Author Archives: Ann Barnhardt

The 80’s were so good that we had #1 hit songs about religious/priestly vocations.

Here’s Little Stevie Winwood with his ARSH 1986 solo #1 hit, “Higher Love”. I’ve put the lyrics below, with capitalizations to indicate references to the Triune Godhead, Who is Himself that Infinite, Higher Love. When I hear this song, I hear a young man or woman discerning a Traditional Catholic religious or priestly vocation. CLEARLY. And beautifully.


And here are the lyrics – caps mine.

Think about it, there must be Higher Love…

Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above
Without It, life is wasted time
Look inside your heart, I’ll look inside mine

Things look so bad everywhere
In this whole world, what is fair?
We walk blind and we try to see
Falling behind in what could be

Bring me a Higher Love
Bring me a Higher Love (oh oh)
Bring me a Higher Love
Where’s that Higher Love I keep thinking of?

Worlds are turning and we’re just hanging on
Facing our fear and standing out there alone
A yearning, and it’s real to me
There must be Someone who’s feeling for me

Bring me a Higher Love
Bring me a Higher Love (oh oh)
Bring be a Higher Love
I could rise above on a Higher Love

I will wait for It
I’m not too late for It
Until then, I’ll sing my song
To cheer the night along (bring It)

I could light the night up with my soul on fire
I could make the sun shine from pure desire
Let me feel that Love come over me
Let me feel how strong It could be


Higher Love. Bring me a Higher Love.

St. Petersburg, Florida, site of one of the biggest sodomite priDE MONth parades and festivals, is about to be hit by a Cat 5 hurricane. Jesuit priests everywhere desperately scrambling to cancel their June ‘25 AirBnb bookings.

A reader checks in:

Dear Ann,

Hello from St. Pete, a paradise with 361 days of sunshine per year on average. But like the garden paradise of Milton, lost soon I’m afraid. St. Pete is home to the largest pride parade and festival in Florida, one of the largest anywhere. Having lived here 20 years I knew/feared it was only a matter of time before God stepped in. I was actually here before the parade because the patron saint of the diocese of St. Petersburg is St. Jude, my patron saint.

Remember our Lady of Fatima said the chastisements will be “man made, and Heaven sent”, so whatever the cause of a November hurricane blowing up to such strength in October, the ends are justified, of that I’m more than certain.

Please send an Ave my way if you could for myself and my family.

Thanks for all you do.
St. Pete, FL

Hoooooo! THIS is worth a rewatch: Mr. X’s expository speech in “JFK” (ARSH 1991). Change a few names and locations and it’s a recitation of current events.

Donald Sutherland’s delivery is masterful.

Remember, the earliest exponent back in the mid ‘50s of the whole “we must fundamentally transform the Papacy into a collegial, synodal shared ministry” crap was… wait for it… Avery DULLES, S.J., son of John Foster Dulles and nephew of CIA founder Allen Dulles. Just sayin’.

Given the events of this summer, this hits harder. MUCH harder.

*** To no one’s shock, you can only see this on a VPN set to outside the former U.S.

If anyone knows how to tweak speech using AI, here’s a project: Mr. Mister Kyrie

The tweak is super-simple. At the very beginning, the singer intones the word “Kyrie” three times. To make the song explicitly Trinitarian, just change the second Kyrie Eleison to CHRISTE Eleison using AI replication of the vocal quality. I’m sure it could be done.

The 80’s really were an amazing period for music. How fortunate some of us are to have lived sentient childhood, when memories are so deeply and vividly engrained, in the last days of anything of quality music-wise. Remember, kids today have no music. They have sodomites and whores grunting and moaning and screeching pornographic utterances over mindless percussion tracks. Share the good music of your life with younglings whenever you can, from chant to classical to the music of living memory – big band, consonant jazz, country, bluegrass, even good pop that isn’t filthy. Like “Kyrie”, there was plenty of clean, beautiful music even with electric guitar and drums.

Lord, have mercy, down the road that I must travel.

Christ, have mercy, through the darkness of the night.

Lord, have mercy, on a highway in the light.

“Why are there no evening Masses listed?”

Happy Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.

This image is making the rounds, of the Mass schedule of St. Francis of Assisi parish in New York City from way back in the day…

It drives home a point we discuss in this space, but most people don’t like to discuss.

The reason there are no Masses after 1:00pm is because up until ARSH 1953, the Eucharistic Fast was FROM MIDNIGHT, including water, under pain of mortal sin. The evening liturgy of the Church was Vespers. There were no evening Masses because an evening Mass would require the priest and any faithful that wished to make a Sacramental Communion to fast from all food and water for eighteen hours or more. This is certainly possible, I have done it many times, but the times we live in are abnormal, to put it mildly. After the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, the Eucharistic Fast will be restored, and evening Masses will likely cease, and Vespers will once again be common.

In ARSH 1953, Pope Pius XII relaxed the fast to allow water and necessary medication, and then in ARSH 1957 the Eucharistic Fast was relaxed further to only three hours. Pope Pius XII was very ill and dying in ARSH 1957, and it is suspected that infiltrators took advantage of the situation and rammed this effective elimination of the Eucharistic Fast through. Paul VI finished off the Eucharistic Fast in ARSH 1964 by reducing it to one hour, which was put into the 1983 Code of Canon Law, specifically Canon 919.

Interestingly, the Masses in the 02:00am hour were called “Printers’ Masses”, because men who worked newspaper printing presses had to be at work to print the day’s newspapers at 03:30-04:00am, so Holy Mother Church made certain that those men could hear Mass before going to work. I remember hearing a Novus Ordo priest years ago announce during his homily that he was ALWAYS unavailable from 10:00-11:00am Monday-Friday, because that was when The Price Is Right was on TV, and that was the best part of his day, and he could not be disturbed. And he was as serious as cancer. Talk about textbook EFFEMINACY. 🤢🤢🤢🤮

If you would like to read more about The Eucharistic Fast, my original piece is HERE.

Barnhardt Podcast Episode #207: Antipope Diddy

Direct link to MP3 

In this episode, Ann begins by recounting her recent experience in voluntarily fasting on salt water only for 20 days, and Art Decco shares his shared love of Kombucha. We then segue into a discussion of the destruction of Sodom of the Appalachians, Asheville, NC. Isn’t it just a MASSIVE coincidence how prevalent lesbian witches are in the mainstream media today? Then, we tie it all together by discussing how the satanic dynamic of blackmail tied to sodomy and pedophilia parallels strikingly between Puff Diddy and American music, media and politics, and Antipope Bergoglio and the Antichurch. Satan seems to have one business model which he applies across all contexts.


A Reminder To All: When Events Turn, They Turn FAST. As it has just happened to Biden, so too will it happen to Antipope Bergoglio.

Autophagy – Wikipedia

Art’s Kombucha go to guide:

Potassium Chloride example

Ann’s yummy potable salt water recipe:
18 ounces cold water
scant 1/2 TEAspoon table salt or pink salt
scant 1/4 TEAspoon potassium chloride salt
Shake or stir vigorously to completely dissolve.
*Pro tip – other supplements such as Vitamin D+K drops, Zinc drops, Dandelion extract drops, Cranberry extract drops, and yes, even 1% livestock injectable Ivermectin can all be added to potable salt water.
TASTE IT. It should taste good, satisfying and even delicious. Remember, this is basically Gatorade minus the sugar and food coloring. If it tastes in any way unpleasantly salty, then you have WAY too much salt.

Feedback: the email address for the podcast is [email protected]. 

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]


UPDATED Mailbag: Protestant “karen” deeply offended by the notion that God is offended by, much less punishes sin. Population of Sodom and Gomorrah unavailable for comment.

There is nothing more toxic to our society than Protestantism fused with unchecked femininity. Fire-and-brimstone Baptists are far, far “less bad” than this. At least they acknowledge the reality and horror of sin and instill Fear of the Lord, even if only servile fear. Look at how this woman vilifies Fear of the Lord and hatred of even the most vile sins, and stealthily embraces the lie of universal salvation… even for unrepentant sodomites and literal practitioners of witchcraft and satanism.

According to the church of ‘karen’, the only sin is to hate sin, aka “not being nice.” Because some dyke witch might get her feewings hurt. To hate sin, especially grave sin, and desire justice to be done by its active elimination from society is “barbaric doctrine”. And note how ‘karen’ attempts to gaslight by conflating holding the Catholic faith whole and entire – that is, Christianity – with the satanic political system of islam. If you manfully hate sin, you’re the Taliban. Sadly, our civilization is so far gone that a majority of people fall for this clumsy, effeminate rot.

I say this: For the first time in decades, today there is neither sodomy nor Satanism/witchcraft being practiced in Asheville, NC. He brought a stop to it Himself through His Divine Providence, because after decades of merciful patience, no one else loved Him enough to do it. It was easier for people to remain silent, look the other way, and console themselves with heresy and soothing lies. And now Asheville, like the accursed cities of Sodom and Gomorrah that it openly emulated, is no more.

This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. Blessed be the Name of the Lord, now and forever.—AB, Catholic Fanatic, and trying to become more fanatical and less lukewarm every day. 🙏🏻

Ann —

I’m not a Catholic but I am a Christian and while I don’t always agree with your perspective on things I appreciate so much of what you write, what you’re fighting for and against, and especially the ivermectin info on your site. You have saved lives with that, and for that there is much gratitude.

But I write now to say I am dismayed by your recent post, which seems to delight in the deaths of men, women and children you do not know, and therefore have no right to judge as being deserving of their terror, suffering and deaths.

I am dismayed by your apparent assertion that the devastation wrought by the hurricane is somehow God’s judgement on a godless area.

You of all people should know that we, as humans, cannot understand the divine in all its complexity. The best we can hope for is the strength to speak up for the good and defend the innocent and helpless wherever we find them.

I don’t know what, if any, divine meaning is held in the hurricane and its destruction. Neither do you. But to say what you’ve said is horrifying, and reeks of glee at others’ suffering.

You condemn Islam and Muslims for their fanatical adherence to a barbaric doctrine. Do you not see that you are sounding as fanatical and intolerant and hateful as those you condemn?

I don’t expect you to care about what I’ve said, or even think about it, or reconsider your stance for a moment.

I just wanted there to be one person who challenges you.

When my aunt became a born again Christian, I said two things. I’m pleased for you — and please, whatever you do, don’t make Jesus look bad.

With that post, you make Jesus look bad.


What Caused the Destruction of Sodom? Meteor or Earthquake?

Dr. Beep, a convert from generational Protestantism, has some corrections (fact-checking? MANSPLAINING?) to make to ‘karen’s’ missive.

“Don’t make Jesus look (like he has any standards)

“…. like he means what he says”

“… like anything other than a limp-wristed commie whom I can hug in my imagination to make me feel better when I get scared at night.”

Asheville, North Carolina: The Sodom of the Appalachians.

I’ve never visited and have almost zero knowledge of the Southeast. Apparently, Asheville, NC was a sodomite hellmouth. And now, it is a muddy ravine.

Don’t be surprised if the Deep State redirects a few billion from Ukraine to the city of Asheville… just to get the gay bars and bathhouses reopened. Maybe rebuild a library so the trannies will have access to the children again.

And remember, as St. Paul made clear in his letter to the Romans, it isn’t just the physical practitioners of sodomy, it’s also those who TOLERATE it, that share in capital crime:

Wherefore God gave them up to the desires of their heart, unto uncleanness, to dishonour their own bodies among themselves.  Who changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

 For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature.  And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error.  And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient;  Being filled with all iniquity, malice, fornication, avarice, wickedness, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, malignity, whisperers,  Detractors, hateful to God, contumelious, proud, haughty, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Foolish, dissolute, without affection, without fidelity, without mercy.  

Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.

Romans 1: 24-32

