Category Archives: Barnhardt Podcast

Barnhardt Podcast #019: Let’s Talk About Bitcoin

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In this “Financial Friday on Satoshi Saturday” episode we discuss what bitcoin the software (wallet) is, what bitcoin the currency (BTC) is, and spend more than a little time talking about globally distributed ledger which stores all bitcoin transactions (The Blockchain). We go over what is good about bitcoin, what is bad about it, and conclude by introducing a concept which we’ll talk about much more in the future: smart contracts.

Feedback: send your questions, comments, or ideas for how to use smart contracts and programmable money to [email protected]

The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website.

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Barnhardt Podcast #018: Novus Ordo Islam??

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In this episode we address email feedback inquiring why Ann doesn’t talk about islam that much anymore by… talking about islam! Specifically we reiterate that Islam is a satanic political order which manufactures diabolical narcissists by the suicide bus-bomb load, enshrines lying as a cornerstone of its anti-culture, and has a below-average IQ due to centuries of inbreeding. We also review George’s Weigel’s article calling for a Vatican 2-like reform of the reform of Islam (uh, George, they did that in the 1920s and it’s called Wahhabism!).

Links and Resources:

Feedback: send your questions, comments, or ideas for converting muslims to Christianity to [email protected]

Timestamp Outline:
0:12 Intro and recap of Matthew 17:20 Initiative
3:48 The effeminate requirement for direct precedent, the inability of soft, effeminate men and women to think on their feet and formulate responses
07:47The effeminacy of modern “fasting” rules and how fasting can combat effeminacy
10:11 Why don’t you talk about islam much anymore, Ann?
15:15 Islam as a system engineered to create masses of Diabolical Narcissists
19:57 Lying and mendacity attacks and destroys faith, islamic culture is built on a foundation of explicitly condoned and encouraged mendacity
22:26 Islam engineered to create Diabolical Narcissists by sexual abuse, psychological abuse/torture, especially of children
28:05 Example of the couple who publicly apostatized from islam earlier this year on Twitter. The importance of explaining islam to muslims, then being ready to evangelize them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
35:42 George Weigel essentially admitting that he does not believe in the Catholic Faith. Also Archbishop Charles Chaput’s blasphemous public insistence that musloids “worship the same God we do.”
38:45 Weigel does not call for the conversion and extinction of islam, but for islam to adopt modernism and “not actually believe what they believe”, and accomplish this by islam having its own version of “Vatican II”. SuperNerd points out that islam DID do an “updating” after WWI and it yielded Wahhabism.
43:34 Weigel’s position is the same as that of Antipope Bergoglio: condemning proselytization and “Catholic fundamentalists”
45:35 Modernism as the foundation for using the Bride of Christ as a racketeering front
48:27 Weigel as a member of the elitist American clique in Rome, chasing the wealth of the “conservative” American Catholic “right”, who are Weigel’s target market for his John Paul II personality cult
53:35 Weigel’s indifference to other human beings in the islamic political system – Weigel is even coaching islam on how to make itself more attractive!
54:50 Someone should draft a set of dubia to be submitted to George Weigel!
59:55 Uncontacted peoples: does George Weigel think they should be converted to Christianity and civilized? Will unbaptized pagans rage eternally in hell at those Christian also lost to hell to refused to tell them about Jesus Christ and His Holy Church?
01:11:31 Indifference to musloids, uncontacted pagans, or anyone outside The Church is the COMPLETE INVERSION OF CHARITY.
01:14:13 Conclusion, announcements

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The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media

Financial Friday Barnhardt Podcast #017: We are the Gold

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In this episode we lay some conceptual groundwork for next week’s discussion of cypto-currency by defining the difference between money and currency, going into detail about the fundamental source of value behind money. We also talk about the bubble-inducing effects “forced charity” through government spending of tax revenues on things like education and healthcare, and how the institutional Church is right in the middle of — and profiting from! — this forced charity scheme.

Feedback: send your questions, comments, or alternative definitions for money and currency to [email protected] — and email [email protected] if you have suggestions for where to buy BTC (BitCoin) without visiting the dark web, meeting with gangsters, or getting a knock on my door by someone in a dark suit who is wearing an earpiece…

Distinction between money and currency:
Money, in concept, is the fungible proxy for the aggregation of wealth, real property, and services which are the product of human life and the capacity to produce things of value whereas currency are the exchangeable units of value that can be used for performing economic transactions.

Recommended Reading and Watching

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The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media

Barnhardt Podcast #016: Saint Mary Magdalene is a Catholic, NOT a shameless Lutheran Feminist

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In this episode we continue discussing the topic of our need to have sorrow for our sins, a sense of shame for what is wrong, and a healthy fear of the Lord. We also profile Saint Mary Magdalene as the exemplar of how to repent of one’s sins — and Ann utterly destroys the notion that Mary Magdalene was some sort of proto-feminist. We also review what is required in terms of contrition for a valid Sacramental confession.

Feedback: send your questions, comments, or suggestions for growing in sorrow of sin to [email protected]


The Penitent Magdalene by Donatello

The Penitent Magdalene by Guido Reni

Recommended Reading for this week (and every week!):

Timestamp Outline:

  • 0:00 Intro and launch and announcements
  • 03:25 Brief recap of previous Podcast episode on shame, sorrow for sin, Modernist/Bergoglian lie that either your sins aren’t sins, or that they simply don’t matter, healthy cultures self-police through shame, subsidiarity
  • 09:30 Aside on the extent of sodomitical infiltration of the Church and the Vatican in particular, which points to actual satanism being practiced inside the Vatican today
  • 14:45 Examples of pre-1960s societal concern for preventing scandal and not normalizing or desensitizing people to sin
  • 17:35 Shamelessness in sin is Lutheranism
  • 18:18 The two Bergoglian Axioms: Mercy = Permissiveness and Charity = Indifference
  • 19:10 St. Alphonsus Liguori on the abuse of the Divine Mercy
  • 24:30 No one can ever, ever give you permission to commit a sin – NO ONE.
  • 27:20 Jesus is NOT giving us permission to sin – EVER.
  • 29:26 Bergoglio’s popularity is a pure function of his ratification of sin, heresy and even of apostasy. A warning to “professional Catholics”. The two types of scandal: incitement to sin and loss of faith.
  • 31:48 Blessed Virgin Mary’s words in her Magnificat: God is merciful to those that FEAR HIM. Discussion of servile and filial fear.
  • 32:57 The lie that Christ says, “Meh, it’s okay” to our sin. IT’S NOT OKAY.
  • 34:33 The closer we draw to God and advance in sanctity, the more our sins (past and present) should mortify us
  • 35:55 The interior freedom that comes with advancing in sanctity. A warning against pride and the need for true humility.
  • 37:18 Filial fear of the Lord – not wanting to hurt or disappoint your Beloved
  • 42:16 Don’t be afraid to go to confession, especially if you are struggling with an habitual sin. Explanation of imperfect vs. perfect contrition for sin
  • 50:10 A great place to find people who can recommend a good priest confessor is Planned Parenthood slaughterhouses – ask the protesters.
  • 51:08 St. Mary Magdalene as the exemplar of penitence and how she has been blasphemously hijacked as a mascot for feminism and shamelessness
  • 56:05 St. Mary Magdalene as depicted in art – ALWAYS penitent
  • 1:00:00 The closer you get to God, the more you realize how horrific your sins are, and the more you should experience the grace of shame
  • 01:04:23 Enjoining St. Mary Magdalene to pray to God for us for the gift of tears. St. Mary Magdalene is present with us, along with all saints and all angels, at every Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The temporal and spatial transcendence of the once-for-all Sacrifice of Calvary through the Mass.
  • 01:17:53 Matthew 17:20 Initiative
  • 01:22:45 The importance of praying for The Church

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The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media

Barnhardt Podcast #015: My Fault, My Fault, My Most Grievous Fault

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In this episode we discuss a listener email about the Sacrament of Confession “being too easy” the way we described it in Episode 13, so we dive into the what it means to be sorry for one’s sins in an authentic sense. We also talk about shame: how the loss of it in the moral sense is devastating not just to individuals but society at large.

Feedback: send your questions, comments, or suggestions for growing in sorrow of sin to [email protected]

Recommended Reading:

Timestamp Outline:
0:11 Intro remarks
1:29 Big Scary Steve’s email pointing up how confession is useless and even harmful in you’re not truly sorry
5:15 Sorrow for sin and firm purpose of amendment
8:23 Ann is a “Kennedy convert” to Catholicism. That scandal of Catholics trying to game the system and sinning without true remorse is repellent and keeps people from entering The Church.
10:20 The Lutheran heresy – all people are “piles of shit”, so don’t even bother trying to be anything other than a pile of shit. In fact, “sin boldly” to prove how much faith you have!
12:16 Antipope Bergoglio is functionally Lutheran
13:03 Shame is a gift and grace from God, and is the Fruit of the First Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary – Christ’s agony in the Garden. We should all desire an increase in shame for our sins, both present and past.
17:03 Common examples: people who contracepted, got divorced, etc. Thank God that they now feel shame!
18:50 Do the words of “Pastor Brad” at Superfun Rockband church override that words of Christ Almighty? Really?
21:13 Nothing is more attractive to fallen man than someone who will ratify them in their sins
22:09 The gift of tears, understanding that Christ suffered and died for you personally and for your sins specifically
24:55 The Satanic nature of “FrancisNewMercy”: your sins aren’t sins, they don’t matter, God wants you to sin, following the Law is too difficult, so don’t bother. Antipope Bergoglio casts himself and “his new mercy” as greater than Christ’s mercy, which is rigid and might lead to personal sacrifice
30:18 “I’m the Pope, and I don’t believe any of that Catholic bullshit, so neither should you, and you were right not to all along.”
32:33 Shame as an essential component of a healthy culture/society
33:48 Shame and subsidiarity: personal, family, neighborhood levels should be a sufficient self-policing mechanism. Government or law enforcement should rarely be needed.
37:08 Shame still exists, but on a completely morally inverted plane. It is an act of violence to suppress a healthy conscience.
39:33 Effeminacy and the suppression of conscience, shame
43:10 Anarchy is bad – healthy self-policing is good.
44:08 WILDLY POLITICALLY INCORRECT CONTENT ALERT! Sodomy is exploding partly because boys who act like sissies are no longer “recalibrated” by their peers – rather they are celebrated and lauded as “heroes”. Boys acting faggy, i.e. like girls, should be shamed and punished corporeally if necessary.
49:39 Anecdote about drunk guy at Threshing Bee 25 years ago – healthy Christian self-policing.
52:53 NovusOrdoism/Bergoglianism is all-in on the agenda of eliminating shame for true sin
53:57 The phenomenon of the “non-apology apology”. Diabolical Narcissists, when they issue apologies, will invert the fault onto the victim – “I’m sorry if you were offended…”
58:38 Preview of next Podcast and general housekeeping

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The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media

Barnhardt Podcast #014: Interest Rate Manipulation: The Stealth Weapon of Mass Destruction

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In this inaugural Barnhardt Financial Podcast, we address two main topics. First, we discuss the wisdom of the 7 year mortgage as a maximum loan term on a home, and walk through examples and consequences of the responsible use of debt. Next, we delve into the use of interest rates as literal weapons of mass destruction, the silent and extremely coercive “nuclear weapon” being held over every economy by the Deep State via central banks. Specifically, we look at the current threat of economic Armageddon being held over Italy as it is being coerced via threats of interest rate manipulation into importing and quartering the very islamic invasion force that was repelled at Lepanto in 1571 and Vienna in 1683.

Feedback: send your questions, comments, or suggestions for paying off debt in seven years to: [email protected]

This week’s Financial Math Example:

If you pay $100,000 for a bond position and its yield is 2%, it will pay $2000 per year in interest regardless of market price changes so long as you hold it and do not sell it.

If a bond issuer is likely to default (that is, risk increases), the yield goes up and the market price goes down. If yield goes up to 10%, what is the price such that 10% of that price is $2000?

P x 0.10 = $2000
P = $2000/0.10
P = $20,000

If yield goes from 2% to 10%, yield has increased by a factor of 5.
0.10 / 0.02 = 5

Therefore, market price must DECREASE by same factor:

$100,000 / 5 = $20,000


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Barnhardt Podcast #013: Fatherhood in Crisis

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In this episode we discuss the crisis resulting from a lack of fatherhood and how it can be observed in the Church and in Japan. In the Church: the anti-Papacy of Jorge Bergoglio is dividing and scattering the sheep as perennial Truths are being diminished, ignored, and even contradicted. In Japan: the crisis of narcissism manifested through immature males who only think of themselves is threatening to bring about extinction through a lack of procreation.

Feedback: send your questions, comments, or proof of Vatican City mailing address to: [email protected]

Recommended Reading:

Latin word of the week: Munus. As it was used in this episode it means “an official office” (eg: The Papacy).

Timestamp Outline:
00:00 Introduction, 300 days of Dubia!
01:16 False premise alert! To expect a man who is not the pope to do things expected of a pope is irrational and leads to Protestantism or insanity.
06:09 Discussion of “Letter From an Absentee Father”
09:07 Discussion of Ratzinger’s lifetime of error and responsibility for the failed Vatican II council and the Bergoglian antipapacy
10:50 *Correction Ann misspoke and said “when Ratzinger was pope”.  She meant, “when Ratzinger was fully exercising his office.”
14:49 False base premises and logical errors lead to errors in morals.
19:54 False premise of Bergoglio as “pope” very quickly leads to to the question, “Did Our Lord lie?”
21:26 Why the Divine Providence has allowed the Bergoglian antipapacy
24:38 Explanation of the only possible course of action based on a true premise with regards to removing Bergoglio
28:16 People are losing their faith due to scandal of Bergoglio, some descending into Diabolical Narcissism
32:02 Japanese culture committing auto-genocide by NOT having sex. Japan as historical lead indicator of human depravity.
38:24 Explosion of sex doll/robot technology led by Japan.
39:58 Eventually, the ultimate exotic sex act will be sex with another human being – but only for the purposes of hurting or killing the other person.  Sex dolls/robots can not be hurt.
41:59 Discussion of “relationships” between demons and between the damned.
50:15 The Novus Ordo is valid.  Discussion of supplied jurisdiction.
55:38 SuperNerd clarifies how the Novus Ordo tends to reduce a person’s disposition and ability to receive the infinite grace of the Sacraments
57:35 Should one receive Holy Communion at a Novus Ordo Mass, or just make a Spiritual Communion?
60:34 The historical and contemporary importance of Spiritual Communion
65:10 Wrap-up, discussion of possible “Financial Friday” podcasts

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Barnhardt Podcast #012: Antipope Bergoglio Calls For Abolition of All Sovereign Nations of Europe

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In this episode we discuss the economic scam that is “Obamacare” and how it necessarily leads to concentration of government spending and power — and that now Jorge Bergoglio is calling for a “United States of Europe” to supplant the sovereignty of independent nations (in contrast to Catholic social teaching which favors subsidiary and smaller political entities). We also talk about a recent news article involving Cardinal Mueller which further demonstrates a recurring theme: “they” — including “Call me Jorge” — simply don’t believe the Truths of the Catholic Faith.

Quote to ponder: “The Economy of Grace can be compared to the power grid, and we’re dealing with constant rolling brown-outs and black-outs these days.”

This Week’s Links:

Feedback: You can email Ann and her co-host at [email protected] with your questions, comments, non-bloody ideas for rebooting our republic, etc.

Timestamp outline:

1:00 President Donald Trump: WWE Hall of Fame member
2:55 Something nice about the Trump Administration: Melania Trump puts the dignity of a Lady back in the position of First Lady
5:51 Does the Vatican need to be exorcised and reconsecrated?
8:44 Geological events as a precipitator for the Muslim Invasion Force
15:00 Divine Justice as a solution to an otherwise unsolvable problem
16:06 The historical precedent of the sufferings of a few gaining mercy for the many: the martyrdom of the French Carmelites to end the Reign of Terror
19:30 Congressional Republicans: Obamacare cannot be undone now
24:05 Medical costs should be falling with technology
27:00 Is it health care or money laundering?
31:33 Centralization of resources: what could possibly go wrong?
32:13 Explosion of mental illness
38:00 Demonic activity is magnified by pornography
40:45 Bergoglio calls for a centralize, federal Europe
45:45 Tribalism versus the Truth
49:25 A centralized, Federal Europe contradicts the Christian Principle of Subsidiary
54:00 Sacrilege and Hubris: Cardinal Mueller pulled off the altar during Mass to have a conversation with Bergoglio
1:05:00 Effeminacy and driving to the Traditional Mass: have you considered moving?
1:14:30 Masses, prayers for the dead, and the Economy of Grace discussed
1:19:58 An idea for localized Catholic action: pray the Leonine Prayers as a group after Mass

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Diabolical Narcissism DVD

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Barnhardt Podcast #011: A Man’s Enemies Shall Be of His Own Household

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In this episode we talk about President Trump’s “body-slamming CNN” tweet, James O’Keefe exposing CNN admitting they are publishing fakes news purely for the ratings, and reiterate again that if you have cable, Netflix, Hulu, etc. you are subsidizing the mainstream media leviathan. We also read and comment on a listener’s email on the topic of “What to do about sodomites in one’s extended family.”

Saying of the week: “You are the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time.”

Recommended Reading: The Key Character in Brideshead Revisted: Mrs. Beryl Muspratt

Feedback: You can email Ann and her co-host at [email protected] with your questions, comments, secrets for finding silence during your day, etc.

Subscribe: You can subscribe for free to the podcast through any of the podcast links and services below:

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Barnhardt Podcast #010: “What do the US Navy, Roman Bishops and Michael Voris Have In Common…?”

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In this episode we discuss the recent collision of the guided missile cruiser USS Fitzgerald off the coast of Japan, the invasion of sodomites into the ranks of Romans Bishops, and talk a bit about Michael Voris — do these three topics share a common thread? Also we explain why the Barnhardt Podcast won’t be uploaded to YouTube anymore.

Q: How hard is it for a container ship to ram an Arleigh Burke class destroyer?
A: Harder than for a 400 pound Walmart shopper on a half-charged scooter to catch up with and run over Usain Bolt.

Correction from SuperNerd: I referred to AIS — Automatic Identification System — as system of shore-based radars tracking ships; it’s actually a transponder system on ships which transmit a vessel’s current location along with other information. AIS transmits on VHF (which has a range of 20 – 40 miles depending on conditions) as well as via satellite. There are shore-based radar systems which are used by the equivalent of air traffic controllers to coordinate and deconflict the movements of vessels in busy waterways (eg: Strait of Juan de Fuca) or the approaches to busy ports (eg: Port of Long Beach) and I conflated those two things during the recording this morning… because I’m not a media pro. The point being: while navy ships probably have the ability to transmit AIS information they never do, so the navigation suite on a merchant vessel won’t automatically see a naval ship. It doesn’t change the bottom line based on what is known at this time: both ships will get the blame for this accident though it’s likely from preliminary data that it was the bridge team of the USS Fitzgerald who is most to blame for what happened — and affirmative action policies and politically correct personnel decisions certainly could have played a non-trivial role in this affair.

Recommended Reading for this episode:

Feedback: You can email Ann and her co-host at [email protected] with your questions, comments, details about stealth freighter technology, etc.

Subscribe: You can subscribe for free to the podcast through any of the podcast links and services below:

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