Today is the Feast of St. Joseph.
Our Lord’s earthly ministry didn’t begin until after St. Joseph’s death. Do you know why? Because St. Joseph wasn’t just a direct descendant of King David, he was, in fact, the HEIR TO THE THRONE of David. And Our Lord, as St. Joseph’s foster son and legal heir, was thus the LEGAL heir to King David’s throne through St. Joseph, in addition to being the Second Person of the Triune Godhead, incarnate.
What this demonstrates is how God faithfully and assiduously observes THE LAW.
He observed the Law in making Our Lord the legal King of the Jews, and I dare say He continues to observe the Law with regards to things such as… oh, I dunno, say, for example, Papal resignations, and the validity or invalidity thereof.
The Law exists, and God follows the Law, be it Canon Law or the physical laws of the universe, so that we can know what’s going on. St. Joseph’s hereditary legal status as King of the Jews points directly to Our Lord’s Kingship and Divinity, with the same solidity as the speed of light, and the value of Pi, AND so that we can know with certainty from CANON LAW that Bergoglio is an Antipope because Pope Benedict Ratzinger never validly resigned.
God is so faithful, and so good. His Law endures forever.
Our Lord’s ministry could only begin AFTER the death of St. Joseph, because Our Lord had to be legally reigning, He had to be rejected and betrayed, and He had to be crucified AS THE LEGALLY REIGNING KING OF THE JEWS, exactly as Pontius Pilate wrote on the placard that was placed on Our Lord’s Cross.

Happy Feast of King St. Joseph, patron of the Universal Church!
St. Joseph, pray for us, now and at the hour of our death.
Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, have mercy on us.