I’m quite sure that is simply a hospital bed sheet wrapped around him- notice the crease lines in it and no apparent sleeves or anything… bizarre.
I can say I’ve seen a lot of all sorts of albs and attempts-at-albs, but that is not a piece of clothing!!
Fr. X in Rome, for my sins
The face isn’t shown for a reason. I suspect that C.I.Antipope Bergoglio has the mental capacity of boiled zucchini, hence it’s a free-for-all with the C.I.Antipapal Autopen. The Faggot Freemason infiltrators just announced the continuation of the “synod” for another three-plus years, culminating in an ecumenical council which they totally pinky swear won’t be an ecumenical council, but an “ecclesial assembly.”
Continue to pray the Matthew 17:20 intention: