctrine. The witch insists everything in creation has its place. The Church insisted on two contrary substances God and The Devil. The witch strives for synthesis.”
Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold- Craft of The Untamed.

G.W.F. Hegel, please dial “666” on a white courtesy telephone….

Look where is says in the lower-right, “Designed by TokiDoki”.

TokiDoki, ‘dis you?


Hey (Simon &) Jude, don’t let me down…

St. Jude, pray for us! St. Jude, pray for us!

Today (October 28th) is the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude.  St. Jude is today most closely associated with being the “patron saint of lost causes”, which is a relatively recent devotional development.  I’m sure many of you remember seeing the St. Jude Novena published in the classified section of the newspaper.  Remember newspapers?  Ah… nostalgia.

Anyway, there is certainly nothing wrong with this, as I have mentioned before and am still trying to get my head around myself, all of the Angels and Saints know us personally and love us personally, and are desirous of our achieving the Beatific Vision with them.  This is one of those things that if I sit and think about with any depth I still find shocking, even still at my advanced age.

They ALL know who I am.

They are ALL rooting for me.

They are ALL fully available to pray for me.


Here is the traditional text of the prayer to St. Jude:

Oh glorious Apostle St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor who delivered thy beloved Master into the hands of His enemies has caused thee to be forgotten by many, but the Church honors and invokes thee universally as the patron of hopeless cases–of things despaired of. Pray for me who am so miserable; make use, I implore thee, of that particular privilege accorded thee of bringing visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need, that I may receive the consolations and succor of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations and sufferings, particularly (mention your request), and that I may bless God with thee and all the elect throughout eternity. I promise thee, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, and I will never cease to honor thee as my special and powerful patron, and to do all in my power to encourage devotion to thee. Amen.

The other big thing that St. Jude is famous for is writing the Epistle of St. Jude, which is the next-to-last book of the New Testament, and is tiny at only 25 verses.  

The book of Jude is an exhortation and warning against heresy and heretics.

So, yeah.  It is slightly timely.  Just a little bit.  Li’lbit.

It covers everything: heretics bringing about chaos, or as they say in Spanish, “lio” (“turning the grace of our Lord God into riotousness” – verse 4), the fact that God’s wrath has, does and will come upon heretics, and the admonition to the faithful to reprove the heretic and sinner, because this is what is demanded by charity.

Do click over to DRBO.org and read the entire brief Letter of St. Jude because it is so relevant, and also read the excellent Challoner footnotes which are most helpful.

Then, revisit the prayer to St. Jude above, because while it is tempting to think in these dark days that the “cause is lost” – it isn’t!  St. Jude, given the topic of his Epistle, should be widely enjoined to pray for us, and for the Church, and against the Antichurch.

St. Judas Thaddeus, pray for us!

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us!

The Lord is Our King, He will save us.

Dóminus iudex noster, Dóminus légifer noster: Dóminus Rex noster, ipse salvábit nos.

The Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver: the Lord is our King, He will save us.

This is the Fourth Antiphon of First and Second Vespers of the Feast of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.

I find it to be a manful, succinct encapsulation of reality. Perhaps a little license with emphatic capitalization would be opportune.

He WILL save us.

And remember, He is King of All by Divine Right, because He is The Creator, but He is also King of All by Conquest via His Incarnation as True Man. And that Conquest occurred at the instant of His Incarnation in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. So even as an Infant, nay even as a Single Celled Zygote, He was and is truly the Sovereign King of the Universe BY CONQUEST.

And that includes maybe above all else the land that is referred to today as “Israel”. Do you know when there will be “peace in the Middle-East”? When the world acknowledges that “Israel” today, and for the last 1991 years since Our Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection, means exactly ONE thing: The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Period. Anything founded by a group of militant atheists AT BEST claiming divine right by a deity that they openly confess that they don’t believe in AT BEST and despise at worst, is a bad, bad joke and abomination. The Holy Land is OURS. WE are the everlasting Israel. WE are the one and only path to peace. Anything less than full acknowledgement of the Universal Kingship and Dominion of Jesus Christ is a lie. From the river to the sea, and everywhere else in the entire physical universe.

Ecce ancilla Domini.

King of the Universe by Right and by Conquest in the womb. He WILL save us.

King of the Universe by Right and by Conquest as an infant. He WILL save us.

King of the Universe by Right and by Conquest on the Cross. He WILL save us.

King of the Universe by Right and by Conquest now and forever. He WILL save us

Forty-eight! 🎂 The annual question is still open: Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown?

I am thinking today of that beautiful land
We shall reach when the sun goeth down
When through wonderful grace by my Savior I stand
Will there be any stars in my crown?
Will there be any stars, any stars in my crown
When at evening the sun goeth down?
When I wake with the blest in those mansions of rest
Will there be any stars in my crown?
In the strength of the Lord let me labor and pray
Let me watch as a winner of souls

That bright stars may be mine in that glorious day
When His praise like the sea billow rolls.
Oh, what joy it will be when His face I behold
Living gems at His feet to lay down
It would sweeten my bliss in the city of gold
Should there be any stars in my crown.

Thank you, Lord for this year!

Excellent article at The Stream by William Kilpatrick, with a Barnhardt shout-out.


Do click through and read the whole thing, but here’s the conclusion, which is too good to not quote:

Obviously, the strategy of “let’s wait it out and hope for the best” isn’t working. The longer Catholics wait, the more difficult it will be to rectify Francis’s usurpation of the papacy. When faced with the hypothetical example of a rigged presidential election, most Catholics, I think, would realize that time is of the essence. Waiting for four years until the next election would only give the “riggers” more time to strengthen their hold on the government.

The same logic applies to the next papal election. It doesn’t make much sense to wait and see what sort of man the cardinals will elect. We already know that Francis has, in effect, pre-rigged the election by stacking the conclave with men who align with his own thinking. In purely human terms, the odds are that the next pope will be another Francis, not another John Paul II or a Pius XII.

Of course, God has his own plans, and faithful Catholics may be in for a pleasant surprise. On the other hand, it would be the height of presumption to assume that God will reward the timidity, indifference, and inaction of the current crop of Catholics with a holy and brilliant pope.

In defense of their own inactivity, some Catholics have claimed that the Church’s historical response to antipopes was to “wait it out.” But according to some critics of overly cautious Catholics, this is simply not so.

As Ann Barnhardt correctly notes, “the Church has aggressively sought to resolve Antipapacies — and there have been dozens of them — such that nearly every Antipapacy has been identified and rectified while the Antipope was yet alive and claiming the Petrine See.”

As I said, Francis is speeding up his assault on the Catholic faith. It would seem that now is the time to identify, resist, and rectify, not to wait for some hazy date in the future only to discover that Francis’s “reforms” have become irreversible and the opportunity to change course has passed.

William Kilpatrick is the author of Christianity, Islam, and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West, and a new book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Jihad. His articles have appeared in CrisisCatholic World Report, the National Catholic RegisterFirst ThingsFrontPage Magazine and other publications.