I think this is very close to being peak Clown World. The perfect synthesis of the hatred of God and the embrace of the lie and the inversion of the Truth: begging the Luciferian Antipope, by his non-existent authority, to deny the very existence of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, that is, the New Israel, in se, and cede “ownership” of Holy Land to an atheist racial supremacist political group whose defining principle is the rejection of Christ.
Yup. Sounds about right.
Don’t be surprised if the Freemasons occupying the Vatican actually do this.
And remember every single prelate, cleric and layperson who said, “There’s nothing we can do. We just have to wait for him to die.”
Maybe when they get Antipope Bergoglio to fart out a statement, they can celebrate by going to the west wall of Mark Anthony’s armory and praying to him, as they seem to enjoy doing.
The only Israel that truly exists today is the New Israel, the Catholic Church, and the Holy Land belongs to the Catholic Church by Divine Right and Conquest of Jesus Christ the King.
Rabbi Shmuley is on his way to meet the ailing Pope Francis.
He plans to get the Pope to issue a statement about God giving the Holy Land to the jews.
Alas, no one cared enough about Jorge Bergoglio the man to remove him and admonish him for his Antipapacy, apostasy and enormously evil life, including sodomy.
It’s Antipope Anacletus II… the second. An Antipope dying while squatting on the See of Peter. And that was in the year ARSH 1138. Except Antipope Anacletus II was a Catholic. Jorge Bergoglio obviously isn’t. One wonders what, if any sacramental care Antipope Bergoglio has or will receive, because remember, none of those filthy men actually believe. They hate the Rosary. They hate the Sacraments. They believe in earthly, carnal power, and then… soul annihilation. Did he confess his sins while he was still conscious? Did ANYONE admonish him to be shriven?
I struggle to envision such.
St. Peter Damian (far right) with St. Augustine, St. Anne and St. Elizabeth, Ercole de’ Roberti, ARSH 1481, Milan
“Tell us, you unmanly and effeminate man, what do you seek in another male that you do not find in yourself?”
“For God’s sake, why do you damnable sodomites pursue the heights of ecclesiastical dignity with such fiery ambition?”
“By what right or by what law can one bind or loose the other when he is constrained by the bonds of evil deeds common to them both?”
“Who can expect the flock to prosper when its shepherd has sunk so deep into the bowels of the devil?”
“Who, by his lust, will consign a son whom he spiritually begotten for God to slavery under the iron law of Satanic tyranny?”
“This utterly diseased queen of Sodom renders him who obeys the laws of her tyranny infamous to men and odious to God.”
“Without fail, [the vice of sodomy] brings death to the body and destruction to the soul. It pollutes the flesh, extinguishes the light of the mind, expels the Holy Spirit from the temple of the human heart, and gives entrance to the devil, the stimulator of lust.”
”[The vice of sodomy] leads to error, totally removes truth from the deluded mind . . . It opens up Hell and closes the gates of Paradise.”
”[The vice of sodomy] is this vice that violates temperance, slays modesty, strangles chastity, and slaughters virginity.”
“[The vice of sodomy] defiles all things, sullies all things, pollutes all things.”
“Who will make a mistress of a cleric, or a woman of a man?”
“It is not sinners, but the wicked who should despair; it is not the magnitude of one’s crime, but contempt of God that dashes one’s hopes.”
Collect of the Mass of St. Peter Damian:
COLLECT O Almighty God, grant that we may followtheteachingandexampleofYourblessedconfessorbishopPeter, and turn away from the things of earth that we may attain the joys of heaven.
St. Peter Damian, pray for us.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and liberate your Holy Church from the infestation of sodomites.
Late ‘80- early ‘81. I had just turned four. I remember hearing this on the radio in the ‘71 metallic navy blue Pontiac Catalina 4-door hardtop that I spent the first 4.5 years of my life strapped into, the backseat of, in a navy blue vinyl car seat. It was… truly FORMATIVE. Suck it up, Buttercup. 💪🏻
Exactly this, except dark metallic navy blue. Actually a VERY sharp car for its day. Especially with a 400.
Not only would I be fine, but I’d convert to Catholicism and remember the words of Our Lord every day:
Ego veni ut vitam habeant, et abundantius habeant.
“I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly.”
In every sense.
I remember vividly how every time lightning flashed, the radio would crinkle-crackle blast static, especially during Royals games on the radio, but also music. It was intimidating and simultaneously wondrous.
Man. That was so good. Even in 40+years retrospect. It was SO good.
Stop bitching about your childhood and start talking about how it made you RATIONAL, and STRONG and especially how it made you CATHOLIC.
Even that gas-guzzler land-yacht Pontiac. But so beautiful in its way.
Remember how I’ve been saying that when the truth outs and the Bergoglian Antipapacy is ended, that it would happen lightening-fast?
As Eddie Rabbit sang,
“Well, I love a rainy night I love a rainy night I love to hear the thunder Watch the lightning When it lights up the sky You know it makes me feel good…”
Great video here. It’s worth your time to watch the whole thing and spread.
Remember, no trial is needed to remove Bergoglio, because he is not and never has been the Pope. Bergoglio has NOTHING to do with the Papacy, ontologically speaking. NOTHING.
Bergoglio is like a criminal meth-head who has broken into and is squatting in your home. You don’t need a trial, a DNA test or anything else. You just pick his nasty ass up, put him in cuffs, and haul him out like the trash that he is.
A simple press statement like this is all that is needed:
“Multiple invalidating canonical delicts have been identified with regards to the putative resignation proffered by Pope Benedict XVI in February of 2013. The See of Peter has been vacant since Pope Benedict’s death on December 31, 2022. Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio is being removed from the Vatican, and will be repatriated to Argentina forthwith.”
-Bergoglio should be stripped of his episcopacy and laicized. This is essential in order to quash the inevitable Luciferian gay cult that will spring up around him when he is removed.
-Pope Benedict needs to be given a proper Funeral Mass.
–Details and logistics of a conclave are indeed fraught, but I think that it is essential at this point that the next Pope be a man who is NOT a Cardinal. And to be perfectly honest, the entire College of Cardinals has proved itself to be utterly inept AT BEST, and spectacularly corrupt at worst. Ergo, the Church looks OUTSIDE the College of Cardinals for the next Vicar of Christ.
By the way, I especially loved the emphasis you put on restoring the use of our Catholic heritage by “rescuing” things like choir stalls in order to use them for the purpose for which they were made. And as well, the idea of the alms that one may give is as if one is giving themselves because of the work that went into gaining the money in order to offer it to God through an exterior work which is totally dedicated to His glory.
Please be assured of our fervent prayers for all of your intentions. God bless you and Mary keep you.
Hey, wait a minute! WHAT ABOUT JORGE? How the “We just have to wait for the Antipope to die” argument is completely antithetical to Christianity itself.
There are LOTS of clerics and not a few prelates, and at this point a majority of the Remnant Faithful, who know, understand and believe that Jorge Bergoglio is not and never has been the Pope – an Antipope. I was told many years ago by a Vatican insider that there were “two to three dozen” Cardinals that “suspected that Bergoglio wasn’t the Pope”. Quite a few of those Cardinals have died, and most have crossed the voting threshold of Age 80 by now, not surprisingly.
What every single one of these men have said about the situation is this: “We just have to wait for him [Bergoglio] to die.” This toxic mindset of indifference and despair has spread throughout the Remnant Faithful, pushed hard by Trad Inc. and its self-anointed thought leaders, several of which are now exposing themselves as schismatics (denying the Papacy and/or the need to be in union with the Vicar of Christ on earth), 1958 sedevacantists, and some even as full-blown militant apostates.
Some talking heads are now trying to re-write history, claiming that the Church’s historical response to Antipopes was to just “wait it out”. I have no idea where these people are getting this, because it is so utterly and completely false that I struggle to find the words to adequately describe it. The Church has AGGRESSIVELY sought to resolve Antipapacies – and there have been DOZENS of them – such that nearly every Antipapacy has been identified and rectified WHILE THE ANTIPOPE WAS YET ALIVE AND CLAIMING THE PETRINE SEE. This is why the case of Antipope Anacletus II is so remarkable – he was one of the only Antipopes to die unrepentant of his crime.
This brings us to Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Yes, as he is now he is a despicable, loathsome man – one of the most evil men alive today, and in the history of the Church. Revolting in every sense. HOWEVER, he is loved infinitely by God, who died for Bergoglio with the same infinite specificity as He died for you. Christ’s infinite Mercy is every bit as available to Jorge Bergoglio as it is to you. Jorge Bergoglio’s sins could be instantly subsumed in the infinite ocean of mercy that is Our Lord’s Most Precious Blood.
So, someone please explain to me why it is that most people today have declared that Jorge Bergoglio is irredeemable, a complete lost cause, and that HOLY MOTHER CHURCH HERSELF has no interest in attempting to correct him and get him back into his Baptismal Garment? That no one should even TRY to correct Bergoglio and get him back into the Catholic Church and the State of Grace?
Let’s leave to the side for just a moment the entire question of the unspeakable damage to souls that this man has done and continues to do, and will continue to do after his death through the scandal of his Luciferian anti-magisterium. Just for a second, let’s do what NO ONE is doing. Let’s consider Jorge Mario Bergoglio himself as a human being.
The position that Jorge Bergoglio is beyond redemption and MUST be written-off as lost to hell WHILE HE IS YET VERY MUCH ALIVE is 100% totally contrary to the fundamental essence of Christianity. This is a huge reason why Holy Mother Church has ALWAYS aggressively sought to rectify and end all previous Antipapacies: for the good of the usurper himself, as well as for the good of the Church Militant in toto.
Do we honestly believe that Our Lord, the Good Shepherd, looks upon Jorge Mario Bergoglio, lost sheep that he is, and is saying, “Nah. I don’t give a damn about THAT ONE. Let THAT ONE go. Don’t even try, don’t even bother.” IF that applies to Antipope Bergoglio, if Bergoglio is a total write-off in the eyes of Jesus Christ, I wonder, who ELSE might be declared a “total write-off”? Are we seeing the horrific scandal that this position incites? There are two types of scandal: scandal that incites others to sin, and scandal that incites others to LOSE THEIR FAITH. If churchmen and professional Catholics openly despair of a man who has not yet died and COULD EASILY repent, be shriven and totally reconciled to Jesus Christ and His Holy Church before any of us sit down to dinner tonight, then what about anyone else? To say that Antipope Bergoglio has no access to the Sacraments is every bit as absurd as saying… that there are no black cassocks in Rome.
Do we honestly believe that the entire Church Triumphant would NOT celebrate the repentance of a sinner so great as Jorge Mario Bergoglio? I have said for many years now that Antipope Jorge Mario Bergoglio COULD be the Anti-Judas Iscariot – COULD BE. But it seems that everyone has decided that the spiritual works of mercy are no longer a thing. Admonishing the sinner? NAH. DON’T EVEN BOTHER. Just wait for him to die. It’s SOOOO much easier that way. And besides, that’s what The Church has always done….
Except that is what The Church has NEVER, EVER done. Because that is totally antithetical to the Church’s entire mission and raison d’être. The Church exists for the Salvation of Souls, including Antipope Jorge Bergoglio’s – for his every bit as much as for yours and mine.
Let’s start calling out this evil, scandalous Calvinist double-predestination “born reprobate” heretical nonsense about indifferently surrendering Antipope Bergoglio to hell and “just waiting for him to die”, not only because it doesn’t solve the problem of resolving the Antipapacy, but because the Second Great Commandment DEMANDS that we do what the Church has always done with Antipopes – reconcile them to Jesus Christ and His Holy Church so that they might someday achieve the Beatific Vision. We love our neighbor for the love of God. God made Bergoglio, God incarnated for Bergoglio, God suffered and died for Bergoglio, God rose from the dead so that Bergoglio might be saved. Deny this true base premise, and it’s a short logical jump to wondering if YOU, ME or ANY OF US MIGHT BE SAVED.
Pray the Matthew 17:20 intention, the third petition of which is and always has been: that Antipope Bergoglio repent, revert to Catholicism, die in the state of grace in the fullness of time, and someday achieve the beatific vision.
As always, I hope this helps.
A longtime reader kindly made and sent in this handy Matthew 17:20 Initiative image that y’all can distribute across the interwebs:
Here’s one of the most underrated ballads of the ‘60s, and if I were a school teacher, I would have kids listen and write out the lyrics with all of the correct apostrophes.
“Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me” by Mel Carter. Enjoy!
“… walk me down the lane where shadows will be, will be, hiding others just the same as we’ll be, we’ll be…”
Given the multiple CIA/Deep State assassination attempts, I can see the logic of Trump using body doubles, but it’s still disconcerting as all publicly visible deception should be.
This meeting with Prince William is December of ARSH 2024. I have made screenshots, but the video is in the article. It’s irrefutable. Prince William is, in fact, 6’3”, and the man playing Trump is lucky if he’s 5’11”.
The real Donald Trump is also 6’3 1/2”, as is confirmed by the fact that Melania is 5’11” and is just a tad shorter than him when she’s wearing 4” heels.
The everything being fake and gay thing is just so tiresome.
Methinks Prince William is probably used to this sort of stuff and is happy to go along with it… which is also disconcerting. Don’t look for the Royal Family to reform itself as the biological solution marches forward.
Remember, BOTH Trump and Prince William are 6’3”…
Look at the eye lines. “Trump” is looking up at Prince William who is looking down even while slightly stooped over.