Author Archives: Ann Barnhardt

priDEMONth: Extreme Content warning – SODOMITICAL PERVERSION IS A SCOURGE AND A CANCER. All Decent People Should Be Terrified of Sodomites. Here’s Why.


(This is a repost with a few additions, but the topic could not be any more timely, nor the concept any more urgent to face and comprehend. The reason sodomy must be banned and criminalized aggressively under anti-obscenity statutes in the first place is precisely so that it doesn’t get to the point where the infiltration is so deep and widespread that war and capital punishment is needed to contain and purge it. Sodomites need the help of the Sacraments, but if war is finally forced by the self-inflicted damage of tolerance of the sodomites’ never sufficiently execrated depravity, as is happening now, that opportunity is lost. Strictly enforced anti-sodomy laws are the quintessence of Christian mercy. -AB ’24)

We are at war with sodomites, whether we like it or not, because sodomites are at war with us.  We are in a war with execrable faggots like James Martin, Ethh Jay, and really all unrepentant sodomites.  Given that all sexual/sodomitical perversion is a derivative of Diabolical Narcissism, sodomites, exactly like the demons they emulate, prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.  They want to drag as many people as possible down into hell with them, and it all begins with the hell-on-earth that they wallow in.

One of their tactics, which I think many naive people fall for, is the notion and propaganda that sodomitical acts are really not much different from normal, human, heterosexual sex.  I think a lot of people assume that the vagina and the rectal vault are similar structures.  I also think that lots of people have fallen for the lie consciously put forth by the sodomite media machine that most faggots don’t engage in anal sodomy, but rather only engage in oral-penile sodomy and mutual masturbation.  This is a lie.  the VAST majority of faggots engage not just in penile-anal sodomy, but also in oral-anal sodomy (coprophagia, the ingestion of feces, as Antipope Bergoglio taught us all the term for) and just generally shoving things up the rectal vault, including hands, objects such as light bulbs, and even live animals (that’s not a joke – when you hear remarks made about sodomites and gerbils or hamsters, that isn’t any sort of exaggeration.)

The link below is an essay by Joseph Sciambra, a man who engaged in sodomy for years, and then, by the power of Jesus Christ, renounced his sin and now exposes the truth about sodomy and the sodomite culture and attempts to evangelize sodomites in their ghettoes and enclaves.  Joseph Sciambra is an invaluable resource and warrior, and should be prayed for early and often. Pray for him. He has left the Church after being attacked by sodomite clerics and prelates. The scandal of sodomy claims victims in many ways.

If you think that the world of sodomy is just a bunch of witty, well-dressed guys kissing with their mouths open and giving each other bl**j**s, and as long as we don’t have to see it, it’s no harm-no foul, then you need to read Sciambra’s devastating expose of what really goes on.

You might be tempted to stop reading when Sciambra describes his rectum prolapsing (yes, his rectum turned inside-out and fell out of his anus).

You might be tempted to stop reading when Sciambra describes how he was constantly battling shigella, an infection of the mouth caused by ingesting feces – which, thanks to Antipope Bergoglio, we all know the term for – coprophagia.  This is why male sodomites are often missing teeth.

You might be tempted to stop when Sciambra describes one of his sodomite friends who would wistfully pine for the day that he could take a man’s arm inserted up his rectum and into his intestinal tract… past the elbow.

You might be tempted to stop reading when you reach Sciambra’s description of the deepest back room of the bathhouse, where there was an altar, surrounded by men kneeling on the floor with their faces on the semen-and-feces-soaked floor, holding open their inter-gluteal cleft and just… waiting.

Read it all the way through, and then feel the terror – the completely rational, healthy terror – that these people walk among us, and that we invite them into our schools and homes, most commonly through the Tabernacle of Satan, the teevee.  Sit in stillness with the fact that most-to-many of today’s Novus Ordo priests and bishops engage in these behaviors, and then turn around and sometimes within a matter of MINUTES ascend the altar to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Sit in terrified stillness with the fact that a massive percentage of Novus Ordo priests and bishops today have never, not one time, offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass while not in a state of unrepentant mortal sin – they entered seminary as active sodomites with no intention of stopping, they were ordained priests as active, unrepentant sodomites, and they were elevated to the episcopacy as unrepentant, active sodomites.

When people fall for the sodomite’s ruse of calling people “homophobic”, and then insisting that they “aren’t scared” of sodomites, that is a victory for the sodomites.  A phobia is an IRRATIONAL fear of something.  After reading Sciambra’s piece, you should realize that one of the reasons the sodomites have essentially destroyed western civilization in only a few decades is because the normal people were tricked into purging themselves of the completely healthy, RATIONAL, sane revulsion and fear of these incredibly dangerous people all in the name of the false virtue of “tolerance”.  Up until just recently, it was precisely the good, healthy fear of sex perverts that was the first line of societal defense, especially among children.  People knew that people who were capable of committing sodomitical acts were extremely dangerous, to be driven out, and defended against.

Am I scared of sodomites?

You’re damn right I am.  

They are some of the most evil and dangerous people alive.  It would be completely irrational to NOT fear a person who is so incredibly warped and depraved. “Phobia” has nothing to do with it, and the term “homophobia” should never be permitted, because there is no such thing as an “irrational fear” of sodomy and sodomites. It’s one of the most purely rational fears in the universe.

If you aren’t scared of sex perverts, you should be.  They are like rabid dogs.  They are terrifying and extremely dangerous. To treat a sodomite casually is worse than walking up and petting a rabid dog. Rabies only kills the body.  The sodomites want your souls.

But now I have written to you, not to keep company, if any man that is named a brother, be a fornicator, or covetous, or a server of idols, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner: with such a one, not so much as to eat. For what have I to do to judge them that are without? Do not you judge them that are within? For them that are without, God will judge. Put away the evil one from among yourselves.
1 Corinthians 5: 11-13

Courage isn’t the absence of fear.  Courage is the ability to act and do the right, including fight a war, in spite of fear.


When in Battle, Fly the Standard

Wow! Early this morning the owner of emailed me:

Greetings Ann,

Thought you might like to see this. It took about a year of planning:

We just hoisted the largest Sacred Heart of Jesus flag in the world last night to combat the faggotry that will be on display this month. It is 30’ x 50’ and flies right off the interstate about 20 minutes south of Cincinnati, OH in Walton, KY.

For people interested in driving by it they can do so by going south from Cincinnati and then taking I-71 south at the I-71/I-75 split and it’s about a mile south of there. Going north on I-71 it is about a mile south of the joining of I-71/I-75.

We will also be flying every monthly Tradflag in 30’ x 50’ dimension. 🙂

Pax Christi!

Check out this amazing video that just dropped of last night’s raising of the Battle Standard!

Death to the sin of Sodomy! Death to the sin of Transvestitism!! Christ is King!!!!

La Nouvelle Vendée: Men in rural Louisiana step to the front – literally – against sodomite priDEMONth parade in their small family-friendly town.

Laissez les bons temps rouler, as the saying goes!

Boy, just just everything about this is wonderful. Invoking the Vendée martyrs, physically standing up to sodomite filth trying to convert and destroy their children… and a founding member USA foie gras producer. FANTASTIC in every way!!!

Click trough, read the whole thing, and be INSPIRED.

Remember, June is the month of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Are you flying YOUR flag? It’s not too late to order yours from . Their flags are just gorgeous.

Sticky post: LAST DAY!!!! YAY!!!! June ARSH 2024 Barnhardt Subscription Drive (Believe me, I hate this WAY more than you do. 😖)

Scroll down for daily content!

And you thought the month of June was awful enough with “pride”. Let me pile on. 😖

I’ve been counseled repeatedly that this is actually good for me spiritually – a contention which I vehemently resist. The issue here for me is humility, which I lack, and dripping pride, and so even after a decade-plus of going off-grid to live in the proverbial Van Down By the Watercourse, I still fight being what I am: a very well-groomed beggar. BUT, I shall continue to attempt to provide whatever this is: service? Entertainment? Various and sundry ways to stick it to the NewWorldOrder, BigPharma, and the Bergoglian Antipapacy and Antichurch?

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered daily for my Benefactors and Supporters (no purchase necessary, batteries not included, action figures sold separately) and even if you, like others, decide at some future date that you hate me and that I’m evil incarnate and have been tricking you for all of these years, or I am at minimum some sort of paid infiltrator (man, the General Judgment is going to be REALLY embarrassing for a LOT of people just with regards to me), once on the Barnhardt Benefactor roll you NEVER come off the list. Ever. No matter what. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

And I have joyous news- we have added a Barnhardt Benefactor Mass priest who commemorates “All of Ann’s Benefactors and Supporters” EVERY DAY as of last month! (He’s also a fantastic meme source!)

So, and I mean this:

—if you are completely financially secure

—you tithe wisely and appropriately to the Church,

—-you pay all of your bills on time,

—you have money just burning in a hole in your pocket,

—-you can’t think of any other donation outlet, and

—- you get some “value” from the Barnhardt blog,, the Barnhardt Podcast, the Barnhardt video oeuvre, or anything else, might I recommend in all cringe and humiliation, possibly considering a donation, one-time or recurring, through my ContinueToGive donation portal? I’ve been with CtG for a decade, and they are flawless. The CEO is literally my customer service lead rep, for all of the four questions I’ve had in ten years.

Finally, and most importantly, thank you. Thank you to everyone who has given me a single dime in the past, to everyone on the donation rolls today, and to all future donors that I haven’t met yet. I pray for you all ASSIDUOUSLY every day, and after every Mass. ASSIDUOUSLY. If you’re ever having a rough day, feeling stress or anxiety about the world, remember, THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS in the venerable and August Rite of Gregory the Great was offered for you, today and every day. So it wasn’t a completely bad day. Not by a long shot.

A single Mass offered for oneself during life may be worth more than a thousand celebrated for the same intention after death.” St. Anselm

What a gift I have been given to be able to have Masses said for so many people, at a 1000x value relative to post-mortem Masses. The goodness of God never ceases to astound me.

Years ago, when I first put up a donation button, a demoniac emailed in, “What are you going to do? Pray to Baby J?”

And here I am, ten years later, doing EXACTLY that. I entrust my financial stuff to the Infant Jesus of Prague. Even the demons testify to the power and loving dominion of The Lord Our God, Jesus Christ. Remembering always that the fruit of the Third Joyful Mystery, the Nativity of Our Lord, is the SPIRIT OF POVERTY.

Saint Joseph, pray for us. Saint Peter, pray for us. Saint Anne, pray for us. Saint Philip Neri, pray for us. Saint Andrew, pray for us. Saint Catherine of Siena, pray for us. Saint Vincent Ferrer, pray for us. Saint Remigius, pray for us. St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us. Saint Cajetan, pray for us. Saints Benedict and Scholastica, pray for us. Saint Tiny Princess, pray for us. Mother Wilhelmina Lancaster, pray for us.

Our Lady of Copacabana, pray for us.

Infant Jesus of Prague, have mercy on us.

The Dogma of Original Sin Explained in Fifteen Seconds By a Two Year Old

One of the core concepts of Christian Dogma that many people, especially adult converts, struggle with is the Dogma of Original Sin.  People find it difficult to understand that all human beings are born “fallen”, and this stain of sin is literally hereditary, the result of the first sin of Adam.

A very concise definition comes from the Second Council of Orange, which occurred in ARSH 529:

One man has transmitted to the whole human race not only the death of the body, which is the punishment of sin, but even sin itself, which is the death of the soul. As death is the privation of the principle of life, the death of the soul is the privation of sanctifying grace which according to all theologians is the principle of supernatural life. Therefore, if original sin is “the death of the soul”, it is the privation of sanctifying grace.

Because we are fallen, human beings are born with a tendency to sin.  This is called concupiscence.  Concupiscence is not sin itself, it is simply the inclination to sin, which can and should be corrected and held in check.

I came across a perfect example of this “brokenness” in a little video clip that has gone viral.  It is of a little boy named Noel who is two years old.  Just a matter of months before this little video was filmed, Noel was a baby – a literal infant.  But here we see little Noel – cute as a bug’s ear – already manifesting the effects of Original Sin.

Noel’s mom has discovered Noel in her bedroom, standing in front of the full-length mirror. The mirror is covered in “drawing”, apparently with red lipstick.   Little Noel has succumbed to his desire to feel the sensation of drawing on the mirror with lipstick.  He knew that mirrors are not for drawing, and that lipstick is not paint, and that this was the incorrect and unnatural use of the mirror and the lipstick – but he succumbed and chose to do something that he knew was wrong.

But this is just the beginning.  Here, watch the clip, then we will continue on…

If cuteness were carbohydrate, we’d all be in a diabetic coma now.

But let’s look at Noel’s actions, which mirror the Genesis 3 narrative about the Fall of Man.  Like God in the Garden of Eden, Noel’s mother is not asking Noel questions because she lacks information. When God asks Adam, “Where are you?” it isn’t because God doesn’t know.  God is trying to gently elicit a confession.  This is exactly what Noel’s mom is doing.

“Noel, who drew on Mommy’s mirror?”

Because Noel’s mommy loves Noel, she is giving him the chance to confess and come clean.  She knows exactly what he did, but she’s giving him a chance to repent and “get right” with her, again, because she loves him.

But what does Noel do?  He lies.  He lies, and the little tyke lays it on thick.  “I don’t knooow” as he scurries away from the scene of the crime in faux-surprise.  He lies to the person that is the complete source and experience of love in his life.  Noel’s mommy hugs him and kisses him, but also feeds him, dresses him, protects him and provides for him in every way.  Noel is completely dependent upon her and he lives his entire life in the warm embrace of her love… AND HE LIES TO HER FACE.

“Was it you?”


But wait, it gets even worse.  Noel’s Mommy asks him who it was and what does Noel do?

Noel lies again, and frames Batman.  Now, this is very interesting because Batman is Noel’s buddy, his superhero friend.  Noel loves Batman.  Batman’s his boy.  And yet, in order to cover his own tail Noel sells out and frames his boy, Batman.

It all got pretty morally intense pretty quick, didn’t it?  That’s Original Sin, folks.  We are, all of us, broken in this way.  Baptism remits the guilt of Original Sin, but it obviously does not eliminate concupiscence, or that tendency or inclination that we all have to sin.  We all need to accept God’s grace to keep ourselves on the straight and narrow, which is possible, but obviously difficult.  Look at the example of this sweet little tyke, who in a flash lied to his mother and framed Batman.  He’s two.  A young two.  What about when he is 12, or 22 or 42?

Original Sin isn’t a lie that churchmen came up with in order to control people, or whatever argument heretics, apostates and atheists make these days.  It is real, and it is clearly visible, first and foremost in ourselves, but also all around us.  But Christ gave us, through His Holy Church, the Sacrament of Baptism to remit the guilt of Original Sin, and then the Sacrament of Confession so that we can be absolved of all the times we have “framed Batman”, and the Sacrament of Love Itself, the Eucharist, so that like little Noel going to the arms of his mother (after coming clean, and cleaning up the mirror), we can go to the embrace of Our Savior.

The real mind-blower in all of this is the fact that humanity has the potential for even greater beatitude because of The Fall. Because we have to fight our wounded nature, the free choice to love God is even more radical, and God’s love for us in His Incarnation, Death and Resurrection precisely to redeem us from The Fall is infinitely more manifest and wonderful.

At the Easter Vigil Mass every year, the Exultet is proclaimed, and it contains the phrase “O Felix Culpa” – O Happy Fault. If Adam and Eve hadn’t fallen, we wouldn’t know God and His love through His Incarnation, Death, Resurrection and through His Holy Catholic Church, with His Real Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist at the center. Yes, God has poured out His Love all the more… because of The Fall.

O, felix culpa…

Happy Feast of the Good Pelican!

Today is the Feast of Corpus Christi, the great feast celebrating specifically the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

Interestingly, but not at all surprisingly, Antipope Bergoglio holds this feast in particular contempt, and has now effectively abolished the Antichurch’s celebration of it in Rome.

Antipope Jorge Bergoglio staring down his enemy.

Christ is called “The Good Pelican” and the pelican is a symbol of Christ because pelicans will, if need be, peck at their own chests and feed their young on their own flesh and blood.

Below is the literal translation of St. Thomas Aquinas’ hymn which he wrote for this great feast, “Adoro Te Devote”, “I devoutly adore You”. I find the literal translation to be more moving than the poetic versions.

This morning at the Procession I was able to attend, while we were processing, I was struck by the prefiguring of the Corpus Christi Procession in Genesis chapter 3, when Adam and Eve would walk with God in the Garden.

He STILL walks with us, whether it be in an urban area, suburbs, in the countryside, or in the mountains. The paradise of the Garden is reflected… everywhere. IF we have the eyes to see it.

I devoutly adore You, hidden Deity,

Who are truly hidden beneath these appearances.

My whole heart submits to You,

And in contemplating You, it surrenders itself completely.

Sight, touch, taste are all deceived in their judgment of You,

But hearing suffices firmly to believe.

I believe all that the Son of God has spoken;

There is nothing truer than this word of Truth.

On the Cross only the divinity was hidden,

But here the humanity is also hidden.

Yet believing and confessing both,

I ask for what the penitent thief asked.

I do not see wounds as Thomas did,

But I confess that You are my God.

Make me believe much more in You,

Hope in you, and love You.

O memorial of Our Lord’s death,

Living Bread that gives life to man,

Grant my soul to live on You,

And always to savor Your sweetness.

Lord Jesus, Good Pelican,

wash my filthiness and clean me with Your Blood,

One drop of which can free

the entire world of all its sins.

Jesus, whom now I see hidden,

I ask You to fulfill what I so desire:

That the sight of Your Face being unveiled

I may have the happiness of seeing Your glory. Amen.

The Antipope Bergoglio Faggotry Imbroglio just keeps getting better and better. He also called them “faggots” AGAIN in the same sentence. To paraphrase Yoda, “Begun, the Fag War has.” 😂🤣

The Vatican press office issued a statement basically saying, “Ah, he didn’t understand what he was saying – he didn’t mean nuffin’ by it. He lurvs the fags, he ain’t no dirty homophobe!”

Oh, we laff. We laff hard.

The exact quote in Italian from Antipope Bergoglio’s big Faggotry speech is:

“Nella Chiesa c’è troppa aria di frociaggine e quindi i Vescovi devono mettere fuori dai seminari tutte le checche, anche quelle solo semi orientate.”

In the Church there is too much of an air of faggotry and therefore the Bishops must put out of the seminaries all of the faggots, also those who are only *partially-oriented.

[or partially inclined or semi-inclined] (*the literal translation is obviously “semi-oriented”).

I’ve consulted with multiple Italians, and the unanimous consensus for the word “checche” (KEK-kay) is ‘faggots’, but as you can see from this translation site, it has a plethora of thoroughly pejorative possible translations:

Folks, ain’t NOTHING “non-offensive” to the sodomites in what he said. Hence the roomful of queeny, queer, sissy, poofter, pansy FAGGOT Italian bishops laughing derisively at Antipope Bergoglio’s words. Between the vulgarity, the hypocrisy, and the fact that emptying the Italian Novus Ordo seminaries of sodomites would reduce the number of seminarians by … oh, I dunno, 95% or so, it was quite a laugh line. Quite a thigh-slapper.

Folks, evil ALWAYS self-sabotages. Evil always destroys itself.

Begun, the Fag War has. 😂🤣😂🤣

And believe me when I tell you, I’M ROOTING FOR CASUALTIES.

Sodomite Antipope gives master class in narcissistic projection, telling Italian bishops’ conference that there is “too much faggotry” in Italian seminaries. Derisive laughter ensues. Man, I love it when the faggots turn on each other….

So much here.

Fr. Z’s post has the translation of the Italian reportage.

First, people are trying to spin this as Antipope Bergoglio not knowing what he was saying in using the Italian word “frociaggine”. (FROH-chee-ah-gene-eh) because Spanish is his mother tongue blah blah blah.


In Italian, there are two pejoratives for “faggot”. The less-severe is actually the word for fennel – as in the root vegetable with the slight licorice flavor- “finocchio”. Pronounced like Pinocchio except with an “f”. The far more severe word is “frocio” (FRO-cho), from the Latin word “ferox”, meaning bestial. So yeah, Antipope Bergoglio himself being a ginormous FROCIO, who surrounds himself with sodomites, and lusts after “good-looking young gay priests” to the point of installing them as his personal secretaries, knows EXACTLY, PRECISELY what “frocciagine” means in Italian. The suffix “-iaggine” is the same as the English suffix “-try”. Hence “faggotry” in English.

He knows EXACTLY what “frocciagine” means just as he knew what the words “coprophagia” and “coprophilia” (the eating of feces) meant when he started throwing that word around a decade ago. I, like every other morally sane person, had to look that up, but I have been assured by multiple sodomite male readers (yes, some of them read me because they know I’m right) that shit-eating is considered to be one of the most attractive activities among male sodomites, and that it is a regular and key part of the sodomite repertoire. I tell you this so that you understand that what these foul wretches do is NOT “just like what heterosexuals do”. It isn’t. What sodomites do to each other and themselves is “never sufficiently execrated depravity” that is worse than bestial. Sodomy is just about one of the lowest, sickest, most evil, disgusting things in the entire physical universe. It is a societal cancer, and cancers must be CUT OUT, or else they will kill the host, guaranteed.

Which brings us to the notion of SELF-LOATHING. I’ve said many times that the stereotype of the “self-loathing Jew” is very, very real, summed up by the axiom, “No one hates the Jews more than the Jews hate the Jews.” Well, the self-loathing of the sodomites (of both sexes) makes the Jews look like paragons of healthy self-esteem by comparison.

When the code of omertà breaks down amongst the fags, well, break out the Orville Redenbacher and enjoy the show, because nobody hates the fags as much as the fags hate the fags, because fags know exactly how depraved and disgusting they all are. Almost all of the Italian bishops today are faggots, and the vast majority of Italian Novus Ordo seminarians (what few there are) are also faggots. And everyone knows this. And all of the faggot bishops in Italy know perfectly well that Antipope Bergoglio is himself a faggot. So for Antipope Bergoglio to tell the Italian bishops’ conference that there is “too much faggotry” in the seminaries is indeed the epitome of self-loathing narcissistic projection. No wonder they all laughed derisively when he said it. It wasn’t just the fact that he used a vulgarism – Antipope Bergoglio is notorious for not only his vulgarity, but also for his fondness for stunningly blasphemous euphemisms – but the dripping hypocrisy and obvious narcissistic projection. Antipope Bergoglio surrounds himself almost exclusively with, and actively protects not just sodomites, but sodomite rapists and pedophiles. Antipope Bergoglio lecturing ANYONE about purging faggotry is the quintessence of the narcissistic trick of accusing others of his own crimes, aka “projection”.

And to do this mere DAYS from the beginning of Pride Month, too!! Jasmine (James Martin, Ethh Jay’s faggot code name) mutht be abtholutely bethide himthelf!!! Oh, the humanity!!

Let the sodomite cat fighting ensue! I’m here for it! Let evil exterminate itself!!!

Consign the Stars and Stripes to history so that the honored dead be not associated with the Washington DC sodogarch conquerors.

Every year the sense of betrayal and waste grows stronger and more intense. What did they fight and die for? Certainly not this – in fact, for the inverse of this sodomitical death cult.

I truly hope that the Stars and Stripes is soon replaced as ClownWorld raises its own standard, just so that these men’s memories are not desecrated by association with the Washington DC cabal.

Consign the Stars and Stripes to history, because the nation it represented no longer exists.

I had never seen this before. Quite moving…

Happy (Bumped) Feast of St. Philip Neri!

Since today, May 26th, St. Philip’s Feast Day, is Trinity Sunday this year, St. Philip gets bumped to Monday the 27th, and in certain places his Mass could be said instead of St. Bede. I will able to hear a St. Philip Mass, which is really cool.

Thank you, again, for everything, don Fili.

Cast yourself into the arms of God and be very sure that if he wants anything of you, He will fit you for the work and give you strength.

In this life there is no purgatory; it is either hell or paradise; for to him who serves God truly, every trouble and infirmity turns into consolations, and through all kinds of trouble he has a paradise within himself even in this world: and he who does not serve God truly, and gives himself up to sensuality, has one hell in this world, and another in the next.
-St. Philip Neri

I commend each and every one of you to St. Philip Neri. Just tell him I sent you.

Don Fili, prega per noi.