Category Archives: Barnhardt Podcast

Barnhardt Podcast #030: Cowering in the Stairwell and on the Curial Casting Couch

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In this episode we discuss Karl Denninger’s article, which described the LVPD’s response team cowering in the stairwell instead of directly confronting Stephen Paddock like they should have, and how this cowering in the face of a diabolically narcissistic bully only invites a more vicious attack. Lessons to learn from this episode include realizing that the police WILL NOT come to your aid in a perilous situation and that you MUST PREPARE NOW both physically (buy more guns and ammunition) and spiritually (get to confession regularly and daily) for the coming escalation of “sub-optimal social conditions.”


00:00 Intro
01:01 Denninger’s reportage/commentary on the Vegas Massacre, Mandalay Bay security guard was shot in the leg six minutes before Paddock began shooting out the window. Paddock’s exact location and status as an active shooter was known for fully five minutes before firing on the crowd.
04:45 SWAT Teams playing dress-up and then cowering in fear.  “Columbining”.
06:46 The word “heroic” is over-used. Sometimes risking your life is EXPECTED, and is, very simply, the right thing to do. Cowardice is a function of narcissism. The notion that the Divine Providence is that you die as “cannon fodder” is incomprehensible to the post-Christian man.
10:50 Active shooter? Musloid with an edged weapon? CHARGE THE S.O.B.
14:38 The NWO, media, Bergoglio, etc., trying to paint anyone with multiple weapons systems, ammo in stock, or even just Preppers, as Paddock-like mass-murderers in the making. ALL THE MORE REASON TO BUY LONG GUNS, AMMO, AND PREP SUPPLIES.
17:58 In Las Vegas, being “Sin City” and a place where people go to commit horrific sins, there IS NO VIDEO SURVEILLANCE outside the casino floor, in the residential spaces in the hotels.
30:15 Finally Americans seem to be turning their backs on such evil, corrupt paradigms as cable television and professional sports (NFL). Las Vegas should be next. No decent people should go to Las Vegas.
36:10 The cops aren’t legally obliged to protect you.  Their job is just to clean up the mess. Cops on steroids are cowards and will not risk their lives to help you.
38:14 Alpha Diabolical Narcissist Psychopath rapist Harvey Weinstein and the massive caste of Hollywood Beta Narcissists who defended and covered for him.
40:08 Ann has some words for the despicable Ashley Judd. Hey Ash, maybe your career went to hell and was over when you started mutilating your face, so why not call a press conference and expose Weinstein years ago? With a self-mutilated face, what more did you have to lose, exactly?
43:00 The army of Beta Narcissists running the bureaucracies in all major facets of post-Christian culture: Government, Business, Hollywood/Media, The Church. Betas admire psychopaths. Contemporary entertainment revolves around the glorification and admiration of psychopaths.
48:08 Beta Diabolical Narcissists enjoy being associated with criminal and/or profoundly immoral behavior. Prime example: The Legionaries of Christ. Anecdote about how the Legion of Christ would use a priest’s open sacrilegious fornication with his concubine as a RECRUITING TOOL on recruiting junkets for American millionaires.
59:25 Diabolical Narcissists get a bigger rush from GETTING AWAY with crimes, and watching people cover for them, defend them, lie for them, cower in fear of them.
1:01:35 Our Lady has said that just before the end, the situation will seem impossible to fix. We’ve gotta be close to that….
1:03:38 Ann talks about Diabolical Narcissism so much because explaining these dynamics is a consolation to so many people, and talking about and explaining it PREVENTS SCANDAL.
1:09:48 All churches should have men posted at the doors. All Christians of good will should be always armed, both physically and spiritually.
1:12:00 Conclusion and announcements.

Recommended Reading:

Feedback: please send your questions and comments to [email protected]

The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd Media on Twitter and Facebook.

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Barnhardt Podcast #029: Catalonia, Secession, Odious Debt and the Winds of War

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In this Financial Friday episode we discuss the recent Catalan vote for independence, how the sovereign debts incurred by Madrid are a big reason why Catalonians are moving to secede at this time, and how this makes it more likely that Spain will default on its debts… which will lead to a general devaluing of the Euro which will spark a global currency war which could end in a hot war — unless the bankers decide nothing extraordinary is happening in Spain and we move on, business as usual.

Feedback: please send your questions and comments to [email protected]

The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd Media on Twitter and Facebook.

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Barnhardt Podcast #028: Oh, Death

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In this episode we discuss the very peculiar lack of details surrounding the Las Vegas shooter, but remind the listeners that Jesus told us not to fear the likes of Stephen Paddock — who can only kill the body — but to fear those who can kill both the soul and the body (even if they are members of the Society of Jesus). We also talked about the Filial Correction delivered to the occupant of Casa Santa Marta and which factors are working to destroy the Papacy and the Church at the moment. Remember: the most important thing you will ever do is die, and the state of your soul when that happens determines your eternal destiny. Practice early and often for death: perfect act of contrition and spiritual communion for the Eternal Win!

Links and reading:

Feedback: please send your questions and comments to [email protected]

The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd Media on Twitter and Facebook.

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Barnhardt Podcast #027: Father James Martin, Ethh Jay: Uniter of Trads

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In this episode we discuss the error of Donatism and how the scandal caused by many who wear Roman Collars understandably is causing a resurgence of this once mostly-dead heresy. We also continue our review of the ORIGINAL schema document on Marriage and the Family which was thrown overboard by the liberals at Vatican 2, and we briefly touch on the topic of canonizations in the Vatican 2 era.


Feedback: please send your questions and comments to [email protected]

The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website.

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Barnhardt Podcast #025: Should Steve Bannon Wear Lip Gloss to Mass?

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In this episode we reprise an old theme, wondering whether Timothy Cardinal Dolan believes in dogma as much as he believes in DACA. Ultimately, if you believe in the dogma and doctrines of the Catholic Church — and if not, why not?! — you will express it through the devotion of Praying The Mass, which we discuss for the bulk of this episode. So rich is the treasure of the Divine Liturgy that at the end of an hour we barely got through the prayers at the foot of the Altar, and that’s even skipping a ton of symbolism!

Baronious Press Missal
Saint Andrew Daily Missal
Angelus Press Missal
Free web-based daily missal
Spiritual Commentary on the Mass
Three part series for learning the Latin Mass
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, or ideas for authentic, active participation at Mass to: [email protected]

The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website.

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Barnhardt Podcast #024: 90 Minutes of Full-blown Convert Neurosis

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In this episode, where one tangent led to another, we started with the assertion from some Catholics that converts should “just keep their mouths shut” once they join the Church (despite the Gospel saying something contrary). We also talked about the state of the Papacy and the Church, what to be wary of if you attend the Byzantine Catholic liturgy, the Sacrament of marriage in general and the situation of many marriages in particular, and about the Poor Souls in Purgatory.

Mentioned in this episode: Mary’s Advocates.

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, or suggestions for getting to know one’s spouse better to [email protected]

The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website.

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Barnhardt Podcast #023: It Ain’t Just Houston That Has A Problem

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In this episode we discuss the manifest mendacity of the web hosting provider Site5 and their inability to give a specific explanation for last Friday’s suspension and termination of the web hosting account on which was being hosted — and whether this betokens the need for people expressing the authentic Catholic Faith need to look to places like Russia for hosting their websites. We also discussed the multiple calamities which have befallen the city of Houston (hurricane, culture, mayor) and address the urgent need to evangelize black Americans and bring them to the Barque of Peter.

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, or suggestions for offshore web hosting to [email protected]

The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website.

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Barnhardt Podcast #022: Tinker, Tailor, Gunsmith, Nerd: Let’s Talk Trades!

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In this episode, after dispensing with the notion that everyone should go to college, we discuss and recommend some trades that one might consider in lieu of taking on a sentence of 20 years to life of paying back student loans. Traditional trades are high on the list — and virtually impossible to outsource overseas — but nerdy skills are a viable option as well. We also talk about some fields where higher education (going to college) are pretty much a requirement but are solid fields to consider.

Feedback: send your questions, comments, or trades we didn’t mention but you think are a great idea to consider to [email protected]

The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website.

Podcast Feed: In addition to the links below, if you want to subscribe to ONLY the Financial Friday episodes you can do that with your pod-catcher of choice with this URL:

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Barnhardt Podcast #021: Total Eclipse of the Truth

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In this episode we discuss the gangster-like tactics of groups like the American Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and ProPublica and explain how it will be groups like this who will be compiling the hit-lists of conservatives for the Alt-Left and musloids to “take care of.” We also review the situation of the two bishops in white in Rome and what it would take to clear up the question of who the Pope is… and also why clearing up that question is only the beginning of cleaning up the current mess.

Recommended Reading:

Feedback: send your questions, comments, or photos of yesterday’s eclipse to [email protected]

The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website.

Timestamp Outline:

00:00 Intro, SPLC threats against The Remnant Newspaper, targeting for ruination of all people who do not subscribe to Soros/Bergoglio/SJW/NWO agenda.
04:50 Today’s leftists are direct analogues to, if not worse than French Revolutionaries who executed a genocide in the Vendee.
07:24 Vulnerability and ideological dynamics in PayPal and other “Palo Alto” corporate cults, banks, etc.
10:00 Keep your eye on Zuckerberg as possible Antichrist, if there are in fact the End Times.
12:45 Understanding the enemy’s desire to break people financially through litigation
19:47 Institutional agent provocateurs
23:30 Contra-education as first line of attack
27:16 Stepping through the logical progression of what happens if and when either Pope Benedict XVI gloriously reigning dies, or Antipope Bergoglio dies, or Antipope Bergoglio “resigns”
46:11 So long as Bergoglian Antipapcy is falsely acknowledged, it will continue to be satan’s tool to destroy souls.
49:25 Pope Benedict XVI and the heresy of Quietism
56:36 What if Antipope Bergoglio “resigns”?
59:02 The only path forward in the Truth and the Whole Truth.  Partial Truth is NOT good enough. Declare Bergoglio Antipope, eject and nullify, and then WAIT FOR RATZINGER TO DIE.
01:03:08 Is PARTIAL truth now ok? When exactly did it become so?
01:05:10 What should the prayer intention be? If you genuinely care about Joseph Ratzinger and Jorge Bergoglio, how can you not pray full application of justice in the fullness of truth?
01:07:00 The Blessed Virgin is the Undoer of Knots, and she is so powerful that she could intercede and completely undo this knot such that both Ratzinger and Bergoglio repent and make it to the Beatific Vision.  The problem is that almost no one has the faith to ask her for this. They are only asking for her to partially undo the knot, which would still leave a knot.
01:11:00 Conclusion, announcements and acknowledgments

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Barnhardt Podcast #020: One Hour War College: Charlottesville, Kayfabe and Schizophrenics in the Foxhole

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In this episode we discuss the events of the last week in Charlottesville, Virginia, and whether this is the opening round of the Great American Civil War: a war that will be fought without defined battle lines everywhere throughout the united States — and beyond? — and could be the opening act for the End Times.

Recommended Reading:

Feedback: send your questions, comments, or photos of leftists posing as right-wingers to [email protected]


Dear Ann,

Outstanding, thank you.

I want to bring up a point for your edification. It may seem rather
obvious, but it is an important insight into humanity. Even though
nothing contained in this podcast was new to me, such clear
elucidation helps a person internalize the situation, if that’s the
right phrase, thereby sharpening zeal, resolve and bearing. Those
three things, related but distinct, will be the key to how this all
plays out.

It would be tempting to compare it to the way a rousing speech can get
a crowd going, but this isn’t a great example, because the crowd
itself is an operator. A more proper comparison would be when a
person, with prayerful disposition and good intent, reads Pius X, Leo
XIII, or as you just did, Benedict XV: It makes you want stand up and
point to the source and scream, “THIS! THIS IS EXACTLY CORRECT.” And
of course, to want to share the reality with others. The physical act
of reading/hearing the words of a forceful argument, even when they
merely confirm what you already know to be true, transmits directly to
interior and exterior action.

I know sometimes it feels you’re banging your head against the wall,
but you must never stop. Keep saying it over and over and over.

Thank you,

The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website.

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