Author Archives: Ann Barnhardt

Dare we dream? Is acknowledging the catastrophe of Women’s Suffrage getting mainstream traction? This piece accurately blames the COVID Crime Against Humanity on the feminization of society.

Women shouldn’t have the right to vote for myriad reasons, but at the top of the list is the female proclivity towards emotion at the total expense of logic and reason, and thus hysteria.

The problem today isn’t that half of the population is female, because there SHOULD be a balance between male and female- even a healthy complementarity. The softness and empathy of morally sane women living in the State of Grace should inform and balance their husbands, fathers, brothers and sons, who then cast votes and provide political and administrative leadership in Christian society.

The reason our culture and society is corkscrewing into the ground is that the men have become FEMININE themselves. I coined the term “heterosexual faggotry” to describe this. So if your culture is dominated by women AND feminized men that have had their masculinity browbeaten and now literally chemically purged out of them since they were toddlers, forming a monolithic block where emotions rule, logic and reason are despised, and hysteria is the default response, and there is no masculine complementarity to offset much less balance, you’re done as a civilization.

Welcome to our world. Brought to you by… women’s suffrage.

Here’s the essay, which I originally saw at .

Deprivation, Delay, Pain and Joy

“The more one longs for a thing, the more painful does deprivation of it become. And because after this life, the desire for God, the Supreme Good, is intense in the souls of the just (because this impetus toward Him is not hampered by the weight of the body, and that time of enjoyment of the Perfect Good would have come) had there been no obstacle; the soul suffers enormously from the delay.”
—St. Thomas Aquinas

I do not think that apart from the felicity of Heaven, there can be a joy comparable to that experienced by the souls in Purgatory. An incessant communication from God renders their joy more vivid from day to day: and this communication becomes more and more intimate, to the extent that it consumes the obstacles still existing in the soul….On the other hand, they endure pain so intense, that no tongue is able to describe it. Nor is any mind capable of comprehending the smallest spark of that consuming fire, unless God should show it to him by a special grace.
— Saint Catherine of Siena


Hostias et preces tibi, Domine, laudis offerimus.
Tu suscipe pro animabus illis, quarum hodie
memoriam facimus,
fac eas, Domine,
de morte transire ad vitam quam olim Abrahae promisisti et semini ejus.

We offer Thee, O Lord,
sacrifices and prayers of praise;
do Thou accept them for those souls
whom we this day commemorate;
grant them, O Lord,
to pass from death to the life which Thou once didst promise
to Abraham and his seed.

Second half of the Offertory of the Requiem Mass

St. Maurice, You Magnificent Negro, pray for us!

Meet St. Maurice, or Mauritius. Today is his Feast, and you need to know ALL about him. St. Maurice was the leader of the elite Roman Theban Legion headquartered in Egypt. The Theban Legion was comprised of 6,666 men, who all converted, with their commander Maurice, to Christianity en masse late in the Third Century. Emperor Maximian ordered the Theban Legion from Egypt to France in order to put down a peasant revolt.

When the Theban Legion arrived in France, Maximian ordered them to start persecuting Christians. The Theban Legion, led by Maurice, REFUSED TO OBEY MAXIMIAN’S ORDERS. Ahem. Cough.

Maximian ordered a decimation of the Theban Legion as punishment. The actual meaning of the word “decimation” means to kill one out of every ten men. After Maximian’s men had killed every tenth Theban, Maximian again issued orders for the Thebans to persecute Christians. Under Maurice’s virile, manful, authoritative and inspiring leadership, the Theban Legion stood firm and still refused Maximian’s orders, even though it meant certain death. Ahem. Cough.

Maximian ordered the entire remaining Theban Legion killed to the last man in what is now present-day St. Maurice-en-Valais, Switzerland.

Now, look at the picture above. St. Maurice is the soldier in the middle in full battle armor, manfully grasping his ASSAULT WEAPON as he consults with St. Erasmus, on the left.

St. Maurice was a black African. He wasn’t a north African. He was a sub-Saharan black man.

St. Maurice was HUGE in the Church, and was THE patron saint of the Holy Roman Emperors. In fact, the Holy Roman Emperors knelt and were anointed before the altar of St. Maurice at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. The Austro-Hungarian emperors used St. Maurice’s spurs and sword (assault weapon) as an integral part of their coronation rite until ARSH 1916.

Compare this to the pathetic, flaccid, supine pseudo-men of today who can’t even figure out if Antipope Bergoglio is a heretic, much less an apostate, much less an Antipope usurper, much less the likely False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist. It’s just sickening.

St. Maurice, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

(I’m also going to include a picture of this famous statue of St. Maurice purely for its “trigger” value.)

CHRIST HAVE MERCY: Orbis Factor Troped Kyrie



1. Orbis factor rex aeterne, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
2. Pietatis fons immense, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
3. Noxas omnes nostras pelle, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
4. Christe qui lux es mundi dator vitae, eleison. Christe, eleison. Christe, eleison.
5. Arte laesos daemonis intuere, eleison. Christe, eleison. Christe, eleison.
6. Conservans te credentes confirmansque, eleison. Christe, eleison. Christe, eleison.
7. Deum scimus unum atque trinum esse, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
8. Patrem tuum teque flamen utrorumque, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
9. Clemens nobis adsis paraclite ut vivamus in te, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.


1. Maker of the world, King eternal, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
2. O immense source of pity, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
3. Drive off all our evils, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
4. Christ who art the light of the world and giver of life, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us.
5. Consider the wounds produced by the devil’s art, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us.
6. Keeping and confirming Thy believers, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us.
7. We know that God is One and Three, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
8. Thou and Thy Father, an Equal Light, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
9. Thou, merciful unto us, art present with the Holy Spirit that we might live in Thee, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.

Mailbag: Time to explain “Halal” Mortgage Grift again…


Fast Company just published this piece of dreck, so it might be time to explain “interest free” mortgages again.

Goodness, it’s JUST. SO. DUMB.

They linked to it on Canon212.

God Bless you,


Originally penned and posted on January 21, ARSH 2012.

I have seen people erroneously claiming that musloids have financial markets and banking without any interest.


Musloids are some of the worst criminal usurers on the planet, charging criminally high interest – all the while making the abject bullshit claims that they don’t charge any interest at all.

Musloids and Marxists lie. You have to assume that every word out of the mouth of a musloid or a Marxist is a lie, including “and” and “the”. They are COMMANDED to lie; musloids by the suras and hadiths, Marxists by Marx, Lenin, Mao and Alinsky. If you haven’t figured this out yet just by watching the satanic farce that is politics today, then you are beyond all help.

Here is a piece I authored back on January 21, ARSH 2012 explaining “Sharia finance”.


On Sharia Finance, Blankies and Axe Body Spray

Writing about Sharia finance is oddly refreshing. Why? Because it is a chance to point out the abject stupidity – and guys, we’re talking full-on drooling imbecility here – of islam without anyone getting their head sawed off with a dull Ginsu-II or a child getting raped.

Sharia finance is so monumentally stupid that it is actually hysterically funny. Have a few beers around a campfire and I could get you laughing so hard your ribs would ache.

So the entire premise of Sharia finance is that there is NO INTEREST. If you borrow money, it is at zero percent, because the paying of interest is “haram”, which means “forbidden”, according to Sharia law. Got it? Good. Now, let me walk you through the reality of Sharia finance, and I warn you, don’t drink while you’re reading this, because if you do, you stand a good chance of spewing your Dr. Pepper out your nose, and I won’t be responsible for that.

Let’s say a person buys a $150,000 home on a 15 year mortgage at 5%. Purely for the sake of simplicity, let’s just say zero down. The amortization table shows that over those 15 years, or 180 months, at 5% interest, the monthly payment would be $1186.19 and that the total interest expense paid over the life of the mortgage would be $63,514.28. So, principal ($150,000) plus interest ($63,514.28) would be $213,514.28 for the $150,000 property.

Now here is an “interest-free” Sharia loan scenario. And bear in mind that I am dead serious here. I’m not making this up.

A musloid walks in to a “Sharia-compliant” lender and tells them that they want to buy a $150,000 property on a 15 year term. The Sharia-compliant lender then looks up what the going INTEREST RATE is. (Uh, Houston, we have a problem.)

In our example, it is 5% on a 15 year mortgage. The musloid banker then calculates the amortization table on a 15 year loan on $150,000 at 5%. (Uh, Houston, we’ve had some sort of major malfunction here.)

He sees that the total interest expense would be $63,514.28. So, the “Sharia-compliant” lender then offers to buy the property at $150,000 and immediately sell it to the customer for . . . $213,514.28. The customer then sets up a note to repay the $213,514.28 in 180 equal monthly payments of $1186.19 at “zero percent”, because $213,514.28 divided by 180 is $1186.19. Voila! Zero interest!

That’s it. I’m not kidding. I’m not making this up. If I was going to make something up, I would make something up that wasn’t totally, completely, laughably stupid.

Um, soooooo, tell me Mister Musloid, what EXACTLY is the $63,514.28 markup? Uh, isn’t that … interest? How was that amount calculated? Uh, didn’t you ping the interest rate market and calculate an amortization table to come up with that number? Yes.

Isn’t the borrower paying the lender for the use of his money over the 15 year term? Yes.

Wouldn’t TRUE zero-interest lending mean that you paid a total of $150,000 for the property, and that your monthly payment would therefore be $150,000 divided by 180 months, or $833.33 per month? Yes.

And if you did a 30 year loan at true zero interest, your monthly payment would be $150,000 divided by 360, or $416.66 per month? Yes. THAT would be zero interest.

Sharia finance is “zero interest” about as much as I am a bottle of 1964 Chateau Latour.

Over the Christmas holiday, I had the occasion to be around a two year old while traveling. There was a blanket nearby, and we inevitably fell into the old game of “”hide under the blanket”. The toddler would pull the blanket over her head right in front of me, and then I would say, “Hey, where did she go? She was here just a minute ago. She just disappeared!” And then the toddler would pull the blanket off of her head and yell “HERE I AM!” and I would act like I had just witnessed some sort of miraculous manipulation of the fabric of space-time. You know the game. And you also know that toddlers at between the ages of three and four become self-aware, and possess enough cognitive sophistication to be able to perceive and extrapolate how OTHERS perceive THEM. And as soon as that intellectual benchmark is reached, the “hide under the blanket game” no longer works, because the child KNOWS YOU CAN SEE THEM.

This is pretty much the dynamic we are dealing with vis-a-vis the musloids. These people are intellectually and cognitively stunted due to 1400 years of inbreeding. As a result of this, they actually think that this Sharia finance ”work around” is somehow valid or legit – AND THAT WE CAN’T SEE IT. They think that we non-musloids look at this and say, “My goodness! Yes . . . yes. That truly is a zero interest mortgage! No interest there! Why didn’t we think of that?!”

The sad thing is that the politically correct morons who infest our culture think that it is somehow “tolerant” or “promoting diversity” to go along with the musloids and their intellectual retardation. And so, all of the megabanks are furiously scrambling to set up “Sharia-compliant” financial products, when the only appropriate response to such absurdity would be something along the lines of, ”DO YOU THINK THAT I’M STUPID? GET THE HELL OUT OF MY OFFICE, AND TAKE YOUR BRAIN-DAMAGED NONSENSE WITH YOU. NOW. I’M BUSY.”

Finally, just a word about this in terms of the faux-religious con of islam. Have you noticed that musloids are constantly trying to cheat, deceive, and concoct bullshit “work-arounds” of ol’ allah? Sharia finance is merely trying to come up with a childish legalistic way to claim that they aren’t paying interest, while they obviously are. Islam also teaches that men can sin and do whatever they please on Mondays and Thursdays, because these are the two days of the week that allah is “inventorying the deeds of men”, and thus allah ”is busy and isn’t watching you.” This is why the “Thursday Night Club” dynamic of musloid men cross-dressing and engaging in man-on-man sodomy happens on … Thursday nights.

I’m telling you, the stupid is STRONG with these people. What the hell kind of ”religion” is built upon screwing over the deity? Oh, yeah – a “religion” that isn’t a religion at all, but a stupid, evil totalitarian political cult that uses faux-religious myths and motifs to control its cognitively damaged slaves. THAT kind of “religion”.

Guys, it is one thing to play “hide under the blankie” with a two year old. It is quite another to play that game with a 55 year old man wanting to buy real estate who reeks of goat and Axe Body Spray, and also wants to kill you, marry your six year old daughter and rape your four year old son, and take over your country.


1.) Money has time value because it is a proxy for human capacity to labor, produce and create through time,

2.) Lending involves intrinsic risk of default, otherwise known as a “cost structure component”,

3.) Money DOES ERODE over time if there is ANY inflation whatsoever. A 2% annual rate of inflation, which sounds so benign on the surface, will compound to 438% over an 85 year lifespan.

4.) And if you believe ANYTHING a musloid or a Marxist tells you, even about simple, rudimentary arithmetic, you deserve whatever hell you get.

Black comedian Katt Williams tried to warn about Sean “P Diddy” Combs running a black, gay Epstein extortion operation TWENTY years ago.

Massive language alert here, obviously, but this guy’s credibility has increased exponentially over the past week. He has several interviews and podcast appearances that now merit a second (or first) look.

Remember, whistle blowers in intrinsically evil institutions and paradigms are never going to be morally pristine themselves. This is where prudence, discernment and the ability to judge soundly comes in.

And yes, rap/hip-hop has been sodomitical since the very beginning. Yet another reason the rap/hip-hop culture must be exterminated. It cannot be reformed or rehabilitated or improved. All sodomitical cultural practices and traditions must be purged, preferably from within by the victims themselves.

Sodomy is civilizational cancer. Death to sodomy, always and everywhere.

Antipope Bergoglio Triples Down on his Public Apostasy, Trad Inc continues to pretend that he’s totally the Pope, while even current victims of Nigerian romance scammers shake their heads in disbelief at the cognitive dissonance and detachment from reality on display.

So Antipope Bergoglio declared YET AGAIN that “all religions lead to God”, which is TEXTBOOK APOSTASY.

And somewhere there’s a 78 year old woman whose IQ matches her age who has sent $300,000 to her 35 year old online fiancé who is stuck on a Turkish oil rig and needs Apple Gift Cards to pay for his daughter’s cancer treatment, shaking her head and saying to herself, “Damn, how stupid and gullible would you have to be to believe that Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope?”

That’s pretty much where we are now.

The Bergoglian Antipapacy makes Nigerian scams look sophisticated and nuanced by comparison.

If you’re new, here’s the deal: Pope Benedict never validly resigned. He tried to half-quit just the ministry of the active governance of the Church, which according to Canon Law 188 and 332.2 rendered his attempt to half-quit totally invalid. Therefore, the “conclave” of March ARSH 2013 was totally, completely invalid because the See was still occupied. You cannot validly elect a Pope while the See is occupied, whether the occupant, in this case Pope Benedict XVI, liked it or not.

That’s how we ended up with this retarded apostate Freemason faggot, Jorge Bergoglio, as Antipope. Because weak, slothful, effeminate men sat a did NOTHING in February and March of ARSH 2013 as satanists usurped the See of Peter, and have continued in their sloth and effeminacy to do nothing for these eleven long years and counting.

Now, let’s all watch the drooling imbecility unfold as cries go out for “the conversion of Pope Fwanciss to Catholicism” without the slightest acknowledgment of the violation of the Law of Non-contradiction inherent to the statement, or, my favorite, the haughty declarations that “the Church has completely misunderstood and deified the Papacy for 2000 years… but WE know better.”

Cinch those aprons tight like good 33rd Degree Masons, boys! Tear down the Papacy, and take the Church Militant with it, but don’t you dare EVER question that Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope! Nosirree!

The mind reels.

Here is my Part 3 video on the Bergoglian Antipapacy, recorded last year as a stand-alone presentation for those just getting up to speed on the issue. All three videos are on my Bergoglian Antipapacy Page HERE