Author Archives: Ann Barnhardt

priDEMONth: They are ALL blackmailable, and many of them HATE GOD.

It is more and more heartbreaking with each passing day to watch people try to process what is happening in The Church, with so many losing faith day by day, bit by bit.  And it is all unnecessary, caused by the fact that people are operating from a false premise – actually two.  The first is the false premise that Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope.  He is not, never was, and never will be.  Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, was the one and only living Pope from his election in April ARSH 2005 until his death on December 31, ARSH 2022.  Ratzinger’s attempted partial resignation was made in the substantially erroneous belief by Ratzinger that he could “fundamentally transform” and “expand” the papacy and resign the administrative aspect of the Petrine munus (office), “the ministry of the active governance of the Church”, whilst retaining the prayerful, contemplative, “suffering” portion of the office.  He did this in an attempt to flee in order to appease the Freemasonic-Sodomite mafia that was pressuring, and almost certainly threatening or blackmailing him to quit.  Also, Ratzinger was a notorious quitter throughout his life.  One of his close Bavarian friends, upon learning of his attempted partial resignation declared, “He haz quit everyzing he haz eva dun!”

Here is a quote from Pope Benedict’s personal secretary, Archbishop Georg Ganswein from his speech at the Gregorianum in Rome in May of ARSH 2016:

“The key word in that [resignation] statement is munus petrinum, translated — as happens most of the time — with “Petrine ministry.” And yet, munus, in Latin, has a multiplicity of meanings: it can mean service, duty, guide or gift, even prodigy. Before and after his resignation, Benedict understood and understands his task as participation in such a “Petrine ministry.” He has left the papal throne and yet, with the step made on February 11, 2013, he has not at all abandoned this ministry.

I would also point out that the fear of blackmail truly is universal among them because, yes, the vast, vast, vast majority of clerics, prelates and especially cardinals today are sodomites (the higher the rank, the more sexual perversion is considered a necessary prerequisite, a feature, not a bug), but EVEN FOR THE VERY FEW MEN LEFT IN THE CURIA AND COLLEGE OF BISHOPS WHO ARE NOT SEX PERVERTS, THEY TOO LIVE IN FEAR BECAUSE THE SODOMITE MAFIA, ESPECIALLY IN ROME, IS READY, WILLING AND ABLE TO DEPLOY FALSE WITNESSES, OFTEN TIMES MALE PROSTITUTES, WHO WILL FALSELY ACCUSE ANYONE OF SODOMY IN EXCHANGE FOR PAYMENT.

Additionally, the infiltration of sodomites into the priesthood is so massive that EVERY bishop and every cleric that has had ANY authority whatsoever has had sodomite priests within their sphere of influence.  EVERY SINGLE ONE.  Therefore, EVERY priest and certainly every bishop can be accused at this point of “not doing anything about Fr. X” or “turning a blind eye to Fr. Y”.

A heterosexual bishop can NEVER say to himself, “I have nothing to worry about.” They ALL live in terror of the sodomite mafia. Every single one of them.

So that is false premise number one, that Bergoglio is the Pope, which he is not. He is an Antipope.

The second false premise that people simply refuse to grasp (and yes, I use the words “REFUSE to grasp” very intentionally) is the fact that Antipope Bergoglio, and a terrifyingly high percentage of churchmen today very simply HATE GOD AND HIS HOLY CHURCH.

Why do they hate God? For many it is because God is perfect good and thus condemns sodomy and all forms of sexual perversion.  Most of these men are sodomites – ACTIVE sodomites – and they hate God because they know that God will never, ever condone or ratify their evil, monstrous, narcissistic, hateful sodomitical acts which they all relish and luxuriate in.  

Beyond that, THEY HATE GOD precisely because He loves them.  Yes, Diabolical Narcissists HATE people who love them.  They hate people who love them first because they hate people who are capable of love, something the DNs have freely chosen to never, ever do.  God IS love. Are we seeing the problem?

Second, the DNs know deep down that when someone loves you, and in this case we are talking about God Himself, there is a responsibility to receive God’s love, and return it.  As Christ said at least four times in John chapter 14, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.”  To DNs, being loved is viewed as an attack, an attempt to control or “emotionally manipulate” them, or even worse, an attempt to reduce their singular elite status and superiority by “tricking” them into a relationship that will ultimately require them to submit or make themselves subject to another being – even if that being is God Himself.  (See Ephesians 5 and St. Paul’s discourse on marriage as an image of Christ’s love for His Bride, The Church.)

Finally, it must be said that relatively small number of them are, in fact, satanists.  The Vatican is the nexus of the practice of satanism in the world today, and has been for decades.  As I wrote not long ago, I strongly suspect that the “Gay Orgy” that was raided in the Palace of the Holy Office that Cardinal Coccopalmerio was “presiding over” was, in fact, a satanic liturgy of some kind.  The 300 page dossier that was prepared and delivered to Pope Benedict in December of ARSH 2012 not only outlined the saturation of sodomites inside the Vatican, but also reported on the presence and practice of satanism inside the Vatican, which is completely intertwined with sodomy, by definition.

It was pointed out to me that if one inverts the Divine Praises, it is a perfect explanation of the mindset of Antipope Bergoglio and his Freemasonic-faggot cabal.

These are the Divine Praises, which are said at Benediction, that is, when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in a monstrance, adored, and then the priest blesses the people with the monstrance containing Our Lord. After the blessing, the Divine Praises are recited.  The priest says each form of praise, and the people repeat after him.

Blessed be God.
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His Most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy.
Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her Glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the Name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints.

If you want to understand Antipope Jorge Bergoglio and all of these execrable faggot heretics who are trying to utterly destroy The Church and drag as many people into hell as they can, all you need do is replace the words “Blessed be…” with “They hate…” in the Divine Praises, and all will become crystal, crystal clear.

They hate God.

(We know this because they hate His Law, His Church and the right worship of Him in every form.)

They hate His Holy Name.

(Antipope Bergoglio has gone out of his way to deliver entire speeches in which the Name of Jesus Christ is never once uttered.  Also, Bergoglio goes out of his way to cover his pectoral cross in all of his monthly prayer intention videos, as another example, and has numerous times REFUSED to bless a group because to bless in the Name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Ghost “might be offensive to some”.)

They hate Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.

(Antipope Bergoglio has denied the Divinity of Christ multiple times, for example denying the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes several times.)

They hate the Name of Jesus.

(Again, repeating the importance of the Name of Jesus. I once had the intense misfortune of being acquainted with a sacriligious sodomite whose favorite expression of disgust and contempt was, “Oh sweet Jesus!”  It was a dead giveaway.  Using someone’s name as an expression of disgust is an act of profound hatred. Antipope Bergoglio is notorious inside the Vatican for his stunningly vile, vulgar language, often using shockingly blasphemous expressions.)

They hate His Most Sacred Heart.

(They hate His Most Sacred Heart because it is pure love – and love for them personally, which as we discussed above, enrages them.)

They hate His Most Precious Blood.

(They hate His Most Precious Blood because He shed it for them and their sins.  They refuse to acknowledge that their sins are sins.  In fact, many of them believe that their sins are a sign of their superior nature and elite status, nor that they will be judged by anyone or anything, including Christ Himself.)

They hate Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

(Of course they do, because the Eucharist is The Sacrament of Love. THIS IS WHY ANTIPOPE BERGOGLIO WILL NOT GENUFLECT NOR KNEEL BEFORE THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. This is why they hate The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass and are seeking to eliminate it from the face of the earth.  This is why they are trying to get as many people as possible to receive the Eucharist in a state of unrepentant mortal sin, because that is a desecration of the Eucharist, and an act of supreme sacrilege. They are, like Judas Iscariot in John 6, embarrassed by The Eucharist, and hate The Eucharist for what it is – pure Love.)

Total contempt. Abject hatred.

They hate The Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.

(The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of Truth, and Bergoglio and his cabal are servants of the lie, and of Satan, who is a liar and a murderer. The Holy Spirit also guides and protects The Church.  Since Antipope Bergoglio and his cabal of Freemasonic faggots want to destroy The Church, The Holy Spirit is, by definition, their enemy.)

They hate the great Mother of God, Mary Most Holy.

(They hate her for the same reasons satan and the demons hate her: her humility, her goodness, her beauty, her purity, and because she is the Mother of the Church which they are seeking to destroy, the Mediatrix of all graces, and the Co-redemptrix. This is why Bergoglio uttered the blasphemy that Mary, at the foot of the Cross, accused God of being a liar.)

They hate her Holy and Immaculate Conception.

(The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin points directly toward the reality of Original Sin, a dogma which Antipope Bergoglio and his cabal of Freemasonic faggots deny and are desperate to purge from the minds of men.)

They hate her Glorious Assumption.

(They hate her Assumption into heaven because it testifies to her sinlessness, and to the promise of the resurrection of the body and the true end of man, the Beatific Vision. Antipope Bergoglio and his Freemason-faggot cabal want to keep men completely focused on the world, sensuousness and materialism, and that the only “heaven” is the “heaven” men create on earth, and that the worst that can happen at death is soul annihilation.)

They hate the Name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.

(They hate her perpetual virginity, not only because it testifies directly to the Divinity of Christ, but also to her purity, which they hate.)

They hate St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse.

(They hate St. Joseph for his purity and for his masculinity, specifically his wondrous fulfillment of foster fatherhood – Antipope Bergoglio and his cabal of Freemasonic faggots are anti-fathers to Christ’s flock, not loving protectors and guardians as St. Joseph was, but rather murderous wolves – and they know it.)

They hate God in His Angels and in His Saints.

(They hate the Angels and Saints because the Angels and Saints love God, enjoy the Beatific Vision, and thus love all men, and intercede for and protect men and The Church Militant.  Since Antipope Bergoglio and his Freemasonic faggot cabal hate God, they also, by definition, hate God’s friends.)

I don’t know what I can do to explain this more clearly.  I hope this helps at least one person understand what is going on, and thus REDUCE the confusion and scandal being caused by the Bergoglian antipapacy and events in The Church today.  Reality only makes sense when addressed from a foundation of THE TRUTH.  If you keep trying to process this situation from the false premise of these people being lovers of God and His Church and men of good will, which they clearly are not, and from the false premise of Bergoglio being the Pope, you will, eventually, either go bonkers or apostasize, and that apostasy will either be following Antipope Bergoglio into the apostate Antichurch that he is the frontman of, OR you will have to deny that Christ and His Holy Church ever existed in the first place, because if the man who truly is the Vicar of Christ sets up an apostate Antichurch, then Christ’s promises were empty lies, which would then directly indicate that Christ was not Divine, which would then mean that His death on the Cross was meaningless, which would then mean that we are not saved, and have no hope of being saved. Q.E.D.

Except NOT Q.E.D. Because the base premise is false.

Do you see why this matters SO VERY, VERY MUCH and why I keep screaming no matter what?

Again, I hope this helps.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

priDEMONth: The Cause of Homosexuality, Transvestitism, and all species of sodomy and perversion is Diabolical Narcissism, Not Celibacy or Chastity

The cause of homosexuality, and all aberrosexuality is DIABOLICAL NARCISSISM.

The further one descends into Diabolical Narcissism, the freakier and freakier the aberrosexuality becomes. Think Charlie Sheen.  Think Miley Cyrus, Bruce Jenner and really all of the so-called “entertainment” industry. Think all musloid cultures – musloids openly screw blood relatives, children and infants, animals and dead bodies, and islam ratifies this.

Celibacy (not being married) and chastity (not engaging in sins against the 6th Commandment) have nothing to do with causing perversion and are red herrings. Don’t fall for it for a second. There is NOTHING harmful or risky about a psycho-spiritually normal person, fully and normally capable of love and thus BY DEFINITION heterosexual, directing the energy of their sexuality toward a life espoused and in service to Christ and His Holy Church.

Taking vows of celibacy and chastity do not make a man or woman “asexual”.  ASEXUALITY IS HIGHLY DISORDERED, AND A RED FLAG SIGNAL OF CEREBRAL DIABOLIC NARCISSISM. Asexuality, or CLAIMS of asexuality – which are  frequently a cover for homosexuality – should be a DISQUALIFIER for the priesthood and holy orders and monastic/religious life of any kind.

The one and only normal “sexual orientation” is HETEROSEXUALITY. Period. Everything else is diabolical. There is no such thing as a “benign” homosexuality, asexuality or aberrosexuality of any stripe.  ALL are derivatives of Diabolical Narcissism, and thus extremely dangerous to souls, not only of the individual, but also to the people the Diabolical Narcissist comes in contact with.

(Man, I wish someone would make a video presentation about this.  I know it would be long – like three hours – but it is such an important and overarching subject.  Oh… wait.) Sacred Heart Flags Deployed!


Happy Feast of the Sacred Heart! Just got this installed. It’s 89° and this flagpole was a giant pain in the neck to install on this tree, but worth it. I hope it saves souls — especially the souls of priests. shipped quickly and just in time for the feast. The flag is vibrant and well-made. The material is high-quality. I am very pleased (regardless if my neighbors are or not).

Thanks for the recommendation.


Palmetto Lady

Another just over the transom. Nice porch!

The Law and the Sacred Heart of Jesus are inextricably connected.  Hate one, and you hate the other. Period.

The month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. A few thoughts on the Sacred Heart, and the Law.

A.  A mercy that springs forth from the wild and often detrimental technological progress curve of the past 100 years is the confirmation of all manner of things regarding Our Lord and His Holy Church.  Specifically today I am reminded of the fact that science has now confirmed that in all of the Eucharistic miracles which have been confirmed as genuine and involved a Consecrated Host turning fleshy, the Flesh in every instance, upon testing, is from a human male, blood type AB, and the flesh is ENDOCARDIUM, that is, INTERIOR HEART WALL.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is not a syrupy platitude. It is a physical reality, and moreover, it is a physical reality present at every valid Mass.  The Eucharist literally, physically IS the substance of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

B.  The Gradual of the Mass for the Feast of The Sacred Heart, this year on June 7th, is from Psalm 24: 8-9

“The Lord is sweet and righteous: therefore He will give a Law to sinners in the way. He will guide the mild in judgment: He will teach the meek His ways.”

Dulcis et rectus Dóminus: propter hoc legem dabit delinquéntibus in via. Díriget mansúetos in iudício, docébit mites vias suas.

If you have watched the big Diabolical Narcissism video, you will probably remember the “three rules for things you NEVER say to a DN”. They are:

  1.  Never tell a DN that you love them.  This makes you a target for soul murder (that is, to scandalize you unto spiritual death and ultimately damnation).
  2. Never tell a DN what makes you happy or what you are grateful for.  They will take away these things as part of their campaign to murder your soul.
  3. Never tell a DN that they have hurt you.  They will use your confirmation of the success of their tactics to hurt you again, and to hurt you harder the next time.

Now, going back to the Psalm verse above, we are reminded of what The Law – that which Antipope Jorge Bergoglio rails against constantly – actually is. Read this over and over again until you get it:

The Law is God Almighty telling us what actions of ours HURT HIM AND WOUND HIS SACRED HEART.

The Law is God basically pleading with us to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE NOT do these certain things, because these things break His Heart, and all He wants is to love us and be loved by us. So, in order for the relationship to work, we need to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE NOT do these specific things, and if we do, we need to stop doing them, repent, confess, be contrite and amend our lives. Because when we hurt ourselves, it breaks His Heart.

Think about this in terms of relationships between men.  Doesn’t it make sense that if someone – friend, family member, spouse, coworker, even a stranger on the street, is doing something to hurt us, we want to TELL THEM so that they will understand the gravity and consequence of their actions and STOP so that we can continue the relationship in peace, whether that peace is the peace between spouses or the peace between strangers on the street?

But more importantly, any MORALLY SANE PERSON, that is, a person who is NOT a Diabolical Narcissist/Sociopath/Psychopath WANTS TO KNOW if something they are doing is hurting, much less murdering the soul, of another person SO THAT THEY CAN STOP DOING IT. When the person is someone that we love, how much more do we want to tell them, “Please, please, please don’t do X, because you hurt me profoundly when you do X.”

Do not confuse this for the Social Justice Warrior “triggering” and “micro-aggression” nonsense.  The presumption here is normal, human sanity. (How sad that I have to even state this….)

Psycho-spiritually sane people do NOT prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.   Diabolical Narcissists do.  Remember, exactly like demons, they invert everything.

So God, knowing everything, and being pure, infinite LOVE, “breaks” the three rules above, and does it knowing exactly what He is in for in doing so. This is why the image of The Sacred Heart is oftentimes Jesus, literally holding his Heart in His hand, offering it to us, showing it to us, completely exposing it to us.  It is total, complete, infinite vulnerability.

“Here. Take it.”

  1.  He tells us that He loves us. Over and over and over again. And, He is, Himself, without question, the most hated thing in the universe. Men and demons hate God precisely because God loves them.
  2. He tells us what pleases Him, what He wants from us, both in terms of worship, and in terms of The Law, namely: Love Him above all else, Love our neighbors for love of Him, and spread the Gospel to all men and nations.
  3. He tells us what hurts Him.  These are the “Thou shalt nots”….

Looking at this list, it is no surprise whatsoever that Antipope Bergoglio and his wretched cabal of moral degenerate apostates all despise solemn, reverent, God-centered liturgy; they rail against The Law and “Lovers of the Law”; and they rail against proselytization.  Antipope Bergoglio has called proselytization “solemn nonsense”, has told people explicitly NOT to convert to the One True Church, and has stated that The Great Commission is SINFUL.  

Finally, everything Antipope Bergoglio and his shambling orcs have done to date has had as its goal the disregarding or overriding of The Law.  He is at war with the Rule of Law – GOD’S LAW.  Marriage, confession, reception of Holy Communion, holy orders is coming next, and on and on.

If this does not constitute being at war with God, then I have no idea what does.

And yet, Christ, all-knowing, all-understanding, and pure, infinite love for each and every person, told us exactly how we can hurt Him, because if He didn’t tell us how we can hurt Him, neither would we know, by definition, how to Love Him.

And clearly, to Him it was, we were, YOU ARE worth it.

This is why The Law and the Sacred Heart of Jesus are inextricably connected. 

Hate one, and you hate the other. Period.

Be assured of my prayers. I hope this helps.

Sweet Respite: More Edifying Music, since you have asked. “Never My Love” for June, the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Man, doesn’t this hit harder this year? We need this.

June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which burns in infinite, inextinguishable love for every one of us.  That is why hell exists – because He loves us with such infinitude that He can’t snuff us out of existence, even if we tell Him to our dying breaths to go… away.  You know how people hate Him.  He is the most hated Entity in the universe – by a LONG SHOT.  

Has anyone ever hated you?  Have you ever been the target of a Diabolical Narcissist?  Or even just a sinner? Could YOU snuff that person totally out of existence?  Really? Could you really do that? Jesus couldn’t, and can’t, not because He doesn’t have the ability – of course He has the ability, HE IS THE CREATOR AND SUSTAINER of everything. He can’t snuff any of us, or any of the fallen angels, out of existence because He loves us.  We aren’t chessmen to Him.  We aren’t toy soldiers to Him.  We aren’t ants on the sidewalk to Him. We are infinitely loved rational intellects made in His likeness and image to be loved by Him forever, which necessitates our free will to choose to love Him in return… or hate Him through our indifference and pride.  Love is only love if it is FREELY CHOSEN. Love can NEVER be coerced. Consider that.

So here is a beautiful song from the heart of the 1960s, by the Association.  “Never My Love”.  The lyrics aren’t PERFECT, but I have added [italic brackets] to correct the theological imprecisions IF one hears this song as Our Lord singing to us.  He doesn’t DEPEND on us, and He doesn’t REQUIRE us.  Which only makes the point that much stronger…

Our Lord’s love for us is COMPLETELY GRATUITOUS.

Enjoy Five Nerds and an Asian Cat singing a beautiful song. I hope you never hear it the same way again.

You ask Me if there’ll come a time
When I grow tired of you
Never, My love
Never, My love

You wonder if this Heart of Mine
Will lose Its desire for you
Never, My love
Never, My love

What makes you think love will end
When you know that My whole life depends
On you (on you) [His existence in absolutely no way depends on any of us created beings, ever. Ever.]
Never, My love
Never, My love

You say you fear I’ll change My Mind
And I won’t require you [He does not REQUIRE any of us.  He is God. He requires nothing. That’s the point…]
Never, My love
Never, My love

How can you think love will end
When I’ve asked you to spend your whole life
With Me (with Me, with Me) [Exactly true, and note the Triune repitition…]

You wonder if this Heart of Mine
Will lose Its desire for you…
Never, My love.

priDEMONth: Let’s cut the crap – WNBA star Caitlin Clark isn’t being regularly assaulted on the court because she’s white; she’s being physically assaulted because she’s HETEROSEXUAL.

I don’t watch sports anymore, and certainly not women’s basketball, but the Caitlin Clark girl made enough of a splash in her collegiate career that even I know who she is – vaguely.

I’ve seen reportage this past week to the effect that this girl, the leading all-time scorer in Division I NCAA women’s basketball, freshly drafted as the #1 pick into the WNBA this spring, is getting physically assaulted on the court on the regular, and it’s being reported that it’s because she’s white.

Abject nonsense. There are other white girls in the WNBA and they aren’t being assaulted. The reason Caitlin Clark is being assaulted is because she isn’t a lesbian sodomite. She’s a normal girl, with a normal boyfriend, and she’s the best women’s basketball player of all time. And the dykes are ENRAGED.

Women’s basketball, ESPECIALLY at the WNBA level, is a stone-cold cult of lesbian sodomy.

Remember the sodomites’ tactical progression for conquering and destroying a society:





Caitlin Clark CLEARLY, by virtue of the fact that she’s voluntarily in the WNBA, tolerates lesbian sodomy. She almost certainly “accepts” lesbian sodomy. Odds are VERY high that she favors legal ratification of lesbian sodomy vis-a-vis fake sodo-marriage. But now Caitlin is learning, and demonstrating to the world, that her go-along-to-get-along mindset, her being an “ally” isn’t sufficient. Caitlin Clark is experiencing PHYSICAL VIOLENCE because she herself refuses to PARTICIPATE in lesbian sodomy.

Here’s a piece on WNBA star Candice Wiggins, who had to retire early from the WNBA because of intense bullying because she is straight. Wiggins credibly estimated that the WNBA was 98% lesbian sodomite fifteen years ago.

Oh, just for reference, here’s a picture of straight Candice Wiggins. Notice anything??

She black, as they say in the hood.

The dykes are ENRAGED that Caitlin Clark is so wildly popular, bringing in millions of viewers to the WNBA for the first time in its pathetic 25 year history, while they have been largely ignored… precisely because they are revolting dykes, and no one wants to watch them stomp around like the perverted brutes that they are. But yeah, it’s kinda fun to watch a nice, normal, feminine girl play good basketball.

This is exactly the same dynamic as why the revolting dyke Benedictine nuns in Atchison, Kansas DESPISE the Trad Benedictine Abbey filled with beautiful, young nuns just across the Missouri River in Gower, Missouri, to cite current events as an excellent example. The dyke nuns would MUCH rather see every convent die, and the entire Catholic Church die, than see non-dykes attract vocations and worship the Triune Godhead as He wants to be worshiped. Same with the faggot bishops and priests who utterly despise the Trad apostolates, with churches packed to standing-room-only with young, fecund families and young straight singles.

No, the dykes will burn the WNBA to the ground unless Caitlin Clark either quits in disgust, OR turns dyke.





Death to sodomy. Long live Jesus Christ the King.

priDEMONth: Extreme Content warning – SODOMITICAL PERVERSION IS A SCOURGE AND A CANCER. All Decent People Should Be Terrified of Sodomites. Here’s Why.


(This is a repost with a few additions, but the topic could not be any more timely, nor the concept any more urgent to face and comprehend. The reason sodomy must be banned and criminalized aggressively under anti-obscenity statutes in the first place is precisely so that it doesn’t get to the point where the infiltration is so deep and widespread that war and capital punishment is needed to contain and purge it. Sodomites need the help of the Sacraments, but if war is finally forced by the self-inflicted damage of tolerance of the sodomites’ never sufficiently execrated depravity, as is happening now, that opportunity is lost. Strictly enforced anti-sodomy laws are the quintessence of Christian mercy. -AB ’24)

We are at war with sodomites, whether we like it or not, because sodomites are at war with us.  We are in a war with execrable faggots like James Martin, Ethh Jay, and really all unrepentant sodomites.  Given that all sexual/sodomitical perversion is a derivative of Diabolical Narcissism, sodomites, exactly like the demons they emulate, prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.  They want to drag as many people as possible down into hell with them, and it all begins with the hell-on-earth that they wallow in.

One of their tactics, which I think many naive people fall for, is the notion and propaganda that sodomitical acts are really not much different from normal, human, heterosexual sex.  I think a lot of people assume that the vagina and the rectal vault are similar structures.  I also think that lots of people have fallen for the lie consciously put forth by the sodomite media machine that most faggots don’t engage in anal sodomy, but rather only engage in oral-penile sodomy and mutual masturbation.  This is a lie.  the VAST majority of faggots engage not just in penile-anal sodomy, but also in oral-anal sodomy (coprophagia, the ingestion of feces, as Antipope Bergoglio taught us all the term for) and just generally shoving things up the rectal vault, including hands, objects such as light bulbs, and even live animals (that’s not a joke – when you hear remarks made about sodomites and gerbils or hamsters, that isn’t any sort of exaggeration.)

The link below is an essay by Joseph Sciambra, a man who engaged in sodomy for years, and then, by the power of Jesus Christ, renounced his sin and now exposes the truth about sodomy and the sodomite culture and attempts to evangelize sodomites in their ghettoes and enclaves.  Joseph Sciambra is an invaluable resource and warrior, and should be prayed for early and often. Pray for him. He has left the Church after being attacked by sodomite clerics and prelates. The scandal of sodomy claims victims in many ways.

If you think that the world of sodomy is just a bunch of witty, well-dressed guys kissing with their mouths open and giving each other bl**j**s, and as long as we don’t have to see it, it’s no harm-no foul, then you need to read Sciambra’s devastating expose of what really goes on.

You might be tempted to stop reading when Sciambra describes his rectum prolapsing (yes, his rectum turned inside-out and fell out of his anus).

You might be tempted to stop reading when Sciambra describes how he was constantly battling shigella, an infection of the mouth caused by ingesting feces – which, thanks to Antipope Bergoglio, we all know the term for – coprophagia.  This is why male sodomites are often missing teeth.

You might be tempted to stop when Sciambra describes one of his sodomite friends who would wistfully pine for the day that he could take a man’s arm inserted up his rectum and into his intestinal tract… past the elbow.

You might be tempted to stop reading when you reach Sciambra’s description of the deepest back room of the bathhouse, where there was an altar, surrounded by men kneeling on the floor with their faces on the semen-and-feces-soaked floor, holding open their inter-gluteal cleft and just… waiting.

Read it all the way through, and then feel the terror – the completely rational, healthy terror – that these people walk among us, and that we invite them into our schools and homes, most commonly through the Tabernacle of Satan, the teevee.  Sit in stillness with the fact that most-to-many of today’s Novus Ordo priests and bishops engage in these behaviors, and then turn around and sometimes within a matter of MINUTES ascend the altar to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Sit in terrified stillness with the fact that a massive percentage of Novus Ordo priests and bishops today have never, not one time, offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass while not in a state of unrepentant mortal sin – they entered seminary as active sodomites with no intention of stopping, they were ordained priests as active, unrepentant sodomites, and they were elevated to the episcopacy as unrepentant, active sodomites.

When people fall for the sodomite’s ruse of calling people “homophobic”, and then insisting that they “aren’t scared” of sodomites, that is a victory for the sodomites.  A phobia is an IRRATIONAL fear of something.  After reading Sciambra’s piece, you should realize that one of the reasons the sodomites have essentially destroyed western civilization in only a few decades is because the normal people were tricked into purging themselves of the completely healthy, RATIONAL, sane revulsion and fear of these incredibly dangerous people all in the name of the false virtue of “tolerance”.  Up until just recently, it was precisely the good, healthy fear of sex perverts that was the first line of societal defense, especially among children.  People knew that people who were capable of committing sodomitical acts were extremely dangerous, to be driven out, and defended against.

Am I scared of sodomites?

You’re damn right I am.  

They are some of the most evil and dangerous people alive.  It would be completely irrational to NOT fear a person who is so incredibly warped and depraved. “Phobia” has nothing to do with it, and the term “homophobia” should never be permitted, because there is no such thing as an “irrational fear” of sodomy and sodomites. It’s one of the most purely rational fears in the universe.

If you aren’t scared of sex perverts, you should be.  They are like rabid dogs.  They are terrifying and extremely dangerous. To treat a sodomite casually is worse than walking up and petting a rabid dog. Rabies only kills the body.  The sodomites want your souls.

But now I have written to you, not to keep company, if any man that is named a brother, be a fornicator, or covetous, or a server of idols, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner: with such a one, not so much as to eat. For what have I to do to judge them that are without? Do not you judge them that are within? For them that are without, God will judge. Put away the evil one from among yourselves.
1 Corinthians 5: 11-13

Courage isn’t the absence of fear.  Courage is the ability to act and do the right, including fight a war, in spite of fear.


When in Battle, Fly the Standard

Wow! Early this morning the owner of emailed me:

Greetings Ann,

Thought you might like to see this. It took about a year of planning:

We just hoisted the largest Sacred Heart of Jesus flag in the world last night to combat the faggotry that will be on display this month. It is 30’ x 50’ and flies right off the interstate about 20 minutes south of Cincinnati, OH in Walton, KY.

For people interested in driving by it they can do so by going south from Cincinnati and then taking I-71 south at the I-71/I-75 split and it’s about a mile south of there. Going north on I-71 it is about a mile south of the joining of I-71/I-75.

We will also be flying every monthly Tradflag in 30’ x 50’ dimension. 🙂

Pax Christi!

Check out this amazing video that just dropped of last night’s raising of the Battle Standard!

Death to the sin of Sodomy! Death to the sin of Transvestitism!! Christ is King!!!!