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1962-1963. Satan was unleashed. You can see it, plain as day.

I came across this teevee clip from ARSH 1963 and was struck by how quickly and openly the insanity was imposed upon the culture.  Look at the choreography here – it is diabolical.  It looks like demons having epileptic fits.  And note the calculated costuming of the boys in tuxedos and the girls in relatively pretty dresses.  It is far more insidious to have “good-looking, normal kids” gyrating and thrusting like this rather than people dressed like vagrants or clowns.  And whose “show” was this?  That drugged-out trainwreck and fag hag par excellence: Frances Gumm, aka Judy Garland.

It’s almost as if something happened in ARSH 1962 such that every malevolent force on the planet simultaneously rose up on cue in a seemingly organized attack on human civilization, The Church and God Himself.  Hmmm.  What happened in ARSH 1962?

Anyone? Anyone?

Happy ARSH Day! Happy New Year!

The abbreviated date prefix ARSH stands for:


This means, “in the Year of the Reparation of Human Salvation”.

There are several forms of this wonderfully and beautifully Christian prefix to dates.  The most common, which we are all familiar with, is “A.D.”, which of course stands for “Anno Domini”, which means, “the Year of The Lord”.  BUT, there are actually FIVE more forms which one sees in documents, books, plaques and inscriptions:

A.S. = Anno Salutae = “The Year of Salvation”

A.N.S. = Anno Nostrae Salutis = “The Year of Our Salvation”

A.S.H. = Anno Salutis Humanae = “The Year of Human Salvation”

A.R.S. = Anno Reparatae Salutis = “The Year of Salvation Accomplished/Reparated”

And finally, the most florid and most glorious:

A.R.S.H. = Anno Reparatae Salutis Humanae = “The Year of the Reparation of Human Salvation”

This “moment zero” from which all dates are counted is, of course, the Annunciation, when Our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Triune Godhead, became incarnate in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary at her words, “Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum,” that is, “Be it done to me according to thy word.” This is why up until not too terribly long ago in Christendom, March 25, NOT January 1, marked the beginning of a new year, and was when the date rolled over.  Hence, March 24, ARSH 1514 was followed the next day by March 25, ARSH 1515.

This event is so massively incomprehensible in its infinite love for mankind that we bend the knee TWICE at Mass when it is mentioned:  the first instance is when the Creed is recited.  All should kneel at the words, “Et incarnátus est de Spíritu Sancto ex María Vírgine: Et homo factus est,” that is in English, “And became incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary: and was made man.”

The second instance is at the Last Gospel, recited at the end of almost every Mass, all genuflect at the words, “Et Verbum caro factum est,” which is, “And the Word was made flesh.”

And so, years and years ago, in fact, when I was sixteen years old and got my first checking account, I started always putting “A.D.” beside the date when I wrote checks, just as a little way of working a witness to the Incarnation into daily life.  Later, when I launched, I asked my website developer to write into the code that all timestamps would include “A.D.”  THEN, several years ago, after visiting Rome on pilgrimage, the abbreviation ARSH was suggested to me as the “ultimate” date prefix.  I was sold, because with me, it’s “go big or go home”.  And there are no words adequate to declare the awesome loving miracle of God incarnating as Man so that we might be saved.

I find it a strange compliment that 1958 sedevacantists and Trad Inc. partisans most especially, seem to think that the pinnacle and proof of my evil and stupidity is my little revival of the use of a beautiful Latin abbreviation for the pivot point of Salvation History when the Blessed Virgin Mary by her freely-chosen “Fiat” became the Mother of God and Co-redemptrix, by which all of mankind, including atheists, Communists, Jews and musloids, all measure time.

It’s… odd.

Here are some pics of ARSH used in various places:

Cover page of a 17th century doctoral dissertation in Canon Law from Salzburg, Austria. Not ridiculous.

An inscription from Naples, Italy.  Not ridiculous.

From a Hungarian text. Not ridiculous.
From a French text, in fact explaining Latin abbreviations. Not ridiculous.

Happy Feast of St. Gabriel the Archangel, an icon of love so intense it could be mistaken for ferocity…

The Annunciation, Leonardo da Vinci and Andrea del Verrocchio, ARSH 1472-1475, Uffizi Gallery, Florence

The Annunciation, Leonardo da Vinci and Andrea del Verrocchio, ARSH 1472-1475, Uffizi Gallery, Florence

I have long loved Da Vinci’s Annunciation and must admit that I was quite struck by the Archangel Gabriel.  I have spoken before about the notion of “Ferocious Love”.  This comes from C.S. Lewis in Perelandra:

“Pure, spiritual, intellectual love shot from their faces like barbed lightning. It was so unlike the love we experience that its expression could easily be mistaken for ferocity.”

As I zoomed in and looked closer at Gabriel’s countenance, I saw exactly that – “ferocious” love.  He is kneeling, bowing, honoring and blessing her – Gabriel loves Our Lady.  But look – LOOK at his face.  Look at his eyes.  Oh my.


Man, that’s what I want to be when I grow up. That’s what I’m gunning for, right there.


St. Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us!

Mailbag: Clinical Mental Health Professional checks in

Good day, Ann!

I was implored to watch your Diabolical Narcissism video following your invitation to watch it during your most recent podcast episode (#221). I am a clinical Social Worker and mental health professional. I was wondering if you have ever looked into Borderline Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder? These are also among the Cluster B (“B” for “bad”) group of personality disorders that Narcissism is grouped with. They could EASILY be labeled with the “Diabolical” qualifier as well (ie Diabolical Borderline, Diabolical Antisocial). These groups of Personality Disorders are BY FAR the worst ones (along with Narcissism) and accurately depict and describe just about everyone in an elevated position of power these days. They are truly a Demonic Trifecta.

So much of what you mentioned about the modern Psychological professional in your presentation is 100% spot on, most especially when you look into the origins of the schools of modern Psychology, along with the so-called “fathers” of modern Psychology. There clearly is no room for the mention of sin and error among the myriad of diagnosis to select from. They wish to give a diagnosis to someone as an excuse for them to not have to change. It’s sort of their “pass” to continue engaging in these disordered thoughts and behaviors.

I initially got into the profession to help heal society and people’s minds and hearts with the love (“caritas”) of Jesus. On my journey through undergraduate and graduate school, I came across the leading literature and research of the top intellectuals of the mental health and social work profession. I tried reconciling it with the Catholic Faith, and came to the stark conclusion that at its core, they cannot be reconciled. If you continue to subscribe to the body of knowledge being thrust upon us in the profession, you will inevitably lose your faith. You must either choose Truth and Charity, or Lies and Disorder. I choose to bring the former into my practice for I know that neither society nor people’s minds and hearts can be truly healed without these two ingredients.

Should you decide to investigate Borderline and Antisocial, I truly believe it will provide an additional wealth of information to support your thesis.

I truly enjoy your work and eagerly await your podcast episodes and articles. May God bless you always!


The Diabolical Narcissist’s Prayer

That didn’t happen.
And if it did happen, it wasn’t that bad.
And if it was that bad, that’s not a big deal.
And if it is a big deal, that’s not my fault.
And if it was my fault, I didn’t mean it.
And if I did mean it…
You deserved it.


Run while you have the light of life!!!!

Today is the Feast of St. Benedict. Some select quotes:

Run while you have the light of life!

There is nothing better to display the truth in an excellent light, than a clear and simple statement of facts.

Prayer ought to be short and pure, unless it be prolonged by the inspiration of Divine grace.

The sleepy like to make excuses.

It is useless to subdue the flesh by abstinence, unless one gives up his irregular life, and abandons vices which defile his soul.

One who never stops talking cannot avoid falling into sin.

Do not be daunted immediately by fear and run away from the road that leads to salvation. It is bound to be narrow at the outset.

Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly.

Your way of acting should be different from the world’s way; the love of Christ must come before all else.

Whatever task needs to be done, let it be done now.

Let them prefer nothing whatever to Christ, and may He bring us all together to everlasting life.

St. Joseph was the unrecognized King of the Jews, the rightful heir to the Throne of David.

Today is the Feast of St. Joseph.

Our Lord’s earthly ministry didn’t begin until after St. Joseph’s death. Do you know why? Because St. Joseph wasn’t just a direct descendant of King David, he was, in fact, the HEIR TO THE THRONE of David. And Our Lord, as St. Joseph’s foster son and legal heir, was thus the LEGAL heir to King David’s throne through St. Joseph, in addition to being the Second Person of the Triune Godhead, incarnate.

What this demonstrates is how God faithfully and assiduously observes THE LAW.

He observed the Law in making Our Lord the legal King of the Jews, and I dare say He continues to observe the Law with regards to things such as… oh, I dunno, say, for example, Papal resignations, and the validity or invalidity thereof.

The Law exists, and God follows the Law, be it Canon Law or the physical laws of the universe, so that we can know what’s going on. St. Joseph’s hereditary legal status as King of the Jews points directly to Our Lord’s Kingship and Divinity, with the same solidity as the speed of light, and the value of Pi, AND so that we can know with certainty from CANON LAW that Bergoglio is an Antipope because Pope Benedict Ratzinger never validly resigned.

God is so faithful, and so good. His Law endures forever.

Our Lord’s ministry could only begin AFTER the death of St. Joseph, because Our Lord had to be legally reigning, He had to be rejected and betrayed, and He had to be crucified AS THE LEGALLY REIGNING KING OF THE JEWS, exactly as Pontius Pilate wrote on the placard that was placed on Our Lord’s Cross.

Happy Feast of King St. Joseph, patron of the Universal Church!

St. Joseph, pray for us, now and at the hour of our death.

Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, have mercy on us.

St. Joseph, King.

Mailbag: Yes, it’s the truth, many people lived their entire lives never knowing that sodomy even existed. Sit in stillness with this and realize the full horror of what has happened to our society in so short a time.

Dear Ann,

I remember visiting Grandma, who hailed from Killeshandra, County Cavan, and the word ‘homosexual’ came over the radio. She had had enough and was bound to find out what it meant. The job fell to my uncle, a doctor, albeit of chemistry. This wonderful, holy woman lived 84 years before finding out what they were talking about. The expression on her face was as if she was forced to view the act itself.


And now a short photo essay. I call it, “They either didn’t know it existed, or vaguely did, but never, ever thought about it.”

Happy ‘Drive the Sodomites Out’ Day! (Didn’t You Know? “Snakes” is Code for Sodomites.)

Saint Patrick’s greatest miracle was driving all of the sodomites out of Ireland.  Sodomy was big among the Celtic pagans, and especially the Druids, who were the “priests” of the Celtic religion. Hmmm. It sounds SO familiar, doesn’t it?

This was a key reason why he was recognized as a saint, and this was one of his greatest miracles.  “Snakes” is code for ‘sodomites’ – back when people literally did not discuss sodomites and sodomy out loud because it is THAT DISGUSTING. So when people say that St. Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland, what they’re saying without scandalizing children and pious ears is:



Can you imagine?  Can you imagine what a vastly, vastly improved world this would be if there were NO SODOMITES? NO TRANSVESTITES? NO SEX PERVERTS OF ANY KIND?

Heck, can you IMAGINE what The Church would be if every sodomite seminarian, monk, priest, bishop and cardinal, and every lesbian nun were driven out? The cancer of sodomy is precisely why the Communists and Freemasons specifically recruited, embedded and promoted sodomites into and up through the ranks of the institutional Church in the 20th Century. Well played. The strategy was wildly effective, there is absolutely no denying that.

I was asked about the Epistle from the Third Sunday in Lent, from St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, chapter 5, in which St. Paul states that there are some things so spectacularly foul, so disgusting, “let it not so much as be named among you.”

The question to me was, what do I make of this, since a goodly portion of my work in these dark days revolves around exposing the sodomites in Rome and in the broad culture, and the general toxicity and intense danger posed by all Diabolical Narcissist sex perverts of every stripe.

My response was that I suppose this business of reporting on and warning about sodomites and all sex perverts is a species of war fighting.  There are certain people (rough and ready types with an intense desire to protect and defend their fellow man) who are called to fight this aspect of the war.  Sadly, since the war is going very, very, very badly for the good side, the war has spilled into the streets, and so the “civilians” are not only being exposed to the horrors of war, they are immersed in the theater, and thus are combatants whether they like it or not.  Only a very, very few can be protected from the horrors and crimes of war – now even children are not spared, in fact, children and adolescents are now the primary targets.

Maybe someday we can all go back to never mentioning those things that are, truly, unmentionable.  Like men who returned from Vietnam, Korea, or the World Wars and “didn’t talk about it”, maybe someday we will all be able to decline to discuss that which is right now quotidian scandal.

Having said all that, do remember in your prayers our good-guy friends who only wanted a career as journalists working in and around the Vatican – thinking that this would be a wholesome, edifying career, and ended up quite unwittingly being immersed in a culture of sodomy and sickening criminality day in and day out.  To say that this is taxing on good people is putting it mildly.

But, in the mean time, let’s all laugh heartily at all of the neo-pagan people celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, knowing full well that what they are ACTUALLY celebrating is a powerful saint who



St. Patrick, pray for us, and please report immediately to Rome. We need you.


Mailbag: Weekend at Bergie’s gets faker and gayer


I’m quite sure that is simply a hospital bed sheet wrapped around him- notice the crease lines in it and no apparent sleeves or anything… bizarre.

I can say I’ve seen a lot of all sorts of albs and attempts-at-albs, but that is not a piece of clothing!!

Fr. X in Rome, for my sins

The face isn’t shown for a reason. I suspect that C.I.Antipope Bergoglio has the mental capacity of boiled zucchini, hence it’s a free-for-all with the C.I.Antipapal Autopen. The Faggot Freemason infiltrators just announced the continuation of the “synod” for another three-plus years, culminating in an ecumenical council which they totally pinky swear won’t be an ecumenical council, but an “ecclesial assembly.”

Continue to pray the Matthew 17:20 intention: