Category Archives: Barnhardt Podcast

Barnhardt Podcast #099: Plumbing the Possibilities of Practical Professions

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In this episode we answer questions posed by listeners ranging from whether a spouses love of soccer is grounds for annulment, what Ann’s recommends as a useful/beneficial trade or profession, advice for how to get into a trade of profession, and how to buy a house without getting trapped into an absurd mortgage. That and SuperNerd experimented with a change in audio so all of you eagle-eared folks listening on audiophile gear should tell him how different it sounds. If you would like to submit questions for the next “Ask Ann” episode please send those to [email protected]

Links, reading, and YouTube:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]
The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd as “Roman McClaine” on Twitter.

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

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Barnhardt Podcast #098: A Little More (Catholic) Action, Please

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we discuss YouTube’s upcoming changes to their terms of service, which are likely to result in “No Service For You!” for a lot of producers of Catholic “revenue-negative” content.  While this might not be ideologically-driven yet, the day is certainly coming where content in line with perennial moral teaching will be banned for being offensive to the “Alphabet People” and other degenerates. And speaking of degenerates, the scandal from Rome continues with a bishop dressed in white — who many think is the Pope — now denies not only the Divinity of Jesus but also His bodily resurrection. This in addition to the continued onslaught against marriage and the family… indeed, if these times were not shortened, would even the elect lose the Faith?

Links, reading, and YouTube:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]
The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd as “Roman McClaine” on Twitter.

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

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Barnhardt Podcast #097: Not Made Possible By the Ford Foundation

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

Mild language alert!

In this episode we celebrate the Communion of the Saints, expressed so beautifully by the traditional Roman liturgy in honoring the Saints in heaven and the Holy Souls in Purgatory, all of whom truly are “our friends we haven’t met yet!” We also put out the call for Masses and prayers for the conversion of Kanye West and his family who look like they are actively searching for the Truth. And, of course, we discussed more about the Amazon Sin-Nod, the disposal and recovery of the Pachamama idols, the prospect of married priests and the ontological impossibility of female deacons, and wondered who might become the first (illicit and invalid) female Cardinal in the Bergoglio regime. Remember: where sin abounds, Grace abounds all the more (even if it’s hard to spot at first).

Links, reading, and YouTube:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]
The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd as “Roman McClaine” on Twitter.

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

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Barnhardt Podcast #096: SOUS (Scandal of Unusual Size)

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

LANGUAGE ALERT (talking about stuff they don’t believe)…

In this episode we discuss the ongoing public scandal of the Amazon Sin-Nod and that the men in red who SHOULD be doing something did: they launched a book. Next door to the pagan idol on display. Meanwhile the possible Abomination of Desolation continues** but despite the growing scandal and confusion emanating from the Eternal City we can never lose sight of the power of prayer or the realization that the fight is already won and that Jesus, True God and True man, is the victor… the only question is whether we’ll join Him in the battle.

**Between recording this episode and publishing it, news has broken that some brave soul has thrown the Amazon pagan idols into the Tiber River!

Links, reading, and YouTube:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]
The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd as “Roman McClaine” on Twitter.

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

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Barnhardt Podcast #095: Welcome to the Jungle

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we discuss the kick-off of the Amazon Synod, complete with the “Don’t look over here — hey, look at that!” Scalfari interview in which a Bishop known as Francis questions the Divinity of Jesus. If you’ve read or listened to Ann for any length of time you’ve familiar with her assertion that “They don’t believe any of this [stuff],” something that even the female deacons in training to preside over priestless “Masses” can attest. Despite myriad opportunities for scandal, let us remember that the war has already been won and the sufferings of this time are not worthy to be compared with the glory to come (Rom. 8:18).

Links, reading, and YouTube:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]
The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd as “Roman McClaine” on Twitter.

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

Listen on Google Play Music

Barnhardt Podcast #094: Profit Without End

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we finally talked about financial topics — but not before going over some industry expert feedback on the troubles with the 737 MAX and renewing the call to get off of Insta-Face-App. We discussed cashing in a 401K to buy a house, PMI and equity, the biblical basis for women to work from home (Prov. 31) and waded into the waters of Catholic Economic Theory (spoiler: we don’t like distributivism). And we almost ended the show correctly!

Links, reading, and YouTube:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]
The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd as “Roman McClaine” on Twitter.

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

Listen on Google Play Music

Barnhardt Podcast #093: Negative Content Rate

Correction: the story about the Saudi man paying $350MM for model airplanes was a satire — Ann didn’t know until after the episode was recorded.

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we discuss ZIRP, NIRP, and DIRP, the insanity of 84 month car loans, Boeing’s ongoing issues with the 737 Max, how the Kardashians got their money, and a fake story about a Saudi Man — who acts kinda like Florida Man but with a few billion more dollars — and stress the point that neither Ann nor the other person on the podcast gives investment advice. Evar!

Links, reading, and YouTube:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]
The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd as “Roman McClaine” on Twitter.

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

Listen on Google Play Music

Barnhardt Podcast #092: Ann (she/her), SuperNerd (I/T?)

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we briefly remember the events of September 11, 1683 and then discuss in greater detail September 11th of 2001 — and the surreal reality that what is so vivid in our minds is just an entry in a history book for kids today (except the war is still going). Then, consistent with the nature of our usual activities, we addressed modern media and the profaning of God’s name, the transanity insanity of pronouns, and what will get you banned from Twitter, Facebook, and PayPal. And remember: Bruce Jenner is a MAN!

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]
The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd as “Roman McClaine” on Twitter.

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

Listen on Google Play Music

Barnhardt Podcast #091: Predominantly Pell-Mell

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we discuss the nomination of new Cardinals, the recently upheld conviction of Cardinal Pell by some Kangaroo Court, the SCA (not the Scottish Canoe Association), and whether ’tis nobler to be excommunicated by the false church or suffer the slings and arrows of heresy, apostasy, and schism while seeking one’s salvation in fear and trembling. And GO TO CONFESSION, even if it’s during Mass!

Links, reading, and YouTube:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]
The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd as “Roman McClaine” on Twitter.

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

Listen on Google Play Music

Barnhardt Podcast #090: Back-to-School Pot Luck

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

Rumors of Ann and SuperNerd’s disagreements have been greatly exaggerated! In this episode we discuss a bunch of smaller topics from the Chinese Social Credit Score, censorship-proof publishing, Cardinal Burke’s “friends” in low places, Disney’s ability to screw up everything it touches, whether AirBNB is merely complying with federal law or actively pushing the gay agenda (or both?), and how to educate a woman on modesty without it turning into the Spanish Inquisition.

Links, reading, and YouTube:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]
The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you found this episode to be of value you can share some value to back to SuperNerd at the SuperNerd Media website. You can also follow SuperNerd as “Roman McClaine” on Twitter.

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

Listen on Google Play Music