Author Archives: Ann Barnhardt

Please don’t lie to your children about Santa Claus bringing them presents. Because if you lied about Santa Claus, they’ll think you’re lying about Jesus and the Eucharist. Just… DON’T LIE.

Today is the Feast of St. Nicholas, and I’d like to take the opportunity to revisit a concept that always gets me a lot of grief when I bring it up, but I am absolutely determined in this: PLEASE DON’T LIE TO CHILDREN ABOUT SANTA CLAUS.


Think about it: Christmas is THE most important holiday of the year for children.  For most children, receiving presents is THE top feature of Christmas, and the Nativity of Our Lord is secondary, and I’m not attacking anyone in this – it is very natural. In the mind of a Christian child Christmas is “I get presents (primary) because the Magi gave Baby Jesus presents (secondary).”

So, the entire holiday celebrating the birth of Christ revolves around gift giving and receiving for children.  Now, do we really think it is a good idea to completely tie up in this a massive lie that the child’s presents were miraculously delivered by St. Nicholas? Let’s take the most important Christian holiday in the mind of a child and turn it into one giant exercise in deception… BY THE CHILD’S OWN PARENTS?

Folks, the Eighth Commandment exists for a reason.  When people are lied to, and the lies are discovered, as the lie of “Santa bringing gifts” is as a veritable rite of passage for children, this causes the person in question to be scandalized into LOSING FAITH.  Being lied to leads to a loss of faith.  In this case, the loss of faith comes between the child and the parents/adults.  What a HORRIBLE thing.  I cannot understand why any parent would ever do ANYTHING that would cause their children to lose faith and trust in them.  How is that anything other than completely awful? Why would anyone NOT shudder at the thought of driving ANY wedge between themselves and their children?

In this case, the damage can clearly be extremely grave.  A child looks at Santa and Christmas and thinks, “Well, if Santa was a lie, then Jesus is probably a lie too. They’re just waiting to tell me until I’m older, or that I’ll figure out that Jesus is just a story too.” And for children being raised Catholic, obviously this would also be projected by the child onto the Eucharist.  “Oh, that’s just a story, like Santa Claus bringing presents. The bread and wine isn’t ACTUALLY Jesus. That’s just something they tell kids, like Santa bringing presents.”

So what do I think parents should do? Tell your children all about St. Nicholas and all of his miracles.  By all means, decorate your house with St. Nicholas.  Just don’t tell the children boldfaced lies about the source of their presents under the tree on Christmas morning. It isn’t difficult. JUST. DON’T. LIE.

What about talking to children about horrific things like sexual perversion, rape and abortion? Do we need to traumatize children by telling them everything about these and other terrifying sins?  Of course not.  But we should be honest.  For example, if a six year old asks about one of these crimes, one could say:

“I can’t tell you exactly what that means right now, because it is very scary and might give you nightmares – it is scary to adults and gives us nightmares sometimes. Someday I will tell you, but not yet, because I don’t want you to worry.  These are things that adults have to worry about, not children of your age.  But I will explain it to you, probably when you are thirteen or fourteen. But not now.”



Even to children. Especially your own children. Ever.  Breaking a Commandment isn’t “cute”. Tying the practice of Christianity to outright deception in the mind of a child BY HIS OWN PARENTS is NOT COOL.

I’m pretty sure St. Nicholas would agree with me on this one, and I would imagine that he is less than thrilled with what the post-Christian consumerist west has done with his name and likeness.

As a bonus, here is a WAAAAAAAY back pre-SuperNerd Podcast I recorded in December of ARSH 2013 wherein I discuss exactly this.  The Santa Claus topic begins at the 28:55 mark.  The embed below SHOULD be cued up.

As always, I hope this helps.

St. Nicholas of Myra, pray for us!

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us!

Remember: Only the Real Counts. Asking God to Make “Francis” Jorge Bergoglio a good Pope is like asking God to make “Caitlyn” Bruce Jenner a beautiful woman

(Repost by request. This piece was originally written in February ARSH 2017, and has aged like fine wine. I have updated it to reflect Pope Benedict’s death and the needless vacancy of the Petrine See these 705 days and counting. As always, I hope this helps. –AB ’24)

People are losing their faith.

They are losing their faith because a man who is not the pope is masquerading as the pope, people are calling him the pope, and he is an agent of evil, enacting a satanic, Freemasonic, sodomitical agenda, and tearing the Church apart before their eyes.

They are losing their faith because they are being asked, and now even browbeaten into violating the Law of Non-contradiction, namely that they must be in unity and submission to a specific man, Jorge Bergoglio, as a condition of unity to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, while Bergoglio himself is an open apostate, demanding apostasy and schism to be in union with him; that Bergoglio is simultaneously the standard of unity AND vector of schism, that Bergoglio is simultaneously a thing AND its ontological negation.

As if this categorical irrationality weren’t enough, the drum is now being beaten that if one does NOT accept that the Petrine Promise is either void and has been all along OR that Our Blessed Lord reneged on the Petrine Promise nearly twelve years ago, then YOU are a “faithless” person. That’s right: believe obvious lies, violate the Law of Non-contradiction, and believe that Christ is a faithless liar who puts people in Catch-22 positions… to prove what a good, faithful Catholic you are.

And nevermind the man who wore white, called himself and was called by others “Holy Father, Pope Benedict”, who lived in the Vatican, gave “my Apostolic blessing”, and clearly stated that he was only renouncing the “active governance” of the Church while remaining inside the “enclosure of St. Peter”, in his “novel” attempted partial resignation in order to “fundamentally transform the papacy into a collegial, synodal, shared ministry.”

And especially ignore the fact that the Roman Curia is being exposed daily as a den of Freemasonry, sodomy, money laundering, and murderous violence.

Nevermind the Good Shepherd Discourse. Follow the wolves with voices of Satan himself… to prove what a good, faithful person you are. You can’t lose! God will reward you!

Nevermind the Gospel, wherein Our Lord warns that false prophets – that is, IMPOSTORS – will lead astray, if possible, even the Elect.

Nah. Prove how strong your faith is by… being led astray, because there will be no consequences for allowing yourself to be deceived! Jesus will love you all the more… for believing that Jesus Himself is a faithless hireling who lies and feeds His sheep to the wolves for sport. That’s right. If you confess Christ to be an oath-breaking, capricious liar and lover of lawless chaos, and it is the College of Cardinals that are “infallible” with the capacity to sanate and ratify not just illegal, invalid conclaves, but also illegal, invalid papal resignations, then you will totally SAIL through your particular judgment. You betcha. Makes perfect sense.


I get emails and I know other bloggers get these same emails, because I have seen them address them.  Badly.  Well, here is an amalgamated sample of the things I hear.  And below is a FIRM ANSWER.  Not some idiotic nonsense and effeminate bleatings and mewlings about, “Well, don’t bother your pretty little head about “Pope Francis”, just focus on the other good popes!  Adopt a pope! Read all about Leo XIII and pay no attention to “Pope Francis” while he drives your children, grandchildren, friends and enemies into hell.  Just look away and pretend it isn’t happening!”

Isn’t the pope supposed to be supernaturally protected from ever doing even a fraction of the satanic, evil things this man is doing on a near-daily basis?  Didn’t Jesus say that Peter was the Rock upon which He would build His Church? Didn’t Jesus say that he had prayed specifically for Peter and that this prayer extended forward to ALL of the popes?  Is it all just a lie?  Is the Church a lie? Is the papacy a lie? Is Jesus a lie? Is God a lie?

We pray and pray and pray for “Pope Francis”, and yet it just keeps getting worse!  Tell me why I shouldn’t lose my faith!

Of course God hears our prayers.  Every one of them.  He even hears the groaning of our souls that we aren’t even consciously aware of, or able to articulate in words.  The problem is with us, and in this case, what we are praying for.

Praying that God make “Pope Francis” a good pope is like praying to God that He make “Caitlyn Jenner” the prettiest woman in the world.

“Caitlyn” Jenner is a man named BRUCE Jenner.  So we have a problem right off the bat.  There is no such person as “Caitlyn Jenner.” Yes, God knows that when someone says “Caitlyn” Jenner they are referring to Bruce Jenner, but in calling Bruce Jenner by his drag queen name, it is clear right off the bat that the person in question praying the prayer has a completely disordered connection to objective reality, and in this case, sexual morality.  

THEN, when a person asks God to “make Caitlyn Jenner the prettiest woman in the world”, because the petition is not only asking God to ratify, support and magnify public mortal sin and scandal, but is primordially detached from OBJECTIVE REALITY, namely that Bruce Jenner is A MAN, NOT A WOMAN, well, what do you think God does with such petitions?  How do such clearly immoral petitions, detached from reality, square or jibe with God’s Perfect Holiness, His Perfect Justice, or His being the Author and Sustainer of Reality Itself?  

Now, God is omnipotent and can certainly do whatever He wants, but He is also RATIONAL, and thus is always internally consistent.  Scripture POUNDS on this truth of God being IMMUTABLE – that is, UNCHANGING.  His IMMUTABLE WILL is intimately tied up with His RATIONALITY. That is why we can trust Him, His Promises, and His Law.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

I think the Bruce Jenner example makes the concept easier to understand, but it maps precisely to asking God to make “Pope Francis” a good Pope.  First, “Pope Francis” IS NOT THE POPE AND NEVER HAS BEEN, so how can God make an Antipope, and in this case a non-Catholic man, a “good pope”?  This defies the Law of Non-contradiction.  

In the case of the Bruce Jenner example above, beauty is a good thing, in fact, beauty is an attribute of God Himself.  For women to be authentically beautiful is certainly an intrinsically good thing.  HOWEVER, in the case of Bruce Jenner, the “beauty” being asked for is a false, inauthentic, inverted beauty, tied directly to a lie.  It is actually a scandalous monstrosity for a man to ape the beauty of women, so even though beauty qua beauty is good, to twist beauty into a satanic mockery of beauty is pure evil.  

This concept is called corruptio optimi pessima, that is, corruption of the best thing is the worst kind of corruption. And make no mistake, the Papacy is a VERY GOOD THING. It is a priceless gift from the Divine Bridegroom to His Holy and Spotless Bride, the Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

Such is the case with Antipope Bergoglio.  We all want a good Pope, but asking for that attribute in the context of an ANTIPOPE is simply irrational.  Bergoglio IS NOT the pope, so what, exactly do you expect God to do with your petition that he be “a good pope”?  Once again, here we are right back at the Law of Non-contradiction.

What we all should be praying for is that ANTIPOPE Bergoglio be removed, and that Bergoglio repent of what he has done, that he REVERT TO CATHOLICISM, that he die in a state of grace in the fullness of time, and that Bergoglio someday achieve the Beatific Vision.  

Now there’s a petition completely in accord with reality that God can work with.  And the odds don’t matter.  Remember Lepanto.  What matters most is whether or not what we are asking God for is in line with Reality and His Perfect Will and Justice.

Now, after reading this, can not every single one of you look back upon your lives and see numerous instances in which your prayers, in retrospect, turned out to be based on a false premise, or asking God to bring about, strengthen or maintain something that was sinful?  I know I can.  “What I want” is not by virtue of itself a valid petition that God can or will answer.  The key with prayer – MATURE PRAYER – is the discerning of the specific petition in and of itself.  Does it make sense?  Is it rooted in Reality and Truth? Is it perfectly Just? Is it in accord with God’s Will?

This is why prayers for “Pope Francis” to be “a good pope” are not only not doing any good, but are actually causing people to lose their faith.  All false premises, eventually, after enough logical corollaries, lead straight to hell, straight to the feet of satan, “the father of lies”. This Antipope Bergoglio thing is going to get MUCH worse.  I think the odds are high that he is the False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist, and that he is instrumental in setting up a OneWorldReligion tied directly to the NewWorldOrder (DeepState/U.N/Soros/Gates, etc.). He is going to split the Church and institute a new “liturgy”, which, it seems probable, will be the “abomination of desolation”.  People who cling to the false premise that this man is the Vicar of Jesus Christ on Earth will, it seems to me, either lose their faith if they haven’t already, or go completely bonkers, because there is only so much irrationality and internal contradiction that the human psyche can bear before it snaps.

Oh, and do not, under any circumstances, stop going to Mass, even if priests sneeringly mock and try to goad you into such. Go to Mass, and if/when “Francis” is erroneously commemorated at the Te Igitur in the Canon of the Mass, beg Our Lord to give YOU any temporal punishment the MIGHT be due the priest, if it will help. Imitate Our Sweet Lord, as He was being nailed to the Cross, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Imitate Our Blessed Lord in the Garden: “Give it to me, because they’re worth it.”

Never leave the foot of the Cross. Never leave the side of the Blessed Mother.

Neither is now, neither ever was, and neither ever will be.

Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence

“O Come, O Come Emmanuel” isn’t the only Advent hymn.

I’m willing to bet that you have heard the achingly gorgeous “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence”. The melody that we use today is called “Picardy”, a French medieval folk melody, but the hymn is ANCIENT, from the earliest days of the Holy Catholic Church. The words are from the Cherubic Hymn (sung at the Offertory) of the ANCIENT Rite of St. James the Less, son of Alphaeus, Apostle, Bishop of Jerusalem, and cousin of Our Lord. We’re talking the first DECADES after Our Lord’s Passion, Resurrection and Ascension. St. James the Less, Bishop of Jerusalem, was martyred in ARSH 62, and this is from his Rite.

The title comes from Habakkuk 2: 20.

When is the last time you quoted Habakkuk?

But the Lord is in His holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before Him.
Dominus autem in templo sancto suo : sileat a facie ejus omnis terra!

Here are the Benedictine nuns of Gower, Missouri, the selfsame community founded by Mother Wilhelmina Lancaster, found incorrupt last year, singing this exquisite Advent hymn off their CD, which I recommend that everyone have in their collection. These nuns truly give us all a foretaste of heaven with their pure, clear voices.

Please do contemplate these heart-rending verses as the Sisters’ voices draw us nearer to heaven, and to Our Eucharistic Lord even now, during this all-too-brief season of Advent.

Mother Wilhelmina Lancaster, pray for me, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, in the crib, on the Cross, and in the Most Holy Eucharist, have mercy on us.

Let all mortal flesh keep silence,
And with fear and trembling stand;
Ponder nothing earthly-minded,
For with blessing in His hand,
Christ our God to earth descendeth,
Our full homage to demand.

King of kings, yet born of Mary,
As of old on earth He stood,
Lord of lords, in human vesture,
In the Body and the Blood;
He will give to all the faithful
His Own Self for heav’nly food.

Rank on rank the host of heaven
Spreads its vanguard on the way,
As the Light of light descendeth
From the realms of endless day,
That the pow’rs of hell may vanish
As the darkness clears away.

At His feet the six-winged seraph,
Cherubim with sleepless eye,
Veil their faces to the Presence,
As with ceaseless voice they cry:
“Alleluia, Alleluia
Alleluia, Lord Most High!”

Mailbag: Slowly at first, then all at once.


ICYMI, in yesterday’s Taylor Marshall podcast titled, “Secret Letters? Vigano says Pope Benedict did NOT resign,” in approximately minute 18, Taylor Marshall states that he put up a Twitpoll to his followers, inquiring whether they believe Benedict validly resigned. He is shocked — shocked! — that the poll revealed that 83% of respondents are Benevacantists. [I’m shocked it isn’t higher. —AB]

This reminds me of your recent observations of recent trends at LifeSite, with both editorial content and comment sections making clear that John-Henry Westen’s audience is speaking loudly and clearly that anomalies in the papal situation are real and must be addressed. Your statement that LifeSite should listen to its audience and take a stand might be well applied to Dr. Marshall.

Considering the audience (assuming Marshall’s particular audience was the primary group responding to said poll), I am surprised that his poll showed this high number, but also not surprised. The truth is a lion, and this is another data point that people who are paying attention are “getting it,” despite the limited discourse the approved gatekeepers have permitted over the past 12 years.

Slowly at first, then all at once.”

God bless,


“O Come, O Come Emmanuel” hits harder every year….

Okay, folks. O Come, O Come Emmanuel is the only song anyone is allowed to sing until Christmas Eve Night!

Just kidding. But seriously, this is the penitential season of Advent. Christmas is from December 25th until Candlemas on February 2nd. Don’t lose sight of this!

With each passing year, the motif of desperate pleading for Christ to come grows stronger.

This isn’t the mere “Advent hymn” or “Christmas song” of a dozen years ago (before the Bergoglian Antipapacy), now is it? Not if you’re paying any attention. The notion of ransoming captives and mourning in lonely exile here isn’t external to our experience anymore the way it used to be.

And remember, this song has three simultaneous motifs: The Israel of the Old Covenant, before the Incarnation and Nativity of Our Lord; the New and Eternal Israel that is the Holy Catholic Church, which emerged from the side of Christ Crucified and was formally established at Pentecost, to which Our Eucharistic Lord comes at every Mass; and the Second Coming of Our Lord in Glory at the Consummation of the world and the New Jerusalem.

This song has nothing, and I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the atheist state founded in the Middle East in the late 1940’s, nor does it have ANYTHING to do with the pseudo-religion based on the Talmud that is commonly called “Judaism” today. This song is exclusively about the Catholic Church: seminal and anticipated, extant, and yet to come in fully consummated triumph.

Three versions. Original Latin, Bluegrass and Instrumental. Bluegrass is by definition a mournful, longing sound, and the Cello in the instrumental selection likewise carries the mournful, pleading sound.




Today, the Feast of St. Andrew, begins the POWERFUL St. Andrew Christmas Novena, which I highly recommend to one and all.

The St. Andrew Christmas Novena – which isn’t exactly a novena because it is 25 days long from November 30th through December 24th – begins today, November 30th, the Feast of St. Andrew. It’s a great feast for me, because Andrew is my Confirmation Name. It was a fortuitous choice, as ‘Andrew’ means “manly” and “brave”, “strong” and “courageous” in Greek. I like to think that St. Andrew, being St. Peter’s big brother, would defend Peter in a street fight, which is definitely what defending the Petrine See against the Bergoglian Antipapacy feels like.

I’ve seen and personally received great graces from this beautiful devotion over the years, and strongly recommend it. 

St. Andrew, being manly and strong, wants to help you. He wants to intercede for you as he looks upon the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, in the Beatific Vision. You just need to ask him for his help. As we hear in the Gradual of today’s Mass:

The Lord loved Andrew in an odor of sweetness. Alleluia.

Diléxit Andréam Dóminus in odórem suavitátis. Allelúia.

So don’t hesitate to ask St. Andrew to pray for your largest and even seemingly impossible intentions. Big, strong men lift heavy weights. Let St. Andrew help you. And remember, NOTHING is impossible through Christ Our Lord!

Here is the text of the Novena – you say the following prayer fifteen times per day – and break the fifteen up however you would like:

Hail, and blessed be the hour and moment at which the Son of God was born of a most pure Virgin in a stable at midnight in Bethlehem in the piercing cold. At that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee, to hear my prayers and grant my desires. (Mention your intentions here) Through the merits of Our Savior Jesus Christ, and of His most Blessed Mother. Amen.

And here is the fourfold intention of the Matthew 17:20 prayer initiative:

-That Antipope Bergoglio be publicly recognized as an Antipope and removed as such, and that the entire Bergoglian Antipapacy be publicly nullified.

-That Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger be publicly recognized as having been the one and only living Vicar of Christ, uninterrupted, from April ARSH 2005 until his death on December 31, ARSH 2022.

-That Jorge Bergoglio repent, revert to Catholicism, die in a state of grace in the fullness of time, and someday achieve the Beatific Vision.

-For the repose of the soul of Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger

St. Andrew, pray for us.

Our Lady of Copacabana, slayer of the Nachomama demon, pray for us.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and upon your Holy Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

The Crucifixion of St. Andrew, Mattia Preti, ARSH 1651

This year’s obligatory gift?

Punch Heretics Christmas Sweater

“Let everyone at Christmas dinner know where you stand this year.”

Sweaters up to 2XL, T-Shirts in nine available colors up to 4XL… which means nightgowns, ladies!

Barnhardt Podcast Episode #212: Prevent Defense Only Prevents Winning

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In this Barnhardt Podcast episode #212, dedicated to Frank Walker of , Art and Ann discuss the need to be able to quickly identify bad actors trying to fish for gullible targets using obviously fake images, videos and documents. We then discuss how priests, bishops and Cardinals all seem to be operating in fear of being deposed, laicized and/or excommunicated by a man, Antipope Bergoglio, who isn’t even Catholic. Talk about being played by a scammer! Finally, Ann reminds the listenership what exactly is meant by Our Lord’s words in the Holy Gospels, “…and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail.” Prevent defense is every bit as pathetic and contemptible a strategy in the Holy Church as it is in the NFL. Prevent Defense only prevents winning, which Our Lord explicitly guarantees His Church.

Feedback: the email address for the podcast is [email protected]

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]




Ann’s Pecan Pie recipe- it’s Gobble-Gobble-Gud 🦃

Happy Thanksgiving!!

1.) Make pie crust with lard and extra sugar. If you’re really serious, use cold rendered bacon grease. The saltiness of the bacon grease with the sweetness of the sugar is amazing.

2.) Follow the pecan pie recipe on the Karo Syrup bottle. It’s definitive. I use half light and half dark Karo syrup, but either full light or full dark works perfectly well. Make sure your melted butter isn’t boiling hot – it will scramble the eggs! (I made that mistake exactly once.) Yes, corn syrup is unhealthy, but I use it once per year for this pie. “Anything in moderation… including moderation!” 😅

3.) ***Add a shot of amaretto liqueur, like Disaronno*** This is what will have people asking why the pie is so good. The almond scent is heavenly.