Ann Barnhardt’s Cattle Marketing DVD Set


Yes, my Cornerstone Cattle Marketing DVD, Second Edition set is still available for sale. It was produced in March ARSH 2011.  It is right at 16 hours and comes with a full-color 65 page workbook.  The first part of the seminar is lecture spanning roughly 5 hours.  The remainder of the course is intense mathematical practicum.

Here is an hour-long interview with Reluctant Preppers in July of ARSH 2016 focusing on cattle marketing and livestock as a store of wealth and protection against inflationary and/or collapse scenarios.

The Second Edition featured improved production quality, and added modules on inflation, barter, and debt theory in anticipation of current events.

This seminar was always driven towards small-to-medium sized cattle producers, and beginners not only do well with it, but oftentimes comprehend the concepts with greater facility precisely because they have no bad habits and misconceptions to overcome as almost all veteran cattlemen today do. All three modalities of cattle production are covered in-depth: stocker/feeder cattle (grazing and confinement feeding), fat cattle finishing (grass or feedlot), and cow-calf.

The cost is $600 to the continental US, and US$700 outside the US, shipping included. This set today costs considerably less than one small stocker calf.

Sadly, as of September ARSH 2014, the website no longer provides auction data results as Ann wound down and ceased her normal business operations in preparation for current events.

To order:

Email Ann at [email protected] and put “Cattle Marketing DVD” in the subject line.  Ordering instructions will then be given.  Preferred method of payment is check or money order (with specific instructions).  Credit cards can be done in a pinch. Email for details and questions.
