Women shouldn’t have the right to vote for myriad reasons, but at the top of the list is the female proclivity towards emotion at the total expense of logic and reason, and thus hysteria.
The problem today isn’t that half of the population is female, because there SHOULD be a balance between male and female- even a healthy complementarity. The softness and empathy of morally sane women living in the State of Grace should inform and balance their husbands, fathers, brothers and sons, who then cast votes and provide political and administrative leadership in Christian society.
The reason our culture and society is corkscrewing into the ground is that the men have become FEMININE themselves. I coined the term “heterosexual faggotry” to describe this. So if your culture is dominated by women AND feminized men that have had their masculinity browbeaten and now literally chemically purged out of them since they were toddlers, forming a monolithic block where emotions rule, logic and reason are despised, and hysteria is the default response, and there is no masculine complementarity to offset much less balance, you’re done as a civilization.
Welcome to our world. Brought to you by… women’s suffrage.
Here’s the essay, which I originally saw at IOTWreport.com .