Author Archives: Ann Barnhardt

New Cocktail: The Vivaldi Summer

Fill a blender jar 2/3rds full of watermelon pieces
Add a good chunk (to taste) of fresh ginger, sliced
Add 1 teaspoon salt
Add 1/3rd bottle of bubbly booze (or alcohol-removed bubbly)

Do NOT overfill the blender jar, lest disaster ensue.

Blend well. Then, run the concoction through a mesh strainer to remove seed matter.

Add ice to a large format wine glass or highball.

Add a splash of lemon-infused gin, or gin and fresh lemon juice, or just lemon juice.

Cover ice with watermelon concoction.

Insert elegant metal straw. Garnish with a medallion of ginger.


A Reminder To All: When Events Turn, They Turn FAST. As it has just happened to Biden, so too will it happen to Antipope Bergoglio.

Just a quick reminder as people are tempted to despair by the long nightmare that is the Bergoglian Antipapacy: we just witnessed Joe Biden go from hero to zero in a span of less than 90 MiNUTES. Not days – MINUTES. He went from the anointed “leader of the free world, sharp as a tack, in his prime” to the universal public acknowledgement that he has advanced dementia, can’t think, can’t speak, can’t walk, can’t hold his bowels, and that his hag wife is engaging in elder abuse.

This maps to the Bergoglian Antipapacy in the sense that all of these things have been OPENLY, PUBLICLY VISIBLE all along. Biden was already WELL down the road of dementia in ARSH 2020. He was obviously, observably drugged and already very clearly unfit to be a greeter at Wal-Mart, much less the POTFUS. (The F is for FORMER). All of these leftist people acting like Thursday night was some sort of shock out of the blue are lying through their teeth. This is a shock to NO ONE.

In EXACTLY the same way, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is OBVIOUSLY, OBSERVABLY a raging apostate Antipope. There’s nothing nuanced about Antipope Bergoglio’s manifestation of his heresy and hatred of Jesus Christ and His Holy Church. It’s also OBVIOUS that Pope Benedict never validly resigned, and clearly, publicly lived out his days “Poping”. None of this is any surprise to anyone at this point, any more than Biden’s dementia JUST cropped up less than 48 hours ago, as this is being written.

So, when the tide turns against Antipope Bergoglio and the Antichurch, it will happen FAST. One day, we’ll all wake up, open up , and Frank Walker will have all the headlines up wherein faithful Catholics, even “professional Catholics” and sleazy, unctuous Novus Ordo clerics and prelates, up until now singing the praises of “Pope Fwanciss” and calling all of us who have been screaming that Pope Benedict never validly resigned and that Bergoglio is an Antipope “crazy whackjobs”, will be openly calling him an Antipope and calling for his immediate deposition as a criminal usurper – just as the Demonrat pundits and operatives are now calling for Biden’s immediate removal not just from the ticket, but from office. Because if Biden isn’t cognitively fit to be on the ticket, he is unfit to be the POTFUS by logical definition.

So take heart. Our day WILL come. I know not when, and I don’t need to know. But I DO KNOW that it WILL happen. It could be this summer. It could be next week, It could be TOMORROW. Jorge Mario Bergoglio WILL be publicly recognized as an Antipope. Let’s pray that it happens while the filthy sodomite wretch is still alive so that he at least has the CHANCE to repent.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and on Your Holy Catholic Church outside of which there is no salvation.


President Biden embraced a confused-looking Pope Francis at the G7 summit.


Drudge now posting pics of Joe assuming the toddler squat and “slidin’ a Biden”. If I had to guess, I’d say this is all a long-planned set up for Mooch Obama to swoop in as “reluctant savior”.

Barry Soetoro was a puppet front, Biden is a puppet front, and I suspect Mooch Obama will be the next NWO/CIA puppet front.

It could be done very easily. Harris is forced to resign, likely under physical threat, Mooch is appointed VP and approved by Congress, Biden either resigns or gets the 25th Amendment, Mooch becomes either the “second black President”, or the first “female” President, depending on whether or not the rumors are true, AND becomes the Demonrat candidate by default and “wins the (completely fake) election”.

Supernerd is convinced Mooch is a “Mike”. I lean towards Mooch just being a hideously ugly woman who was pawned off on the faggot Barry Soetoro as a politically necessary beard by Jeremiah Wright. But NOTHING would surprise me at this point.

Here’s the “leader of the free world” crapping his pants like a two year old, posted by the now leftist Drudge Report. The next seven days will be historic.

Praying For the See of Peter, vacant these 545 days and counting; and for Antipope Jorge Mario Bergoglio, on the Vigil of the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul

Join me in the Matthew 17:20 Initiative, which we began seven years ago now, in which we full-fast twice per week and pray daily:

-that Antipope Bergoglio be publicly acknowledged and removed as Antipope, and that the entire Bergoglian Antipapacy be publicly nullified;

-that Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger be acknowledged as having been the uninterrupted one and only living Pope from his election in April of ARSH 2005 until his death on 31 December ARSH 2022;

-that Antipope Bergoglio repent, revert to Catholicism, die in a state of grace in the fullness of time, and someday achieve the Beatific Vision;

-and for the repose of the soul of Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger.

Almighty God, the Sovereign of all things, you gave the keys of the Kingdom to Your servant Peter, and his validly elected successors, we ask that Your Church here on Earth be quickly cleansed of the Modernist Infiltration, all immoral clerics, and all other corruption; that the Antipope Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s invalid election be publicly recognized, and completely nullified; that Bergoglio repent, return to the One Holy Catholic Faith, and that in the fullness of Your time die in a state of grace and achieve the beatific vision; [all this we ask] through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You, and the Holy Ghost, one God, now and for ever. 

℟. Amen.

The Feast of Saints John & Paul, Roman Martyrs, d. ARSH 362, named in the Canon of the Holy Mass

The Martyrdom of Sts. John and Paul, Guercino, ARSH 1630-1632

The Martyrdom of Sts. John and Paul, Guercino, ARSH 1630-1632

“These two Saints were both officers in the army under Julian the Apostate, and received the crown of martyrdom, probably in 362. They glorified God by a double victory; they despised the honors of the world, and triumphed over its threats and torments. They saw many wicked men prosper in their impiety, but were not dazzled by their example. They considered that worldly prosperity which attends impunity in sin is the most dreadful of all judgments; and how false and short-lived was this glittering prosperity of Julian, who in a moment fell into the pit which he himself had dug! But the martyrs, by the momentary labor of their conflict, purchased an immense weight of never-fading glory; their torments were, by their heroic patience and invincible virtue and fidelity, a spectacle worthy of God, Who looked down upon them from the throne of His glory, and held His arm stretched out to strengthen them, and to put on their heads immortal crowns in the happy moment of their victory.”

Many are the afflictions of the just, and out of all these the Lord hath delivered them: the Lord keepeth all their bones; not one of them shall be broken.
I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall be always in my mouth.
Introit of the Feast of Saints John and Paul, Psalm 33: 20-21

This is Crux Stationalis’ video of the church of Saints John & Paul, built directly over their home and burial place. It’s a gorgeous church and archeological complex, and is the headquarters of the Passionist Order.

A Note on Shame: St. John the Baptist, Salome and Mrs. Beryl Muspratt

There are a few points on the subject of shame that I would like to expand upon.  The first comes from the novel “Brideshead Revisited”, which demonstrates, completely contrary to the Modernist, post-Christian, Bergoglian anti-church heresy, how shame is a medicinal mercy.  

If we can self-generate shame without having to have it applied from the exterior, then so much the better.  But for many people, the shaming must be generated, at least initially, externally.  This is a function of charity – true charity, not the mindless platitude consisting of indifference yielding permissiveness, or in giving people “free stuff”, or just simply “what makes them happy”.  No, true charity is joy in the existence of another and thus a focused desire that that person make it to heaven.  Full stop.

If you are not familiar with Brideshead Revisited, the context is easily explained.  Set between the World Wars in England, Julia is civilly divorced from yet sacramentally married to Rex, and is shacking up with Charles, who is also civilly divorced.  Charles and Julia make a real cute couple and “love” each other (inasmuch as people who express their “love” for one another do so by knowingly flagellating and crucifying Christ in exchange for having an orgasm, can actually be said to love one another in any honest sense of the word.)

[Bridey has just announced his engagement to Beryl Muspratt, a widow with three children. Julia asks why he hasn’t brought Beryl to Brideshead to meet her]

Lord Brideshead ‘Bridey’: [pompously] You must understand that Beryl is a woman of strict Catholic principle, fortified by the prejudices of the middle classes. I couldn’t *possibly* bring her here. It is a matter of indifference whether you choose to live in sin with Rex or Charles or both – I have always avoided enquiry into the details of your ménage – but in no case would Beryl consent to be your guest.
Julia Mottram: Why, you pompous ass!
[Julia walks out of the room, holding back tears]
Charles Ryder: Bridey! What a bloody offensive thing to say to Julia.
Lord Brideshead ‘Bridey’: [coldly] It was nothing she should object to. I was merely stating a fact well known to her.

Long story short, Julia eventually breaks off her affair with Charles and lives at home, alone for the rest of her life, reconciled to Our Lord through His Holy Church, namely through the Sacrament of Confession.

Beryl Muspratt, painted by all of the protagonists as a villain, ugly, frumpy, judgmental, and emblematic of “everything wrong with the Church”, even though she is never directly seen in the novel, only discussed and quoted a few times by others, is the most heroic figure in the novel.  She is reported as always being kind to Julia, but unwavering in her defense of the Truth, in this case the Truth about marriage and the Sixth Commandment.  Thus, she could never consent to being a guest in the home of a woman – even her own sister-in-law – whom she knows to be Living in Sin, because to do so would ratify the sin itself, ratify the torture and murder of God Himself, and also REDUCE the likelihood that Julia (and Charles) would repent, correct their situation, and die confessed and in a state of grace, be that five minutes hence, or five decades.  Beryl cannot coerce Julia or anyone else to love God, but she can and rightly does apply medicinal shame to Julia in the hopes that the pain of that shame might lead Julia to stop torturing and killing Christ, and thus utterly rejecting His Love in favor of having orgasms with a cute guy, and in so doing, damning herself to hell.

It is precisely because Julia was made to feel PROFOUNDLY ASHAMED by Beryl refusing to enter her home that Julia set out on the road to repentance.  If Beryl had been a typical Novus Ordo “church of Nice” Kathy-zombie of today and sought to “encounter” Julia with the “tender caresses” of FAUX MERCY, manifested by indifference to Julia and her mortally sinful lifestyle, Julia would have been EDIFIED AND CONFIRMED IN HER SIN, and thus would not have repented and corrected.  And neither would Charles – both would have been lost to hell, in all likelihood.  

Interestingly, Bridey, the older brother, is revealed by his own words as being “indifferent“, and thus it is BRIDEY, with his lack of charity for the soul of his own sister, that is the most villainous character in this particular scene.  But even then, he concludes by stating that Julia has no right to object to the statement of facts which she already knows – namely the Sixth Commandment and Our Lord’s words in Matthew 19.  The only thing Julia has a right to object to or be hurt by is Bridey, her own brother, declaring that he is “indifferent” to her sin, and thus to the fate of his own sister’s soul, not to mention Charles’ soul.  That’s it.  And Beryl Muspratt is indeed the heroine of the novel.

Finally, here is a very powerful image of Salome with the severed head of John the Baptist.  It was technically Salome’s mother, Herodias, who was condemned by John for her illicit marriage and thus agitated her daughter to request John’s execution, but the symbolism of the shameless, sinful woman smugly looking down at John’s head is the point.  Note the rehearsed air of power, the heavily practiced pose of defiance and victory, her features hard and joyless.  Now look at The Baptist’s face.  Even in death, his face is soft and quick, still emoting a genuine CHARITY.  He almost looks to be making eye contact with the woman, still trying to convince her to repent.  Now look back at the woman.  Look now at how weak and shallow and PATHETIC she is compared to him, essentially naked, save her gaudy headdress and jewelry; as transparent and superficial as her gauze girdle.  She fancies herself a queen, but she’s just a sad gutter denizen, wallowing and relishing in her own sin.

This image is a profound allegory of our post-Modern, post-Christian, feminist culture.

St. John the Baptist, pray for us.

Salome, Pierre Bonnaud, ARSH 1865-1930, Musée Hebert Salome, Pierre Bonnaud, ARSH 1865-1930, Musée Hebert




“John came to birth as a result of his death, and that Herod died as a result of how he spent his birthday.”

“John the Baptist accusing Herod and Herodias”, Jacob Backer, ARSH 1633

The following is an EXTREMELY prescient and timely sermon of St. Peter Chrysologous who was a Fifth Century bishop of Ravenna in Italy.  For anyone who is following events surrounding the Bergoglian antipapacy, it is impossible to read this without seeing the stunning contemporary relevance and numerous direct parallels. Emphases mine. -AB

Today while the virtue of John and the ferocity of Herod are related to us, our innards were shaken, our hearts trembled, our sight grew dim, our mind became dull, our hearing deserted us. For is there anything within human sensation that remains undisturbed within when a large amount of vice destroys a large amount of virtue?

“Herod,” it says, “apprehended John, and had him bound, and put in prison.” (Mt. 14:3) John was the school of the virtues, the instructor of life, the model of sanctity, the pattern of morality, the mirror of virginity, the epitome of purity, the example of chastity, the way of penitence, the pardon of sins, the discipline of faith. John was greater than a human being, equal to the angels, the apex of the Law, the seed of the Gospel, the harbinger of the Apostles, the silence of the Prophets, the lamp of the world, the herald of the Judge, the Forerunner of Christ, the preparer for the Lord, the witness of God, the mediator of the Whole Trinity.

But Herod is the very one who desecrated the Temple, ruined the priesthood, disturbed its proper order, profaned the kingdom, corrupted anything that had to do with religion, the Law, life and morals, faith and discipline. Herod was ever an assassin toward his fellow citizens, a brigand toward people of any distinction, a ravager toward his allies, a robber toward those of his own household, a killer  of the common folk, a murderer of his children, a slayer of foreigners, a parricide towards his own, drenching the land with gore in his bloodthirstiness. And so it is that he gulped down the hallowed blood of John from his enormous cup of cruelty. But now let the reading speak for itself.

“Herod,” it says, “apprehended John and had him bound.” He who had released sins’ shackles is bound with the shackles of a sinner, so that pardon once shackled might not leave any room for pardon. “He had him bound and put in prison.” Herod, you are the one who committed adultery, yet John the Baptist goes to prison? Thus one who is guilty sits in the judge’s place and passes judgment, the persecutor of innocence takes the place of a defender. I ask, where is truth to be found? Where is good reputation? Where is decency? Where is the good name of the public magistrate? In fact, where is God? Where is the human being? Where is decorum? Where is the law? Where are purely natural rights? Everything all at once has been thrown into turmoil, O Herod, because of the way you act, pass judgment, and give orders.

“He apprehended John,” it says, “and he had him bound, and put in prison.” Herod, you are being subpoenaed, his shackles place the blame on you, the prison accuses you, the harm done to John publicly points to you. The one who looks for the reason for John’s arrest finds in you what deserves punishment, and the cause for his distress about John. John, who is recognized throughout the world for his reputation, who is known for his virtue, who is widely renowned for his sanctity, by attracting to himself those who inquire into the harm done to him, sees to it that your incest becomes disclosed to all; he brings it about that you are put to shame in public, since a reproof in private was unable to reform you.

John kept after Herod with warnings, not with an accusation; he wanted him to mend his ways, not to perish; but Herod preferred to perish rather than to reform. To those held captive by crimes the freedom of innocence become most odious. Virtue is antagonistic to the vicious, sanctity is detestable to the sacrilegious, chastity is inimical to the shameless, integrity is a punishment to the corrupt, temperance is a foe to the wanton; mercy is unbearable to the cruel, godliness to the ungodly, justice to the unjust.

The Evangelist attests to this when he says: “John kept saying: ‘It is not right for you to take the wife of your brother Philip.’ ” This is the reason why John runs afoul. The one who warns the wicked is a considered offensive. The one who rebukes those who are at fault is deemed blameworthy. What John had to say concerned the Law, justice, and well-being; his remarks certainly were not spoken out of hatred, but out of love: but see what kind of reward he received for his devotion from the ungodly one!

“Although he wanted to kill him,” it says, “he was afraid of the people.” It is easy for one to turn away from justice who is motivated by the fear; not of God, but of human beings. This fear can postpone the opportunity to sin, but cannot take away the will to sin. Therefore it is also the case that those whom fear delays from committing iniquity become even more eager for iniquity. It is only the fear of God which corrects minds, banishes offenses, preserves innocence, and bestows an endless capacity for good. But let us hear about what the most blessed John actually suffered.

“On Herod’s birthday,” it says, “the daughter of Herodias danced in the middle of his dining room, and it pleased Herod, and he made an oath promising to give her whatever she asked of him. But, having been advised earlier by her mother, she said: ‘Give me the head of John the Baptist on a dish.’ And the king was deeply saddened on account of the oath: nevertheless, because of those who were dining there he ordered it to be given to her, and sent to have John beheaded, and his head was placed on a dish and given to the girl, and the girl gave it to her mother.” ( 14:6-11)

You have heard, brothers, how great is the cruelty which is born from pleasure. “And his head was placed on a dish.” (v.11) An house is transformed into an arena, the table turns into a theater, dinner guests become spectators, a banquet is changed into frenzy, a meal becomes a massacre, wine changes to blood, a funeral is held on a birthday, to mark one person’s beginning is another person’s ending, a banquet is changed into a murder scene, musical instruments ring out the tragedy of ages.

A beast, not a girl, enters; a ferocious animal, not a woman, prances about; along her head she combs out her mane, not her hair; she stretches and contorts her frame, but it is her savagery that grows and intensifies, her cruelty that looms large, but not her body; this wild animal unequaled in ferocity roars with her mouth, gnashes her teeth, she is not struck by a sword, but wield its. “Advised earlier,” it says, “by her mother,” (v.8), and brandishing a lance from her mother’s heart, as a new kind of beast, she disdains preying upon the body and proceeds to lop off the head itself.

But, lest anyone think that we want to hear ourselves talk about such things, we do not want to hear ourselves talk, but we want to cry out so that the joys of your festivities be celebrated prudently, so that the parties that mark your birthdays maintain moderation in merriment, so that Christ may attend your feasts, that the banquet be held in the sight of the Author; may the very nature of the celebration to which we are invited be honoured by decency; may the happiness of your table extend to the poor, may your household dance with the discipline of innocence. May debauchery depart, may dissipation be banished; may the plague of dancing girls, the bawdy songs of musicians, what fuels pleasures, what weights down the belly, and what shipwrecks minds all be done away with, be wiped out with the feasts of Herodias, so that your joy at present may reach an happiness that lasts forever.

Today, brothers, we have directed our sermon to Herod, because the listener is well aware how great is the martyr’s bliss, when he hears about the misery of the persecutor. Nevertheless, it is fitting for us to know both that John came to birth as a result of his death, and that Herod died as a result of how he spent his birthday.

(From Selected Sermons of St. Peter Chrysologus, Sermon 127)

And people wonder why I strongly suspect that Antipope Bergoglio is likely the False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist…. -Ann

Vigil of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

Virgin and Child with St. John the Baptist, Sandro Botticelli, ARSH 1495

Virgin and Child with St. John the Baptist, Sandro Botticelli, ARSH 1495

Well, I can’t put it any better than this:

Botticelli’s painting suggests that the mission of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is to introduce all of us, as she did the little Baptist, into a reverent and tender intimacy with her Son. The Mother of God bends over each of us, her garments dyed red in the Blood that flowed on Calvary, the very Blood that won for us every spiritual joy. Where the Mother of God is present, there charity is poured out and there spiritual joys abound. Put yourself today in the position of the child John the Baptist. Ask the Blessed Virgin to let you embrace her Son and offer Him a kiss. Her Immaculate Heart will not refuse you this.