Sunday Jukebox: Cattle Call

I’ll be humming this ear worm for a fortnight.

So… join me, won’t you?

Eddie Arnold originated “Cattle Call”, but, it must be confessed that when The Riders cover, much less with Ranger Doug, Idol of American Youth on lead yodel, the definitive version is re-established.

For all my cattlemen. God bless you and keep you, and banish all parasites and infectamenta from your pastures and pens.

The cattle are prowlin’

The coyotes are howlin’

Way out where the dogies bawl.

His spurs are a jinglin’

This cowboy is singin’

His lonesome cattle call….

He rides in the sun,

‘Til his day’s work is done.

And rounds up the cattle each fall.

Singin’ his cattle call….

For hours he would ride.

On the range far and wide.

Where the night winds blow up a squall.

And his heart is a feather.

In all kinds of weather.

As he sings his cattle call….

Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.