Author Archives: Ann Barnhardt

Let not your hearts be troubled. Christ Jesus doesn’t recognize “Presidential Pardons”. Fauci WILL get justice from Justice Himself.

The tragedy is that Fauci almost certainly will die unrepentant, and thus will choose hell. This is an opportune moment to revisit the utterly essential nature of the death penalty in Christian society, which we so obviously no longer are. And yes, the death penalty, carried out publicly and in an orderly way, is VASTLY superior to the “Luigi Protocol” which affords no opportunity for genuine contrition, sacramental confession and absolution of the criminal. –AB ’25

REPOST BY REQUEST: The Death Penalty Is Essential To A Christian Society and Is Willed By God

The certainty with which one suspects Antipope Bergoglio of being not merely a criminal usurper, but the actual False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist continues to leap higher. He is undeniably attempting to put himself OVER and ABOVE God and His Holy Church, at the head of an Antichurch being erected inside the Vatican so as to deceive the world into believing that the Antichurch is and has replaced the One True Church.

Bergoglio is obviously an Antipope, and has been all along, and sits at the head of the ANTICHURCH. It’s obvious. There is simply no way the Petrine Promise of Our Lord Jesus Christ to His Body and Bride, The Church, can be reconciled to Bergoglio as Pope without violating the Law of Non-contradiction, and thus denying the Divinity of Christ.

Some helpful quotes on the death penalty:

Avery Cardinal Dulles

“The reversal of a doctrine as well established as the legitimacy of capital punishment would raise serious problems regarding the credibility of the magisterium. Consistency with scripture and long-standing Catholic tradition is important for the grounding of many current teachings of the Catholic Church; for example, those regarding abortion, contraception, the permanence of marriage, and the ineligibility of women for priestly ordination. If the tradition on capital punishment had been reversed, serious questions would be raised regarding other doctrines.”
(2004, Avery Cardinal Dulles)

St. Augustine

The same divine authority that forbids the killing of a human being establishes certain exceptions, as when God authorizes killing by a general law or when He gives an explicit commission to an individual for a limited time.

The agent who executes the killing does not commit homicide; he is an instrument as is the sword with which he cuts. Therefore, it is in no way contrary to the commandment, ‘Thou shalt not kill’ to wage war at God’s bidding, or for the representatives of public authority to put criminals to death, according to the law, that is, the will of the most just reason.

(The City of God, Book 1, chapter 21)

St. Thomas Aquinas

It is written: “Wizards thou shalt not suffer to live” (Ex. 22:18); and: “In the morning I put to death all the wicked of the land” (Ps. 100:8). …

Every part is directed to the whole, as imperfect to perfect, wherefore every part exists naturally for the sake of the whole. For this reason we see that if the health of the whole human body demands the excision of a member, because it became putrid or infectious to the other members, it would be both praiseworthy and healthful to have it cut away. Now every individual person is related to the entire society as a part to the whole. Therefore if a man be dangerous and infectious to the community, on account of some sin, it is praiseworthy and healthful that he be killed in order to safeguard the common good, since “a little leaven corrupteth the whole lump” (1 Cor. 5:6).
(Summa Theologiae, II, II, q. 64, art. 2)

The fact that the evil ones, as long as they live, can be corrected from their errors does not prohibit that they may be justly executed, for the danger which threatens from their way of life is greater and more certain than the good which may be expected from their improvement.

They also have at that critical point of death the opportunity to be converted to God through repentance. And if they are so obstinate that even at the point of death their heart does not draw back from malice, it is possible to make a quite probable judgment that they would never come away from evil.”

(Summa contra gentiles, Book III, chapter 146)

“…a secondary measure of the love of God may be said to appear, for capital punishment provides the murderer with incentive to repentance which the ordinary man does not have, that is a definite date on which he is to meet his God. …the law grants to the condemned an opportunity which he did not grant to his victim, the opportunity to prepare to meet his God. Even divine justice here may be said to be tempered with mercy.

St. Alphonsus Liguori

It is lawful to put a man to death by public authority: it is even a duty of princes and of judges to condemn to death criminals who deserve it; and it is the duty of the officers of justice to execute the sentence; God Himself wishes malefactors to be punished.

John Senior

Justice is simply the social good, and it must therefore be done. It is defined as “giving each his due” – cuique sum, “to each his own.” A man is due his life because he is a living thing; it is his nature to have life; and, since it is also his nature to be moral, if a man commits a crime, he must be punished because punishment is retributive – punishment is the penalty due the criminal in justice to him. Proportioned punishment is due him, too, and you cannot deny him that right without yourself committing an injustice against him deserving punishment in turn. The judge who fails the criminal in punishment himself incurs a greater guilt.

There is another justification for punishment besides retribution. Pain and deprivation are medicinal. They hurt so much that the criminal can learn that crime does not pay – or at least that the victims pay back. If you want to teach the prisoner a trade or put him to useful work, well and good; but those things are secondary and must never interfere with the first and proper use of punishment, which is the restoration of the equality of justice not only in society but in the person of the criminal. A person who commits a crime has indulged his will against reason; a disequilibrium has been established in his soul, as Plato says, which can only be righted by retributive exercise of reason against his will. The greatest evil in the world is to do wrong without being punished.

They object to punishment itself; and that is because they deny the existence of justice; and that is because they deny that man is free, that man is responsible for his acts. Crime, they say, is sickness. It must be cured, or better, prevented by prophylaxis of the spirit, by the extermination of free will altogether so that men will react like Pavlov’s dogs to sensitivity training and even to psychosurgery and drugs . . . . They say crime is illness. Now if that were true, there could be no moral act whatsoever. If man is not free to choose evil, he is not free to choose good . . . . Everyone must remember the story of the murderer who said in court: “You can’t blame me, it was my heredity and environment that caused me to kill” and the judge who replied, “It is my heredity and environment that sentences you to hang by the neck until dead.”

(The Death of Christian Culture, Chapter 7)

They Hate God.

(This piece was originally written on May 16, ARSH 2016 for The Remnant Newspaper, four days before Archbishop Georg Ganswein delivered his informative speech on Pope Benedict’s attempted “fundamental transformation” and “expansion” of the Petrine Ministry at the Gregorianum in Rome.  I think the concept it addresses – hatred of God by Diabolical Narcissist clerics and prelates – is very much worth revisiting.  I have only very slightly modified a few phrases to reflect the reality of the Bergoglian Antipapacy qua Antipapacy. I hope it helps. -AB ’25)

A question that I have always asked myself is, “Who are the people who would dedicate their lives to a Church that they clearly hold in contempt at best, and hate at worst? What would drive a man or woman to a life driven by and revolving around such pure, focused spite?”

Who are they? They are Diabolical Narcissists.

To review, Diabolical Narcissism is the condition in which a human being freely chooses to adopt the psycho-spiritual comportment and emotional palate of the fallen angels – demons. Simply put, the DN chooses, exactly as the fallen angels chose, to voluntarily purge himself of all love. As a result, he is voluntarily incapable of empathy, and incapable of the emotions derived from love, namely happiness, gratitude, joy, and sadness.

DNs are capable only of the demonic emotional palette of anger, hatred, envy and fear. They view other human beings as 3-dimensional cartoon objects to be used as the DN sees fit to provide him with diabolical narcissistic satisfaction. And, like the angelic demons, deep down, Diabolical Narcissists know that they are monstrosities, and thus are animated by an unquenchable spite, especially toward those “mere humans”, so far beneath them, and yet capable of that which they have freely rejected: love.

DNs derive the greatest diabolical satisfaction from forming attachments, sometimes referred to as the “idealization phase”, grooming the attachment/victim, then turning on and “devaluing” the attachment/victim, and then viciously abusing the attachment/victim. DNs derive intense diabolical satisfaction from not only the actual abuse of the victim, but oftentimes even more so from the “getting away with it” – watching as others around him, not wanting to incite his wrath or lose their connection to him, give their tacit approval or even their positive approval of his abusive actions. DNs are obsessed with the notion that they are a separate superior caste, an uber-aristocracy, distinct and above everyone else, even “super-human”, and as such the “rules” which apply to the rabble and the great unwashed do not apply to them. One of the greatest sources of diabolical satisfaction for DNs is to openly commit crimes, atrocities, scandalous sin or acts of abuse and NOT be held to account – to operate outside the law or the rules of human decency. In the secular political sphere this is referred to as “oligarchy”. On the micro level it has many names: megalomania, sociopathy and psychopathy.

But what happens when a DN forms such an attachment with, and then devalues, hates, abuses, and even declares war on God?

Well, that, dear reader, is what we call a “Jesuit”. That’s a little joke. This dynamic is certainly not limited to the Jesuits. It is everywhere in the Church, and can be seen amongst the laity, and Traddyland is by no means immune.

First, the initial phases of the DN’s “relationship” with God.

It is typically cerebral narcissists, as opposed to somatic or “physical” narcissists, that seek out God Himself as an attachment/victim. Cerebral Diabolical Narcissists see God as the ultimate attachment, and eventually, as the Ultimate Victim – which, ironically, is exactly what He is. God is everything that DNs want to be: omniscient, awe-inspiring, admired and adored, mysterious and much-discussed, perfect. Some DNs, especially those that were deified as children, will view God as their only peer, casting themselves in the role of co-God, fourth person of the “Quatrine Godhead”, or demiurge.

Across the board, these DNs believe themselves to be the “only one” who genuinely “understands” God. They believe that they have a completely unique and privileged relationship with God. It is the DN and God, alone together, against the world. Some in the protestant cult milieu will even use terms like “anointed”. DNs believe that they derive authority from their privileged relationship with God, and that this authority exempts and dispenses them from laws and behavioral standards as they apply to “mere humans”. They believe that the rules do not apply to them, but that they are able to sit in God-like judgment of others without countenancing the slightest hint of hypocrisy.

It bears mentioning at this point that the deification of children is no longer the rarity that it once was, found typically in years past with genius children and the children of heredity monarchs. In fact, the entire post-Christian education system and media complex today is specifically designed to drive children into pathological effeminacy at best and full-blown Diabolical Narcissism at worst. If the children around you today seem like insufferable mini-tyrant “Social Justice Warrior Gestapo”, it is because that is exactly what they are. They are an army of DN Stormtroopers, eagerly awaiting their orders, convinced of their “otherness”, and perhaps more importantly, regarding other human beings as expendable animated sacks of meat.

For DNs who enter the priesthood, religious communities, or who find themselves in a position of authority within The Church, be it working in the Chancery, or even laymen working within the Church, their predisposition toward cruelty, sadism and abuse is facilitated by any position of authority, even if they have not yet turned on and devalued God. Their default position of contempt for others is intrinsic to their diabolical nature, and thus they are attracted to positions in which they can, under the guise of authority, dole out narcissistic abuse.

In the beginning of the “relationship” with God, the DN idealizes God, in the sense that the DN convinces himself that God is completely congruent to himself. The more he learns about God, the more he sees himself in God. At this point, one should be reminded of the Archangel Michael whose very name is a refutation of this very dynamic: Who is like God? The Archangel knows that the answer to that question is NO ONE. To the DN, the answer, exactly like Lucifer’s answer is, “ME!”

After a while, the DN becomes disillusioned with God. When the world fails to fall at the DN’s feet, when the DN is not regarded, adored and obeyed as co-God, when God “fails to deliver”, the DN then devalues and turns on God just as with a human attachment/target. Interestingly, this devaluing almost always goes in steps, working up finally to God Himself. For example, a DN might first turn on and devalue his parish, his religious community, his Rite (going from Roman to Byzantine, for example), or even his vows (taking a concubine(s) of either sex). These are all mere stops along the road to the final destination for the DN, the rejection of God Himself. When this happens, the DN declares war on God Himself and, motivated by pure diabolical spite, sets out to do as much damage to God as he can. After all, the bigger the enemy, the more grandiose the DN feels. And there is no bigger enemy to set oneself against than God Himself. What this means for the DN is exactly the same as what it means for the actual demons: hurting and even killing the souls of other human beings out of hatred for God – an exact inversion of the Second Great Commandment, hating others for the hatred of God.

One of the surest signals of Diabolical Narcissism in general is what is referred to as “hating your own”. In the context of The Church, the DN priest or religious (and let’s not forget the loud but dwindling army of apostate lesbian nuns prowling throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls) will hold in the highest contempt orthodox, pious, devout Roman Catholics. In the micro context, a DN will typically devalue and abuse those closest to him – spouse, children, employees, even eventually friends, which are typically just sycophants. Non-sycophantic acquaintances usually cotton to the DN and flee for their own well-being in short order. To the DN, his “flock”, in whatever form it takes, becomes his hostage. And the greatest rush of diabolical satisfaction a DN can procure is the attention, affirmation and even adoration of the very people he is taunting, tormenting and abusing, while he is abusing them.

The most strategically effective position for a DN to do this is INSIDE THE CHURCH. And so, despite their descent into full-blown hatred of God, instead of leaving the Church, they entrench. They climb the Episcopal/Curial ladder. The higher they go, the more damage to souls they can wreak; the more they can enable and protect others like themselves who seek to abuse God and destroy His Church; the more they can destroy the Liturgy; the more they can punish and scandalize those who foolishly love God; the more lies they can tell the miserable, pathetic sheep, and then sit back and watch the sheep skip merrily into hell AT THEIR COMMAND, ignoring the very Voice of the Shepherd Himself; the more they can shake their fists at God, luxuriating in their crimes and not just their total immunity from any earthly consequences, but even to the cheers and cries of adoration of the sheep whom they are slaughtering – adoration given to them instead of to God.

Do I think that certain high-ranking churchmen today could be (or already are) Diabolical Narcissists? Of course.  In fact, I think most of them are.

Do I think that it is likely that they have devalued and are now consciously abusing God and with malice aforethought seeking to destroy His Holy Church even from the usurped See of Peter? Of course.  I think that is obvious.

Do I think that Antipope Jorge Bergoglio is already trying to cast himself to the world as somehow over, above and “beyond” Jesus Christ Himself? Of course.  That is also obvious. He, and his coven of Freemasonic sodomites, are building the Antichurch in the rubble of the True Church which they are systematically demolishing.

Christ, have mercy.

That look? Pure hatred of the Eucharistic Lord. This photograph was taken nearly a decade ago. Antipope Bergoglio no longer celebrates the Mass, publicly or privately, and hasn’t for several years, even though he is very much physically capable of doing so. Golly, IF ONLY THERE WERE VISIBLE SIGNS THAT BERGOGLIO IS AN APOSTATE ANTIPOPE.

Barnhardt Podcast Episode #214: Questions for Mel

Download MP3 file.

In this episode, Art and Ann discuss the content and dynamics surrounding Mel Gibson’s recent appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience, and how exactly we go about evangelizing the secular world in the two-five. And don’t forget to take your Vitamin I, even if, like Art, you hate the taste.

Ivermection Discovery Backstory

The Siri Thesis (No, it’s not true.)

Pope St. Marcellus I

Fenbendazole Cancer Protocol

Deacon Charles Outtier, R.I.P.

Feedback: the email address for the podcast is [email protected]

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]


Prayers requested: A seminarian of the Institute of Christ the King has been killed in a tragic tractor accident.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Deacon Charles Outtier, aged 25, who has been tragically killed when the tractor he was operating at the ICK seminary in Italy rolled over onto him while he was working in the seminary’s olive grove.

What a truly awful tragedy.

Please pray for the repose of Deacon Outtier’s soul, for his family, for his fellow seminarians and for The Institute of Christ the King.

Holy Mother Church will lack one more priest, but hopefully Deacon Outtier will soon be praying for us, for the ICK and his confreres, and for the Church Militant while looking directly upon the Most Holy Trinity.

Folks, please, go to confession. Stay confessed. Any of us are only a split-second accident away from death.

St. Francis de Sales, St. Philip Neri, St. Benedict, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Happy Feast of St. Maurus

Lorenzo Monaco (c. 1370-1423), Coronation of the Virgin, predella: Saint Benedict & Saint Scholastica and Maurus Saving Placid

Lorenzo Monaco (ARSH 1370-1423), Coronation of the Virgin, predella: Saint Benedict & Saint Scholastica and Maurus Saving Placid, Uffizi Gallery, Florence

Today is the feast of Saints Maurus and Placid.  St. Maurus was St. Benedict’s first disciple. We see in the left half of the beautiful image above the instance wherein St. Benedict summoned St. Maurus and told him that his confrere, St. Placid, had fallen into the lake while fetching water, and was now about “the length of an arrowshot” away from the shore, drowning, and that St. Maurus should go save him.  St. Maurus took off running, ran out onto the surface of the lake, pulled St. Placid out of the water, hauled him back to shore – again, on the surface of the water the whole time. St. Maurus said afterward that he didn’t realize what he had done – namely walk on water – until after the fact. All he was thinking about was saving his friend per St. Benedict’s instruction.

He just did it.  He didn’t pull up at the water’s edge and stand there whining about how there was nothing he could do, and that he didn’t like swimming, and he couldn’t possibly be expected to go in the water, and maybe even risk his own life, and it was no use, and St. Placid should learn how to swim and save himself.  Nope.  He just did it.  And God provided a miracle – a miracle not seen since Our Lord walked with (a somewhat soggy) St. Peter on the Sea of Galilee.

Dear God, please let us be more like St. Maurus and just do what needs to be done, not pulling up at the shore and making whining, faithless excuses about why we can’t

The satanists inside the Vatican did to Cardinal Pell’s body what they originally intended to do to Pope Benedict’s body the week before, but the Swiss Guards prevented.


“When Cardinal Pell’s coffin was displayed in his titular church in Rome we didn’t know that his body had been deliberately desecrated

Cardinal Pell’s nose was broken, his body covered in faeces; he was shoeless and his vestments had been just thrown in the coffin.

And the Vatican must have known this because unusually Cardinal Pell’s casket was closed during his requiem Mass at St. Peter’s

‘The fact that the cardinal’s casket was closed and did not allow for the traditional farewell touch or kiss by mourners raised eyebrows among many at the Mass.’

Bergoglio’s Vatican isn’t ruled by love, it’s ruled by vindictive hate.”

You might remember that two years ago I reported in this space on how the Swiss Guards prevented Pope Benedict’s body from being desecrated by the faggot satanists that infest the Vatican:

– One of the things that most annoyed the bishops and cardinals present was the indolent attitude of Cardinal (Mauro) Gambetti, archpriest of St. Peter’s Basilica. His cold and mechanical attitude in the celebration of the rites (and the voice of a man just out of bed that could be heard), and his lack of obedience of many rubrics did not go unnoticed.

Here’s what was communicated to me from Rome, with permission to make this public:

After Pope Benedict’s body was moved into St. Peter’s Basilica in the very early morning darkness of Monday, January 2nd, IN A BEAT-UP OLD GREY CARGO VAN – NOT EVEN IN A HEARSE – the wicked and hateful Gambetti, Cardinal archpriest of the Basilica, immediately after processing back to the sacristy (seen in the video below at the 4:57 timestamp) re-emerged and ordered all of the lights turned off and the Basilica emptied and closed until the next morning. He literally wanted Pope Benedict’s body to lie exposed on the bier, alone, in the dark, unattended, during the overnight hours for the three days of Pope Benedict lying in state in the Basilica.

And here’s where a ray of light shone forth in the darkness:

The Swiss Guards REFUSED TO LEAVE.

The evil Gambetti AGAIN demanded that the lights be turned off, and that the Basilica be cleared and closed until the morning.

AGAIN, the Swiss Guards refused to abandon Pope Benedict’s exposed corpse – an unthinkable humiliation and desecration of a body that no mortuary or funeral home would EVER allow for ANY PERSON, much less a Pope.

The evil wretch Gambetti, seeing that these MEN were not going to relent, then huffily declared that if they wanted to stay that it would NOT count toward their “on-duty” time, that they would be “off the clock”, and no on-duty Swiss Guards would be permitted to stand overnight vigil, only Swiss Guards who were already off-duty, and thus volunteering their own private time, and would be expected to work their full, regular shifts regardless of if they had been up all night standing vigil. And then he stomped off, seething.

And so, it warms my heart to tell you, that Pope Benedict’s body was never left alone as he lay in state, that the Swiss Guards stood all-night volunteer watches at his side until he was placed in his coffin, and thus Pope Benedict’s body was never desecrated by exposure and abandonment, which was what the vile Cardinal Gambetti, fully in line with the truly evil Antipope Jorge Bergoglio, intended to happen.

It looks EXTREMELY likely that the faggot satanists utterly infesting the Vatican did to Cardinal George Pell’s body what they WANTED to do to Pope Benedict’s body: desecrate it in satanic rituals, and likely a Black Mass.

First, Cardinal Pell was almost certainly murdered. The electricity in the hospital he was in, having JUST undergone a long-planned hip replacement, “went out” while he was awake and in the post-operative recovery room. As if electricity “goes out” in hospitals, with no backup systems. It is claimed that Cardinal Pell was left alone, in the dark, in the recovery room – that NO ONE CHECKED ON HIM FOR OVER 30 MINUTES, and when the power came back on, he was found dead. WITH A BROKEN NOSE.

It was known for weeks, if not months, exactly when and where Cardinal Pell would be having major surgery.

Cardinal Pell almost certainly got “the pillow” from one or more assassins.

Now we have the confirmation that Cardinal Pell’s body arrived in Australia after having lain in state in Rome in a closed coffin, NAKED, INJURED and COVERED IN FECES.

Folks, I’ll bet ready money that the feces that Cardinal Pell was covered with were not HIS feces. This sounds 100% like a satanic ritual.

Remember, Antipope Bergoglio despised ++Pell, and appointed him head of the Vatican Bank and Audit board with the intention of hamstringing him, and throwing him under the bus, which he did. “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” 

Antipope Bergoglio resolved to attempt to essentially kill ++Pell by enabling and facilitating the kangaroo (no pun intended) trial in Australia, for which +Pell was wrongly imprisoned for over 400 days until the Supreme Court of Australia completely overturned the obviously false and corrupt verdict. And what was the catalyst for Antipope Bergoglio to want to humiliate and kill ++Pell?

Antipope Bergoglio had gone to ++Pell while he was working as the Prefect of the Secretariat of the Economy and demanded that Antipope Bergoglio be given a 1,000,000 Euro CASH slush fund for Antipope Bergoglio’s own personal use. ++Pell told Antipope Bergoglio to go pound sand. Immediately after that:

With Pope Benedict dead, and Antipope Bergoglio and the satanist cabal unable to gain access to his body thanks to the Swiss Guards who know what’s up inside the Vatican, and defended The Pope as he lay in state, it seems likely that it was resolved to murder ++Pell in his upcoming hip replacement surgery the next week and use ++Pell’s body in a Black Mass, and make absolutely certain that his body was discovered desecrated, naked, beaten and smeared probably with THEIR OWN feces, per encourager les autres, as Voltaire put it.

Are you feeling especially sickened and frightened while reading this? You should. The reason why this is so horrifying is because you know that what I have laid out here is very, very likely true. This isn’t some whacky pants thing that’s easy to just shrug off. This is all highly credible. How could the body of a Cardinal possibly be put into a coffin naked, beaten and COVERED IN SHIT with the full knowledge that the coffin would be opened upon arriving in Australia unless it was done with FULL SATANIC MALICE?


Little did the mourners know that inside that coffin, ++George Pell was naked, beaten, smeared in feces, and his vestments wadded up in a ball and thrown in.

Barnhardt Podcast #213: The Fire of Purification

Link to MP3 File

In this first episode of the second quarter of the 21st Century, Art and Ann say the uncomfortable part out loud: Los Angeles, the global font of Luciferian, soul killing propaganda and media for over a century, is long overdue for a cleansing burn. Will ANYONE repent? What kind of chastisement will be required for people to repent? Pray for the conversion of sinners, beginning with the one who stares back at you in the mirror as you brush your teeth in the morning.

Feedback: the email address for the podcast is [email protected]

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]
