Category Archives: Barnhardt Podcast

Barnhardt Podcast #108: [Title Deemed Non-essential]

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

Warning: Language Alert!

In this episode we discuss Cardinal Pell’s release from prison, more about the on-going effects of COVID-19 (the Charity of men growing cold, the suppression of The Mass), the actions being taken by governments in order not to let this crisis go to waste, and more. Remember: as Christians do not fear death… we might despise it because it’s the result of the original sin but we do not fear it because without dying united to Christ we cannot remain united to Him in eternity!

Links, Reading, and Video:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]

SuperNerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you would like to support the technical maintenance of the podcast and the hosting of Ann’s website you can send donations to “SuperNerd Media” to 10940 Parallel Pkwy #K303, Kansas City, KS, 66109. Or if you would like to contribute cryptographically, SuperNerd’s Bitcoin address is: bc1qets3uqg44ehclazkngxkk0azvz33ls3kd4z8dz (non-crypto electronic donation options for SuperNerd Media will be returning soon… stay tuned!).

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]

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Barnhardt Podcast #107: Sorrows and Sensational Scary Scenarios

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode, before getting into recent events, we highlight the devotion to the tears and dolors of the Blessed Virgin, listing the amazing promises made to those who practice and spread this devotion. And, of course, we cover the continuing contagion of the Corona Cold-demic and the irrational hysteria being hyped by the media and bought hook, line, and sinker by average people, priests, and even bishops. Without doubt, this is a minor chastisement from God and we’re witnessing, in staggering fashion, how fast the charity of men grows cold. If you want to remain faithful during this Passion of the Church then increase your Devotion To Mary so that, like Saint John, we will remain steadfast with Jesus and Mary until the end.

Devotion to the Tears and Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary

According to St. Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373), the Blessed Virgin grants seven graces to those who honor her daily by saying seven Hail Marys while meditating on her tears and sorrows:

  1. I will grant peace to their families.
  2. They will be enlightened about the divine Mysteries.
  3. I will console them in their pains, and I will accompany them in their work.
  4. I will give them as much as they ask for, as long as it does not oppose the adorable Will of my divine Son or the sanctification of their souls.
  5. I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy, and I will protect them at every instant of their lives.
  6. I will visibly help them at the moment of their death—they will see the face of their mother.
  7. I have obtained this grace from my divine Son, that those who propagate this devotion to my tears and dolors will be taken directly from this earthly life to eternal happiness, since all their sins will be forgiven and my Son will be their eternal consolation and joy.

Watch the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass — live NOW:

Links, Reading, and Video:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]

SuperNerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you would like to support the technical maintenance of the podcast and the hosting of Ann’s website you can send donations to “SuperNerd Media” to 10940 Parallel Pkwy #K303, Kansas City, KS, 66109. Or if you would like to contribute cryptographically, SuperNerd’s Bitcoin address is: bc1qets3uqg44ehclazkngxkk0azvz33ls3kd4z8dz (non-crypto electronic donation options for SuperNerd Media will be returning soon… stay tuned!).

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

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Barnhardt Podcast #106: Leave the TP, Take the Dew

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we discuss COVID-19 again and the mandatory quarantine orders spreading across Europe and the United States — along with irrational, panic shopping for the, uh, essentials of life. Another casualty of this COVID craziness is the Sacraments: many bishops are giving in to local authorities and banning the public offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. While an internet stream of the Mass is better than nothing, losing access to the Sacrament suggests a malicious, diabolic orchestrator behind the scenes. There are elements suggesting this is the dress rehearsal for the end times which should remind us that we never know when our personal end is and that if we’re not ready to make an account to God right this second… then we’re doing it wrong!

List of Traditional Latin Mass live-streams:

Links, Reading, and Video:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]

SuperNerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you would like to support the technical maintenance of the podcast and the hosting of Ann’s website you can send donations to “SuperNerd Media” to 10940 Parallel Pkwy #K303, Kansas City, KS, 66109. Or if you would like to contribute cryptographically, SuperNerd’s Bitcoin address is: bc1qets3uqg44ehclazkngxkk0azvz33ls3kd4z8dz (non-crypto electronic donation options for SuperNerd Media will be returning soon… stay tuned!).

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

Listen on Google Play Music

Barnhardt Podcast #105: Soft Interdict and Hard Truths

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

Scatological Linguistic Expression Alert… again.

In this episode we not only discuss COVID-19, we also discuss the Coronavirus Pandemic which has prompted authorities in the US, Spain, Netherlands, Italy, and many more countries to lock down communities, regions, or whole countries. In eternal terms, Churches have been shut down in many areas and dispensations to not attend Sunday/Holy Day Masses are common in North America and Europe if not globally granted already. It is a Hard Truth that at some point in the future the public Sacrifice of the Mass will cease, when the Man Of Sin is ruling the world with an iron fist. Whether we live to see that or not, let us make haste in deepening an authentic prayer life, devotion for the Catholic Faith, the Sacraments (while we have them), and Sacramentals.

Links, Reading, and Video:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]

SuperNerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you would like to support the technical maintenance of the podcast and the hosting of Ann’s website you can send donations to “SuperNerd Media” to 10940 Parallel Pkwy #K303, Kansas City, KS, 66109. Or if you would like to contribute cryptographically, SuperNerd’s Bitcoin address is: bc1qets3uqg44ehclazkngxkk0azvz33ls3kd4z8dz (non-crypto electronic donation options for SuperNerd Media will be returning soon… stay tuned!).

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

Listen on Google Play Music

Barnhardt Podcast #104: M-M-My Corona!

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

Scatological Linguistic Expression Alert…

In this episode we discuss the ongoing international drama of the Corona Virus and how it’s now affecting not only the economy but even the liturgy. While holding hands at Mass should have never been a thing, suspending the distribution of Communion on the tongue (where required) is another matter. Don’t let this crisis go to waste: use it as an opportunity to deepen your devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and not take it for granted! We have no guarantee of living another day much less having the Sacraments for the rest of our lives. Receive each Communion as though it were your last, with as much devotion and love as possible… because your final Holy Communion is one day closer than it was yesterday!

Links, Reading, and Video:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]

SuperNerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you would like to support the technical maintenance of the podcast and the hosting of Ann’s website you can send donations to “SuperNerd Media” to 10940 Parallel Pkwy #K303, Kansas City, KS, 66109. Or if you would like to contribute cryptographically, SuperNerd’s Bitcoin address is: bc1qets3uqg44ehclazkngxkk0azvz33ls3kd4z8dz (non-crypto electronic donation options for SuperNerd Media will be returning soon… stay tuned!).

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

Listen on Google Play Music

Barnhardt Podcast #103: Sum Ting Wong

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

Moderate Language Alert (Ann’s gonna Ann…)

In this episode we transition into the season of Lent while discussing the transition of Querida Amazonia from being a blatantly, over-the-top, dumpster fire of apostasy to a massively cringe-worthy pile of blather which still kicks open the door to pantheism and demon worship. And in bad news, the Coronavirus continues to spread and is now affecting global manufacturing supply chains as well as the stock prices of companies who rely heavily on just-in-time inventory from southeast Asia… something is definitely wrong in China. Finally we discuss the kinds of things you might want to have on hand (prepping!) in the event that both local and global supply chains grind to a halt (and if Sanctifying Grace in your soul isn’t the FIRST item on your prepping list, re-do your list!).

Links, Reading, and Video:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]

SuperNerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you would like to support the technical maintenance of the podcast and the hosting of Ann’s website you can send donations to “SuperNerd Media” to 10940 Parallel Pkwy #K303, Kansas City, KS, 66109. Or if you would like to contribute cryptographically, SuperNerd’s Bitcoin address is: bc1qets3uqg44ehclazkngxkk0azvz33ls3kd4z8dz (non-crypto electronic donation options for SuperNerd Media will be returning soon… stay tuned!).

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

Listen on Google Play Music

Barnhardt Podcast #102: Rise of the Dog-faced Pony Soldiers

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we discuss politics, including Rush Limbaugh’s announcement of advanced cancer, Trump’s State of the Union address, and the elder abuse that’s being committed by whomever it is who is forcing Joe Biden to remain on the campaign trail. We also talked about the Wuhan Flu (Coronavirus) and death, specifically the recent death of professional athlete Kobe Bryant who was more Catholic than the hosts realized prior to the accident. It would be a good and holy thing if the 30 Gregorian Masses were said for Kobe as they are being said for Ann’s monk-friend Brother Thomas Pauling (which concludes February 15th — there’s still time to join your intentions with the priest offering that Mass!)

Links, Reading, and Video:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]

SuperNerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you would like to support the technical maintenance of the podcast and the hosting of Ann’s website you can send donations to “SuperNerd Media” to 10940 Parallel Pkwy #K303, Kansas City, KS, 66109. Or if you would like to contribute cryptographically, SuperNerd’s Bitcoin address is: bc1qets3uqg44ehclazkngxkk0azvz33ls3kd4z8dz (non-crypto electronic donation options for SuperNerd Media will be returning soon… stay tuned!).

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

Listen on Google Play Music

Barnhardt Podcast #101: The ShutUpStupiSode

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this episode we** discuss the works and miracles of St. Raymond of Peñafort before diving into the current events surrounding the Bergoglian anti-papacy. We also talk Pope Benedict as Kantian co-author — we can’t really know if he is or he isn’t — and “Bookgate,” in which the “former” Pontiff continues to co-author books not in silence behind the Vatican walls. We also cover the Damn Dirty Liar Georg Ganswein, the doctrinal guarantee of the Visibility of the Church (reproach of 1958 sedevacantism), and the current and glaring visibility of the anti-church. Regardless of the craziness and the manifest reasons to be nervous and fear, Our Lady has foretold all that is happening and how to maintain Faith, Hope, and Charity until the end.

** Nota Bene: Mark D. substitutes for SuperNerd in this episode.

Links, reading, and video:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]

SuperNerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you would like to support the technical maintenance of the podcast and the hosting of Ann’s website you can send donations to “SuperNerd Media” to 10940 Parallel Pkwy #K303, Kansas City, KS, 66109. Or if you would like to contribute cryptographically, SuperNerd’s Bitcoin address is: bc1qets3uqg44ehclazkngxkk0azvz33ls3kd4z8dz (non-crypto electronic donation options for SuperNerd Media might be returning soon… stay tuned!).

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

Listen on Google Play Music

Barnhardt Podcast #100: Wars and Rumors of Wars

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

Mild Language Alert!

We made it to 100 episodes? (Surely you can’t be serious!) In this episode, after wishing everyone a merry CONTINUATION of Christmas, we discuss the post-New-Year’s fireworks in Iran, the “slap-a-mama” fireworks in Rome, and the continuing scourge of professional Catholics — especially the ones who don’t hide their moral depravity in the slightest. And have you heard of the new guessing game: Where in the world is Theodore McCarrick? Some rumors put him in Florida but historically the only reason a cleric was defrocked was to warm the bunk of a prison cell while awaiting criminal trial — and possibly the hang-man. In the day of Pope Saint Pius the 5th, This Was The Way. Despite wars, rumors of wars, and scandals, the result of the battle is known and has been written: don’t let the folly of sinners disturb your peace, especially during this joyous time of the liturgical year!

Music with this episode is from the album Christus Natus Est which can be purchased here.

Links, reading, and YouTube:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]

The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you would like to support the technical maintenance of the podcast or help fund the hosting of Ann’s website you can send donations to “Supernerd Media” at the address listed here or you can donate in the form of gift certificates sent to [email protected].

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

Listen on Google Play Music

Barnhardt Podcast #099.9: Simple Tricks, Nonsense, and Silence

[Direct link to the MP3 file]

In this shorter episode we discuss silence, the idea of fasting from information intake, and the negative consequences that can arise from consuming too much audio (and/or video) content and the compounding factor of listening at accelerated speeds (1.5x or faster). We also talked about the one year anniversary of Saint Tiny Princess entering into eternity — and that she’s now also a big sister (which is a big reason for the delay in recording and publishing this episode)! And lastly, we briefly discussed with a bit of glee that Disney is going to lose a LOT of money on the final installment of the Skywalker saga — the Ruse of Soy-woker — and that Star Wars long ago stopped making sense from a logical storytelling perspective.

Music with this episode is from the album Christus Natus Est which can be purchased here.

New address for sending donations to the Sister Servants of Mary:
Sister Servants of Mary
5001 Perlita Street
New Orleans,LA 70122

Links, reading, and YouTube:

Feedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]

The Barnhardt Podcast is produced by SuperNerd Media; if you would like to support the technical maintenance of the podcast or help fund the hosting of Ann’s website you can send donations to “Supernerd Media” at the address listed here or you can donate in the form of gift certificates sent to [email protected].

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details.

Listen on Google Play Music