If you have a video game console in your home, you should physically destroy it and throw the wreckage in the trash immediately. No ifs, ands or buts. Just man up and do it.
Passion Sunday Roman Station Church: St. Peter’s Basilica and the Exposition of the Veronica Veil
FIFTEEN players have retired/forfeited/dropped out of the Miami Open professional tennis tournament, in progress, for health reasons. No boycotts. ALL FOR HEALTH REASONS, most mid-match.
It’s probably all heart damage. You can’t play tennis when two-thirds of your heart tissue is fried.
Largest crime against humanity ever perpetrated, by a long shot. And it will never end until they are PERMANENTLY, PHYSICALLY STOPPED.
When people say repeatedly, in no uncertain terms, for decades on end, that their primary goal and agenda is to reduce the human population by 90% in a matter of years, they should be taken at their word.
Barnhardt Podcast #171: “Can’t do it, Sally.”
In this episode Ann is joined by NonVeni Mark and Dr. Mazza for yet another rip-roaring discussion of events of the day, from fake consecrations to fake smacks to fake monetary policy to fake resignations. Per usual, no tangents were explored, and Dr. Mazza definitely did NOT do a full re-enactment of Frankie Five Angels’ congressional testimony, no matter what salacious rumors in circulation might say to the contrary. And don’t call him Shirley. Don’t forget to keep up your First Friday and Saturday Fatima devotions, and to pray for the intercession of Blessed Emperor Karl and Servant of God Zita!
Sign up for Dr. Mazza’s new class: Saint Augustine’s Survival Guide to Societal Collapse!
Links, Reading, and Video:
- (Book) Benedict XVI: Pope “Emeritus”?
- (Book) On the true and the false pope: The case against Bergoglio
- The Glazov Gang
- (Book) Murder in the 33rd Degree: The Gagnon Investigation into Vatican Freemasonry
- Mazza on Russia & Ukraine
- Mazza on Russia & Ukraine (different video)
- Dr. Mazza’s articles at OnePeterFive
- (Book) Il Cuore di Ratzinger or At the Heart of Ratzinger
- Fr. Gruner, Fr. Kramer on Consecration, Russia, and Antipope
- US, Russia keep their first-strike nuclear weapons policies in place
Feedback: please send your questions, comments, suggestions, and happy news item to [email protected] — or you can leave voicemail feedback at (302) 648-6373. (Alternate email addresses are [email protected] and [email protected] if you are looking for something more secure.)
Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast, hosts Ann’s website, and more; if you got some value from these efforts and would like to return some value please visit SupernerdMedia.com to find out how to send a donation via a few other methods.
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The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]
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Saturday in the Fourth Week of Lent Roman Station Church: Church of St. Nicholas in Prison
Friday in the Fourth Week of Lent Roman Station Church: St. Eusebius
The key to this is that it is NOT shocking or surprising. The DeathJabs are about money, power and population reduction and control. Period. And it was obvious from February ARSH 2020 – yes 2020. They started talking about “vaccines” IMMEDIATELY.
Fauci, in 2004: “If she got the flu for 14 days, she’s as protected as anybody can be, because the best vaccination is getting infected yourself. If she really has the flu, she definitely doesn’t need a flu vaccine … the most potent vaccination is getting infected yourself” pic.twitter.com/3Ztv66Sgi9
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 1, 2022
Thursday in the Fourth Week of Lent Roman Station Church: Saints Sylvester and Martin in Monti
Toldya the Pfi$ticuff$ wa$ a $taged $tunt. Everything i$ Pfake and Gay, brought to you by Pfizer. If you $uffer pfrom alopecia, a$k your doctor ipf Etra$imod may be right pfor you.
Mr. Big Pfur Hat ha$ the rever$e angle.
Look at the poor, $piritually wounded alopecia victim laugh at the obviou$ly PFAKE pfi$ticuff$.
Jada watched the slap, then laughed afterwards? I thought she was so h… https://t.co/KtFeCkgD0Q via @YouTube
— BFH of iOTWreport.com (@i_tcom) March 31, 2022
Meanwhile, like clockwork, Drudge is now pushing… post-Covid hair loss.
Bruce Willis, age 67, permanently disabled by a stroke. Don’t be fooled by the term “Aphasia” as if it were some random thing. Aphasia is the after effect of a severe stroke. Willis is severely brain-damaged, and we can all guess why.
What a shame. I think he has young children. Can you imagine being maimed by your own government, and having your closest family members aggressively participate in the cover-up? Choosing a satanic political religion over YOU?