Category Archives: Barnhardt Podcast

Barnhardt Podcast #009: The Whore of Babylon Will Arrive Shortly…

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In this episode we discuss the fire at the Grenfell high-rise in London and the tragedy of dying a sudden death without the Sacraments or the Faith. We also talk about the pseudo-religion of environmentalism and detail the difference in meaning between “Heresy” and “Apostasy” and how those words apply to the Church now and in the future. Finally we answer a listener question involving a cautionary tale about a priest and the immense danger of pride.

Correction to a comment made in this episode: it was Pope John 22nd who was posthumously convicted of heresy; there was an anti-pope John 23 during the Great Western Schism and the adoption of “John 23” by Angelo Roncalli in 1958 ended a 500 year debate as to what number the next Pope John would be.

Feedback: You can email Ann and her co-host at [email protected] with your questions, comments, encouragements to grow in humility, etc.

Subscribe: You can subscribe for free to the podcast through any of the podcast links and services below:

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Barnhardt Podcast #008: Massa Cosby and All His Little House Negroes

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In this episode we discuss Bill Cosby and his effeminate supporting caste of beta narcissists — including his wife — who allowed and empowered him to act as sexual predator for DECADES. Also, Ann wonders: “If I learn to read bad poetry really slowly, can I be a Wise Woman of Color(tm) too?” And we discuss a listener’s email and how it applies to another group of beta narcissists, Professional Catholics, and why they don’t enunciate the full truth.

This week’s required studying: the section on Alpha/Beta Diabolic Narcissist dynamics from her video:

Feedback: You can email Ann and her co-host at [email protected] with your questions, comments, anecdotes, etc.

Subscribe: You can subscribe for free to the podcast through any of the podcast links and services below:

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Barnhardt Podcast #007: Joooooz!

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In this episode we discuss the non-news that is the continuing violence in the name of Islam, that Islam isn’t a religion but a political order motivated by greed and domination. We also delve into a topic raised by multiple listener feedback emails: the “Jewish Conspiracy” and their control of the music industry, Hollywood, science, finance, etc. Most listeners shouldn’t be surprised that Ann’s not on board with the hyperventilating people with secret knowledge to share; rather we discuss Real Truth and how to apply it to Jews, Muslims, Protestants — everyone.

This week’s required reading:
Transcript of the “Boston Speech”
Youtube video of the Boston Speech: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3

Feedback: You can email Ann and her co-host at [email protected] with your questions, comments, conspiracy theories (and conspiracy facts!), etc.

Subscribe: You can subscribe for free to the podcast through any of the podcast links and services below:

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Barnhardt Podcast #006: Manchester and Melania

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In this episode we discuss how our fallen soldiers would be remembered if our country were rightly ordered, who the real criminals were at the Manchester concert, and how the operant conditioning of young girls at such concerts makes all of society a victim. We also talk about the urgency with which we must pray for God to send Catholic Melania Trump a good and holy Catholic priest who will help her correct her sinful situation of living in open adultery with Ivana Trump’s husband. Finally, we dissect why transcribing a conversation removes more contextual meaning than the written record leaves behind.

Feedback: You can email Ann and her co-host at [email protected] with your questions, comments, historical observations, etc.

Subscribe: You can subscribe for free to the podcast through any of the podcast links and services below:

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Barnhardt Podcast #005: Corzine, Caliphate, and Kayfabing — Oh My!

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In this episode we discuss Jon Corzine’s return to Wall Street, what he did last time he was there, and why Ann closed her commodities brokerage in the first place (spoiler: there’s a near-complete lack of the rule of law in the financial industry). Also, we discuss Donald Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia and the collective buildup of the largest islamic naval fleet since the 1570s, and respond to a listener’s question of whether there will be transcripts of the podcast at some point.

And the list of required reading, as mentioned in this episode:

Feedback: You can email Ann and her co-host at [email protected] with your questions, comments, historical observations, etc.

Subscribe: You can subscribe for free to the podcast through any of the podcast links and services below:

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Barnhardt Podcast #004: Standing Manfully

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In this episode we discuss the revelation that Seth Rich, the DNC staffer who was killed last summer in Washington D.C., was passing internal DNC information to Wikileaks. U.S. politicians don’t have a monopoly on stupid: German politicians are confiscating private dwellings to give to refugees — doesn’t this pose a risk of provoking Germans to revolt? Ann explains that the political right-wing, and even far-right, have been co-opted to advance the sodomitical agenda: another example of many how accommodating error under the label of tolerance just opens the floodgates for more attacks.

Feedback: You can email Ann and her co-host at [email protected] with your questions, comments, etc.

Subscribe: You can subscribe for free to the podcast through any of the podcast links and services below:

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Barnhardt Podcast #003: Following Up and Looking Up

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In this episode we discuss a professional wrestler and Hollywood actor who says he wants to run for political office, what North Korea might REALLY be doing on these “failed” missile tests, and make a request for priests who are willing to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the reversion of Ivanka Trump and the conversion of her husband and children. Also Ann explains why she doesn’t allow comments on her website or Youtube channel (or anywhere else for that matter), what is really going on with the implosion of the Knights of Malta, and we discuss this weekend’s significant 100 year anniversary of the first apparition of the Blessed Mother at Fatima, Portugal.

Feedback: You can email Ann and her co-host at [email protected] with your questions, comments, recipes, etc.

Subscribe: You can subscribe for free to the podcast through any of the podcast links and services below:

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Barnhardt Podcast #002: “Kayfabing Ourselves to Death”

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In this episode of the Barnhardt Podcast, Ann and her co-host discuss the sighting of the word “kayfabe” in a recent New York Times story and that so much of what is presented as real by the media and politicians probably isn’t. And about those promises Donald Trump made during the campaign that it’s becoming increasingly clear that he can’t deliver on even if he wanted to: is the President a captive of the “Deep State” as asserted by Paul Craig Roberts? Ann explains why she doesn’t think that’s the case. Also a listener’s question about antipope Bergoglio and Canon Law is addressed.

Feedback: You can email Ann and her co-host at [email protected] with your questions, comments, etc.

Subscribe: You can subscribe for free to the podcast through any of the podcast links and services below:

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Title Reference: The title of this podcast is a callback to Neil Postman’s Book “Amusing Ourselves to Death” — an understanding of which explains a lot about the current state of America.

Barnhardt Podcast #001: Welcome to the Barnhardt Podcast!

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New for your listening pleasure: The Barnhardt Podcast!  In this inaugural episode Ann and her co-host “Super Nerd” discuss the significance of and reaction to Ivanka Trump’s apostasy, whether Kim Jong Un is really a threat or not, recent blasphemous comments by Antipope Bergoglio about Our Lord and Savior, and Satan’s tactic of getting people to waste time.

Feedback: you can email Ann and her co-host at [email protected] with your questions, comments, recipes, etc.

iTunes/iPhone/iPad/macOS users: you can subscribe to the podcast for free in iTunes by clicking on this button:

Android users: you can subscribe to the podcast for free on the Google Play music store by clicking on this button (apologies — Google might try to sell you some upgraded Google Play service… just click “No Thanks”):

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