Barnhardt Podcast #218: We Don’t Question Your Catholicism, Only Your Intelligence

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In this episode, Art and Ann join the Antipope deathwatch and discuss the need to extract the Church from the clutches of the club of geriatric boomer losers (and that’s the most charitable description) called “the College of Cardinals” and elect a young non-Cardinal Pope who will restore meritocracy to the institutional Church. We then remind the listenership that they will someday be accused of having been morally wrong for having been right about the Bergoglian Antipapacy- the quintessence of inversion.

Eric Sammons (@EricRSammons) on X
“If you are not praying for Pope Francis (sic) right now, I question your Catholicism.”

“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.” 

― Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Ecclesia supplet

Pope Urban VI – the last non-Cardinal elected Pope

Feedback: the email address for the podcast is [email protected]

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Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.