UPDATED Mailbag: Protestant “karen” deeply offended by the notion that God is offended by, much less punishes sin. Population of Sodom and Gomorrah unavailable for comment.

There is nothing more toxic to our society than Protestantism fused with unchecked femininity. Fire-and-brimstone Baptists are far, far “less bad” than this. At least they acknowledge the reality and horror of sin and instill Fear of the Lord, even if only servile fear. Look at how this woman vilifies Fear of the Lord and hatred of even the most vile sins, and stealthily embraces the lie of universal salvation… even for unrepentant sodomites and literal practitioners of witchcraft and satanism.

According to the church of ‘karen’, the only sin is to hate sin, aka “not being nice.” Because some dyke witch might get her feewings hurt. To hate sin, especially grave sin, and desire justice to be done by its active elimination from society is “barbaric doctrine”. And note how ‘karen’ attempts to gaslight by conflating holding the Catholic faith whole and entire – that is, Christianity – with the satanic political system of islam. If you manfully hate sin, you’re the Taliban. Sadly, our civilization is so far gone that a majority of people fall for this clumsy, effeminate rot.

I say this: For the first time in decades, today there is neither sodomy nor Satanism/witchcraft being practiced in Asheville, NC. He brought a stop to it Himself through His Divine Providence, because after decades of merciful patience, no one else loved Him enough to do it. It was easier for people to remain silent, look the other way, and console themselves with heresy and soothing lies. And now Asheville, like the accursed cities of Sodom and Gomorrah that it openly emulated, is no more.

This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. Blessed be the Name of the Lord, now and forever.—AB, Catholic Fanatic, and trying to become more fanatical and less lukewarm every day. 🙏🏻

Ann —

I’m not a Catholic but I am a Christian and while I don’t always agree with your perspective on things I appreciate so much of what you write, what you’re fighting for and against, and especially the ivermectin info on your site. You have saved lives with that, and for that there is much gratitude.

But I write now to say I am dismayed by your recent post, which seems to delight in the deaths of men, women and children you do not know, and therefore have no right to judge as being deserving of their terror, suffering and deaths.


I am dismayed by your apparent assertion that the devastation wrought by the hurricane is somehow God’s judgement on a godless area.

You of all people should know that we, as humans, cannot understand the divine in all its complexity. The best we can hope for is the strength to speak up for the good and defend the innocent and helpless wherever we find them.

I don’t know what, if any, divine meaning is held in the hurricane and its destruction. Neither do you. But to say what you’ve said is horrifying, and reeks of glee at others’ suffering.

You condemn Islam and Muslims for their fanatical adherence to a barbaric doctrine. Do you not see that you are sounding as fanatical and intolerant and hateful as those you condemn?

I don’t expect you to care about what I’ve said, or even think about it, or reconsider your stance for a moment.

I just wanted there to be one person who challenges you.

When my aunt became a born again Christian, I said two things. I’m pleased for you — and please, whatever you do, don’t make Jesus look bad.

With that post, you make Jesus look bad.


What Caused the Destruction of Sodom? Meteor or Earthquake?

Dr. Beep, a convert from generational Protestantism, has some to corrections (fact-checking? MANSPLAINING?) to make to ‘karen’s’ missive.

“Don’t make Jesus look (like he has any standards)

“…. like he means what he says”

“… like anything other than a limp-wristed commie whom I can hug in my imagination to make me feel better when I get scared at night.”

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.