Nurse Claire posts at NonVeniPacem on the Infant Formula War. First link contains a recipe for homemade formula.

Post #1 (recipe included!!!)

Post #2, excerpt. Do read the whole thing!

Currently, the U.S. is seeing its inventory of infant formula reduced by over 43%. The reasons for this are numerous, but make no mistake: this is by design. As with COVID and the intentional collapse of the healthcare system, there is a concerted effort here to collapse the food supply. Why? Well, when governments create a crisis, they can present a solution, and further line bureaucratic pockets and empower themselves. Exhibit A: Bill Gates has been waiting in the wings with his new “environmentally-friendly” infant formula, designed to be a greener alternative to conventional baby formula. 

You know – because your newborn’s carbon footprint is just too intolerably large.  Clearly this crisis is about both power & money. American politicians and power-brokers have colluded to create a perfect storm which would stoke hysteria among parents of hungry babies and cause them to demand a solution….

Barnhardt Podcast #173: Plumbing the Depps

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we discus a few different effects of sin-induced stupidity: from the follies of an anti-Pope, the demonic rage of pro-abortion radicals in the streets, the west daring Putin to launch nukes, self-mutilation through plastic surgery and self-immolation through Hollywood marriage (*cough* Johnny Depp! *cough*). While it’s natural to reminisce about the Good Ole Days it’s supernatural to keep our focus on eternity and earning our spot in the Beatific Vision!

****ERROR ALERT! 🚨 St. Matthew the Apostle and St. Matthew the Evangelist are definitely the same person!

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Mailbag: A Wife Repents – “the most potent, troubling parts of my marriage/child rearing, have been due to my usurpation of my husband’s rightful authority.”



Lemme tell you… It has recently come to my attention, in a smack-you-in-the-face-drop-to-your-knees kind of way, that the most potent, troubling parts of my marriage/child rearing have been due to my usurpation of my husband’s rightful authority.

Our Father, in His infinite MERCY and GOODNESS, has let me fall face first into my own pile of prideful excrement, left reeling with the realization of my enormous sin.

Had I not the comfort of Christ’s love and forgiveness in the form of the sacraments, I could easily despair. But I am comforted.

The best remedy has been: To SHUT UP and GET IN THE KITCHEN.

I’m not even joking. I have been humbled. Thanks be to God.

Mrs. X

Wherein Susan Matthiesen at Les Femmes the Truth Blog pretty much writes my words for me. This is tight.

The only critique is that it is just maybe a bit too credulous of Putin, but MAN, that’s the only thing I can come up with. If you aren’t following this blog, LES FEMMES – THE TRUTH , you should, because these dames are CLEARLY not blinded or fooled by the Sodo-Jew-WashingtonDeepState puppet Zelensky, which is far more than can be said for many other “Trad” grifters.  Most especially of the BiP variety.

Many people have asked why a certain layman masquerading as a “Franciscan friar” is NEVER mentioned on this blog. Welp… now you know. TOTAL GRIFTER. He should literally be in prison for his larcenous schemes. And I don’t care who he thinks the Pope is. The guy is a larcenous fraud – who is now trying to profiteer and GET LADS KILLED AS MERCENARY CANNON FODDER OF THE SODO-JEW ZELENSKY REGIME IN UKRAINE.  Thank God I’ve been able to warn all of the big players – for lack of a better term – off of him, and his damage at the levels of the Church that actually still matter has been totally neutralized.

ANYONE who doesn’t see through the Sodo-Jew Zelensky DeepState bee-ess should be totally written off and ignored. Period. No matter who they argue is Pope. Remember, there is error and infiltration EVERYWHERE in this fallen world, now probably in the End Times. Do EXACTLY what St. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 2: 15…. JUDGE EVERY ONE AND EVERYTHING. Use your End Times “Spidey-Sense”. And start with ME. Don’t give me the lint from your dryer filter if you get a bad “spidey-sense” about me. Money is too tight right now. Be absolutely RUTHLESS in your judgments of “online talking heads” like me. Ugh.

But the spiritual man judgeth all things; and he himself is judged of no man.
Spiritualis autem judicat omnia : et ipse a nemine judicatur.


“When people listen to the MSM it isn’t difficult to understand why the populace are sanctimoniously onboard the Nazi Ukraine Train, because nothing says ‘freedom’ like Nazism, praising and sieg heiling Zelensky while Western Globalist governments shower him with BILLIONS OF DOLLARS and WEAPONS because nothing says ‘peace’ more than war.

The minds of the people, their inner sanctum, their free will has been freely given over to the MSM and government exploiters in ‘the realm of the devil’. No one has coerced them. They freely place their minds in front of their TVs tuned into their favorite MSM propaganda programs and with copious amounts of laissez faire let their minds be succumbed with the hysteria of a more dominating will. In doing so, they become card-carrying exploiters themselves….

II – How’s that Consecration of Russia going for you?

Since Sr Lucia is no longer here to tell the world whether or not Heaven accepted the latest Consecration, frantically done 100 years after being asked, we have only the results of current events to tell which is “the realm of the devil” or the “realm of Christ” – meaning the side (the West vs Russia) who more adheres to the Moral Law – by who’s getting the Consecration blessings out there. Let’s add them up!

United States and the Collective West (EU, UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand and that country who keeps its citizens as coof prisoners, i.e., Canada):

–Drag queen shows at Taco Bell for inclusiveness lessons while we eat (because sin is appetizing)
–Selling baby brains, hearts and organs obtained though mutilating and tearing human babies apart inside their mother’s wombs
–Defining a man as a woman into law because liberals hate life
–Sodomy as a right because liberals love sin
–Hatred of their own country and culture because liberals must destroy anything good
–Stealing (elections, money, life, liberty, etc) because nothing says “democratically elected” more than a planned coup
–Hatred of God

No blessings will be forthcoming as long as every action of the Collective West stems from visceral hatred of God.


–Russia is winning the war in Ukraine despite the MSM’s lies trying to fool us
–Russian citizens love Russia and Russian culture
–Abortion is not advertised
–Record breaking wheat harvest (87 million tons expected) in Russia this year
–The ruble (according to Bloomberg) currently is the best performing currency in the world, dominating the dollar and euro
–Cheap gas, oil and food
–No inflation
–Christian culture
–Russian President has full cognitive function
–Plenty of baby formula on grocery shelves
–Russia can take care of the Russian people with the country’s own God-given resources
–Economy is booming

Russia has blessing after blessing because it’s as Christian a country as it gets in 2022, meaning that while Russia isn’t perfect, her leaders adhere closer to God’s Moral Law than other countries, especially the degenerate sodomitical West.

Do click over and read the whole thing.

The bottom line is that you simply cannot parse these days unless you fully comprehend that the post-Christian West, headquartered in Washington DC, IS THE BAD GUY.  OBVIOUSLY.


If you HAVE to choose a side in the Russia-Ukraine mess, take Putin (ugh-gross), but really, take NEITHER side except Jesus Christ and His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

(Americans, I BEG you: accept that democracy, especially under the tissue-thin veil of “representative republic” is a total failure. Accept monarchy as the best governmental path in this fallen world; preferably, ELECTED MONARCHY, like the Papacy, and also like the Venetian Republic, which lasted for well over a millennium.  Voting is for the men of local trade guilds and NOTHING more overarching than that. Any society with women’s suffrage of any kind is 100% DOOMED – but then, I’ve been screeching this from the mountaintops since ARSH 2011….)

Hey, Remember When Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos Notified Pope Benedict of a Threat to His Life Announced in China by Cardinal Romeo ONE YEAR TO THE DAY BEFORE Pope Benedict faux-resigned?

(I originally published this in October of ARSH 2019.  Cardinal Zen is now under arrest. The head of the Vatican Police, Domenico Giani, has been fired; the Chinese Catholics have been back-stabbed and sold out to the Chinese Communist Party; it has been revealed that the Chi Comms have bought the Vatican for $2 Billion per year and that the Vatican is actively facilitating the Chinese colonization of Italy; Oh, and there is that small matter of the entire Church being put under de facto interdict due to a fake panic over a seasonal cold virus that originated in China.  And that’s just a very, very short list.  The point is, two and a half years has added tremendous context to this information.  CONSILIENCE, even.)

Here is the algorithmic translation of a news story detailing a death threat against Pope Benedict, announced by Cardinal Romeo while on a trip to China, that was delivered to Pope Benedict, his Secretary of State, AND Domenico Giani by Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos, which appeared in Il Fatto Quotidiano, an Italian newspaper, on 10 February, ARSH 2012 – one year to the day BEFORE Pope Benedict announced his canonically invalid partial abdication.  I am posting the entire piece here so as to get the text, in English, out onto the search engines.  HERE IS THE ORIGINAL LINK.

Note that +Viganò was ALREADY blowing the whistle on corruption, even back in ARSH 2011-2012.  And we all wonder why +Viganò is in hiding for fear of his life.

Also note that the point is made in this piece that even Pope Benedict’s so-called “ally”, Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone, hated Pope Benedict and wanted him out.  Talk about being surrounded.

I find it so very, very odd that pretty much everyone takes it for granted that Domenico Giani’s “resignation” was clearly coerced and involuntary, but the same people argue that it is categorically impossible that Pope Benedict was coerced in any way.  Between this and the Vatican being thrown off the SWIFT money transfer system… Well, it seems as close to obvious as you can get.

Canon 188:  A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.

Pray for Pope Benedict, and for Cardinal Zen.

“Conspiracy against Benedict XVI within 12 months he will die “

Marco Lillo, 10 February, 2012

A note delivered a month ago by Cardinal Castrillon, to the pontiff’s knowledge, reports what was said by Cardinal Romeo, archbishop of Palermo, last November in some talks in China: “His interlocutors have thought, with fear, that a attack against the Pope “. There is also the name of Scola as a possible successor. Lombardi, spokesman of the Holy See: “So unbelievable that one cannot comment”

Mordkomplott. “Death Plot”. It is impressive to read black and white on a strictly confidential and confidential document, published exclusively by the fact that an authoritative Cardinal, the Archbishop of Palermo, Paolo Romeo , predicts the Pope’s death by November 2012 with alarming certainty. the security with which it was predicted, suggests to the cardinal’s interlocutors the existence of a plot to kill Benedict XVI . The note is anonymous and bears the date of December 30, 2011 . It was delivered by the Colombian Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos to the secretariat of state and to the Pope’s secretary in the first days of January (2012) with the suggestion to carry out investigations to understand exactly what he did and with whom the Archbishop Romeo spoke in China.

The Pope was informed of the content of the memo in mid-January last directly by Cardinal Castrillon during a private hearing and the Pope must have made a jump in the chair. The document opens with a premise in capital letters: “Strictly confidential”. Probably the men who take care of the Pope’s security – starting with the Vatican Gendarmerie led by the former Italian secret service agent, Domenico Giani – are trying to verify the circumstances in which those terrible predictions and their credibility were pronounced. It has always been rumored about the Vatican conspiracies and many books have been written on the suspicious death of John Paul I first . Here, however, we are faced with an absolute novelty. No one had ever written down the hypothesis of a conspiracy to kill the Pope. A plot that could take place from now until next November and which is inserted in the document in a disturbing analysis of the divisions within the Church that they see opposed the Pope and the Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone on the eve of an alleged succession, which we hope will instead be far away in time.


According to the reconstruction attributed by the document to Archbishop Romeo would be Angelo Scola , archbishop of Milan, the successor designated by Pope Ratzinger. The document in possession of the Fact is written in German, probably because it is fully understood only by the Pope and his close collaborators and compatriots, such as Monsignor George Ganswin . Begins with a long bold “object”: “Journey of Cardinal Paolo Romeo, Archbishop of Palermo, to Beijing in November 2011. During his talks in China, Cardinal Romeo prophesied the death of Pope Benedict XVI within the next 12 months . The Cardinal’s statements have been exposed, as a person probably informed of a serious criminal plot, with such certainty and firmness, that his interlocutors in China have thought with fear, that an attack against the Holy Father is planned”.

After this explosive premise, the text is divided into three paragraphs, each with a title in bold. The first is “Journey to Beijing”; the second “Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone” and the third is “Succession of Pope Benedict XVI”. The first paragraph reconstructs the strange journey to China made by the Archbishop of Palermo, Paolo Romeo, an influential figure in the Church: 73 years old, nominated Cardinal in the Consistory of November 20, 2010 by the Pope, he will participate in the next Conclave. Born in Acireale from a rich and numerous family Romeo is an extrovert, a lover of good food and technology, so much so that on the site of his Archdiocese we read “Follow us on Twitter” which he said “the Lord could have used for the ten commandments”. After a long career that brought him to the Philippines, Venezuela, Rwanda, Colombia and Canada he was appointed Nunzio in Italy and in 2006 when the president of the Italian Bishops’ Conference was to be appointed, he promoted a consultation among all Italian bishops, never authorized and disavowed by Benedict XVI.

Cardinal Castrillon de Hoyos was also disavowed by the Pope for his letter of 2001 in which he complimented a French bishop convicted of not wanting to report to the civil authorities one of his priests, guilty of child sexual abuse. Castrillon, older than Romeo, belongs to the more traditionalist current of the Church and in 2009 as president of the Commission ” Ecclesia Dei “, when he dealt with the Lefevbrians , he did not report to the Pope the danger represented by the anti-Semitic positions of Bishop Williamson . At 80, in 2010 he is a pensioner and will not participate in the next conclave. Castrillon perhaps feels Romeo’s visit to China as a field invasion. A country in which a harsh repression is underway against the Christian community that refuses to submit to the regime. According to what is written in the document, however, Romeo would not have dealt with this: “In November 2011 Cardinal Romeo went on a tourist visa to Beijing, where, in fact, he met no member of the Catholic Church in China, but men Italian businessmen, who live or rather work in Beijing, and some Chinese interlocutors. In Beijing, Cardinal Romeo said he was personally sent by Pope Benedict XVI to continue, or better to verify, the talks begun by Cardinal Dario Castrillón Hoyos in March 2010 in China. He also said he was the Pope’s designated interlocutor to deal with the issues between China and the Vatican in the future “.


In the first paragraph the anonymous extensor of the document handed over to the men of the Secretary of State Bertone and of the Pope from Castrillon basically draws a Romeo a little braggart. The archbishop of Palermo is credited as an old friend of Cardinal Castrillon, an expert on relations with clandestine churches since his experience in the Philippines, and even as a member of a sort of secret directory that would govern the Church of Ratzinger. “Cardinal Romeo surprised his interlocutors in Beijing by informing them that he – Romeo – would form with the Holy Father – Pope Benedict XVI – and Cardinal Scola a troika. For the most important questions, therefore, the Holy Father would consult with him – Romeo – and with Scola ”.

Then comes the paragraph on the criticisms that Romeo would have addressed to the head of the Church Government, the Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone . “Cardinal Romeo has sharply criticized Pope Benedict XVI, because he would mainly deal with the liturgy, neglecting the” everyday affairs “entrusted by Pope Benedict XVI to Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State of the Roman Catholic Church.” Not only: Bertone and Ratzinger are described as a couple of litigants forced to live together in the Leonine walls: “The relationship between Pope Benedict XVI and his Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone would be very conflicting. In an atmosphere of confidentiality, Cardinal Romeo reported that Pope Benedict XVI would literally hate Tarcisio Bertone and willingly replace him with another Cardinal. Romeo added, however, that there would not be another suitable candidate to hold this position and that for this reason the Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone would continue to carry out his task “.

At this point, after having premised that “even the relationship between the Secretary of State and Cardinal Scola would be equally adverse and tormented,” comes the paragraph in which we deal with the succession of the Pope, who would see Cardinal Scola in a privileged position , always close to Communion and Liberation . “In secret the Holy Father would be dealing with his succession and would have already chosen Cardinal Scola as a suitable candidate, because he was closer to his personality. Slowly but surely he would be thus preparing and training to fill the post of Pope. On the initiative of the Holy Father – so Romeo – Cardinal Scola was transferred from Venice to Milan, in order to prepare himself calmly from there for his Papacy. Cardinal Romeo continued to surprise his interlocutors in China – the document delivered by the Colombian cardinal to the Pope continues – in China continuing to transmit indiscretions ”.

And here, after having examined the picture of conflicting relations within the Vatican in view of the succession to Ratzinger, Romeo, according to the note, would have thrown the bomb at his interlocutors: “Self-confident, as if he knew it with precision, Cardinal Romeo announced that the Holy Father would have only another 12 months to live. During his talks in China he prophesied the death of Pope Benedict XVI within the next 12 months. The Cardinal’s statements have been exposed, as a person probably informed of a serious criminal plot, with such certainty and firmness, that his interlocutors in China have thought with fear, that an attack against the Holy Father is planned ”. To credit the veracity of the facts reported the document maliciously clarifies: “Cardinal Romeo felt safe and could not imagine, that the statements made in this round of secret talks could be transmitted by third parties to the Vatican.”


The closure is dedicated to the central theme that obviously distress the author: the succession to Ratzinger: “Equally sure of himself Romeo has prophesied that, even now it would certainly be although still secret, that the successor of Benedict XVI will in any case be a candidate of Italian origin. As described above, Cardinal Romeo emphasized that after the death of Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Scola will be elected Pope. Scola would also have important enemies in the Vatican. ” The Fatto yesterday evening contacted the Director of the Holy See Press Office, Father Federico Lombardi, by phone to ask for the official position of the Vatican on this document but his response was: “Publish what you believe but take responsibility. It seems to me something so out of touch with reality that I don’t even want to consider it. It seems incredible and I don’t even want to comment. ”

An attitude of total denial of facts that seems questionable because the document raises important questions not only about the health and safety of the Pope but also about the situation that is, to say the least, disconcerting the Church is facing. Benedict XVI is the head of one of the most widespread religions on earth. For Catholics (1.2 billion in the world) it is the guardian of the doctrine and – beyond the veracity of the statements contained in the note that must be verified – this text must be brought to the attention of public opinion. A similar letter is not a question that can remain confined to the epistolary circuit between gendarmes, the Secretariat of State and cardinals, but it must be explained to Christians more and more astonished by what they read in the newspapers. The Fatto has already published on February 4 (2012) the letter of the Nuncio in the United States, Carlo Maria Viganò , former secretary of the Governorate of the Vatican City, in which the archbishop formulated very serious accusations about corruption, thefts and false invoices inside the walls Leonine and accused Monsignor Paolo Nicolini , director of the Vatican Museums, of alleged crimes. Then we published an exclusive document on the Aif-Uif reports that documented the Vatican’s decision not to provide bank information prior to April 2011 to the anti-money laundering authorities. Now we discover a document in which we speak without hesitation of certain death of the Pope and we are even told of a possible plot to kill the Pope. For this reason, the note on the Pope’s death must be published: so that if coram populo is verified the origin and truthfulness and above all because finally the Holy Roman Church leaves the silence and explains to its faithful (and not only to them) how it is possible that certain decrees of death and homicidal assumptions circulate between the cardinals and the Pope that only make them shudder by reading them.

Over the transom from Italy: Exterminating the Young via coerced poisoning

My God, my God.

Excess deaths in Italy by age cohort, ARSH 2021 vs 2020.

The reason the elderly show a lower YTY excess death rate is because so many elderly were murdered in 2020 that it pulled forward. There were simply fewer elderly to kill in ARSH 2021.

Look at the YTY increase in excess death in the young in the green bar chart. Almost 100% of that increase is the DeathInjections, all of which were coerced. All of those deaths are because those young people were coerced in no uncertain terms – suicide or total disqualification from human society. Almost none of them would have taken the DeathInjections otherwise.

Fauci. Gates. Bourla. Bencel. Schwab. Draghi.

Fifteen minutes with a priest. Then send them to Christ Almighty in the manner of the Ceaușescus.

Source here.

Mailbag: A Mother “Resigns”

A mother sends, to cuttingly illustrate the point.

Today I am resigning the active ministry of my motherhood. I remain in the enclosure (house) and will pray for the new mother who will bear the power of office for the governance of the family.

Whew! What a relief!

The sad thing is, a lot of first and second wave feminist women basically attempted exactly this in the second half of the 20th century. The analogy here is instantly and painfully recognizable to so many of their children.Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose….

Q: Ann, do you honestly think that Pope Benedict was too stupid to resign the Papacy correctly?

Q: Ann, do you honestly think that Pope Benedict was too stupid to resign the Papacy correctly?

A: No, and I cover this in my Part 1 Video presentation at length.  This is YET ANOTHER proof that the vast, vast majority of the people in Trad Inc. and elsewhere have NOT ENGAGED THE DATASET, and have neither viewed nor read the transcript of my video presentations (or even read the timestamps), nor read what I write in this space.  Let the insults of my: intelligence, credentials, mental health, looks, voice, eyes, etc. commence. (I’m still having to work on NOT laughing at these things, as laughter, especially of the self-deprecating variety, is my default disposition.)

Pope Benedict wasn’t “too stupid”, he was, as is the case with so many in the German academy today, “TOO SMART”.  Have you ever heard the sayings, “too smart for his own good”, or “too smart/clever by half”?  Yeah: (idiomatic, of a person, plan, theory, etc.) Shrewd but flawed by overthinking or excessive complexity, with a resulting tendency to be unreliable or unsuccessful.

The bigger the intellect, the bigger the capacity for ERROR.  To wit: Lucifer.

What this situation hangs on, and what I have been screaming from the mountaintops for going on six years now is SUBSTANTIAL ERROR.  Pope Benedict submitted an ATTEMPTED PARTIAL resignation of only the ACTIVE EXERCISE OF THE MINISTRY for the ACTIVE GOVERNANCE OF THE CHURCH – that he would REMAIN as the “contemplative” Pope, while the “active Pope” who would GOVERN the Church would be simultaneously elected and installed, thus resulting in a “NEW” “EXPANDED, COLLEGIAL, SYNODAL” form of the Papacy.  Which, as it turns out, is EXACTLY what the German theological academy had been openly writing and fantasizing about since the 1950’s.  You HAVE read the Miller Dissertation, yes?

The “always” is also a “for-ever” – there can no longer be a return to the private sphere. My decision to resign the active exercise of the ministry does not revoke this. I do not return to private life, to a life of travel, meetings, receptions, conferences, and so on. I am not abandoning the cross, but remaining in a new way at the side of the crucified Lord. I no longer bear the power of office for the governance of the Church, but in the service of prayer I remain, so to speak, in the enclosure of Saint Peter. Saint Benedict, whose name I bear as Pope, will be a great example for me in this. He showed us the way for a life which, whether active or passive, is completely given over to the work of God.

Pope Benedict XVI, “Final” Wednesday Audience, 27 February, ARSH 2013

This isn’t stupidity on Pope Benedict’s part.  This isn’t 4-D chess on Pope Benedict’s part.  This isn’t Pope Benedict lying.

This is Pope Benedict being in SUBSTANTIAL ERROR.


Big brains make big errors.

Here is the Part 1 Video cued up to the 00:40:10 timestamp, with the transcription below.  Remember, the full professional English transcription of the Part 1 video is HERE.

0:40:10 Pope Benedict is an intellectual genius. Ganswein is no dummy. Remember: the most intelligent minds make the biggest mistakes. The more intelligent a person is, the bigger the error has the potential to be, and, to wit, Lucifer and one third of the angels. Massive, massive intellects, with Lucifer being probably the largest, greatest, created rational intellect. And look at the error that the massive, massive rational intellects of Lucifer and a third of the angels made. We can’t even begin to comprehend this. This error of Pope Benedict’s is the biggest papal error since Pentecost. Look at what’s happening. Look at what has come out of this. This is the biggest error that any Pope has made. Hands down. It isn’t even debatable.