Monthly Archives: February 2025

Mother Marie checks in: The Choir Stalls have arrived!! Thank you everyone! 🙏🏻

Ave Maria

Very dear Ann,

It was only after receiving an email from one of our benefactors that I realized how much we owe you for the many, many alms received for the monastic stalls. We received the stalls on Friday, and I am working on posting an update. We actually listened to the podcast where you gave us a huge endorsement and I am so grateful.

By the way, I especially loved the emphasis you put on restoring the use of our Catholic heritage by “rescuing” things like choir stalls in order to use them for the purpose for which they were made. And as well, the idea of the alms that one may give is as if one is giving themselves because of the work that went into gaining the money in order to offer it to God through an exterior work which is totally dedicated to His glory.

Please be assured of our fervent prayers for all of your intentions. God bless you and Mary keep you.

In Christo,
Mother Marie, mbi

UPDATED: C.I.Antipope on death watch. So I’ll repost this EXTREMELY important piece: “What About Jorge?”

Hey, wait a minute! WHAT ABOUT JORGE? How the “We just have to wait for the Antipope to die” argument is completely antithetical to Christianity itself.

There are LOTS of clerics and not a few prelates, and at this point a majority of the Remnant Faithful, who know, understand and believe that Jorge Bergoglio is not and never has been the Pope – an Antipope. I was told many years ago by a Vatican insider that there were “two to three dozen” Cardinals that “suspected that Bergoglio wasn’t the Pope”. Quite a few of those Cardinals have died, and most have crossed the voting threshold of Age 80 by now, not surprisingly.

What every single one of these men have said about the situation is this: “We just have to wait for him [Bergoglio] to die.” This toxic mindset of indifference and despair has spread throughout the Remnant Faithful, pushed hard by Trad Inc. and its self-anointed thought leaders, several of which are now exposing themselves as schismatics (denying the Papacy and/or the need to be in union with the Vicar of Christ on earth), 1958 sedevacantists, and some even as full-blown militant apostates.

Some talking heads are now trying to re-write history, claiming that the Church’s historical response to Antipopes was to just “wait it out”. I have no idea where these people are getting this, because it is so utterly and completely false that I struggle to find the words to adequately describe it. The Church has AGGRESSIVELY sought to resolve Antipapacies – and there have been DOZENS of them – such that nearly every Antipapacy has been identified and rectified WHILE THE ANTIPOPE WAS YET ALIVE AND CLAIMING THE PETRINE SEE.  This is why the case of Antipope Anacletus II is so remarkable – he was one of the only Antipopes to die unrepentant of his crime.

This brings us to Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Yes, as he is now he is a despicable, loathsome man – one of the most evil men alive today, and in the history of the Church. Revolting in every sense. HOWEVER, he is loved infinitely by God, who died for Bergoglio with the same infinite specificity as He died for you. Christ’s infinite Mercy is every bit as available to Jorge Bergoglio as it is to you. Jorge Bergoglio’s sins could be instantly subsumed in the infinite ocean of mercy that is Our Lord’s Most Precious Blood.

So, someone please explain to me why it is that most people today have declared that Jorge Bergoglio is irredeemable, a complete lost cause, and that HOLY MOTHER CHURCH HERSELF has no interest in attempting to correct him and get him back into his Baptismal Garment? That no one should even TRY to correct Bergoglio and get him back into the Catholic Church and the State of Grace?

Let’s leave to the side for just a moment the entire question of the unspeakable damage to souls that this man has done and continues to do, and will continue to do after his death through the scandal of his Luciferian anti-magisterium. Just for a second, let’s do what NO ONE is doing. Let’s consider Jorge Mario Bergoglio himself as a human being.

The position that Jorge Bergoglio is beyond redemption and MUST be written-off as lost to hell WHILE HE IS YET VERY MUCH ALIVE is 100% totally contrary to the fundamental essence of Christianity. This is a huge reason why Holy Mother Church has ALWAYS aggressively sought to rectify and end all previous Antipapacies: for the good of the usurper himself, as well as for the good of the Church Militant in toto.

Do we honestly believe that Our Lord, the Good Shepherd, looks upon Jorge Mario Bergoglio, lost sheep that he is, and is saying, “Nah. I don’t give a damn about THAT ONE. Let THAT ONE go. Don’t even try, don’t even bother.” IF that applies to Antipope Bergoglio, if Bergoglio is a total write-off in the eyes of Jesus Christ, I wonder, who ELSE might be declared a “total write-off”? Are we seeing the horrific scandal that this position incites? There are two types of scandal: scandal that incites others to sin, and scandal that incites others to LOSE THEIR FAITH. If churchmen and professional Catholics openly despair of a man who has not yet died and COULD EASILY repent, be shriven and totally reconciled to Jesus Christ and His Holy Church before any of us sit down to dinner tonight, then what about anyone else? To say that Antipope Bergoglio has no access to the Sacraments is every bit as absurd as saying… that there are no black cassocks in Rome.

Do we honestly believe that the entire Church Triumphant would NOT celebrate the repentance of a sinner so great as Jorge Mario Bergoglio? I have said for many years now that Antipope Jorge Mario Bergoglio COULD be the Anti-Judas Iscariot – COULD BE. But it seems that everyone has decided that the spiritual works of mercy are no longer a thing. Admonishing the sinner? NAH. DON’T EVEN BOTHER. Just wait for him to die. It’s SOOOO much easier that way. And besides, that’s what The Church has always done….

Except that is what The Church has NEVER, EVER done. Because that is totally antithetical to the Church’s entire mission and raison d’être. The Church exists for the Salvation of Souls, including Antipope Jorge Bergoglio’s – for his every bit as much as for yours and mine.

Let’s start calling out this evil, scandalous Calvinist double-predestination “born reprobate” heretical nonsense about indifferently surrendering Antipope Bergoglio to hell and “just waiting for him to die”, not only because it doesn’t solve the problem of resolving the Antipapacy, but because the Second Great Commandment DEMANDS that we do what the Church has always done with Antipopes – reconcile them to Jesus Christ and His Holy Church so that they might someday achieve the Beatific Vision. We love our neighbor for the love of God. God made Bergoglio, God incarnated for Bergoglio, God suffered and died for Bergoglio, God rose from the dead so that Bergoglio might be saved. Deny this true base premise, and it’s a short logical jump to wondering if YOU, ME or ANY OF US MIGHT BE SAVED.

Pray the Matthew 17:20 intention, the third petition of which is and always has been: that Antipope Bergoglio repent, revert to Catholicism, die in the state of grace in the fullness of time, and someday achieve the beatific vision.

As always, I hope this helps.

A longtime reader kindly made and sent in this handy Matthew 17:20 Initiative image that y’all can distribute across the interwebs:

Romantic Punctuation Valentine’s Day Musical Interlude ♥️

This Meme made me chuckle:

It’s funny because it’s true. ♥️

Here’s one of the most underrated ballads of the ‘60s, and if I were a school teacher, I would have kids listen and write out the lyrics with all of the correct apostrophes.

“Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me” by Mel Carter. Enjoy!

“… walk me down the lane where shadows will be, will be, hiding others just the same as we’ll be, we’ll be…”

Either this is Trump (who is 6’3”) and Prince William is now miraculously 6’7”, or, that is Prince William who is 6’3”, with a Trump impersonator who is barely 5’11”. It’s one or the other.

Given the multiple CIA/Deep State assassination attempts, I can see the logic of Trump using body doubles, but it’s still disconcerting as all publicly visible deception should be.

This meeting with Prince William is December of ARSH 2024. I have made screenshots, but the video is in the article. It’s irrefutable. Prince William is, in fact, 6’3”, and the man playing Trump is lucky if he’s 5’11”.

The real Donald Trump is also 6’3 1/2”, as is confirmed by the fact that Melania is 5’11” and is just a tad shorter than him when she’s wearing 4” heels.

The everything being fake and gay thing is just so tiresome.

Methinks Prince William is probably used to this sort of stuff and is happy to go along with it… which is also disconcerting. Don’t look for the Royal Family to reform itself as the biological solution marches forward.

Remember, BOTH Trump and Prince William are 6’3”…

Look at the eye lines. “Trump” is looking up at Prince William who is looking down even while slightly stooped over.

Supernerd Sends: The CIA-backed and funded Turkish paramilitary group called the Grey Wolves were involved in the assassination attempt on JP2

Over the transom from Supernerd:

Don’t forget, when you talk about Benedict’s “Fleeing for fear of the wolves,” that the CIA-backed and funded Turkish paramilitary group called the Grey Wolves were involved in the assassination attempt on JP2 (part of the Operation Gladio rolodex of paramilitaries who could be activated by Langley). I’ve often wondered if those are the wolves to which Benedict was making reference.


Remember, Marxists and their Satanist overlords have ALWAYS used musloids as their mercenary force. -AB

From Wiki:

The organization has long been a prominent suspect in investigations into the deep state in Turkey, and is suspected of having close dealings in the past with the Counter-Guerrilla, the Turkish branch of the NATO Operation Gladio, as well as the Turkish mafia.

Aging like fine wine: Deacon Nick Donnelly pointed decisively to the Coercion Clause (by the CIA) of Canon 188 invalidating the attempted resignation, and the installation of Bergoglio

Today is the 12th anniversary of Pope Benedict announcing that he would half-quit the “ministry of the active governance of the Church”, fleeing for fear of the wolves, exactly as he had alluded to days after he was elected Pope in April ARSH 2005. This tweet from Deacon Nick Donnelly hits harder now that the CIA/USAID color revolution apparatus has been publicly exposed.

We know know that the CIA has been heavily involved in the infiltration and usurpation of the Vatican, with money being laundered to the Antichurch through USAID. And yes, I agree that unless the Bergoglian Antipapacy is called out, the CIA has the “successor” lined up. Why would they NOT?

Full text of the tweet:

What I now think

Joseph Ratzinger was forced to resign by Obama/CIA
Bergoglio was the globalist/Deep State operative prepared since at least 2005
The 2013 Conclave was rigged by cardinal operatives on the inside
The objective was to make the Vatican/worldwide hierarchy an agency of the globalist/Deep State agenda
This was just one part of the plan in preparation for the 2020 COVID bioweapon attack on the global population.
The globalist/Deep State has chosen the replacement for Bergoglio

LifeSite’s full reportage HERE.

“Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.”



St. Peter’s Square
Sunday, 24 April 2005




A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.
-Canon 188

The Pope is bound to Canon Law insomuch as Canon Law is derived from DIVINE AND NATURAL LAW.  All three provisions of Canon 188 are derived from Divine and/or Natural Law.

Canon 188: A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.

Okay, just off the top of my head here, Coercion would be against the Fifth Commandment if it involved any threats of violence of death.  It would also be against the Seventh Commandment as a form of stealing; stealing of the Office itself, and possibly stealing of a man’s right to his reputation if threats of detraction are involved (aka blackmail of the guilty).  If the coercion is in the form of blackmailing of the innocent, this would be against the Eighth Commandment because it would be bearing false witness.

Substantial Error:  Can the Pope make 2+2=5?  No.  Can the Pope make any number that is not 1 equal to 1?  Can the Pope make 2 = 1?  Of course not.  This is a clear breaking of the Natural Law, of which arithmetic and logic are subsets. There is only one living Pope at a time. The Papacy is an elected MONarchy established by Christ Himself, not a “collegial, synodal shared ministry.” Any resignation proffered with the intention of retaining even a nanoparticle of the Papacy, as Pope Benedict repeatedly said he was attempting to do, is invalid by the law itself, specifically the Substantial Error clause of Canon 188.

Simony: To accept a bribe or payoff in exchange for attempting to resign the Papacy would be not merely the coveting of money, but is even moreso a sin of IRRELIGION, a sin against the FIRST COMMANDMENT itself because it is the buying and selling of a spiritual thing, namely, in this case, the exercise of an ecclesiastical jurisdiction – the Papacy itself.

Now here is the $64,000 question:

Do you honestly believe that the Pope has the ability to ABROGATE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS and/or THE NATURAL LAW?

If the Law is derivative of GOD HIMSELF, being perfect good, truth and justice, and Jesus Christ EXPLICITLY bound Himself to the Law when He gave Peter the Keys, saying:

And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven

Does it make any sense whatsoever that the Pope can override the very ESSENCE of God Himself, namely truth, goodness, justice and RATIONALITY? That the Pope can do that which even God Himself cannot and would not do given that God is pure goodness, truth, love and justice?

If so, then what EXACTLY is the stable base upon which EVERYTHING exists?  How can Peter be The Rock if Peter is NOT anchored to The Divine and Natural Laws, which is to say to Christ Himself?  If you take away the Earth (God Himself, the Rational Logos) what, exactly is the Rock (Peter) going to sit upon that The Church is then subsequently built upon?  If the Divine Law is mutable and overridable, and even the Natural Law can be casually tossed aside (any positive integer greater than 1 can equal 1 if it suits the Pope’s error), then how can God be rational?  Is the first verse of St. John’s Gospel, proclaimed at the conclusion of almost every Tridentine Mass, in error?  Is Christ NOT the Word, the LOGOS??

Like I said, this all sounds very, very suspiciously like the islamic political system and its irrational, pure will tyrannical satanic fake deity crap.  Red flag much??  Maybe worth a rethink?

The Pope is absolutely bound by Canon Law insomuch as a given point of Canon Law is simply a derivative recapitulation of Divine or Natural Law, which Canon 188 is in every particular.

To argue otherwise (if you can even call it that) is madness, and of the Enemy.

The fact that Pope Benedict has been dead for 773 days, or ANY amount of elapsed time, makes absolutely no difference with regards to the importance of publicly acknowledging the situation. TRUTH HAS NO EXPIRATION DATE.

The statement that could end the Bergoglian Antipapacy has not changed a single iota with the death of Pope Benedict, because his earthly presence is not required to adjudicate the validity of the juridical act of the putative resignation that he proffered in February ARSH 2013. Only his words and deeds in February ARSH 2013 are legally germane, and we have a thorough record of that. So, we keep up the good fight to have the TRUTH publicly acknowledged. Let it ALL come out.

Significant Canonical irregularities have been identified with regards to the putative resignation proffered by Pope Benedict XVI in February of 2013. Pending further investigation, a state of emergency suspense is hereby declared.”

I hope this helps.

Love therefore is the fulfilling of the Law.

Plenitudo ergo legis est dilectio.

“Read it, or else.” 11 February, ARSH 2013

Hope Has Two Beautiful Daughters…

“Hope has two beautiful daughters. Their names are Anger and Courage; anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they do not remain the way they are.”

-St. Augustine of Hippo

The Second Person of The Triune Godhead overturning the tables of the money changers (FOREX dealers) in the Temple. .

Note that BOTH daughters are beautiful, both the (righteous) anger and the courage.

I see and receive regularly critiques of my work and person as “angry”. My friends and neighbors on the ground laugh… hard.

99% of these critiques come from… women. The other 1% come from men I call “heterosexual faggots”.

Men tend to be inspired and admire the peculiar Barnhardt virility. The Karens and Margarets… not so much. Which tells me that I’m “one hundred”, as the young folks say. Lord Jesus Christ, from Karens and Margarets, save us.

Exit question: If you walk into a room and discover a man raping your wife or child, do you quietly and placidly close the door so as not to disturb, then begin a novena and initiate a fast, whilst pharisaically congratulating yourself on your “lack of anger?”

If so, you are my enemy, and the enemy of Christian civilization.

Alpha Bravo, out.

Barnhardt Podcast #217: Leaving Levant Vegas

Download MP3 File

In this episode, Art and Ann take the good with the bad, first focusing on the exposure of the CIA funding the Vatican through the USAID money laundering organization both before and after the usurpation of the See of Peter by the Marxist sodomite apostate, Jorge Bergoglio. To the exactly three people listening to this podcast that are surprised to learn that the CIA is behind the Bergoglian Antipapacy and the Antichurch, welcome to the party. There’s Chex Mix and Vanilla Dr. Pepper on the table. We then reluctantly segue into the bad news – Trump declaring that the US military is going to invade, occupy and completely empty Gaza so that Jared Kushner can build Trump’s Las Vegas-Atlantic City-Dubai fever dream – and “rebuild The Temple in Jerusalem”. It’s so egregiously awful that he MUST be trolling us. Are we seriously going to get to the point where we’re pining for the “good old days” when it was merely Hunter Biden smoking crack and running a relatively small-stakes by comparison access peddling racket? Don’t answer. It’s a rhetorical question.

How Trump’s Gaza real estate dream took shape
President’s billionaire property developer friend and son-in-law are at centre of ‘deal of a lifetime’ to transform Gaza Strip

USCCB & Catholic Charities Received Nearly Half a Billion Dollars to Exploit Migrant Children

Trump’s nominee for Pentagon chief suggested new temple could be built on Temple Mount

Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) on X
If USAID Did Not Exist, Bolsonaro Would Still Be President Of Brazil

US State Department official “Integrated Country Strategy” for The Vatican. MUST READ. “On Benghazi and Expendable Faggots”

Feedback: the email address for the podcast is [email protected]

The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann’s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for any reason – don’t hesitate to do so!]


Zero Surprise: The Bergoglian Antichurch is now pushing the Luisa Piccaretta pornographic arch-heresy “divine will” cult as “free from error”… because this satanic cult is designed to enable groomers and sexual predators.

Here’s a priest that is tied up in this satanic “Divine Will” cult of Luisa Piccaretta, a mentally ill and demonically oppressed Italian women (almost certainly due to sexual abuse) whose insane writings are nothing short of pornography, citing approval by THE BERGOGLIAN ANTICHURCH as some of legitimization. That’s like saying you have a certificate as a gourmet chef signed by Jeffrey Dahmer. The lack of self-awareness that heretics and cultists have is remarkable.

Bottom line: Luisa Piccaretta wasn’t talking with and engaging in … I can’t even type it, it’s so sick … with Jesus. It was Satan. Clearly. Obviously. 100% Satan. How MEN especially can’t instantly see this is utterly beyond me. But all women should instantly see it too.

And this doesn’t even get into the myriad theological heresies of Piccaretta who literally proclaimed herself a DEMIURGE, higher than every created being except the Blessed Virgin Mary, who makes the Sacraments, the Church and even PRAYER totally unnecessary.

Yeah. Like I said, it’s OBVIOUSLY Satan that was Piccaretta’s mystical romance.

Anyone with a YouTube account should leave a comment warning of this satanic porno-heresy cult.

Below is Fr. Mawdsley’s irrefutable take-down of Piccaretta. Remember, Fr. Mawdsley spent two years as a political prisoner in a Burmese Prison, and left the Fraternity of St. Peter in Germany because he refused to push the death jab. Question his integrity at your own peril.

Leave comments on this video by Piccaretta cultists:

And here’s Fr. Mawdsley’s take-down. Most people have to turn this off after 3:30 because it is so incredibly sickening. Be forewarned.