Author Archives: Ann Barnhardt

Mailbag and video of Drs. Campbell and Clancy on Ivermectin as a therapy for mRNA injection poisoning

First, this absolutely lovely note came appended to a munificent donation (but EVERY donation is munificent):


I started following your blog at the very beginning. Have to admit, although your words had the ring and weight of truth, it was just so hard to accept that our leadership both religious and government had become so corrupt. Although you presented such hard information to process and accept, I kept checking in…. I didn’t want to hear it but your conviction and sacrifice could not be ignored. Thank you for the information you provided during the pandemic – we followed the Ivermectin guidelines, avoided the jab and are well. Sadly, we have seen the effects on close family and friends who bought into the false promises and coercion. Praying for the world, for all of humanity, for our family and friends. Praying for you – thank you for your courage – you have emboldened me to speak up and share information with anyone willing to listen.


Speaking of those who took the poisonous injections, here is a fantastic video from just a few days ago of Dr. John Campbell and Dr. Robert Clancy discussing Ivermectin as a very real therapy for the fake-vaccine injured. As was reported in this space in ARSH 2021, Ivermectin essentially puts a protective “cap” over the spike protein that both the Fauci virus AND the death injections produce.

Interestingly, dandelion extract is also reported to have this effect, albeit with less potency. But hey, putting dandelion extract in your water can’t do any harm. And neither can taking Ivermectin. The only contraindication for Ivermectin that has been so-far observed is the blood thinner WARFARIN. Other than that, Ivermectin is safer than aspirin. Remember the case study of the teenager in Africa who “attempted suicide” by taking a 100X dose of Ivermectin… and she had an upset tummy for three days.

And never forget: they watched us refuse to take poison and hoped that we would die. We tried to warn them that it was poison, and then prayed that they would live. And we still do.

Kicking Against the Goads – Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul

(Originally penned and posted seven years ago today, 25 January, ARSH 2017. I keep reposting this on The Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, of which it is the Gospel reading,  precisely because “kicking against the goads” is such a massive, massive problem of moral failure among men today. The right thing has to be done. The Truth MUST be acknowledged, sooner or later. Fighting it, trying to avoid it, JUST MAKES EVERYTHING WORSE. The only way out is through, and the “through” is The Cross. With this in mind, please scroll down to the post below wherein Cardinal Burke is asking for your questions, and, to be perfectly frank, drive the goad into him in the hopes that he will, at long last, nearly eleven years after the usurpation and installation of Antipope Bergoglio, do the right thing and acknowledge the glaringly obvious, observable truth of the situation – Pope Benedict never validly resigned, and Bergoglio is a criminal usurper Antipope that must be removed and his Antipapacy be recognized as utterly null, FOR THE SALVATION OF SOULS, including Bergoglio’s own soul. –Alpha Bravo ’24)

The Conversion of St. Paul on the Road to Damascus, detail. Caravaggio, ARSH 1601, Church of Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome.

The Conversion of St. Paul on the Road to Damascus, detail. Caravaggio, ARSH 1601, Church of Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome.

Today is the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul.

Nearly all Protestant Bibles and Post-Vatican II Bibles delete the words of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to Saul in Acts 9:5. The full verse of Acts 9:5 is:

VERSE 4:  And falling on the ground, he heard a voice saying to him: Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me?
Et cadens in terram audivit vocem dicentem sibi: Saule, Saule, quid me persequeris?

VERSE 5:  Who said: Who art thou, Lord? And He: I am Jesus whom thou persecutest. It is hard for thee to kick against the goad.
Qui dixit: Quis es Domine? Et ille: Ego sum Jesus, quem tu persequeris: durum est tibi contra stimulum calcitrare.

What does “It is hard for thee to kick against the goad” mean??

A goad is a type of cattle prod, a stick with a sharp iron tip that was used to drive oxen pulling a plow in antiquity. You might have heard the verb “to goad”, as in, “She goaded her husband into buying her a fur coat.” The way the goad worked, if the ox kicked at it to resist it, it would actually drive further into its flesh.  So, the more the ox tried to resist the prod of its master, the more it suffered. In this saying, Christ is referencing a well-known ancient Greek proverb:

“To bear lightly the neck’s yoke brings strength; but kicking against the goads is the way of failure.”
-Pindar (died 438 B.C.)

See how that ties directly to Our Blessed Lord’s use of the imagery of the yoke in Matthew 11…?

VERSE 29: Take up My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls.
Tollite jugum meum super vos, et discite a me, quia mitis sum, et humilis corde: et invenietis requiem animabus vestris.

VERSE 30: For My yoke is sweet and My burden light.
Jugum enim meum suave est, et onus meum leve.

The more we resist the Truth of Jesus Christ and His Holy Church, of which The Law is an integral part, the more we suffer, and the harsher God’s discipline necessarily becomes.

Proverbs 13:15 says, “The way of the unfaithful is hard…” and Proverbs 15:10 says, “Stern discipline awaits him who leaves the path.”

The reason that Antipope Bergoglio is so popular with “the world” is because he ratifies and confirms people in their mortal sin, most particularly those sins relating to the Sixth Commandment, and also because it is very clear that he DOESN’T ACTUALLY BELIEVE ANY OF THAT CATHOLIC “BULLSHIT”, thus ratifying and confirming all of those who are heretics and apostates within The Church, are outside The Church, have left The Church, and atheists.  They falsely believe that Bergoglio is The Vicar of Christ, or at least a legitimate representative of The Church, and that he is finally confirming that the Natural and Divine Law is not only BULLSHIT, but that they will be HAPPIER and their lives EASIER and BETTER if they break it, and he, Bergoglio, is their “all-merciful liberator” from it. What Antipope Bergoglio is trying to do is vilify and suppress the conscience of man such that it is totally silenced and replaced with sensual, material, earthly, effeminate, narcissistic, concupiscent pleasure as the only metric by which man weighs and judges his decisions.

This is, quite simply, SATANIC, and if one STILL can’t see that Antipope Bergoglio is a man wholly in league with satan, actively seeking the ruin of souls, then I reckon one never will.

Ever wonder why sex perverts become more and more miserable, many unto suicide, despite the fact that our depraved culture hails them as heroes?  Why did multi-millionaire celebrity pop singer George Michael, as just one example, despite all of his wealth, popularity and complete cultural acceptance, cruise filthy public toilets for sodomy with strangers, and ultimately kill himself with alcohol and hard drugs, crack cocaine being his purported favorite?  Why do transvestites, today held up as heroes and as superior beings, have one of the highest suicide rates in the world? Why are psychopathic arch-criminals like John Corzine and Hillary Clinton, among so many others, so consistently horrible, miserable, cruel, abusive, evil people behind closed doors? Ever wonder why divorce rates skyrocketed after the introduction and social acceptance of birth control in the 1960s?

Because it is hard to kick against the goad.

Now you know what that means.

And please, get yourself a Bible that includes EVEYTHING, properly translated, and when you see some word or phrase you don’t understand, LOOK IT UP.  This pretty much means, for English speakers, a Douay-Rheims Bible.

Here is an online version:

St. Paul, pray for us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

NonVeni Mark sends: Action Item! Cardinal Burke wants your questions!

NonVeni Mark has helpfully posted his question, as a sort of very general template for anyone else who might want to submit a question to the illegally deposed Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura whom pretty much everyone agrees is the “leader” of the Remnant Church, WHETHER HE LIKES IT OR NOT:

“Eminence, I would like to know what it is going to take for some effort be made to remove this wretched antipope. At the very least, you can call for an investigation of Pope Benedict’s purported resignation, to see if Bergoglio was ever validly elected in the first place. At any rate, a manifest heretic places himself outside the Church, and so automatically loses any ecclesiastical office he might have held. This is taught by many saints and Doctors. Eminence, the salvation of souls is the highest law of the Church. This antipope has been leading souls to Hell for nearly 11 years now. What is it going to take?”

Catholic Action For Faith And Family

Dear Mark,

Last week, I invited you to submit questions to Cardinal Burke that you might have regarding important issues in your life and the role of the Catholic Church in the modern world. If you have not yet submitted your questions or have new ones, here is your final chance to do so before the Conversations with Cardinal Burke program airs.

With a “pandemic of ambiguity” in the world today and even in the Church, the ‘straight answers to straight questions’ voice of Cardinal Burke provides the clarity and guidance the faithful need.

Many witness this sad state of affairs and, in desperation, search for answers to better understand the crisis before them.

I want to assure you that we should not fear our current circumstances. Rather, we should be very grateful that we can follow His Eminence, Cardinal Burke, who does not back down in addressing the confusion in the Church.

Cardinal Burke is not only a canon lawyer but an authoritative member of the Church’s hierarchy, filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit – especially, wisdom and knowledge. With a sound and sharp legal mind, His Eminence can answer questions definitively on Church related topics, the Sacraments, as well as pastoral and spiritual topics.

Please be sure to submit your question and to support our efforts to produce Conversations with Cardinal Burke. His Eminence addresses questions presented to him from both priests and the laity, with a perspective of deep faith and sound reasoning, that gives each one of us a better understanding of the essential moral and spiritual challenges of today.

As the world continues its descent into moral anarchy and our Church continues to face a crisis in teaching of the Church’s doctrine and discipline, Cardinal Burke will not be silent. Nor will Catholic Action!

Submit your questions now!

Your fellow Rosary Warrior and Faith Defender in Christ,

Thomas J. McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family

Urgent warning to any man visiting or in Rome: WEAR MITTENS. Tucho Fagnandez is lusting after your hands. Bigly.

Not satire. Because you CANNOT make this stuff up.

At some moments in my life I am attracted to certain types of charm, but at another moment other details begin to attract me: sometimes the sensitivity of the moment attracts me to fine, white hands; at other times I am more attracted to fleshy, warm hands, and these fine hands are no longer enough for me.”

-Tucho Fernandez, “Por qué no termino de sanarme?”, ARSH 2002

Define: “no longer enough.”


Gentlemen, lay and cleric: when in Rome, wear mittens at all times, because Tucho is on the prowl and down to clown, if you know what I mean and I think you do.

Now all of this talk over the past decade by the Bergoglian Luciferian sodomite sewage font about “caressing” suddenly makes sense. Tucho has a kink for man hands.


If only there had been signs that Antipope Bergoglio’s ghostwriter was the biggest faggot on the surface of the earth. Alas… if only.

Action Item: For those who still have a Twitter account, please nominate me for this “award”, with a link to my “Enough!” Antipapacy Video 😅

Remember to spell my name correctly!

ANN BARNHARDT, Dame of the Order of the Delicate Silence. Doesn’t it just roll off the tongue mellifluously?

What a deck of cards can teach us about the Infinite Power and Love of God

Without the Majesty of the Bigness, you can’t appreciate the Humility of the Smallness, and without the Condescension of the Smallness, you can’t appreciate the incomprehensible Love of the Bigness.

Many times we need a jarring physical reminder of the infinitude of God.  I’ll bet you have an excellent tool for such a reminder within easy reach right now.  Do you have a deck of cards?  Go get it.  I’ll wait.

Got it?  Now take out the jokers and shuffle it up thoroughly. We just want the normal 52 cards.

Now we are going to delve into mathematics, the “thumbprint” of God, I have long said.  Specifically, we are going to delve into number theory, and very specifically FACTORIALS.

You may vaguely remember that a factorial is when you multiply a number by every descending positive integer down to 1, so, for example, 10 factorial, written as 10! is:


And that number works out to be: 3,628,800

Factorials are what you use to calculate every possible combination of a set.  So, with a 52 card deck, to find every possible combination of cards from random shuffling, you start at 52, and then multiply all the way down: 52x51x50x49x48x47….x4x3x2x1.

That number works out to be 8.0658 x 10⌃67

That’s the SIXTY-SEVENTH POWER.  One with 67 zeroes after it.

I have to admit that this caught me by surprise.  If you had asked me to guess the number of possible orders of a deck of cards, I would have guessed in the tens of millions, and wouldn’t have been terribly surprised if it had been in the hundreds of millions or even over a billion.  I mean, SURELY, in all of those games of Poker, Blackjack, Bridge, Pitch and even Go Fish over all the years, SURELY the same shuffle orders must repeat every now and then, right?  Wrong.  

Take a deck of cards right now, shuffle it well, and then hold it in your hand.  The odds of that order ever having happened before in all of human history, or ever happening again, are so infinitesimal as to be practically impossible.

52! or 10⌃67 is essentially meaningless to the human mind.  But there are a few exercises we can go through to get the very beginnings of a hint of exactly how vast this quantity is. These come from a mathematician called Scott Czepiel, via Sauce, via VanderLeun.

First, if we go for a moment with the current mainstream “age of the universe” of 13.5 billion years, which is almost certainly wrong, but just for the sake of argument, that is 10⌃18 seconds.  So if you were to have shuffled a deck of cards every second for the currently accepted life of the universe, you would not even have made a dent in approaching every possible combination.  Because remember, tripling 10⌃18 is NOT 10⌃54.  No no no no no.  What is 10⌃3, or 1000, times three?  Is it 3000, or 1,000,000,000?  It’s only 3000, of course.

The awe grows.

Let’s now try to put 52! into terms that our brains can even begin to contemplate.

Stand on the equator facing due west.  Take one pace every billion years. Once you have walked the entire circumference of the earth (assuming for argument that one can walk on the oceans), take ONE DROP of water out of the Pacific Ocean with an eyedropper.  Repeat this circumnavigation of the earth by taking one step every billion years until the Pacific Ocean is empty.  When the Pacific Ocean is empty, place one sheet of paper on the ground.  Repeat the billion year step circumnavigation-empty the Pacific Ocean one drop per circumnavigation cycle until the stack of paper reaches to the sun.

Congratulations.  YOU HAVEN’T EVEN MADE A DENT in 52! seconds.  If you repeat that ENTIRE process 1000 times, you will be roughly one third of the way toward the passage of 52! seconds.

The awe explodes.

But wait, here’s another scenario.  Deal yourself 5 cards from a shuffled deck every one billion years.  When you deal yourself a Royal Flush, buy a Powerball ticket.  If the Powerball ticket is a perfect jackpot winner, throw a grain of sand into the Grand Canyon.  Repeat until the Grand Canyon is full.  When the Grand Canyon in full, remove one ounce of rock from Mt. Everest.  When Mt. Everest is gone, repeat the entire cycle 256 more times. That would be 52! seconds. You could have shuffled a deck of cards every second for that entire time without duplicating the order of the deck.

The awe goes nuclear.

Now stop and consider that to God, 52! is easier to comprehend than the quantity ONE is for us.   In fact, “easier” isn’t the right word at all, because for God there is no “effort”.

Now let’s get personal.  The human genome contains something like 140,000 alleles that are set at the moment of fertilization of the mother’s haploid egg with one single haploid sperm from the father, with each ejaculate from the father containing hundreds of millions of totally unique sperm.

I would say, “Do the math” to contemplate the number of possible combinations, but it literally isn’t possible for us.

Now think about how many millions of ancestors you have. And think about your children, and how many potential mates you COULD have had, but, for better or for worse, you had THAT child with THAT person.  And how many people your kids could make your grandchildren with… and then your great-grandchildren. Think of the number of possible combinations out of which God in His perfect Providence saw to it and has known for all eternity that you would exist, right here, right now; in ARSH 2024 at what seems to us to be the implosion of the world as we have known it, in what we mistakenly and short-sightedly convince ourselves is the total victory of evil.

Our lack of perspective and failure to trust in the Infinite Triune Godhead is, in a certain sense, laughable.

The truth is, sure, shuffling and holding a deck of cards in your hand can be a great way to relieve anxiety, if you are prone to such.  But really, a far superior way is to simply go look at someone you love.  Or even someone you hate.  And if you’re alone, just go look in a mirror.  As St. Thomas Aquinas taught, God can be known to exist from the human rational intellect alone.

But, of course, the best way to contemplate this is to go sit before Our Lord reposed in a Tabernacle, or in a Monstrance, exposed in His Eucharistic Majesty, because…

Without the Majesty of the Bigness, you can’t appreciate the Humility of the Smallness, and without the Condescension of the Smallness, you can’t appreciate the incomprehensible Love of the Bigness.

Now, if you are stressed out by current events: the death of the American Republic, the collapse of sane human society into an irrational luciferian death cult, the economic collapse, and most especially the Bergoglian Antipapacy and the eclipse of The Church by the antichurch, just stop and contemplate the infinitude of the selfsame God who is watching you read this, watching you shudder in awestruck terror at numerical quantities that He considers to be positively ADORABLE in their LIMITED SIMPLICITY.  And then realize that He is not only infinite size, but so far beyond that, He is infinite LOVE.  And He loves YOU. Personally.  And of your children.  And your parents.  And your spouse. And your friends. And your enemies.

He is, right now, looking at you with infinite love as you ponder and are freaked out by what are mere mathematical trivialities to Him, such as 52!. And He loves you so much the more for it.  To Him, you are not only lovable, but worthy of His Incarnation, Passion and Death on the Cross for you and you alone as many times as you go to Mass in your life, and then more. Infinity to the power of infinity to the power of infinity… just for the love of YOU.

Think of the numerical quantities that we have just discussed, that you can hold in your hand as a deck of cards, and then realize that LOVE makes mere abstract numerical quantities seem as nothing.  If a mere abstract numerical quantity can bring you to tears of awe and filial fear… just imagine what the LOVE, which is the pillar and bulwark of reality itself, can do to the human heart – but IF AND ONLY IF that human heart freely consents.

And please, PLEASE put aside any thoughts of God being “beat” by Antipope Bergoglio or his army of dim-wit sodomite minions.  This ISN’T a call to pacifism – it is exactly the opposite.  It is a call to forward action, to boldness, to ABANDONMENT TO THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE, knowing full well Who is in charge. It is a call to TRUST, to FAITH, and to LOVE, love of God and love of neighbor.  It is a call to stop living in servile fear of the world and the effeminate fear of suffering or even mere inconvenience, and to live in the peace and joy of FILIAL FEAR OF INFINITE LOVE HIMSELF.

You want to do the right thing and be brave for Him, because you don’t want to break His Heart.

As always, I sure hope this helps.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us, and on Your Holy Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

O the depth of the riches of the wisdom and of the knowledge of God! How incomprehensible are His judgments, and how unsearchable His ways! –Romans 11: 33

The “Ask For Angela” initiative. Something to be aware of.

“Ask for Angela” is an initiative that people who are in danger in the sense of kidnapped, trafficked, being abused, and need help in a public place can use to alert others that they need help/protection/police. But it only works if people are aware of this social code word.

With the civilizational collapse, the instances of kidnapping are going to skyrocket. We need to know about this not just so we can render assistance, but because kidnapping is something that conceivably could happen to women and youngsters of any socioeconomic status. Imagine the worst third-world shithole criminal dynamics and realize that is the goal of the Cloward-Piven plan that we’re watching unfold in real time.

If you think kidnapping is something that only happens in third world countries, well, my dear, YOU NOW LIVE IN A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY.

So if you’re in a grocery store, chain store, restaurant, gas station, beauty shop, department store, church – any public place- and you hear someone “asking for Angela”… step up.

How today’s ancient Mass of the Chair of St. Peter smacks down HARD the Trad Inc. “The Papacy is an Inflated Albatross of Papolatry that must be scaled down to a meaningless figurehead position” Freemasonic bilge.

Today is the very ancient Feast of the Chair of St. Peter – a particular joy and consolation given recent events and the current vacancy of the Chair since Pope Benedict’s death 383 days ago.

I was especially struck by the Gradual of the Mass, which, it certainly seems to me, crushes to a fine powder the Freemasonic argument, so enthusiastically and intransigently embraced by the Trad Inc. “FWANCI$$ i$ D€FINIT€£Y Pop€” sect, that the Papacy is a barely-relevant essentially meaningless figurehead position that has been, over the past 150 years, inflated into an idolatrous scandal that must be redefined unto annihilation in order to “save the Faith.”

Look at this Gradual, and then remember that this is one of the most ancient Feasts in the Missal:

Ps 106:32; 106:31
And let them exalt him in the church of the people: and praise him in the chair of the ancients. Let the mercies of the Lord give glory to him, and his wonderful works to the children of men. Allelúja, allelúja
Matt 16:18
And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Alleluia.

Holy Mother Church has applied Psalm 106: 31-32 to Peter and his See as the Vicar of Christ on Earth IN THE HOLY MASS since the earliest days, and thus Trad Inc. parti$an$ would have the world believe that Holy Mother Church has been ALL WRONG to the point of violating the First Commandment since… basically the beginning, and THEY just figured this all out a few years ago, coincident with their embrace of an obvious Antipope. Funny that.

The hubris. The pride. The shameless, unmitigated, dripping, sulfuric, diabolical PRIDE…

Sts. Peter, Paul and Prisca, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us, on the soul of Pope Benedict Ratzinger, on the Petrine See vacant these 383 days, and on your Holy Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.